scholarly journals Pengaruh Metode Bernyanyi Terhadap Ekspresi Emosi Anak di Taman Kanak-Kanak Jabal Rahmah Padang

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-180
Nadia Resika ◽  
Indra Yeni

Metode yang dapat mengembangkan ekspresi emosi anak adalah dengan menggunakan metode bernyanyi, berdasarkan latar belakang masalah  yang peneliti temukan,  penelitian  ini  ingin mengetahui sejauh  mana pengaruh metode bernyanyi terhadap ekspresi emosi anak. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan quasy eksperiment dengan  subjeknya yaitu kelompok B1terdiri dari  10 anak dimana 6 anak laki-laki dan 4 perempuan, dan kelompok B2 terdiri dari10 anak dimana 7 anak laki-laki dan 3 perempuan.Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu  tes perbuatan, dengan alat pengumpulan  data menggunakan lembaran pernyataan, berikutnya dikelola menggunakan uji perbedaan (t-test) data. Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan  kelas ekspreimen dengan  metode bernyanyi  mendapatkan  nilai rata-rata lebih tinggi 88,75 dibandingkan dengan  yang berada di kelas kontrol 78,12   menggunakan  metode bermain peran. Terlihat  thitung > ttabel yaitu 2,41590 > 2.10092. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa metode bernyanyi mempengaruhi ekspresi emosi anak di Taman Kanak-Kanak Jabal Rahmah Padang tahun ajaran 2018/2019

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Bagus Galih Hantosa ◽  
Luh Made Karisma Sukmayanti Suarya

Galungan is Hindu religious holy day in celebrating the triumph of dharma over adharma. In Galungan preparation, the mothers, housewives and working mothers, are the one who in charge to prepare all banten that needed on Galungan. Preparing Galungan’s banten was not an easy task because skill, knowledge and time are needed to prepare all the banten, that why this activity had potential to make stress among housewives and working mothers. This study aimed to discover the difference Galungan preparation’s stress between Hindus housewives and working mothers in Denpasar   Sampling technique used in this research was simple random samplings that were 100 subjects consisting of 52 working and mothers and 48 housewives that lived in Denpasar area, that filled the scale of Galungan Preparation’s Stress that was made by stress aspect from pyshic, emotional, and concentration by Dr. Robert J. an Amberg, Cary Cooper, Alison Straw and Braham. From available 60 items, 55 items was declared dan 5 items fall with reliability value 0,974,. Method of analyzing data used in this research is the analysis of parametric t-test independet group. Results from test data analysis is that there is a significant value of p= 0.000 which indicates a significant stress difference between both group of Hindus housewives and working mothers, which was working mothers have more stress level than housewives when working on Galungan’s preparation.   Keywords : Galungan, Stress, Working Mothers, Housewives

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-173
Rohanah Rohanah ◽  
Suyatini Suyatini
T Test ◽  
P Value ◽  

Kualitas hidup lansia adalah kondisi fungsional lansia berada pada kondisi yang maksimal atau optimal sehingga memungkinkan lansia menikmati masa tuanya dengan penuh makna, bahagia dan berkualitas.  yang meliputi kesehatan fisik, psikologis, sosial dan lingkungan,Pemberdayaan keluarga yang dimaksud adalah pendidikan kesehatan dengan memberikan contoh, pengetahuan dan sikap agar keoluarga dapat mendukung lansia. .Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kualitas hidup lansia sebelum  dan sesudah pemberdayaan keluarga dan adakah pengaruh pemberdayaan keluarga terhadap kualitas hidup lansia. Hipotesis penelitian ini ada pengaruh pemberdayaan keluarga terhadap kualitas hidup lansia Design dan metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan Quusi Eksperimen pre-post test. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji dependen t test. Sampel diambil dengan total sampling yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi didapat 30 responden lansia .Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kelurahan Karangsari kota Tangerang bulan Oktober sampai Nopember 2017,Data penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan kuisioner baku WHOQOL.Hasil uji statistic menunjukan pre test dan post test dengan nilai p value 0.00 dapat disimpulkan ada perbedaan  yang signifikan kualitas hidup lansia sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan pemberdayaan keluarga, selain itu didapat  nilai correlation 0.735 artinya ada pengaruh yang cukup kuat proses pemberdayaan keluarga terhadap kualitas hidup lansia. Saran: kepada Puskesmas/Pelayanan Kesehatan hendaknya dapat mengadakan kegiatan pemberdayaan keluarga secara berkala untuk tetap mempertahankan kualitas hidup lansia

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-65
Yosa Atifah ◽  
Dyah Gandasari ◽  

Populasi kambing di Desa Sindangkasih pada tahun 2020 adalah 1135 ekor. Jumlah tersebut sangat potensial untuk ditingkatkan kembali dengan cara memanipulasi pakan. Salah satu teknik manipulasi pakan yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan pemberian tepung temulawak. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pemberian tepung temulawak terhadap pertambahan bobot badan ternak kambing dan menganalisis usaha penggemukan ternak kambing yang diberi tepung temulawak. Materi yang digunakan adalah kambing lokal dengan rataan bobot badan awal 20,5 kg. Metode penelitian menggunakan kaji terap 2 perlakuan yaitu P0=kontrol dan P1 = kontrol + tepung temulawak 12 gr/ekor + 40 ml air. Peubah yang diukur dalam kaji terap adalah pertambahan bobot badan harian (PBBH). Peubah analisis usaha yang dihitung diantaranya pendapatan, B/C ratio, R/C ratio, BEP harga, BEP Produksi dan Marginal Benefit Cost Ratio (MBCR). Data dianalisis menggunakan Independent t-test. Data analisis usaha dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil kaji terap yang dilakukan pada ternak kambing menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang nyata dengan pemberian tepung temulawak terhadap PBBH. Hasil analisis usaha pada kedua perlakuan menunjukkan untuk perlakuan P1 lebih menguntungkan peternak dengan pendapatan Rp 1.329.145. Nilai R/C ratio dan B/C ratio paling tinggi pada P1 dan nilai MBCR sebesar 23,132. Secara finansial pendapatan paling tinggi yaitu pada P1 dengan pemberian tepung temulawak 12 gr + 40 ml air, artinya pemberian tepung temulawak mampu memeningkatkan bobot badan kambing dan pendapatan peternak di Desa Sukaresik.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Hasbullah Hasbullah ◽  
Eva Yuni Rahmawati

<p>The aim of the study was to determine the effect of hypnoteaching learning <br />methods on students’ motivation in learning English at mathematics epartment. <br />Experiment was conducted on a sample of 90 students at mathematics department in UNINDRA PGRI. Data collection was performed by administering treatment hypnoteaching learning methods and by implementing pratest and post test students' learning motivation. Analysis of research data using unpaired t-test Data invitation SPSS Version 16. The finding suggest that there are significant effects of hypnoteaching methods on students’ motivation to learn English at mathematics department in UNINDRA PGRI. <br /> <br />Keywords: learning methods, hypnoteaching, motivation to learn, english.</p>

Dwi Cahyaningdyah ◽  
Dhany Kurniawan Putra

<span class="fontstyle0">The purpose of this research is to examine about the existence of a January Effect in the Indonesia stock exchange. Research samples used purposive sampling. Sample consists 30 companies based on sampling criteria. Analysis of data used one sample kolmogorov-smirnov to test data normality and to test hypotheses using one sample t-test. The result shows January Effect didn’t exist in Indonesia stock exchange in the period 2011- 2012. This can be seen that although the value of average return in January showed significant but the average return was not the highest, the highest average return was occurred on June.</span>

Af'idah Af'idah ◽  
Miftahuddin Miftahuddin ◽  
Taufiqur Rohman

This research is motivated by the unavailability of teaching materials module for students. This research is a research and development, which the aims to produce a product of teaching materials such as Literacy Al-Qur'an Module effectively and efficiently. The subjects of this study were 23 fifth grade students of SD Rogomulyo 02 Kaliwungu District and accompanied by two validation experts. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and test (Pretest and Posttest). The method for developing of literacy Al-Qur'an module uses Research and development steps developed by Borg and Gall. This steps are consist of 1) preliminary research, 2) product design, 3) validation, 4) product application, and 5) analysis.The results of this study indicate that, literacy al-Qur'an modules compiled by researchers, can improve learning achievement from the averages value of students above the KKM (Minimum completeness criteria). The conclusion is based on the processing of pre-test data of 64.52 and post-test of 77.86 using Paired Samples T-Test data resulting in an average correlation data of 0.806 and a significance value of 0,000. The results of the calculation of Paired Samples T-Test found the value of Sig. (2 tailed) is 0,000 ˂ 0.05, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Thus it can be concluded that there is an influence on using of literacy al-Qur'an module for students, it's proven any differences in the average between pre-test and post-test results of students or have comply the KKM (Minimum completeness criteria) in schools.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Dian Jayantari Putri K Hedo ◽  
Hilda Sudhana

Aim of this research is to know about difference of aggression in young children that get fairytales reading and in young children that don’t get fairytales reading before sleep from their mother. Aggression has been a problem many people talk about, especially about its cause, or its intervention. Every people has aggression, including young children. People believe that young children’s aggression isn’t dangerous, so they only focus doing interventions in adult or adolescence aggression and disregard interventions in childhood aggression. Actually, it’s better to do intervention in young children, for it prevents long term negative impact of aggression. One of the interventions in controlling aggression is read fairytales to children. Fairytales give children good impacts that related to the aggression’s causes. Fairytales-reading is familiar thing in Indonesian culture. According to that, researcher formulates a research’s problem, that is, is there difference of aggression in young children that get fairytales reading and in young children that don’t get fairytales reading before sleep from their mother. Research’s subjects are 92 mothers of young children from kindergartens in Denpasar. Research’s method is comparation research. Data are collected by questionnaire (aggression scale and fairytale reading’s categorization). Validity test of aggression scale find 6 invalid items and 68 valid items from 74 items, with reliability coefficient’s score is 0,989. Data are analyzed with independent sample t-test. Data analysis’s result shows that data are normal and homogen. Score of significant in t-test is 0,000 (p=0,05). It means that research’s hypothesis who state there is difference of aggression in young children that get fairytales reading and in young children that don’t get fairytales reading before sleep from their mother, is accepted. Categorization of aggression’s score shows that children who receive fairytales reading have lower score than children who don’t receive fairytales reading. Keywords: aggression, fairytales, early childhood, mother

M. Widnyana ◽  
Luh Made Indah Sri Handari Adiputra ◽  
Wahyuddin ◽  
Bagus Komang Satriyasa ◽  
I Made Muliarta ◽  

Pendahuluan: Nyeri punggung bawah (NPB) miogenik adalah perasaan tidak nyaman di daerah punggung bawah yang disebabkan oleh faktor otot itu sendiri atau faktor patologis lainnya yang menyebabkan terjadinya disabilitas. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui lumbopelvic stabilization exercise lebih menurunkan disabilitas dibandingkan dengan William’s flexion exercise pada pasien NPB miogenik. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental dengan rancangan pre dan post test group design. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien yang mengeluh NPB miogenik sebanyak 28 orang yang berumur 30-55 tahun. Subjek terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok, dimana Kelompok 1 (n = 14) diberikan intervensi lumbopelvic stabilization exercise sedangkan Kelompok 2 (n = 14) diberikan intervensi William’s flexion exercise. Diberikan perlakuan 3 kali seminggu selama 4 minggu. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan consecutive sampling. Level disabilitas diukur dengan modified oswestry disability index. Hasil: Uji Paired Sample T-test data disabilitas pada Kelompok 1 dan Kelompok 2 didapatkan hasil 17,00+7,20 dan 24,29+9,58 dengan nilai p=0,000 yang menunjukkan pada kedua kelompok terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna. Uji Independent Samples Test Kelompok 1 dan Kelompok 2 menunjukkan hasil p=0,031 yang berarti bahwa ada perbedaan bermakna pada penurunan disabilitas. Simpulan: lumbopelvic stabilization exercise lebih menurunkan disabilitas dibandingkan dengan William’s flexion exercise pada pasien NPB miogenik.Kata Kunci: Nyeri punggung bawah miogenik, Lumbopelvic stabilization exercise, William’s flexion exercise

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-150
Perabu Nita ◽  

This study aims to determine the effect of push-ups with feet on a bench on top service ability in volleyball games for class X IPS students at SMA Negeri 3 Palembang. This research is an experimental research with one group pretest-posttest design. The sample in this study amounted to 25 students, the data were processed using statistical formulas in the form of calculating the average, standard deviation, and two-mean test. The analysis in this study used the t-test formula at a significant level of 5%. The results obtained were that there was an effect of push-up training with legs on the bench on the upper service ability in volleyball games in class X IPS at SMA Negeri 3 Palembang, p. This can be proven based on the t test data analysis, the results obtained tcount = 2.495> ttable = 1.71. Therefore, according to the predetermined hypothesis testing criteria, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected because there is a significant effect of the push up exercise with the legs above. bench against the Ability of Top Service in Volleyball Games for Class X IPS Students at SMA Negeri 3 Palembang

Intan Rahayu ◽  
Farida Mayar

This research originated from the fact that was found in Aisyiyah 29 Tanjung Aur Kindergarten, Padang, that children's creativity ability is not well developed, because the media is less varied. The aim of the researchers was to raise this title to find out whether clay influences the creativity of early childhood in Aisyiyah 29 Kindergarten Tanjung Aur Padang. Children's creativity can be developed through clay media. After going through the process and stages of clay can be used by children so that it is safe and harmless when forming activities with clay. The research method used is a quantitative method with experimental quasy types. Tests in the form of 4 items are used as data collection techniques, then processed using the t-test. The results of the post-test data analysis of the experimental class scored an average of 80 using clay activities and the control class gained an average of 71.67 using paper pulp.  

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