scholarly journals Pemanfaatan barang bekas dalam bercocok tanam secara hidroponik bagi masyarakat pesisir

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
St. Fatmah Hiola ◽  
Nur Anny Suryaningsih Taufieq ◽  
Putri Humaira Salsabila

One of the potentials that according to most people is worthless is rubbish. Garbage is a consequence of human activity. Plastic waste is one of the types of waste whose existence dominates the human environment. One technique for reusing inorganic waste can be done by making used goods as agricultural containers, besides being cheap, easy to obtain, durable, and also able to reduce the level of pollution to the environment. This dedication activity is carried out using training methods. The number of participants as many as 25 people who are communities around the coastal region, namely in the Village Turikamaseng, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The results of the activities showed that the interests and skills of the community after attending the training activities increased. The material given in the opinion of the community is quite interesting and can be applied directly in their daily lives. The conclusion that is able to provide an understanding of the importance of protecting the environment around us. In addition, the methods used in this activity have been able to improve the knowledge and skills of partner communities in terms of knowledge about hydroponic farming.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Mardiyana Mardiyana ◽  
Yuanita Kristiani Wahyu Widiastuti ◽  
Yuanita Kristiani Wahyu Widiastuti

Selama masa pandemic Covid-19 permasalahan yang dialami oleh warga kampung Petoran RT 03 RW 08 Jebres Surakarta adalah meningkatnya harga kebutuhan pokok dan sayuran serta ketakutan akan penyebaran Covid-19. Apabila kebutuhan pokok dan sayur tidak terpenuhi akan berdampak pada pemenuhan gizi keluarga terutama adalah gizi anak usia dini. Dari hal itu, munculah inisiatif mengadakan kegiatan pelatihan dalam memanfaatkan lahan terbatas seperti pekarangan rumah sebagai tempat untuk memproduksi sayuran, dan biji-bijian yang diperlukan guna pemenuhan gizi sembang untuk anak dan seluruh anggota keluarga di Kampung Petoran RT03 RW 08. Metode hidroponik  yaitu budidaya tanaman dengan memanfaatkan air dan tanpa tanah dipilih dalam pengabdian ini yang dilaksanakan melalui sosialisasi terkait : (1) metode bercocok tanam hidroponik, (2) pelatihan bercocok tanam sistem hidroponik dilahan terbatas dengan barang bekas, (3) pemberian fasilitas bibit sayuran untuk ditanam. Hasil dari kegiatan sosialisasi yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa kuliah kerja nyata univesitas sebelas maret berupa peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan terkait bertanam dengan lahan terbatas yaitu dengan sistem hidroponik, serta peningkatan gizi anak usia dini melalui hasil kegiatan bertanam. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the problems experienced by residents of the Petoran RT 03 RW 08 Jebres Surakarta village were the increasing prices of necessities and vegetables and the fear of the spread of Covid-19. If basic needs and vegetables are not met, it will impact family nutrition, especially early childhood nutrition. From this, the initiative emerged to hold training activities in utilizing limited land such as a house yard to produce vegetables and seeds needed to fulfil balanced nutrition for children and all family members in Kampung Petoran RT03 RW 08. The hydroponic method in plant cultivation. By utilizing water and without land selected in this service, which is carried out through socialization related to (1) hydroponic farming methods, (2) training in hydroponic cultivation in limited land with used goods, (3) providing facilities for vegetable seeds for planting. The results of the socialization activities carried out by students of real work lectures at 11 March universities were in the form of increased knowledge and skills related to farming with limited land, namely the hydroponic system, and improving early childhood nutrition through the results of farming activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Juliana Juliana ◽  
Yuniarti Koniyo

ABSTRACTOlele Village is one of the villages located in Bone Bolango Regency and is included in the Coastal Region. Most Olele villagers have livelihoods as fishermen, so most Olele village women are fishermen's wives. The purpose of community service activities carried out in Olele village is to increase community income through empowering coastal women. The method used consists of two forms, namely counseling and training. Coastal women who were participants in service activities were 30 fishermen wives. The material provided in counseling is about the types of diversification of processed products and fisheries processing techniques. Training is provided through hands-on practice and assistance during service activities. The products produced are fish fingers, dragon foot fish, jelly, pudding, and crackers which will be sold to increase community income especially for fishermen's wives. The results of community service activities carried out in the village of Olele are increased knowledge and skills diversification of processed fisheries products for fishermen wives who have received service activities. Community service activities also provide increased income for the community through the sale of various processed fishery products. Keywords:  Fish Finger, Foot Dragon Fish, Jelly Candy, Pudding, and Fish Crackers.  ABSTRAKDesa olele merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di Kabupaten Bone Bolango dan termasuk wilayah pesisir. Penduduk desa Olele sebagian besar memiliki mata pencaharian sebagai nelayan, sehingga sebagian besar perempuan desa Olele merupakan istri nelayan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan di desa Olele yaitu untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat melalui pemberdayaan perempuan pesisir. Metode yang digunakan terdiri dari dua bentuk yaitu penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Perempuan pesisir yang dijadikan peserta pada kegiatan pengabdian adalah istri-istri nelayan sebanyak 30 orang. Materi yang diberikan pada penyuluhan yaitu tentang jenis diversifikasi produk olahan dan teknik pengolahan hasil perikanan. Pelatihan diberikan dengan cara praktek langsung dan pendampingan selama kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung. Produk yang dihasilkan adalah fish finger, foot dragon fish, permen jell,  puding, dan kerupuk yang akan dijual untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat khususnya bagi istri-istri nelayan. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan di desa Olele yaitu peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang diversifikasi produk olahan perikanan bagi istri-istri nelayan yang telah mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian. Kegiatan pengabdian juga memberikan dampak bagi peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat melalui penjualan diversifikasi produk olahan perikanan.  Kata Kunci: Kaki Naga, Kerupuk, Nugget, Permen dan Puding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-56
Agus Muliadi ◽  
Baiq Mirawati ◽  
Suryati Suryati ◽  
Iwan Doddy Dharmawibawa

Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan petani dalam mengolah buah jambu mete menjadi Nata de Cashew. Peserta kegiatan ini adalah masyarakat Dusun Menggala sebanyak 17 orang. Kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu (1) Persiapan, (2) Pelaksanaan, (3) Evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan bahwa implementasi konsep bioentrepreneurship melalui pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan Nata de Cashew efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil observasi yaitu: (1) penguasan materi dan keterampilan peserta dalam membuat Nata de Cashew dikategorikan Baik; (2) kualitas Nata de Cashew yang dihasilkan dikategorikan Baik; (3) Motivasi, minat, dan kerjasama peserta selama pelaksanaan pelatihan dan pendampingan  dikategorikan Sangat Baik; (4) Motivasi peserta untuk produksi Nata de Cashew secara mandiri juga dikategorikan Baik. Implementation of the Local Potential-Based Bioentrepreneurship Concept Through Training on Making Nata de Cashew The aim of this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of farmers in processing cashew nuts into Nata de Cashew. The participants of this activity were the people of the village of Menggala as many as 17 people. The training activities are carried out in three stages, namely (1) preparation, (2) implementation, (3) evaluation. The result of the training was that the implementation of the bio entrepreneurship concept through training and mentoring in making Nata de Cashew was effective in increasing the knowledge and skills of the participants. This is evidenced by the results of observations, namely: (1) the mastery of the material and skills of the participants in making Nata de Mete is categorized as Good; (2) the quality of the Nata de Mete produced is categorized as Good; (3) Participants' motivation, interest, and cooperation during the training and mentoring implementation were categorized as Very Good; (4) Participants' motivation for independent cashew nut production is also categorized as Good.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 869
Umu Fatonatul Hidayah ◽  
Utami Sri Hastuti ◽  
Sueb Sueb

<p class="Abstrak"><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research developed a booklet of Nata from watermelon rind to improve farmers’ knowledge and skills.<strong> </strong>This research was a development research based on the model of Hannafin &amp; Peck (1988). <em>Booklet</em> were implemented through counseling to farmers in the village of Klampisan, Kandangan Subdistrict, Kediri Regency. The results showed that after the extension and training activities there was an increase in knowledge. The average score of the N-gain results is 0.66 and is in the medium category. The results of the t-test show the value of p = 0,000 &lt;0,05, meaning that there is an increase in knowledge about the nata of watermelon peel. Farmers' skills in making nata were assessed using an observation sheet. The average value obtained is 93.7 with a very good category.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini mengembangkan <em>Booklet<strong> </strong></em>Nata dari Kulit Semangka bagi petani untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mereka. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan berdasarkan model Hannafin &amp; Peck (1988)<em>.</em> <em>Booklet</em> diimplementasikan melalui penyuluhan kepada para petani di desa Klampisan Kecamatan Kandangan Kabupaten Kediri. Hasil penelitian membuktikan peningkatan pengetahuan terjadi setelah adanya penyuluhan. Skor rata-rata hasil N-gain adalah 0,66 dan masuk dalam kategori sedang. Hasil uji-t menunjukkan nilai p=0,000 &lt;0,05 berarti terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan tentang nata dari kulit semangka. Keterampilan petani dalam membuat nata dinilai dengan menggunakan lembar observasi. Rerata nilai yang diperoleh adalah 93,7 dengan kategori amat baik.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Sri Wahjuni Latifah

Implementation of the service was conducted in the village ofSekarpuro Malang. Activity focused on the environment RW9 because has some excellent potential that crops ofvegetables and spices. Each house is required to havevegetables and spices for minimal ten kinds, peppers,tomatoes, cabbage, basil, kale, spinach, mustard greens, beansand eggplant. While these types of spices are grown include:turmeric, saffron and white, kencur, ginger, white ginger, redginger, galangal, lemon grass andothers.The problems faced by partners are: (1)lack of knowledge inthe healthy beverage processing and medicinal herbs, so thatproduct quality standards and the sale price hasn‘tcomptetive.(2) Lack of knowledge and skills of members in the field ofmarketing that they are pessimistic to sell to a wider marketProgram execution method of empowerment that carried thepotential members of the group and the potential of the naturalresources of the area environment. Based on the targetaudience who have been in service activities, it can be formedof two businesses that making herbal drinks such as cidertoga, passion fruit syrup and traditional herbal medicinemanufacture that produces fresh herbs and herbal instant. Inthe field of production has developed into six types ofproducts from only two types of products. While in thegeneral field of business licenses has been done so that theproduct is expected to be accepted by the market. In the fieldof marketing has made the introduction of products with avariety of activities and models of traditional marketing is stilldone through leaflets, door to door and exhibits SMEs.Besides, available change over hygienes packaging andlabeling. Administration and finance training activities hashelped entrepreneurs in setting records with good activity, andcan be used to determine accurately the costofproduction.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 20
Norlina Mohamed Noor ◽  
Raja Munirah Raja Mustapha

Knowledge and skills have become the most crucial resource capital which enables organizations to survive in the ever changing business environment. One of the common strategies for organizations to increase their performance and productivity is through training and the main role of human resource development is to fulfil the needs of the organizations by providing employees with up to date expertise, information, knowledge and skills. Since huge financial investments and enormous time are allocated for training, organizations hope that the training will lead to the desired workoutcomes. However, this does not always happen. There is only a small percentage of training programs which had successfully shown lasting transferability to the workplace and this indicates thatunderstanding and improving the training transfer process is still a major concern for training researchers and practitioners. As training transfer is influenced by several variables at different levels of analysis, this study attempts to investigate the relationship between training transfer determinants, the involvement of different stakeholders and training activities in the training process. Specifically, this study investigates the influence of training transfer determinants on goal setting amongst small businesswomen. In addition, it will emphasize the roles of primary stakeholders in the social networkat different times during the training process towards achieving training transfer. Therefore, the framework postulates social networks as a moderating variable in enhancing training transfer andgoal setting amongst small businesswomen. 

Giorgia Lallai ◽  
Giovanni Loi Zedda ◽  
Célia Martinie ◽  
Philippe Palanque ◽  
Mauro Pisano ◽  

Abstract Training operators to efficiently operate critical systems is a cumbersome and costly activity. A training program aims at modifying operators’ knowledge and skills about the system they will operate. The design, implementation and evaluation of a ‘good’ training program is a complex activity that requires involving multi-disciplinary work from multiple stakeholders. This paper proposes the combined use of task descriptions and augmented reality (AR) technologies to support training activities both for trainees and instructors. AR interactions offer the unique benefit of bringing together the cyber and the physical aspects of an aircraft cockpit, thus providing support to training in this context that cannot be achieved by software tutoring systems. On the instructor side, the LeaFT-MixeR system supports the systematic coverage of planed tasks as well as the constant monitoring of trainee performance. On the trainee side, LeaFT-MixeR provides real-time AR information supporting the identification of objects with which to interact, in order to perform the planned task. The paper presents the engineering principles and their implementation to bring together AR technologies and tool-supported task models. We show how these principles are embedded in LeaFT-MixeR system as well as its application to the training of flight procedures in aircraft cockpits.

Makbulenur Onur ◽  
Selver Koç Altuntas

Throughout the historical process humans have shaped the environment that they lived in and developed it according to their needs. The living culture has been formed with various spatial setups in dwellings which are the most basic habitats of humankind. Today, functionality comes into prominence in this living culture which is referred to as traditional dwellings. This shows that the continuity is ensured by presenting mass and cultural harmony between spatial setups and the garden and neighboring dwelling relations. Amongst the traditional dwellings, Turkish house is also considered as an important example, which provides continuity with its diverse plan organizations and spatial characteristic. The courtyard character in traditional dwellings is the space that is effective in the organization of spatial which sheds light on present day with various parameters. This is because the dwelling is located in the courtyard. Moreover, the courtyard, which starts with the entrance and where the households carry out their daily lives, is very significant for the Turkish dwelling as it contains both natural and cultural characteristics. The traditional dwellings of the village of Islamköy, which is located in the Atabey district in Isparta province of Turkey, are discussed within the scope of the study, which examines how the concept of courtyard that contains the functional and aesthetic values of the Turkish dwelling, forms various plan organizations and spatial characters in many cultures, affects the spatial quality. Spatial quality parameters were examined on five second-degree registered traditional dwellings located on Okul Street in the Islamköy village. Three basic principles have been determined which are functional, aesthetic and ecological and the sub-parameters of these determined principles have been introduced with the information and documents obtained from the literature. The AHP method was used to determine the priorities of the parameters in this direction. Thus, taking into account the spatial quality parameters, the priority parameters of the courtyard character in the traditional dwellings of Islamköy were determined

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Mahfudlah Fajrie

Bungo Village, Subdistrict of Wedung Indonesia, is one of the regions that still upholds the traditions of the region as a form of preserving culture. Along with the development of technology and science, there are many traditions in the village that are considered not modernist by the people. Therefore, some village government and community heads in the village of Bungo, Wedung District, are trying to maintain traditions in their area as a form of preserving local traditions or culture and when developed can have potential for regional income. Coastal traditions in the Bungo Village area that are still carried out include Apitan, Syawalan, and Alms of Earth, the meaning of this tradition as a form of community gratitude to God. There is a Nyadran tradition, the Panji Kusuma Cultural Kirab is a tradition carried out as a form of respect for coastal communities and in memory of the services of heroes who have established villages in the coastal region. There is also the tradition of Keong Keli, Barian, Kembang Sayang, which basically implies a form of community effort to avoid doom and danger. This research was conducted using ethnographic methods, data collection using in-depth interviews and observation. From the coastal traditions carried out by the Bungo people, it is shown that coastal communities depend on the sea for their livelihoods and the wealth of natural resources to survive.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-91
Mustari Bosra

This paper is about the Islamization movement of the kingdoms in South Sulawesi, sointegrated sara 'is into a social institution called pangadereng (Bugis) angadakkang (Makassar). To ensure the upholding of Islamic law, which has been integrated into the social system, a religious bureaucracy (Islam) known aswas formed sara '. The royal bureaucratic officials who handle this institution, from the central level to the village or village level are called parewa sara ', which in this study uses the term daengguru. This integration pattern was developed in almost all Islamic kingdoms in South Sulawesi. Adat has its own field and sharia controls its own field. One another should not disturb each other. When the King of Bone La Maddarremmeng was about to confront Islam and customs, he was opposed by all parties. When Arung Matowa Wajo declared a strong Islamization, he was also evicted from his position.

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