Teknika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 65
Bambang Sudarmanto

<em>The crossing railway line with the highway is quite a lot in several places in Indonesia, especially on the island of Java. This is a problem in itself because it considers this crossing to have a negative impact on users of land transportation. Moreover, the government does not yet have a policy relating to planning, regulation, supervision and supervision at a level crossing and is discussed with traffic accidents at the intersection of a basic plot to develop systems and procedures at level crossings.The crossing between the Semarang-Purwodadi highway and the Semarang-Surabaya / Solo railway line across the crossing lane on Ganefo still uses a level crossing. In the end, it caused a quite serious problem, namely severe congestion at the time of leaving and returning to work and even frequent traffic accidents. The existence of level crossings at this point is the focus of research by using proposals issued by the Ministry of Attention regarding railway crossings with highways can be made without a door, or can be in a plot with doors equipped, or can be made a plot, according to the research objectives. this is knowing the type of crossing that is right at the crossing of Ganefo. The results of the calculation of the Daily Average Daily Traffic of the Purwodadi-Semarang Directions traffic on the Ganefo pathway found numbers of 15928.2 pcu with the percentage of motorcycle transportation modes (motor cycle) amounting to 87.47%. Whereas the opposite direction, namely Semarang-Purwodadi, is 12784.8 pcu and the percentage of motorbikes is 78.85% of the total traffic volume. The direct observation of the train journey at the Ganefo crossing point shows the number of train trips that cross the Ganefo as many as 18 trains / day. The average length of the vehicle is at 191,429 meters during peak hours. Charting the criteria for selecting the crossing type of the Ministry of Transportation shows that the crossing point of Ganefo still depends on the position of the point where it is still permitted to use level crossings with safety doors. However, taking into account the increasing number of train trips and considerations of inconvenience and security of road users, this is at risk because depending on the position of the point required the type of crossing is not as large.</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 6211-6216

Indian Railways is one of the public transportation modes in the country. It is the largest interconnected rail routes which carry many numbers of people from one end to another end. In this, various level crossings are operated on the rail routes and some of the level crossing gates are operated manually. This process is carried out by getting the information from the previous station once the train left the station. In this process, lots of mishaps are occurring due to human interventions and also there is no safety for road users. This issue can be overcome by making the same process in an automated manner. Hence, in this research work, a new automated level crossing model is proposed using the technology “Internet of Things” (IoT). This model will provide

Rashmi A. ◽  
Shrinivasa B. M. ◽  
Shrinivasa B. M. ◽  
Shrinivasa B. M. ◽  
Narayanamurthy M. R. ◽  

Background: In India, Road safety is an issue of national concern. Road accidents create negative impact on the economy, public health and the general welfare of the people. Every year the lives of approximately 1.25 million people are cut short as a result of road traffic accidents. Between 20 and 50 million more people suffer non-fatal injuries, with many incurring a disability as a result of their injury. Reliable road traffic injury surveillance is an important component of evidence based road safety policy making. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted for the period of 3 months in Mysuru city. The present study included all the 5 Traffic Police stations coming under Mysuru city. Before conducting the study, permission to collect all the relevant information is obtained from the in charge of the stations. Retrospective data regarding the traffic rules violations, fatal and non-fatal injuries are obtained in the fixed format prescribed by the government which is maintained uniformly by all the police stations. Data collected was entered in MS office excel sheet and analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) software version 22.0. Results: From the study we can observe that there is a drastic increase in the total number of traffic crimes in 2015 compared to 2014. Case fatality of road traffic accident showed decreasing trend from the year 2013. It was evident from the study that there was no significant correlation between total number of accidents every year with violation of traffic rules (r = -0.86 p =0.338). Similarly  There was no significant correlation between the number of persons killed every year with violation of rules by riding two wheeler without helmet(r = -0.380 p =0.752). Conclusions: With massive investment in roads and the exponential growth in the number of vehicles it has become necessary to have a system, which integrates all disciplines that influence road safety. In depth evaluation of the road traffic accidents to build infrastructures and to reinforce the regulations specific to local needs is required. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Irma Garwan ◽  
Anwar Hidayat

Kecelakaan bagi pejalan kaki, seperti halnya kecelakaan lalu lintas jalan lainnya, tidak bisa diprediksi dan dicegah. Negara dalam hal ini adalah pemerintah haruslah memperhatikan dalam menangani masalah keselamatan bagi pejalan kaki dengan mengimplementasikan langkah-langkah efektif. Beberapa rekomendasi meminta pemerintah untuk mempertimbangkan kebutuhan semua pengguna jalan, termasuk pejalan kaki dan pengendara sepeda, ketika keputusan tentang rancangan jalan dan infrastruktur, perencanaan tata guna lahan dan layanan transfortasi. Dan dari hasil yang diteliti penulis dalam hal ini mengenai faktor-faktor utama yang mempengaruhi resiko kecelakaan lalu lintas bagi pejalan kaki mencakup diantaranya 1). Kecepatan dan risiko kecelakaan pejalan kaki 2). Alkohol. 3) Kurangnya fasilitas pejalan kaki dalam perancangan jalan dan perencanaan tata guna lahan 4). Buruknya visibility pejalan kaki. Accidents for pedestrians, as well as other road traffic accidents, cannot be predicted and prevented. The country in this case is that the government should pay attention to the problem of safety for pedestrians by implementing effective measures. Some recommendations require the Government to consider the needs of all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists, when decisions about road design and infrastructure, land use planning and transfortation services. And from the results examined by the authors in this regard on the main factors that affect the risk of traffic accidents for pedestrians include 1). Speed and risk of pedestrian accident 2). Alcohol. 3) The lack of pedestrian facilities in road planning and land use planning 4). Poor pedestrian visibility

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-174
Nuriadi Manurung ◽  
Mhd. Ihsan ◽  
Bachtiar Efendi

Abstract: Traffic signs that are installed on either side of the road that we often see when driving on the highway have certain meanings and goals. The installation of traffic signs is one of the public services that the government must carry out by the relevant agencies for the convenience of road users and reduce the number of traffic accidents. Aside from being a guide, the signs also functioned as a warning for road users about the conditions and situation of the road to be passed. For this reason, road users must understand and understand the meaning of the signs installed. But for various reasons, many people have not had the opportunity to learn and understand the meaning and purpose of signs of traffic signs. With the development of computer technology and video animation, learning methods about understanding the meaning and purpose of traffic signs can be made easier and more efficient to attract the public's interest in understanding them. Because it takes the form of animated videos and tutorials, so it's easy to display and play back if the learning participants don't understand. With the community service from STMIK Royal to Porsea Sector Police, we are trying to help the police station to introduce traffic signs to the community using the animated video tutorial method. This animated video tutorial uses Adobe Flash. Keywords: Adobe Flash, Animation, Traffic Signs            Abstrak: Rambu-rambu lalu lintas yang dipasang pada kanan kiri jalan yang sering kita lihat saat berkendara dijalan raya memiliki arti dan tujuan tertentu. Pemasangan rambu-rambu lalulintas adalah salah satu dari pelayanan publik yang wajib diadakan pemerintah oleh dinas terkait demi kenyamanan  pengguna jalan dan mengurangi angka kecelakaan lalulintas. Selain sebagai penunjuk jalan, rambu tersebut juga difungsikan untuk peringatan untuk pengguna jalan tentang kondisi dan situasi jalan yang akan dilalui. Untuk hal tersebut maka pengguna jalan harus mengerti dan memahami arti dari rambu-rambu yang terpasang. Namun dengan berbagai sebab, banyak masyarakat yang belum  berkesempatan belajar dan memahami tentang arti dan maksud dari tanda rambu lalu lintas. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi komputer dan video animasi, metode pembelajran tentang pemahaman arti dan maksud dari rambu lalulintas dapat dibuat semakin mudah dan efisien untuk menarik minat masyarakat dalam memahaminya. Karena berbentuk video  animasi dan tutorial, sehingga mudah ditampilkan dan putar ulang jika peserta pemebelajaran belum paham. Dengan adanya pengabdian masyarakat  dari STMIK Royal ke Polsek Porsea ini, kami berusaha membantu polsek untuk mengenalkan rambu lalulintas kepada masyarakat dengan metode video tutorial animasi. Video tutorial animasi ini menggunakan adobe flash. Kata kunci: Adobe Flash, Animasi, Rambu-Rambu Lalulintas

1989 ◽  
Vol 33 (15) ◽  
pp. 975-978 ◽  
Shigeru Haga ◽  
Kazuyoshi Watanabe ◽  
Ken Kusukami

A level crossing on a Japanese Railways line was improved from the human factors point of view. Improved features of the warning system installed there are outlined and effects of the changes are reported. Various good effects of the renewal were found in visibility of the warning lights, appraisal by road users, and video-recorded crossing behaviour. It was concluded that the renewal was highly successful and we advised the Japanese Railways to improve other level crossings similarly.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 35 ◽  
Martin Kobosil ◽  
Jan Novák

This paper describes safety threats at level crossings according to the different type of security equipment. Initially were explored statistical data, which consist of numbers of level crossings classified by crossing type and numbers of traffic accidents on level crossings. Afterwards paper describes specific problems of each individual level crossing type. Specifically their causation and consequences, which are being discussed between professional and general public. In conclusion paper describes possible solutions to these problems leading to reducing risks at level crossings. At first is mentioned the statistics - number of crossing and number of accidents on the crossing. Then paper describes specific problems, which are discussed in professional and general public. They are also solutions of this problems, which brings another point of view and search the actual causes.

Ira Patriani

Border areas, is one of affected area on COVID_19 this present. Many of people cn not go out as usually, adding almost each country has to implement their territorial limitation (lockdown policy) to minimalize this virus spreading. One of Malaysia State, where very close and get direct border with Indonesia. This research took place at Sanggau District, Entikong, Gun Tembawang Village.The research approach used is qualitative, using data collection methods in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation supported by interviews with the theoretical approach to the negative and positive aspects on policy implementation. Research results, The results stated that the lockdown activities of Malaysia which were affected by the corona virus outbreak needed to be carried out in an effort to minimize the spread of the virus outbreak. Although of course it has a negative impact on the country's economic structure, social issues and other sector. In implementing this lockdown, there is a need for cooperation between the government and the community as well as an agreement with neighboring countries in terms of the mobility of residents closest to each other's territory on exemptions in order to realize social welfare and public health without limiting the origin of the state, religion, community and profession. Especially in border areas where mobility and kinship ties have always been closer than in other regions. Keywords: Border area, lockdown policy, covid_19

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 397-406
T. E. Chekanova

The presented study examines the problems of integration of the national banking systems of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).Aim. The study aims to examine the major differences in various aspects of functioning of banking systems in the EAEU member states in terms of their impact on integration processes.Tasks. The author identifies the most prominent features of the banking systems of the EAEU states; reveals the depth of the existing differences through a comparative analysis of various indicators of national banking systems; outlines ways of overcoming integration problems associated with differences in the banking sectors of the Union states.Methods. This study is based on universal general scientific methods and elements of comparative, functional, and economic analysis within the framework of a systems approach. The author uses regulatory documents and banking reports of the EAEU states, statistical and analytical materials of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), and data of Moody’s international rating agency.Results. The study identifies a number of aspects that contain the major differences in the functioning of banking systems in the EAEU member states; highlights the disproportions in the scale, level of development, financial stability, and risks of the banking spheres of the Union states; comparatively analyzes the proportion of banking and non-banking structures in the system and the share of the government and non-resident companies in the capital of banks; marks the difference in the pricing of banking services; determines differences in the existing approaches to banking regulation and the established standards; analyzes the major differences in the legislative acts of the central banks and governments of the EAEU member states and in the terms and definitions used. According to the results of the study, the major factors hindering the development of integration processes between the banking systems of the EAEU states are identified.Conclusions. The existing differences between the banking systems of the EAEU countries are diverse and multifaceted. The author states that the aspects addressed in this study have a significant negative impact on the further development of integration processes, describing the major directions and actions of the member states aimed at minimizing the exiting differences, which are required to facilitate the convergence of the states and the transition towards a common financial market.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
M. Zainuddin

This research to analyze the impact of closure policy Teleju brothel by Pekanbaru govermentin 2010. Guidelines for works are Pekanbaru Local Regulations No. 12 of 2008 on Social Order-liness. Closure this brothel inflicts positive and negative impact for society.The research wasconducted to obtain early stage formula for the government to take action against the prostitu-tion activities. This research uses policy research approach with a qualitative method, becausein prostitution activities and prohibition by goverment is an assessment that needs to be done byanalyzing documents and unstructured interview.The results showed that after the closing of the Teleju brothel have an impact on the deploy-ment of a prostitution and affect the economy of the surrounding residents. Government seeksto tackle prostitution in Pekanbaru by moving the brothel, conduct regular raids and providetraining. The effort is considered to be less than the maximum because the handling is not basedon the root of the problem and not programmed properly. There are several causes of failure ofgovernment to overcome the prostitution problem in Pekanbaru, including: policy content isless focus on the prostitution problem, the government did not proceeds with data, lack of finan-cial support, contra productive programs between local government with the police and TNI,and the policy object is difficult to be given understanding.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  

Tourism sector has a significant role in the economic development of our country. Tourism sector has contributed 6.88 percent to the GDP and has 12.36 percent share in employment (direct and indirect) in the year 2014. It has also a significant share in foreign exchange earnings. The benefit of tourism mostly goes to the local community (Sonya & Jacqueline, Mansour E. Zaei & Mahin E. Zaei, 2013). In this paper, an attempt has been made to assess how the tourism industry has created an opportunity for the economic, political, social and cultural development of the local community at Manali in Himachal Pradesh (India) and also tried to study the problems that are associated with the tourism in the region. The study found that the tourism industry has been extending its contribution for the development of local community at Manali. It has been providing employment, business and investment opportunities, revenue generation for the government, encouraging the community to promote and preserve its art, culture and heritage, raising the demand of agriculture products, provided opportunities for local people to run and work in the transport business and by promoting MSMEs in the region. Besides the opportunities, the tourism industry has also added many problems to the local community. Traffic congestion, increase in water and air pollution, solid waste generation, degradation of the cultural heritage, ecological imbalances, rise in cost of living, increase in crime, noise and environment pollution, migration of people to the region, negative impact on local culture, and extra pressure on civic services during the tourists season, are the problems associated with the tourism. The study suggest that effective management of natural resources, dissemination of environment protection information, involvement of local community in decision making, professionalization in the working of local administration, extending the support of government in sponsoring the events, infrastructure development, tracking records of migrants with the help of local community to curb the crime rate, promotion and preservation of art, culture and heritage, involvement of NGOs, compliance of the rules can make tourism more beneficial in the development of local community.

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