2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 246
Aldila Maysarah Ayusari

This study aims to determine the effect of mathematical literacy ability and motivation to learn mathematics on student problem solving abilities. The type of research used is non experiment with research design is survey, where the subjects used are students of class VII I SMP Negeri 4 Tulungagung which amounted to 31 students. Instrument used in this research is motivation questionnaire, observation sheet problem solving ability and script about ability of mathematics literacy. Data collection methods used are test methods, questionnaires and observations. Data analysis technique used is with normality test, multiple regression test, correlation test, and significance test. Based on data analysis, it is known that there is an influence of mathematical literacy ability and student learning motivation motivation (X1 and X2) on math problem solving ability (Y) on social grade arithmetic class VII I SMP N 4 Tulungagung.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Novi Maryani ◽  
Muhammad Ichsan ◽  
Khairunnisa Khairunnisa

Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada ataupun tidak ada signifikansi metode guide reading terhadap motivasi belajar siswa di kelas I SDN 4 Cisande Kabupaten Sukabumi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode korelasi, dengan sampel sebanyak 31 siswa. Penggunaan instrumennya berupa tes berupa Lembar Kerja Proses (LKP) dan angket. Hasil penelitian dari variabel motivasi belajar siswa di SDN 4 Cisande dikatakan rendah, bisa terlihat dari hasil perolehan evaluasi siswa yang masih dibawah kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM). Berdasarkan hasil analisis data deskriptif metode guide reading diperoleh nilai tertinggi 288 dan nilai terendah 182, sedangkan hasil analisis data deskriptif motivasi belajar siswa memiliki nilai tertinggi 85 serta nilai terendah 70. Adapun nilai Fhitung=0.545<Ftabel=1.85 yang berarti data bersifat linear. Pada analisis data, persamaan regresi dalam penelitian ini diperoleh data Y=71.985+0.022. Serta koefisien determinasi diperoleh data 0.1232=0.015 atau 1.5% variabel X menentukan variabel Y. Uji signifikansi melalui uji t, diperoleh nilai thitung=0.665<ttabel=0.725 dengan dk 31, dan hasil signifikansi 0.511>0,05. Hasil uji hipotesis didapat Phitung<Ptabel sehingga Ha tolah dan Ho terima. Penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara metode guide reading terhadap motivasi belajar siswa di kelas I SDN 4 Cisande Kabupaten Sukabumi. Kata Kunci: membaca nyaring, metode guide reading, motivasi belajar. GUIDE READING METHOD ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING MOTIVATION IN READING LOUDLY LESSONABSTRACT Guide reading Method is a guided learning method aimed to help students in using learning strategy to read independently. While learning motivation is a strong urge and power to achieve certain goals. This research is aimed to find out whether or not the guide reading method affects students’ learning motivation in One Grade of SDN 4 Cisande, Sukabumi. This research used correlation method, while the population in SDN 4 Cisande is 34 students and the total samples is 31 students. Instruments used in this research are process worksheet and questionnaire. The data analysis technique was helped by SPSS 16.0 application for Windows. The result shows that students’ learning motivation of SDN 4 Cisande is low. It can be seen in the score of the students which are still below the passing grade. Based on analysis of descriptive data of Students’ score, the highest score is 288 and the lowest is 182, while the result of descriptive data analysis of students’ learning motivation, the highest score is 85 and the lowest is 70. In normality test, it is obtained significance data 0.188>0,05  which means score distributes normally. In linearity test, it is obtained significance score 0.428>0,05, and score of Fcount=0.545<Ftable=1.85 which means the data is linear. In data analysis, regression equation in this research obtained data Y=71.985+0.022. And data for determination coefficient is 0.1232=0.015 or 1.5% x variable determines Y variable. Significance test through t test, it is obtained score tcount=0.665<ttable=0.725 with dk 31, and significance result 0.511>0,05. The result of hypothesis is Pcount<Ptable so Ha is rejected and Hois accepted. It means that Guide reading Method does not affect learning motivation of students in one grade SDN 4 Cisande, Sukabumi significantly.     

Ilham Adi Putra ◽  
Zulkifli Naansah ◽  
Sukaya Sukaya

This research is purposed to reveal scales of student’s learning motivation contribution and pedagogical competence of teachers grade for computer and information management skills subject at X class SMKN 1 Tilatang Kamang. The type of this research is descriptive correlation. Populations in this research are 164 students, and samples are amount to 62 students of X class SMKN 1 Tilatang Kamang, school of year 2012/2013. Samples are taken by simple random sampling technique. Data were collected by questionnaire and documentation. Data analysis technique in this research is Pearson product moment and multiple-correlation. Results from data analysis claimed that there are contributions from learning motivation and pedagogical competence of teachers grade of computer and information management skills subject at X class SMKN 1 Tilatang Kamang, as follow: (1) student’s learning motivation gives contribution to student’s grade by 21,34%, (2) pedagogical competence of teachers gives contribution to student’s grade by 17,89%, (3) student’s motivation to learn together with pedagogical competence of teachers give contribution to student’s grade by 27,98%. This research suggest that student’s motivation to learn and pedagogical competence of teachers give contribution to student’s grade.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-152
Hermawati Hermawati ◽  
Jumroh Jumroh ◽  
Eka Fitri Puspa Sari

AbstrakKemampuan pemecahan masalah tidak lepas dari kegiatan belajar mengajar pada umumnya karena keberhasilan seseorang terhadap sesuatu yang dihadapi tidak lepas dari matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik kelas IX di SMP Negeri 15 Palembang. Sampel pada penelitian ini di ambil secara acak yaitu peserta didik kelas IX.1 berjumlah 31 peserta didik yang dilakukan di SMP Negeri 15 Palembang tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan soal tes berbentuk uraian materi bangun ruang (kubus dan balok). Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Dari hasil analisis data dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik dikategorikan rendah.  Analysis of Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability on Cubes and Blocks in Junior High SchoolAbstractThe ability to solve problems cannot be separated from teaching and learning activities in general because one's success in something that is faced cannot be separated from mathematics. This study aims to determine the mathematical Problem-solving abilities of grade IX students at SMP Negeri 15 Palembang. The sample in this study was taken randomly. namely students of class IX.1, totaling 31 students which were conducted at SMP Negeri 15 Palembang for the 2019/2020 academic year. The data collection technique used test questions in the form of a description of the material (cubes and cuboids). The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive quantitative. From the results of data analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the students' mathematical Problem-solving ability is categorized as low.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Nurhayati Nurhayati

This study aimed to describe the effectiveness of collaborative learning using open-ended approach and open-ended approach in terms of problem solving skillss students. This study is a quasi-experimental research with the entire population of ten graduate science students of SMA Negeri 2 Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta which consists of four classes. The research samples were randomly selected from the four existing classes, in order to obtain class X MIPA 3 to be given collaborative learning model using open-ended approach and class X MIPA 1 to be given open-ended approach. Data analysis technique consists of one sample t-test used to investigate the effectiveness of collaborative learning model using open-ended approach and open-ended approach. The results show that collaborative learning model using open-ended approach is effective in terms of student’s problem solving skillss of SMA Negeri 2 Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta. But, open-ended approach isn’t effective in terms of student’s problem solving skillss of SMA Negeri 2 Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-128
Arief Cahyo Utomo ◽  
Zaenal Abidin ◽  
Henry Aditia Rigianti

This study aimed to find out the different of efectiveness of Think Pair Share (TPS) and Jigsaw learning model on problem solving ability of 6th grade students. This study compared which has a greater effect on problem solving ability of 6th grade students. This study was a quasy experiment. The subjects of this study were 6th grade elementary school students in Ngadirojo Kidul, Wonogiri, Indonesia. Data collection used were pretest and post test technique. Data analysis used was Anova with T-test where previously preceded by prerequisite test (homogenity test and normality test). The result of this study is there is difference between TPS learning model and Jigsaw learning model. TPS learning model has a greater influence in improving problem solving ability of 6th grade elementary school students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Meilinda Meilinda ◽  
Louis Louis ◽  
Jason Jason ◽  
Hendra Nazmi

This study's research background aims to determine how much influence discipline, selection, and organizational culture have on employee performance. The object of research was carried out on employees who work at PT United Rope. The population used in this study was 136 employees with a sample of 101 PT United Rope employees who were obtained using a simple random sampling technique using the Slovin formula. Samples were obtained by distributing questionnaires to employees. The independent variables in this study are discipline, selection, organizational culture. The dependent variable in this study is employee performance. The data analysis technique used includes validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test including normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, data analysis with multiple linear regression, simultaneous test, and partial test. Based on the research results, discipline, selection, and organizational culture have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The conclusion of this study, variable field, selection, and corporate culture will improve employee performance. Employee performance will increase if employees can be disciplined in carrying out their work. The company can select employees well in occupying a position, and employees who can apply organizational culture properly will have increased performance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Tandri - Patih

Mathematical literacy is the ability to understand and use mathematics in various contexts to solve problems and be able to explain to others how to use mathematics. This study aims to describe the mathematical literacy skills of MTsN students in Kendari City. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, i.e. by tabulating data and graphical methods. The results of the analysis show that overall, the percentage of mathematical literacy abilities of MTsN students in Kendari City is still dominated by groups of low-ability students. Based on the content, students' mathematical literacy ability is still low on content 2. However, based on their categorization, students with a lower category of Mathematical Literacy Abilities are found in content 4. When viewed based on the level, students get the lowest scores on level 6 questions. However, based on the categorization, students with a lower Mathematical Literacy Ability category are found in level 2 and level 4 questions. The school that was used as the object of the study was obtained that both based on the content and level, the mathematical literacy skills of grade IX MTsN 1 Kendari students were better than the IX grade students of MTsN 2 Kendari.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Boby Agustan

This study aimed to determine the effect of the direct instruction model on serviceability in badminton games. This research is a mixed method. The population in this study were VIII grade students at SMP Negeri 3 Sindangwangi Majalengka totaling 93 students. The sampling technique used was random sampling so that the study sample was obtained, namely students of class VIII.B, which amounted to 28 students. The research instruments used in this study were service tests and interviews about understanding service. The data analysis technique in this study is the normality test, and the hypothesis test is used to determine the effect of the direct instruction model on serviceability in badminton games. Based on statistical calculations for service tests obtained by Z Hit (4.59)> Z daf (2.35), the Hi received means the influence of the direct instruction model on serviceability in badminton games at a level of confidence (α) of 0.05. As for understanding service excellence, as you know, service excellence is the first attack to get points. This study concludes that there is an influence of the direct instruction model on service in badminton games. The finding is that the direct instruction model still has that is all teacher-centered instruction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Arinatul Aniza ◽  
Tri Novita Irawati ◽  
Sholahudin Al-Ayubi

<p class="AfiliasiCxSpFirst" align="left"><strong>Abstrak:</strong></p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpMiddle">Pembelajaran berbasis <em>online</em> memiliki kendala yaitu siswa mengalami kesulitan belajar secara mandiri, salah satunya menunjukkan hasil belajar matematika yang tergolong rendah. Berpandangan pada kondisi tersebut memunculkan ide bagaimana cara mengajar matematika yang mudah dipahami siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektivitas PRISMA LEKER WAIZ terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian asosiatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan <em>one group pretest posttest design</em>. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa tes dan dokumentasi. Adapun teknik analisis data meliputi beberapa tahapan diantaranya yaitu: uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji normalitas dan uji . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PRISMA LEKER WAIZ efektif terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa. Dengan kata lain, PRISMA LEKER WAIZ dalam penelitian ini layak digunakan di masa pandemi karena media ini sudah dikembangkan sebelum penelitian, memiliki isi yang menarik (dilengkapi beragam bentuk latihan soal, kunci jawaban, desain menarik dan ringkasan materi), mudah diakses dalam pembelajaran <em>online</em> dan mudah dipahami siswa yaitu bisa mengerjakan soal matematika dengan baik menggunakan media ini.</p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpMiddle" align="left"> </p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpLast" align="left"><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>:</p><p>PRISMA LEKER WAIZ, Hasil Belajar</p><p> </p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpFirst" align="left"><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong></p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpMiddle"><em>Online-based learning has problems, namely students have difficulty learning independently, one of which shows low mathematics learning outcomes. Looking at these conditions led to the idea of how to teach mathematics that is easy for students to understand. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of PRISMA LEKER WAIZ on students' mathematics learning outcomes. This type of research is an associative research with a quantitative approach. The research design used was one group pretest posttest design. Data collection techniques used in the form of tests and documentation. The data analysis technique includes several stages including: validity test, reliability test, normality test and t test. The results showed that PRISMA LEKER WAIZ was effective on students' mathematics learning outcomes. In other words, PRISMA LEKER WAIZ in this study is suitable for use during the pandemic because this media was developed prior to the research, has interesting content (equipped with various forms of practice questions, answer keys, attractive designs and material summaries), is easily accessible in online learning and It is easy for students to understand, that is, they can do math problems well using this media.</em></p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpMiddle" align="left"><em> </em></p><p class="AfiliasiCxSpLast" align="left"><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:</em></p><p><em>PRISMA LEKER WAIZ</em><em>, Learning Outcomes</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Hotni Sari Harahap ◽  
Muhyani Muhyani ◽  
Akhmad Alim

<p>The purpose of this study is to determine (1) the effect of professionalism competence variable on students' achievement, (2) the effect of teacher's personality variables on students' achievement, (3) the effect of teacher's professionalism and personality on students' achievement. This research is a quantitative descriptive research, with 60 teachers of MAS/SMA al-Washliyah UNIVA as research subjects taken by total sampling method. Data collected by the instrument in form of questionnaire. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis method, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, hypothesis testing by F test and t test. Results from the study shows regression equation Y = 43.764+ 0,243 X1 + 0.173 X2 that has meaning when variables X1 and X2 changes, it will have an impact on student achievement. The result of data analysis shows that partially teacher’s professionalism affects significantly on students’ achievement with the value tcount 3,485 &gt; ttable 2,002.Analysis on effect of personality on students’ learning achievement partially influences significantly with value tcount 3,105 &gt; ttable 2,002. The result simultaneously shows that teacher’s professionalism and personality conjunctly affecting the achievement of MAS/SMA al-Washliyah UNIVA Medan student with value of 8,143 &gt; Ftable 4.01. Other than that, the coefficient of determination (R2) has value of 222. It means in the amount of 22,20% of students’ learning achievement variable is affected by two independent variables in this research, meanwhile the rest as big as 77,80% is affected by other variable that is not studied in this research.</p>

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