scholarly journals Estimation maximum sustainable of skipjack fish in the waters of Ternate Island

Al Hasim Taher ◽  
Umar Tangke ◽  
Djabaluddin Namsa

This study aims to determine the productivity of skipjack fish in the waters of Ternate Island. Optimum efforts that produce maximum catch and still maintain stock biomass in equilibrium conditions. Fishing activities are activities carried out to get several catches, to meet demand as a source of food. The demand causes an economic cycle where profits and losses will occur so that fishing activities will be carried out by increasing fish production to achieve maximum profits by fishing businesses. Production and effort data obtained from the Ternate Archipelago Fisheries Port (PPN) and related agencies in the past 5 years (2012-2016) experienced fluctuations. Catches per unit of capture effort (CPUE), reflecting the comparison between the catch and the effort spent. The catch in principle is the output of the fishing activity, while the effort that is needed in principle is input from the fishing activity. CPUE calculations must be standardized for fishing gear first because based on production data there is more than one fishing gear commonly used to catch skipjack fish. It can be seen that in 2013 and 2014 the level of utilization of skipjack fish resources was in the optimal utilization category because the range of skipjack fish production was between 74% to 82%, whereas in 2012 and 2016 the use of skipjack fish in a year was 65% smaller so it was categorized underexploited and in 2015 the level of utilization of skipjack fish resources has experienced overfishing because it has passed the maximum limit that has been set which is 4,252,461.31 tons/year.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-134
Frederik W Ayal ◽  
James Abrahamsz ◽  
Reinhardus Pentury

Destructive fishing activities are fishing activities using materials, tools or means that damage fish resources and their environment, such as using explosives, toxic materials, strum, and other fishing gear that are not environmentally friendly (Marine and Fisheries Ministerial Decree Number 114, 2019). This activity still occurs in Maluku waters, including in Sawai Bay. The study aims to identify destructive forms of fishing in the waters of Sawai Bay and provide control recommendations to reduce the destructive fishing activity. The study was conducted in January-June 2020 in Sawai Bay. Data collection uses the purposive interview method, while the data is analyzed descriptively. The results showed that in the waters of Sawai Bay, three destructive fishing activities were identified, namely fishing using bombs/explosives, fishing using toxic materials and coral mining activities. Four control strategies are recommended as an effort to reduce destructive fishing activity in the waters of Sawai Bay in the future.   ABSTRAK Aktivitas perikanan merusak atau Destructive Fishing adalah kegiatan penangkapan ikan dengan menggunakan bahan, alat atau cara yang merusak sumberdaya ikan maupun lingkungannya, seperti menggunakan bahan peledak, bahan beracun, strum, dan alat tangkap lainnya yang tidak ramah lingkungan (KepMen KP Nomor 114, 2019). Aktivitas ini masih terjadi pada perairan Maluku, termasuk di Teluk Sawai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk-bentuk penangkapan ikan yang merusak pada perairan Teluk Sawai serta memberikan rekomendasi pengendalian untuk mereduksi aktivitas perikana. Yang merusak. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Januari-Juni 2020 di Teluk Sawai. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode purposive interview, sedangkan data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada perairan Teluk Sawai, teridentifikasi tiga aktivitas perikanan merusak yaitu penangkapan ikan menggunakan bom/bahan peledak, penangkapan ikan menggunakan bahan beracun dan aktivitas penambangan karang. Empat strategi pengendalian direkomendasikan sebagai upaya mereduksi aktivitas perikanan merusak di perairan Teluk Sawai ke depannya.  Kata Kunci: perikanan merusak, penangkapan ikan, ikan karang, strategi pengendalian, Teluk Sawai  

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Eko Prianto ◽  
Siswanta Kaban ◽  
Solekha Aprianti ◽  
Romie Jhonnerie

Perairan estuaria Sungai Musi merupakan daerah penangkapan ikan yang potensial di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan, sehingga di wilayah ini terjadi aktifitas penangkapan yang cukup padat. Akibatnya terjadi tekanan yang cukup besar terhadap sumberdaya ikan di kawasan ini. Fungsi ekologi estuaria sebagai spawning ground dan nursery ground mulai mengalami gangguan akibat intensitas penangkapan yang besar. Beberapa alat tangkap ikan yang tidak selektif beroperasi dalam jumlah banyak sehingga menyebabkan penurunan terhadap stok ikan. Akibatnya konflik pemanfaatan ruang sering terjadi antar sesama nelayan atau pengguna lainnya. Seperti konflik jaring trawl dengan gillnet dan pancing rawai dan konflik nelayan tuguk dengan pengemudi kapal. Untuk menyelesaikan konflik di atas dan menjaga kelestarian sumberdaya ikan di estuaria Sungai Musi, beberapa langkah pengendalian yang direkomendasikan adalah melakukan pengaturan penangkapan ikan, melakukan sosialisasi peraturan perikanan kepada masyarakat, meningkatkan kapasitas kelembagaan pengelolaan perikanan, pelarangan penggunaan alat tangkap tertentu, dan memberikan bantuan modal usaha kepada nelayan.Estuary of Musi River is a potential fishing areas in South Sumatra Province, so that in this region occur fairly heavy fishing activity. The consequence is a large pressure on fish resources of this region. The ecological functions of estuaries as nursery ground and spawning ground, begin to experience problems due to the large fishing intensity. Some fishing gear that does not selectively operate in large quantities resulted in a decline of fish stocks. As the result spatial use conflicts often occur between fishermen or other user, as examples is the conflict between trawl fishing with gill nets and longline operator and the operator of driver tuguk ship. To resolve the above conflict and preserve the fish resources in the estuary of the River Musi, a few recomendation that must be addressed several step must doing fisheries regulations to disseminate to the public, enhance institutional capacity for fisheries management, ban the use of certain fishing gear and provide venture capital assistance to fishermen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 8-18
Suci Masliawati ◽  
Fikarwin Zuska

ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe the exploitation of cerbung fish and its socio-economic consequences as a driver of the economy of the residents of Perlis Village, West Brandan District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. The method used to obtain data and information in this research is live-in with residents, while carrying out observations and interviews with informants in each stage of the cerbung fish production process as well as key informants. The results of the study show that the exploitation of cerbung fish has created a productive work cycle of ‘money printing' for many people so that this business can act as the economic locomotive of Perlis Village. Those involved as agents in this business are fishermen or fish catchers (men), women splitting and drying fish, boat and yard washers (fishing gear), ducklings, fish shovelers, canoe miners, and owners shop.   ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengusahaan ikan cerbung dan akibat sosial-ekonominya sebagai penggerak perekonomian penduduk Desa Perlis, Kecamatan Brandan Barat, Kabupaten Langkat Sumatera Utara. Metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi dalam penelitian ini adalah tinggal-bersama warga (live-in), sembari melaksanakan pengamatan (observation) dan wawancara (interview) dengan informan-pelaku di masing-masing tahap proses produksi ikan cerbung dan juga informan kunci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengusahaan ikan cerbung telah menimbulkan siklus kerja produktif ‘pencetak uang’ untuk banyak orang sehingga bisnis ini bisa berperan sebagai lokomotif ekonomi Desa Perlis. Mereka yang terlibat sebagai pelaku (agent) dalam usaha ini ialah nelayan atau penangkap ikan (laki-laki), perempuan pembelah dan penjemur ikan, tukang cuci boat dan pekarangan (alat tangkap), anak itik, tukang sorong ikan, penambang sampan, dan pemilik kedai.

2020 ◽  
Md. Fazlul Awal Mollah

Abstract Bangladesh is rich in freshwater fish resources, with 260 indigenous and 13 exotic species. However, fish production from natural resources has declined due to overexploitation and lack of proper management over the last few decades. As a result, many species, including catfish that were once abundantly available, are facing the threat of extinction. Catfish in Bangladesh have potential for aquaculture. There are some 46 species of catfish in Bangladesh but non-availability of stockable-size fry has been identified as a major constraint towards their farming. However, seven species of catfish have been successfully induced to breed to propagate their seed under artificial conditions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Selvi Oktaviyani ◽  
Mennofatria Boer ◽  
Yonvitner Yonvitner

<p>Ikan kurisi (<em>Nemipterus japonicus</em>) merupakan salah satu sumber daya ikan ekonomis penting di Perairan Teluk Banten dan banyak didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Karangantu, Banten. Intensitas penangkapan yang tinggi akan menyebabkan tangkap lebih (<em>overfishing</em>), sehingga mengancam kelestarian ikan kurisi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beberapa aspek biologi ikan kurisi di Perairan Teluk Banten, seperti struktur ukuran panjang, rasio kelamin, hubungan panjang berat, tingkat kematangan gonad, ukuran panjang rata-rata tertangkap (Lc) dan ukuran pertama kali matang gonad (Lm). Informasi yang diperoleh dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam kegiatan pengelolaan perikanan. Lokasi pengambilan contoh dilakukan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Karangantu, Banten dari bulan Mei hingga Agustus 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran panjang total ikan kurisi<em> </em>berkisar antara 98 dan 211 mm. Perbandingan kelamin jantan dan betina dalam keadaan seimbang dan memiliki pola pertumbuhan allometrik negatif yang menunjukkan pertumbuhan panjang lebih cepat dibandingkan pertumbuhan beratnya. Lebih dari 50% ikan-ikan yang diamati baik jantan maupun betina selama bulan pengamatan belum matang gonad (<em>immature</em>).  Ukuran pertama kali matang gonad adalah 196 mm sedangkan ukuran panjang rata-rata tertangkap adalah 146 mm. Banyaknya ikan yang tertangkap dalam ukuran kecil (kurang dari panjang pertama kali matang gonad) akan mengganggu kelestarian ikan kurisi.</p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>Japanese threadfin bream </em>(Nemipterus japonicus<span style="text-decoration: underline;">)</span><em> is one of the most important economical fish resources in the Gulf of Banten and many landed at Archipelago Fishing Port (PPN) of Karangantu. High intensity of fishing activity can cause an overfihing, and threat sustainability of japanese threadfin bream. The research was aimed to determine some biological aspects of japanese threadfin bream in the Gulf of Banten, such as structure of the length, sex ratio, length-weight relationship, gonad maturity stage, the average length of captured (Lc) and the length of first maturity (Lm). It is believed that the collected information can be taken into consideration in the fisheries management activities. The sample was collected at PPN Karangantu, Banten from May to August 2012. The result showed that the length of </em><em>this fish </em><em>ranged between 98 and 211 mm. Ratio of male and female is balance and have negative allometric growth pattern show that the length of growth is more faster than the weight of growth. More than 50% of fish sample both males and females were immature gonads. During observation, length of  first maturity was 196 mm and the average length of captured was 146 mm. </em><em>Many fishes caught was smaller than Lm, It will interfere the sustainability of japanese threadfin bream.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 869 (1) ◽  
pp. 012022
L Lukman ◽  
T Triyanto ◽  
G S Haryani ◽  
O Samir ◽  
L Gogali ◽  

Abstract Poso in Sulawesi, primarily the Lake Poso and Poso River, is known as eel (Anguilla spp.) fishing areas. Therefore, research of eel fishing is required as base information for evaluating and determining policies for its activities. The eel fishing research in the Poso area was conducted through primary data observations, secondary data traces, and interviews from April to June 2021. The fishing activities take place in the Lake Poso and Poso River shore and the rivers of the lake inlets. The fishing gear that contributed greatly to the catch was fence traps and spears. The local community’s fence trap called waya is a unique gear only found in this area, and it is installed in Poso River around the lake outlets. The gears block the rivers to catch downstream migration eels. The spear is fishing gear (including for eels) operated at night in shallow waters, especially in the outlets of Lake Poso. The eel production recorded from the Poso areas for the last four years has been 6.7–15.5 tons per year, and the highest production was in Pamona Puselemba.

Gulraiz Ahmed ◽  
Nektaria Koursari ◽  
Anna Trybala ◽  
Victor M. Starov

Wetting of deformable substrates has gained significant interest over the past decade due to its extensive applications and uses. This interest has developed due to technological advances which are able to capture interfacial behavior taking place when a liquid droplet is placed on a deformable substrate. Researchers have developed different theories to explain processes taking place in the process of wetting of deformable/soft substrates. For the scope of this review, we will consider the fluid to be Newtonian, partially wetting, and surface forces are incorporated with the help of disjoining/conjoining pressure acting in the vicinity of the apparent, three-phase contact line. The following subjects are briefly reviewed: (i) Equilibrium of droplets on soft substrates. It is shown that properties of the disjoining/conjoining pressure isotherm and properties of the deformable substrate determine both the shape of the liquid droplet and deformation of the substrate; (ii) Equilibrium conditions of droplets on deformable substrates. It is shown that for a droplet to be at equilibrium on a deformable substrate under consideration, Jacobi’s sufficient condition is satisfied; (iii) Hysteresis of contact angle of sessile droplets on deformable substrates. It is shown that as the elasticity of the deformable substrate is increased, both advancing and receding contact angles are reduced.

Hawati Hawati ◽  
Angkasa Putra

The utilization of fish resources by fishermen in the waters of Bone Bay uses different fishing gear and patterns as well as different utilization and management policies. This can affect the sustainability of existing fish resources, one of which is in the Bone Regency area. This study aims to analyze the technical aspects of purse seine and fishing gear used by fishermen in the waters of Bone Bay, especially in Bone Regency. Furthermore, the technical aspects of the vessel and fishing gear as a result of the calculation are compared with the provisions stipulated in the PERMEN-KP Number 71 of 2016 to determine the zone of the fishing area. This research was conducted in Panyula Village, which is the fishing base area of purse seine fishermen and the waters of Teluk Bone, starting from November 2016 to March 2017. This research uses a combination of survey methods and case studies. The type of data used consists of primary data and secondary data. Based on the technical aspects of purse seine vessels, ring trawl fishing gear and FAD fishing tools, purse seine units should be operated on Fishing Route II and Fishing Route III in accordance with Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation Number 71 of 2016.

Jeti Pulu ◽  
Mulyono S. Baskoro ◽  
Daniel R. Monintja ◽  
Budhi H. Iskandar ◽  
Akhmad Fauzi

The research is aimed to reveal opportunity development of the capture fisheries in Talaud Islands Regency by using bionomy approach with Gordon-Schaefer model (Fauzy, 2005) con-cerning the dominant of illegal fishing activities around the area. The research was started by co-llected some secondary data on fish production and number of fishing units. Primary data were collected on catch composition and types of fishing gear. Gordon-Schaefer methods was applied to evaluate the tuna and skipjack resources in the area. The troll and pole and line are indicated as the dominant fishing gears used to catch the skipjack and tuna. In case of open access condition, the production will end up to 25,09 tons, while the resource rent will be end up to zero. For the development, simulations were exercised in 3 scenarios: 1) scenario of enhancing domestic fleet, 2) scenario of illegal fishing, and 3) scenario of net surplus. With those scenarios, if the illegal fishing could be eliminated, the capture fisheries in this regency could render economic value to 10 billion rupiah.

1970 ◽  
Vol 30 (1-8) ◽  
pp. 69-165
Homer Buck ◽  
Charles F. Thoits

This report is based on several years of intensive studies of the production and related population dynamics of six kinds of warmwater fishes maintained as single species in 1-acre ponds. Species involved included the largemouth bass, Micropteriis salmoides (Lacepede); smallmouth bass, M. dolomieiii Lacepede; bluegill, Lepomis macrochiriis Rafinesque; yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill); brown bullhead, Ictahiriis uebulosus (LeSueur); and the white crappie, Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque. Most production data published for these species have originated primarily from studies involving complex, multispecies populations. The principal aims of this investigation were to 1 ) increase our knowledge of the carrying capacities of ponds for warmwater fishes, 2) consider the relationship of carrying capacity to standing crop and to rate of production, and 3) measure the influence of controlled population increases and decreases on fish production.

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