2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Uus Ahmad Husaeni

This study aims to analyze BMT's role in poor women's economic empowerment in the Cianjur Regency. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using economic and sociological approaches. This research's data sources are primary data obtained from BMT and interviews and secondary data from library research. Furthermore, the data collection method is carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation for further analysis by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that BMT played a role in empowering the economy of women. Their income increases so that they can meet their daily needs and become more independent. Besides, they became smarter in managing finances and began to be actively involved in household decision making. Empowerment of women can improve women's welfare and independence in various aspects of life, particularly the economy. Applying the function of empowering women in microfinance institutions such as BMT is the right solution to improve the economy of the community, especially women

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 184-199
Fery Yanto

This article describes the concept of sociological education according to Ibn Khaldun's perspective. The fact of sociology education is to maintain and strengthen people's social relationships in order to stay harmony and peaceful while paying attention to the values of Islamic teachings in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah. As a study of the intellectual history of sociological thinking, the research method used in this discussion is through historical and sociological approaches obtained through the study or study of libraries (library research) that is qualitative descriptive, namely trying to uncover, analyze, present data and facts related to this discussion through primary data taken directly in the Book of Muqaddimah and secondary data taken from other relevant books in this discussion. As for the results of this study is finding the extraordinary fact that it turns out that Ibn Khaldun's thoughts on social sciences (sociology) and history are basically. Sociological theories and history became a foothold in modern intellectuals although the big names were dimmed during the golden age of European intellectuals The role of orientalists and Muslim scholars examining the thinking of 14th-century Muslim scholars opened the world's eyes to the quality of the thinking of Muslim scholars and should be studied as a scholarly speciality, especially in the field of social and historical sciences. Even modern thinkers have not been able to match his thinking.

Siti Umayah ◽  
Junanah Junanah

Pesantren, Islamic boarding school, as Islamic educational institutions by setting the main objectives of Islamic education is simply to generate the Santri (students) to explore religious knowledge (tafaqquh fid-din). However, since the 1970s Pesantren began to open up indicating that Islamic boarding schools with their dynamics required recognition by the community about their existence. Kiai Sahal Mahfudh, a Pesantren intellectual figure with a traditional background helped encourage the Pesantren to be able to respond to modernization and the demands of society in the right way. Kiai Sahal Mahfudh presents himself as a figure with transformative, innovative and visionary vision in transforming Pesantren education. He argued that Pesantren education cannot be separated from its two potentials: religiosity and social potential. This study aimed to determine the perspective of Pesantren education based on the perspective of Kiai Sahal Mahfudh and its relevance to the development of contemporary Pesantren. This study is a library research using the primary data in the form of Nuansa Fiqh Sosial, papers, or any works of Kiai Sahal Mahfudh. Meanwhile, the secondary data were in the form of books related to the Pesantren or AZJAF Vol.1 No. 2 (Special Issue 2021) Page 24 the thoughts of Kiai Sahal Mahfudh. The analysis technique used content analysis in which the phases of analysis started by determining the problems, formulating the frame of thoughts and preparing the methodology devices, data analysis and data interpretation.The results of this research showed that the teaching of the kitab kuning needs the abilty to understand contextually for solving contemporary social problems. The formulation of the objectives of pesantren education in preparing righteous and akram people in line with the functions of humans personally as khalifah of Allah who also carry out social functions to prosper and manage the earth.The da’wah islamiyyah or propagative potential in pesantren is not only articulated in word but also in deeds or da’wah bil hal. For kiai Sahal Mahfudh, da’wah can also in the form of community empowerment. Both have the same end goals. These are relevant and in accordance with the direction of development of contemporary pesantren which wants pesantren to no longer only carry out their traditional functions as religious educational institutions, but also as social community institutions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Agus Sjafari ◽  
Kandung Sapto Nugroho ◽  
Arenawati Arenawati ◽  
Oki Otaviana ◽  
Guntur Fernanto

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas kegiatan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat pesisir yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah provinsi Banten, sehingga dapat mengetahui model pemberdayaan ekonomi paling efektif bagi masyarakat pesisir di Provinsi Banten. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan lokasi penelitian di Desa Lontar Kecamatan Tirtayasa, Kabupaten Serang dan Desa Citeurep, Kecamatan Panimbang, Kabupaten Pandeglang. Penentuan informan dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Data primer penelitian ini diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Data sekunder diperoleh dari studi literatur dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan karakteristik nelayan antara desa Lontar dan Citeurep. Ada perbedaan jenis pemberdayaan di kedua desa. Ada perbedaan komoditas pada kedua kelompok nelayan. Di Desa Lontar, jenis komoditas yang dihasilkan lebih bervariasi, perikanan tangkap, bandeng dan budidaya rumput laut dan usahatani rumput laut. Sedangkan di Desa Citeurep komoditi hanya menangkap ikan. Dalam perspektif kelompok, nelayan di Desa Lontar lebih terorganisir daripada nelayan di Desa Citeurep. Model pemberdayaan relatif yang dapat diterapkan pada dua kelompok nelayan tersebut adalah dengan Model Pendekatan Kelompok Berbasis Regional dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik masyarakat yang ada di daerahnya masing-masing. Pola pemberdayaan yang paling tepat adalah pola pemberdayaan yang melibatkan seluruh pemangku kepentingan yang menggunakan skema kemitraan seperti: peran pemerintah daerah, perguruan tinggi, DPRD, dan swasta / perusahaan.   Kata kunci: pemberdayaan pesisir, kesejahteraan, kelompok nelayan   ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of economic empowerment activities of coastal communities that have been done by the government of Banten province, thus to find out the most effective model of economic empowerment for coastal communities in the province of Banten. Metode used in this study is qualitative descriptive, with research sites in the village of Lontar sub District Tirtayasa, Serang Region and Citeurep Village, Panimbang sub District, Pandeglang Region. Informant's determination is done by purposive sampling. Primary data of this research is getting from indepth interview and observation. Secondary data getting from by literature study and documentation. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the characteristics of fishermen between Lontar and Citeurep villages. There are differences in type of empowerment in both villages. There is a difference of commodities in both groups of fishermen. In Lontar Village, the types of commodities produced are more varied, capture fishery, milkfish and Sea Weed cultivation and seaweed farming. While in Citeurep Village the commodity is capture fish only. In group perspective, fishermen in Lontar Village are more organized than the fishermen in Citeurep Village. The relative empowerment model that can be applied to the two groups of fishermen is with the Regional-Based Group Approach Model taking into account the characteristics of the community that exist in their respective regions. The most appropriate  pattern of empowerment is the empowerment pattern that involves all stakeholders using partnership schemes such as: the role of local government, universities, DPRD, and private / corporate   Keywords: coastal empowerment, welfare, group of fishermen

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
Endah Rantau Itasari

Indonesia as a party to the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) is bound to implement these provisions based on the international obligations contained therein, including concerning the fulfillment of the right to basic education. This paper is the result of research on how the implementation of the obligation to fulfill the right to basic education, especially in Singkawang City, is based on the ICESC. This research is empirical normative legal research using primary data and secondary data. The data obtained through interviews and library research were then analyzed qualitatively. From the research results, it was found that the implementation of the fulfillment of the right to basic education based on the ICESCR in Singkawang City has been gradually fulfilled. Technical factors, geographical factors, and factors implementing the provisions of laws and regulations that are not yet synchronized and complete are the determining factors for the fulfillment of basic education rights in Singkawang City.Indonesia sebagai pihak pada International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) terikat untuk melaksanakan ketentuan-ketentuan tersebut berdasarkan kewajiban-kewajiban internasional yang terkandung di dalamnya, termasuk dalam kaitannya dengan pemenuhan hak atas pendidikan dasar. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian terhadap bagaimana pelaksanaan kewajiban pemenuhan hak atas pendidikan dasar, khususnya di Kota Singkawang berdasarkan ICESC. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif empiris dengan menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dan melalui penelitian kepustakaan tersebut selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa pelaksanaan pemenuhan hak atas pendidikan dasar berdasarkan ICESCR di Kota Singkawang telah secara bertahap dipenuhi. Faktor teknis, faktor geografis dan faktor implementasi ketentuan peraturan perundangan-undangan yang belum sinkron dan komplit menjadi faktor-faktor penentu pemenuhan hak pendidikan dasar di Kota Singkawang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Muhammad Ash Shiddiqy

This study aims to find out how the implementation of the qardh contract in the Almuna Sharia Microfinance Institutions Blessing Mandiri Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study uses an empirical juridical method. Empirical juridical research is used to analyze various regulations regarding qardh financing contracts in Islamic Microfinance Institutions (LKMS) and to analyze applicable laws of community behavior in their lives. The type of data and materials of this study come from primary data and secondary data. Primary data comes from the results of interviews and secondary data derived from literature. The collection technique in this study was conducted by interviewing respondents to get the right and reliable information. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach.This study found findings, namely financing products carried out at LKMS Almuna Mandiri Blessings, among others, namely Qardh (borrowing virtue). The qardh contract implemented at LKMS Almuna Berkah Mandiri is in accordance with sharia principles. This qardh agreement is intended for LKMS Almuna Berkah Mandiri customers who have small businesses but are not economically capable and want to expand their business. The LKMS Almuna Berkah Mandiri program fund comes from LAZNAS BSM Umat. The amount of qardh financing granted by LKMS Almuna Berkah Mandiri is Rp. 1,000,000.00 (one million rupiah) with a period of 50 (fifty) weeks or equivalent to 1 (one) year over 2 (two) weeks. The qardh installment payment is made after 1 (one) week after the disbursement of funds.

Gumilar Mulyana

Tourism activities are human activities driven by curiosity and enjoying tourist attractions and tourist attractions without knowing administrative boundaries. Therefore, the concept of integrated regional development can overcome and assist organizational differences between districts into a unity of regional planning and development with tourism activities in Sukabumi Regency. In this research, the method used is a qualitative descriptive approach. Sources of data in this study come from primary data and secondary data. The data collection technique used is field research, such as observation, interviews, and library research. The analysis used by the pen is descriptive-qualitative. The research results on tourism's role in developing tourism potential in the Sukabumi Regency are dominant as a facilitator compared to other parts. This role as a facilitator can be seen mainly in the provision of object infrastructure, which is still largely borne by the Tourism Office. Facilities for distributing stimulant fund assistance for people who want to develop a tourism object, promote tourism objects, and facilities provided to third parties such as investors and tourism entrepreneurs to develop their tourism businesses in Sukabumi Regency.

Ernawati Ernawati

Forming an ideal household requires spiritual mental, intellectual, and physical preparation to go through the life in order to achieve harmony of the family which aresakinah, mawaddah, warrahmah. Therefore, Islamic education in the household is very necessary, as it is stated in the works of Cahyadi Takariawan about applicative household. Problem of this research is, How is Islamic education concept in the household? How is household educational concept in the perspective of Cahyadi Takariawan?  Is there any relevance between Islamic education in the household and Cahyadi persepectives in the modern era?  This is a library research. The approach used is qualitative descriptive analysis. Primary data of this research is some works of Cahyadi Takariawan which have something to do with household. Secondary data is some other books which are relevant to the main problem. Data collection technique was done by using documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis was done by using descriptive analysis, content analysis, and symmetric association analysis.This research reveals three conclusions: Firstly, Islamic education concept in the household is dealing with meaning and scope of education, urgency of education, foundation of education, goal of education, and target of education. Secondly, household educational concept in the perspective of Cahyadi Takariawan  related to meaning and scope of education, urgency of education, foundation of education, goal of education, and target of education. Thirdly, relevance between Islamic education in the household  and Cahyadi perspectives in the modern era, they are pre marriage, marriage, and post marriage, harmonic couple, and samara family (sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah).

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Mig Irianto Legowo

The pharmacy is a pharmacy or place of service where pharmacy practice is carried out by pharmacists. In accordance with the provisions of a pharmacist can establish a Pharmacy with its own capital and / or capital from a capital owner both individuals and companies. Furthermore, in the case of pharmacists who establish a pharmacy in collaboration with capital owners, the work of organizing mandatory pharmacy is still carried out entirely by the pharmacist in question, therefore the responsibility of the pharmacist is as the manager of the pharmacy, which raises responsibility for the drug consumers The businessman / manager of the pharmacy is also obliged to provide the right service and information to the drug consumers. This study entitled Implementation of the Responsibility of Pharmacy Management for Drug Consumers aims to (1) know the responsibility of the pharmacist / manager to consumers in providing medicines, (2 ) to find out the problems faced by businessmen / managers of pharmacies in carrying out their obligations to dru. The type of research used is normative juridical with research specifications that are descriptive analytical. In this study the data is obtained from secondary data as primary data and primary data as supporting data (complementary). While the data collection method is interviews for primary data and literature studies for secondary data. The data obtained is presented in the form of a description of the event and then analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis. In the case of a Pharmacy committing a serious violation that is life-threatening, then the SIA sanction for a Pharmacist's License Letter can be revoked without prior warning. (2) problems of problems faced by employers or managers of pharmacies include (a) drugs that are no longer circulating (b) drugs that have expired, (c) supplies of medicines run out. Then the business carried out by the pharmacy entrepreneur is (a) the pharmacy gives substitute drugs that have the same use. (B) if the drug has expired the pharmacy will exchange the drug to PBF. (C) if the drug supply runs out the pharmacy will advise consumers to search the drug runs out to another pharmacy.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Nirwana Nirwana ◽  
Farida Patittingi ◽  
Sri Susyanti Nur

The legal Protection For Real Land Right Holder in Case of Forged Rincik. The research aimed to investigate (1) the legal protection for the land owner whose possession was based on rincik evidence, and (2) the legal protection on the good-will buyer based on the forged rincik document used in the land sale transaction. This was the normative legal research, also called the library research or documentary study because the research was only conducted on the written regulations or other legal materials or secondary data consisting of the primary and secondary legal materials. The interview was performed to strengthen the theories and opinions in the research. The research also used the Secondary data. the data were analysed and presented using the qualitative descriptive method. The research result indicate that: (1) the real land owner with rincik possession issued after the year 1960 based on the decision of Indonesian Supreme Court No. 560K / PID / 2008 has not been fully protected due to the fact that the seller is funished for forging the rincik., returning the right to the land owner can not be carried out due to the decision of Indonesian Supreme Court Number. 482 / PK / Pdt / 2014 which make the buyer win, while the real land owner is the directed to sue the land seller to give the compensation: and (2) the legal protection on the good faith buyer based on forget rincik in the land sale transaction has been fully protected and has the ringt to possess the land based on the decision of Indonesian Supreme Court Number. 482/PK/Pdt/2014 because the buyer has bought the land in the presence of Temporary Land Title Registar.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 234-247
Yolli Andriani

This study aims to describe (1) heuristic reading (2) hermeneutic reading (3) matrix, model, and (4) hypogram in the poem “Hakikat Cinta” by Rabi'ah Al-Adawiyah. This research is a library research because the primary data and secondary data are in the form of books or related documents. This study uses a qualitative descriptive technique through the semiotic approach of Michael Riffaterre. The results of the study are as follows. (1) The heuristic recitation of each sentence shows that this poem tells the story of Rabi'ah's love for his Lord, in this case he gave his whole life and death to Allah. (2) The Hermeneutic reading tells about the rabi'ah immense love for Allah, this is expressed in every verse that she expresses through her poetry. (3) The matrix in this poem is the praises conveyed by the Rabi'ah to the creator. (4) The hypogram in this poem is an intertextual hypogram, which is an explanation related to the poetry written by Rabi'ah which is closely related to the verses of the Qur'an an. After using the semiotic theory of the riffaterre, it can be concluded that according to Rabi'ah the only purpose of life that is very natural to be loved is Allah. The word love which is repeated every time by the rabi'ah implies the integrated meaning of all love only to Allah, because all forms of love and feelings grow because of the beauty and perfection of Allah

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