Revitalization Management Of Islamic Boarding School Preventing The Radicalism

2019 ◽  
Vol 118 (10) ◽  
pp. 495-505
Irwan Fathurrochman ◽  
Dwi Aji Budiman ◽  
Alamsyahril ◽  
Muhammad Kristiawan

This qualitative research is based on phenomena that occur in Islamic boarding school environments that get negative stigma related to radicalism, aims to uncover the characteristics of radicalism, character education patterns in preventing radicalism, efforts made by Islamic boarding schools through the implementation of character education in preventing the entry of radical understanding in the students at the Islamic Boarding School and the boarding school Revitalization management. The results showed that there were no embryos of radical ideology and no indication of radicalism teachings. That is because the clerics, leaders of Islamic boarding schools, and their stakeholders have committed that in the boarding schools that they manage there should not appear radicalism. Revitalization of the management of Islamic boarding schools in order to have a significant role in preventing radicalism is by; (a) Creating commitment and not giving the slightest opportunity for the emergence of radical ideas; (b) Restoring the existence of Islamic boarding schools as tafaqquh fiddin and managing boarding schools committed not to engage in practical politics; (c) Closely monitoring all boarding school programs to be free from radicalism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-258 ◽  
Irwan Fathurrochman ◽  
Dina Hajja Ristianti ◽  
Mohamad Aziz Shah bin Mohamed Arif

Islamic moderation-based boarding school management is vital to be carried out amidst the negative stigma of radicalism. This study aims to analyze the management revitalization of Islamic boarding schools conducted by Islamic boarding schools in Bengkulu, Indonesia, i.e., Miftahul Jannah, Hidayatullah, Ar-Rahmah, Muhammadiyah, and Al-Hijaaz Islamic boarding schools, in order to foster a spirit of Islamic moderation in Indonesia. This study used a qualitative method. The researchers were actively involved in managerial activities in Islamic boarding schools as a part of uncovering phenomena that occur in Islamic boarding schools. The results showed that the revitalization of boarding school management in order to have a significant role in preventing radicalism was done by creating commitment and not giving the slightest opportunity to the emergence of radicalism, returning the position of the existence of boarding schools as tafaqquh fiddin and boarding school managers committed to not engage in practical politics, to monitor strictly all boarding school programs to be free from radicalism. The spirit of Islamic moderation is used as a foothold in the practice of religious life so that Islamic boarding schools become a driving force in fostering the spirit of Islamic moderation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-159
Nona Nona ◽  
Soleha Soleha

The focus of this research is focussed on the role of Islamic boarding school of Bahrul Ulum in anticipating youth naughty in sub district of Sinar Jaya Jelutung Sungailiat Bangka. With the objective is to describe the role of the Islamic Boarding School Bahrul Ulum in anticipating the attitude and the youth naughty. This reserach used qualitative research by using enthology method. the methods of collecting data by using   interviews, observation, documentation, to answer the research question.  The result of his research is that the role of the Islamic boarding school of Bahrul Ulum in the sosial community only about attending Tahlilan when there is one of the community deaths or there a thank giving party and have not been significant role in anticipating the youth naughty yet. This is caused by the Islmic Boarding school’s founder focuse more on the activities of the teaching learning process and guiding Islamic students in Islamic boarding schools and have not a special program in anticipating the youth naughty arround the Islamic boarding school.   Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode etnografi, bertujuan menemukan fakta, ternyata masih terdapat pondok pesantren yang tumbuh dan berkembang di tengah- tengah masyarakat yang hidup dalam kemajemukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sejarah berdirinya pondok pesantren Bahrul Ulum berawal dari ide para pejabat Kabupaten Bangka. Pola pondok pesantren Bahrul Ulum dikategorikan pondok pesantren khalafi. Sedangkan pola kepemimpinan dengan berpusat pada ketua yayasan. Peran Pondok pesantren Bahrul Ulum di masyarakat hanya sebatas menghadiri acara tahlilan ketika terdapat warga  yang tertimpa musibah kematian atau pada acara hajatan. Dan belum memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam mengantisipasi kenakalan remaja. Hal ini disebabkan para pengelola pondok masih terfokus dengan aktivitas  di dalam pondok pesantren serta belum memiliki program khusus dalam hal tersebut, padahal masih terdapat sebagian remaja memiliki perilaku “nakal”  di Kelurahan Sinar Jaya Jelutung Sungailiat Bangka.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-285
Muhammad Arif Syaifuddin ◽  
Eni Fariyatul Fahyuni

Moral setbacks that occur in adolescent level students experience a significant increase, not infrequently these events occur in the world of education in Indonesia. Strengthening character education is one way to reduce the effects of moral loss on students. So that the character values must be built in accordance with religious teachings and which have been determined by the government such as religiosity, mutual cooperation, independence, national and integrity. These values can be included in school programs through the integration of intraculicular, kokulikuler and extracurricular integration. In this study focuses on strengthening the existing character education in SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Park by including character habituation through local content learning, extracurricular activities and habituation activities. So it can be ensured that all student activities are based on strengthening character education. This study uses descriptive-qualitative research which results of the research are a translation of the sources obtained in the form of written and oral data and environmental observations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-68
Aris Setiawan ◽  
Lailatuz Zahro

Abstrak: Pendidikan di pondok pesantren merupakan pendidikan berbasis agama, Pondok Pesantren Ngalah Purwosari Pasuruan merupakan Pesantren Berbasis Multikultural yang memiliki model pendidikan  yang sangat banyak, diantaranya model pendidikan karakter. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui implementasi pendidikan karakter dengan metode kualitatif,  menggunakan SEM dengan hasil bahwa Keterlibatan orangtua, dukungan teman sebaya, dan dukungan guru, baik secara simultan maupun parsial, berpengaruh positif terhadap religiusitas dalam model pendidikan karakter pada pesantren berbasis multikultural, ponpes Ngalah Purwosari, Kabupaten Pasuruan. Keterlibatan orangtua, dukungan teman sebaya, dukungan  guru, dan religiusitas secara simultan berpengaruh positif terhadap pendidikan karakter dalam model pendidikan karakter pada pesantren berbasis multikultural, ponpes  Ngalah  Purwosari,  Kabupaten  Pasuruan.  Akan  tetapi,  secara  parsial dukungan  guru  terbukti  tidak  berpengaruh  signifikan  terhadap  pendidikan karakter.   Kata Kunci: Model Pendidikan Karakter, Pesantren, Multikultural.   Abstract: Education in Islamic boarding schools is a religion-based education, Pondok Pesantren Ngalah Purwosari Pasuruan is a Multicultural-Based Islamic Boarding School which has very many educational models, so is the character education model. The purpose of this study discusses how to create characters using qualitative methods, using SEM with the results of research on how to support, support peers, and support teachers, both simultaneously and partially, positively support religiosity in the character education model of the boarding school based on multiculturalism, Islamic Boarding Schools Ngalah Purwosari, Pasuruan Regency. On the basis of assistance, peer support, teacher support, and simultaneous support support positive character education in the character education model of a multicultural-based boarding school, Ngalah Purwosari Islamic Boarding School, Pasuruan Regency. However, the partial support of teachers proved to be not significant support for character education.   Keywords : Character Education Model, Islamic Boarding School, Multicultural

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 253
Ahmad Syaiful Amal

Islamic boarding schools (pondok pesantren) as Islamic institutions play important role in character building (morals) for their students (santri), thus it is needed a role model from kyai to guide, encourage and inspire santri for life. The study used a qualitative research by exploring an attitude the so-called tawadhu from ‘santri’ followed by a social constructivism approach. The findings of  this study indicated that several factors have influenced the attitude of  tawadhu towards santri at the Islamic boarding school as follows: (1) Authority of  kyai, this means a charismatic person such as kyai enables easily to respect and obey his authority, (2) Examples given by kyai, a kyai is very influential. He has become a role model for all santri at pondok pesantren, (3) the attitude of  santri, as the main focus to be guided and nurtured at pondok pesantren.  AbstrakPondok pesantren sebagai lembaga Islam memiliki peranan penting dalam membentuk perilaku baik (akhlak) bagi manusia (santri), oleh sebab itu dalam mewujudkannya perlu peranan seorang kyai untuk membimbing, mengarahkan dan meneladani santri pada hal-hal yang baik. Studi ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan mengekplorasi sikap tawadhu’ seorang santri, dengan pendekatan konstruktivisme sosial. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap tawadhu’ terhadap santri di Pondok Pesantren yaitu : (1) Kewibawaan Kyai, karena kharismatik seseorang dengan sangat mudah dihormati dan ditaati karena kewibawaannya atau kharismannya, (2) Suri Tauladan Kyai, kyai merupakan sosok yang sangat berpengaruh di suatu pesantren. Beliau menjadi suri tauladan baagi semua santri yang ada di pondok. (3) Sikap Santri, santri merupakan obyek utama dalam dunia pesantren merekalah yang dibimbing dan dibina. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-55
Nanik Fudlo

This modern era of Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia at least begins with the Muhammadiyah movement as a public school plus and loving the Qur'an. In addi- tion to developing schools as "public schools plus loving the Qur'an", Muhammadiyah also developed a "Boarding School" (boarding school) which was initially criticized but continued to be developed eventually being accepted by the community, because it could answer the educational needs of the community. At present some Muhammadiyah schools that do not yet have boarding or boarding schools continue to develop Boarding Schools, with One Day Boarding Schools can improve student performance and also have a significant role to support the advancement of school programs. If the learning process is effective and efficient, it will increase students' interest in learning, so students will understand the material presented and have an impact on increasing student learn- ing achievement. It can be seen that various kinds of learning achievement are achieved in accordance with the vision and mission of the school, ranging from the development of Islamic values (Islamic Value Implementation), the formation of children's morals, life skill development, language development, development of academic achievement. The vision and mission achieved is in accordance with the institution that I examined, namely in MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Taman.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Amin Tasih ◽  
Ali Said

Al Masruriyyah Islamic Boarding School is one of the huts of the Tebuireng foundation that is still hungry for discipline in obeying the rules of the cottage. Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools apply ta’zir as a form of consequence for santri who violate the rules of the cottage. This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of ta’zir in increasing the discipline of santri in Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools. This study uses a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained will be compiled by reducing/summarizing the data, then presenting the data and drawing conclusions.  Based on the research shows that: the implementation  of ta’zir carried out by the management and has been approved by the supervisor and caregivers for giving ta’zir every 2 weeks. The criteria for the distribution of ta’zir are 3 from the low, medium and heavy according to the mistakes that have been made. The procedure for giving ta’zir (1) is advised, (2) in ta’zir (3) to be called to Ndalem. The impact of the implementation of ta’zir is that there is a better change in the implementation of teaching and learning activities, obeying the rules, and discipline in worship activities to Allah SWT.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 472
Rifqi Lazuardian ◽  
Irham Zaki

This study aims to analyze the role of the Riyadhul Jannah Islamic Boarding School in community economic empowerment in Pacet Village, Mojokerto. This study uses a qualitative research approach to understand phenomena about what is experienced by research subjects, such as subjects, perceptions, motivations, actions, and so forth. The results showed that the Riyadhul Jannah Islamic boarding school had a role in community empowerment around the boarding school. The role of Islamic boarding schools is shown by the activities of the business units of PT. Rijan Dinamis Selaras which involve communities around the boarding schools so that the benefits can be felt directly by the people of Pacet Village and its surroundings.Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Islamic Business, Islamic Communities

Burhanuddin Auzai ◽  
Pawito Pawito ◽  
Andrik Purwasito

The radical stigma among Islamic boarding schools still becomes a negative opinion among the people. This is reinforced by a press released by National Counter Terrorism Agency, called BNPT, in which there are nineteen Islamic boarding schools indicated radicalism in Indonesia. For this reason, deradicalization needs to be applied. Based on the problem, this research aimed at finding out how to deradicalize among Islamic boarding schools. This was a kind of qualitative research using an in-depth interview to collect the data. The research was conducted in Al-Muayyad Boarding School, Assalam Boarding School, and Al-Mukmin Boarding School. The findings revealed that Al-Muayyad Boarding School had communication between leaders and Islamic boarding schools, and also there was the spirit of maintaining unity. From Assalam Boarding School, it revealed that it implemented the curriculum of the religious department and work a lot by writing ideas about radicalism in the media. While the representative of Al-Mukmin explained that there were many discussions with individuals or groups that were considered radical, increasing the source of reference so that not to believe in only one media but must compare to other media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Amin Tasih ◽  
Ali Said

Al Masruriyyah Islamic Boarding School is one of the huts of the Tebuireng foundation that is still hungry for discipline in obeying the rules of the cottage. Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools apply ta’zir as a form of consequence for santri who violate the rules of the cottage. This study aims to describe and analyze the implementation of ta’zir in increasing the discipline of santri in Al Masruriyyah Islamic boarding schools. This study uses a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The data obtained will be compiled by reducing/summarizing the data, then presenting the data and drawing conclusions.  Based on the research shows that: the implementation  of ta’zir carried out by the management and has been approved by the supervisor and caregivers for giving ta’zir every 2 weeks. The criteria for the distribution of ta’zir are 3 from the low, medium and heavy according to the mistakes that have been made. The procedure for giving ta’zir (1) is advised, (2) in ta’zir (3) to be called to Ndalem. The impact of the implementation of ta’zir is that there is a better change in the implementation of teaching and learning activities, obeying the rules, and discipline in worship activities to Allah SWT.

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