scholarly journals Self Concept as a Correlate of Academic Achievement: A Review Analysis

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  

Academic achievement is the central aim of all formal educational efforts is, on the part of the students. Even though, it is desirable to have all-round development as a goal of educational process, where academic achievement would be just one of the dimensions; but in most of the educational institutions, academic achievement continues to be the exclusive concern, narrowing down the very concept of educational process. Nevertheless, it is important to note that achievement in curricular subjects is not an independent phenomenon. Rather, it is directly influenced by a number of factors, some of which are personal to the individual while many others are located in the environment in which learning process takes place. Thus in order to fully understand the concept, as well as, the process of academic achievement, it is imperative to identify and explore various factors related to the academic achievement. This paper primarily laid emphasis on self concept, its development and how it relates to the academic achievement of adolescents. As a good self–concept enables a child to accept responsibility to achieve success in school and to grow into a productive member of society while a poor self concept leads to difficulty in accepting responsibility, fear, apathy, anxiety, defensiveness and lack of success in school.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (33) ◽  
pp. 404-422

Distance education is essentially the basis for the development of educational institutions that provide innovative services, which cannot be obtained elsewhere. It is believed that distance education is a substitute for the traditional as part of simplifying and cheapening the learning process. At the same time, the leading global trends suggest the need for the development of elements of self-education and the expansion of the geographical nature of educational offers. The relevance of the study is that it is necessary to distinguish between the use of distance education methods in the traditional sphere and the sphere of training professionals. The paper presents the concept of the need to integrate elements of distance education in the process of preparing university teachers. The authors believe that teachers in drawing up courses and applying learning technologies use the same techniques as in distance learning. Therefore, the use of distance learning technologies can be shown as the basis for the development of advanced training programs and additional professional education. The authors proposed a study on the need and sufficiency of the use of distance education technologies and the possibilities for their integration into the process of postgraduate education. The practical significance of the work is determined by the fact that the possibilities of self-development of teachers are fully disclosed, not only as subjects of the educational process but also as subjects of training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (6) ◽  
pp. 1633-1639
Zlatina Zheleva ◽  
Slavka Hristozova ◽  
Rumyana Stoyanova

Foreign language teaching to medical students depends on solving various institutional problems. In this sense, its effectiveness is a variable which influences the level of education at the university. Effectiveness of academic education depends on two groups of conditions- one is the purely material aspect- the place and conditions in which education takes place, the financial resources and the second one includes the psychoemotional aspect of training- the so-called didactic costs which include the physical and emotional efforts invested in the process of training both on the side of the lecturer and student. One of the ways to improve effectiveness is by restricting didactic costs- the less the psychoemotional tension and anxiety- the better results would a student achieve. Giving the student the opportunity to “manage his/her own manner of learning” and placing the student in the centre of the educational process would inevitably lead to increasing student motivation.Another mechanism to achieve effectiveness and quality of education is through activating the inner motivation of students to learn a foreign language. The latter is influenced by factors such as concentration, attention, a feeling of complete participation in the process of training, lack of fear of failure, assuming responsibility for the achieved results etc. A new aspect of contemporary learning success is differentiation in education, introduction of the individual, personal style of learning of each student. An appropriate instrument or tool in achieving motivation is for the learning process to follow and conform to the different learning styles of students. The individual learning style implies the individual preferences in perceiving and memorizing information. The aim of the present paper is to identify these styles in students from the Medical University – Plovdiv and thus to identify their satisfaction with foreign language learning. The survey was conducted in 2017 among 140 students from 16 countries. A written questionnaire and a psychological test were used to gather the data. Determinants for satisfaction were identifies as: the material setting and technological equipment, personal characteristics of the teacher and the microclimate in the student group. An adapted LSI (Learning Style Inventory) specifically adapted for Bulgaria which includes four types of approaches to the learning process- specific experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation was used. The results are distributed according to gender, specialty, year of studies and Kolb’s learning styles- divergent, assimilative, convergent and accommodative. The leading learning style according to our survey proves to be the convergent on with women having higher values (32,14%) than men (24,28%), next comes the assimilative learning style with men having higher value (17,14%) as opposed to women (14,28%). The accommodative is next – 5% of women and 3.57% men prefer this learning style and the least proffered one is the divergent one – 3,57% of women and 2,88% of men prefer it.

Mark Anthony Camilleri

There are numerous assumptions on research evaluation in terms of quality and relevance of academic contributions. Researchers are becoming increasingly acquainted with bibliometric indicators, including; citation analysis, impact factor, h-index, webometrics and academic social networking sites. In this light, this chapter presents a review of these concepts as it considers relevant theoretical underpinnings that are related to the content marketing of scholars. Therefore, this contribution critically evaluates previous papers that revolve on the subject of academic reputation as it deliberates on the individual researchers' personal branding. It also explains how metrics are currently being used to rank the academic standing of journals as well as higher educational institutions. In a nutshell, this chapter implies that the scholarly impact depends on a number of factors including accessibility of publications, peer review of academic work as well as social networking among scholars.

Vestnik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 258-261
Р. Тлебалдин ◽  
М. Абиров ◽  
М.К. Желдербаева ◽  
Е. Ергешов ◽  
Ж.Н. Бисенбаева

В статье рассмотрены условия преодоления психологических барьеров в обучении студентов медиков. Преодоление психологического барьера это сложный и многогранный процесс, который сопровождается изменениями жизненных условий, статуса вчерашнего школьника, определения своего места в новом коллективе, отношениями с преподавателями, изменениями в организации своего рабочего времени, осознании причастности к будущей профессии врача. Психологический барьер представляет собой определенную внутриличностную преграду, преодоление которой ведет к качественному преобразованию, как деятельности личности, так и самой личности. Кроме этого в статье раскрываются основные причины возникновения психологических барьеров в процессе обучения, где проблема преодоления психологических барьеров учебной деятельности изучалась как в педагогических, так и в психологических исследованиях и оказывает негативное влияние на учебную деятельность студентов. The article considers the conditions for overcoming psychological barriers in the training of medical students. Overcoming the psychological barrier is a complex and multifaceted process that is accompanied by changes in living conditions, the status of yesterday's student, determining their place in the new team, relationships with teachers, changes in the organization of their working hours, awareness of involvement in the future profession of a doctor. The psychological barrier is a certain intrapersonal barrier, the overcoming of which leads to a qualitative transformation of both the activity of the individual and the personality itself. In addition, the article reveals the main reasons for the emergence of psychological barriers in the learning process, where the problem of overcoming psychological barriers to educational activity has been studied both in pedagogical and psychological studies and has a negative impact on the educational activities of students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 38-43
P. Jugal ◽  
M. Ospanova ◽  

The article deals with the problem of motivation in the student sphere. If we talk about the motivation of students, it represents the processes, methods and means of inducing them to cognitive activity, active development of the content of education. As motives can act in conjunction emotions and aspirations, interests and needs, ideals and attitudes. Therefore, motives are complex dynamic systems in which choice and decision-making, analysis and evaluation of choice are carried out. Motivation for students is the most effective way to improve the learning process. Motives are the driving forces of the learning process and assimilation of the material. Motivation for learning is a rather complicated and ambiguous process of changing the attitude of the individual, both to a separate subject of study and to the entire educational process. Motivation is the main driving force in human behavior and activity, including in the process of forming a future professional. Therefore, the question of incentives and motives of educational and professional activity of students becomes especially important.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
A. Samsul Ma'arif

Educational institutions in which there is an educational process, have a function not only in the aspect of developing science, but also have a mission to improve the quality of personality through good character. In this position, the teacher has a role in instilling inclusive values (tasamuh) in the learning process that can be applied in everyday life as well as the process in developing the potential of their students. Each educational institution or each teacher will have different tasamuh values in each habituation or teaching. Get used to communicating with others using the language of unity, namely Indonesian, helping each other, not blaming others, especially fellow Muslims, especially other religions, and respecting different principles and respecting others. This study focuses on the views of Islamic Education teachers about the concept of tasamuh and the actualization of the tasamuh attitude of Islamic Education teachers in the learning process at SMK NU Lamongan, MTs Putra Putri Lamongan, SD NU Banat-Banin Lamongan. This study uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. This study shows that teachers play a role in developing tolerant attitudes to students in the school environment, social groups and even the community, through habituation and learning Islamic Education. The teacher's perspective on inclusive attitudes also plays a role in shaping the personality of students to be more open and respect all differences.

Kateryna Katerynchuk ◽  
Olha Matsiuk

The article is devoted to the topics of bullying and cyberbullying. The results of the questionnaire have been analyzed to further prevent and improve ways of preventing these phenomena. The article gives examples of special diagnostic techniques. Socio-psychological description of the environment in an educational institution can be made using these techniques. The purpose of the article is to highlight the problem of bullying and cyberbullying. According to the results of a questionnaire among pupils and students the article presents the methods which may improve the internal environment in educational institution. It`s proposed to criminalize the use of violence against participants of the educational process. Such acts consist of mental, physical, economic, sexual abuse, including the use of electronic means of communication which committed against a minor or by such a person against other participants of the educational process. These acts of violence lead to the consequences in accordance with Articles 121, 122 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. One of the ways to solve this problem is to develop a plan of action which may prevent acts of bullying and cyberbullying in educational institutions. The authors concluded that bullying and cyberbullying have been spreading widely and have a negative influence on the future of the individual. Due to the growing use of the Internet, online bullying is becoming more and more widespread. While cyberbullying mainly causes moral harm, bullying is usually about physical intimidation and beatings. The article states that parents and teachers should be an example of tolerant behavior, organize various events to bring pupils and teachers closer together. It is necessary to work with a psychologist, involve children in different sections and urge them to do creative work. In this way, respect and benevolence will be promoted. Parents and others, in turn, must pay attention to all forms of violence and bullying against children. Keywords: bullying, cyberbullying, violence, aggressive behavior, Internet network.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 109-123
I.S. Zinovieva ◽  
A.G. Zembitska ◽  

Most of the educational institutions in Ukraine were forced to switch to distance learning, which is why there arose the question about the availability of technical means to ensure the fullness of educational process. The article investigates modern systems of testing students' knowledge in the process of distance education. Currently, there are quite a few LMS (learning management systems) that can optimize the learning process of distance education. The works of scientists related to the problems of organizing effective learning and the complexity of the transition to distance learning are considered. This article assumes the method of testing not on-ly as a tool to assess the level and quality of learning, but also as a means to obtain recommen-dations for improving the learning process in the whole. Based on the results of the analysis, a comparative description was created and an assessment of the suitability for intermediate control of knowledge of primary and secondary school students, the most common at this stage of school distance learning online knowledge testing tools. Thus the advantages and disad-vantages of these tools are revealed. As a consequence the most universal systems that can fully provide the learning process in terms of distance education and the most convenient tools for assessing knowledge are identified.

Svitlana Bader ◽  

The urgency of the problem of developing the creative thinking of future teachers is due to a number of factors provoking the emergence of new requirements for a modern person: the ability to make decisions quickly, independently model their own future and take responsibility for it; learn throughout life, successfully build relationships with others, be creative. In the article, the author makes an attempt to substantiate the expediency of using neurographics as an art-therapeutic method for the development of an important feature of the thinking of a modern student of a pedagogical profile ‒ creativity. The essence of the concepts «creative thinking», «neurographics» is determined. The leading concept of the work ‒ neurographics ‒ is defined as an art-technology for working with the subconscious of a person, when, in the process of drawing according to a special algorithm, new neural connections are formed in a person, creative thinking develops, which allows you to look at the problem in a new way and solve it more effectively. The principles of neurographic drawing (neuroplasticity, reliance on the inner meaning of the personality, a high degree of independence), its content, an algorithm for using it for the development of students' creative thinking (working with a request, forming a composition, combining elements / rounding, searching for new forms, field lines, fixing new results, reflection), the interpretation of the leading figures (circle, triangle, square, as well as a neurographic line) in a neurographic drawing is given. The effectiveness of using the neurographic method in the educational process of higher educational institutions for the development of creative thinking of future teachers has been proved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 189-204
Salman Alfarisi

Abstrak Islam merupakan Syari'at Allah SWT yang menjadi tuntunan bagi manusia dalam beribadah kepada Allah dan sebagai petunjuk untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan didunia maupun di Akhirat. Agar manusia dapat mengaplikasikan amanat besar ini, Syari'at Islam membutuhkan pendidikan, pembelajaran dan pengamalan. Pendidikan ialah sesuatu yang sangat di butuhkan dalam kehidupan manusia. Untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang terbaik tidak terjadi dengan instan begitu saja tapi membutuh sebuah proses pendidikan yang berkelanjutan. Keberhasilan sebuah pendidikan ditentukan oleh keberhasilan proses pembelajaran. Keberhasilah pembelajaran dipengaruhi oleh berbagai instrumen yang saling berhubungan antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Tuntutan Pendidikan Nasional yang bermutu tidak dapat terpisah dari Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan yang sangat diperlukan dalam mekanisme jalannya pendidikan dan pembelajaran. Oleh sebab itu, dalam  manajemen sarana dan prasarana dibutuhkan usaha yang baik agar di harapkan menjadi wasilah bagi  pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana dilembaga pendidikan. Pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan berfungsi untuk mengelola dan memelihara sarana dan prasarana pendidikan supaya bisa menunjang peranan dalam kegiatan pendidikan secara ideal serta lebih bermanfaat. Maka dari itu perlu adanya penjelasan tentang perencanaan sarana dan prasarana yang ditetapkan dilembaga pendidikan. Abstract Islam is the Shari'at of Allah SWT which is a guide for humans in worshiping Allah and as a guide to get happiness in this world and in the Hereafter. So that humans can apply this great mandate, Islamic Shari'ah requires education, learning and practice. Education is something that is very important for human life. The educational process to produce the best graduates does not just happen. The success of an education is determined by the success of the learning process. The learning success is influenced by various instruments which are interconnected with one another. The demand for quality National Education is inseparable from the existence of Educational Facilities and Infrastructure which are very much needed in the education and learning process. Therefore, a good management of facilities and infrastructure is needed so that the good quality and quantity of facilities and infrastructure is expected to be a solution for efforts to manage facilities and infrastructure in educational institutions. The management of educational facilities and infrastructure functions to regulate and maintain educational facilities and infrastructure so that they can contribute to the educational process optimally and meaningfully. Therefore, the authors feel the need to explain how the basic concepts and classification of management planning facilities and infrastructure are applied in educational institutions.

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