Circle Fish: Social-economic Locomotive of Perlis Village

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 8-18
Suci Masliawati ◽  
Fikarwin Zuska

ABSTRACT: This study aims to describe the exploitation of cerbung fish and its socio-economic consequences as a driver of the economy of the residents of Perlis Village, West Brandan District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra. The method used to obtain data and information in this research is live-in with residents, while carrying out observations and interviews with informants in each stage of the cerbung fish production process as well as key informants. The results of the study show that the exploitation of cerbung fish has created a productive work cycle of ‘money printing' for many people so that this business can act as the economic locomotive of Perlis Village. Those involved as agents in this business are fishermen or fish catchers (men), women splitting and drying fish, boat and yard washers (fishing gear), ducklings, fish shovelers, canoe miners, and owners shop.   ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengusahaan ikan cerbung dan akibat sosial-ekonominya sebagai penggerak perekonomian penduduk Desa Perlis, Kecamatan Brandan Barat, Kabupaten Langkat Sumatera Utara. Metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi dalam penelitian ini adalah tinggal-bersama warga (live-in), sembari melaksanakan pengamatan (observation) dan wawancara (interview) dengan informan-pelaku di masing-masing tahap proses produksi ikan cerbung dan juga informan kunci. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengusahaan ikan cerbung telah menimbulkan siklus kerja produktif ‘pencetak uang’ untuk banyak orang sehingga bisnis ini bisa berperan sebagai lokomotif ekonomi Desa Perlis. Mereka yang terlibat sebagai pelaku (agent) dalam usaha ini ialah nelayan atau penangkap ikan (laki-laki), perempuan pembelah dan penjemur ikan, tukang cuci boat dan pekarangan (alat tangkap), anak itik, tukang sorong ikan, penambang sampan, dan pemilik kedai.

Jeti Pulu ◽  
Mulyono S. Baskoro ◽  
Daniel R. Monintja ◽  
Budhi H. Iskandar ◽  
Akhmad Fauzi

The research is aimed to reveal opportunity development of the capture fisheries in Talaud Islands Regency by using bionomy approach with Gordon-Schaefer model (Fauzy, 2005) con-cerning the dominant of illegal fishing activities around the area. The research was started by co-llected some secondary data on fish production and number of fishing units. Primary data were collected on catch composition and types of fishing gear. Gordon-Schaefer methods was applied to evaluate the tuna and skipjack resources in the area. The troll and pole and line are indicated as the dominant fishing gears used to catch the skipjack and tuna. In case of open access condition, the production will end up to 25,09 tons, while the resource rent will be end up to zero. For the development, simulations were exercised in 3 scenarios: 1) scenario of enhancing domestic fleet, 2) scenario of illegal fishing, and 3) scenario of net surplus. With those scenarios, if the illegal fishing could be eliminated, the capture fisheries in this regency could render economic value to 10 billion rupiah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 912 (1) ◽  
pp. 012040
Desrita ◽  
R Rambey ◽  
B D Aritonang ◽  
R Leidonald ◽  
Z A Harahap

Abstract South Labuhanbatu Regency has quite large water resources with the Barumun River which crosses Pasir Tuntung Village, Asamjawa Village, Kotapinang Village and Sisumut Village. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the income of fishermen in Asamjawa Village, South Labuhanbatu Regency. This research method is a descriptive method with a questionnaire tool and the data obtained were analyzed using SPSS software. The variables observed were fisherman’s income, fisherman’s education, length of time working as a fisherman, area of fishing location, daily working time, number of fishing gear and number of fisherman catches. The linear regression model of fishermen’s income in Asamjawa Village was obtained as follows: Y = -19.344,10 + 392.699,10 X1 - 5.024,53 X2 + 73.255,48 X3 + 16.349,29 X4 + 135.819,41 X5 + 12.465,72 X6. The regression analysis results obtained three variables that significantly affect the income of fishermen in Asamjawa Village, Torgamba District, South Labuhanbatu Regency. Where the variables that have a significant effect are the education variable, the number of catches, and daily working time.

2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-16
Mercedes A. Jiménez Velázquez ◽  
María Janet Fuentes Castillo ◽  
Tomas Martínez Saldaña

Amate paper is the results of artisan family labor in San Pablito, in the Otomi indigenous community, Pahuatlán, Mexico. It is a product of pre-Columbian origin, and its production continues today through the transmission of their culture in local families. Its manufacture requires bark fibers from jonote trees. The promotion of tourism transformed artisanal crafts into merchandise and increased demand. As well, it promoted problems with environmental contamination and a high dependence on business intermediaries. In analyzing such production, indicators of sustainability were considered to be social, economic, and environmental. Results show that the primary income generating activity in the community is making amate paper, which preserves continuity in the transmission of ancestral artisanal knowledge. Yet, sustainability of production is low due to excessive use of natural resources, the use of chemicals in the production process, and poor community organization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-129
Ratu Sari Mardiah ◽  
Sri Yenica Roza ◽  
Edy Miswar

Data collection system in Fish Landing Base of Dumai was traditionally. Data written manually using books and collected by agents. This fact illustrates the weakness of the catch data collection system that occours. The effect is low data accuracy and requires a longer time in reporting. Data collection system based on technology will facilitate the process and important to do. The purpose of this study was to design a data collection system for fish catches landed at Fish Landing Base of Dumai. The research was conducted in February-June 2020 in Dumai city. The method used observation, interviews and literature review. Data analysis is used the process of analyzing data, literature review, analysis of existing systems, analysis of new systems and system design using data flow diagrams (DFD), entity relationship diagrams (ERD) and HIPO. System design starts from input, output and database design. The data design inputted is fishermen data, fishing gear, fish production and price of day, fish distribution, customer data and data employees. The output data are reports of user data, fishing gear specifications, fish production and fish distribution. The database is structured and presented using a flow chart. A technology-based of catch data collection system designed to improve the efficiency of the presentation of the reports needed for agencies.Keywords:Fish LandingDFDReportAgencies

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-25
Handayani ◽  
Dwi Ernaningsih

The aim of this research is to know the response of fisherman of arad nets towards the enactment of Regulation of Minister of Marine and Fishery Number 71 / PERMEN-KP / 2016, to analyze social, economic, and fishery resources impacts of Fishery Minister's Regulation No. 71 / PERMEN-KP / 2016 for fisherman nets Arad. This study used census method by conducting direct interviews to respondents using arad fishery fishing equipment which is represented by 30 arad fishermen respondents in Jakarta Bay waters (population). The results of this study for respondents who do not agree with the implementation of Candidate KP No. 71 Year 2016 argued that the arad web does not damage the aquatic ecosystem of the Bay of Jakarta, does not have the expertise to operate other fishing equipment other than arad nets, the absence of capital to replace the arad fishing gear, while for the respondents who agree with the enactment of Candidate KP. 71 of 2016 argued that the arad web was damaging the waters ecosystem of the Jakarta Bay so they were willing to switch to using environmentally friendly fishing gear. Social impact for fishermen of arad nets due to the enactment of Candidate of KP. 71 Year 2016 is the potential of social friction with other fishing gear. Impact is economy, fisherman's income arad net that will decrease drastically. The impact of the enactment of Candidate KP No. 71 Year 2016 to the fish resources there is a decrease in catches landed by fishermen nets arad so that fish resources can renew themselves, in addition to the aquatic ecosystem can improve themselves in order to create a well maintained ecosystem of fisheries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-164
B. Bivolarski

This article presents the dynamics of ground and canopy forest fires outbreaks on the territory of Stara Zagora region in the period of 1990-2016. We have also made a detailed analysis of the fires with the causes for their occurrence, the burnt area, damages, the number of firefighters and equipment used to extinguish fires by the Regional Directorate of Forestry – Stara Zagora in 2016. It was found that the total number of fires during the studied period was 821, as the largest number was registered in 2001 (115 fires), and the lowest – in 2014 (3 fires). There were three times more ground fires than canopy fires for the whole period of study. The total burnt area was 204 710 decares. This indicator reached its peak in 2007 (52 310 decares), and its lowest point in 2014 (7 decares). The damages inflicted by forest fires on the Regional Directorate of Forestry –Stara Zagora in 2016 amounted to 434 116 BGN. In the same year, the firefighters involved were 449 state forestry employees, 347 fire safety employees, 30 military servants and 154 volunteers. The number of equipment used was: 156 from the state forestries, 109 from the fire safety services, 6 heavy vehicles and 128 mobile devices. In conclusion, in the past 15 years, Bulgaria, and Stara Zagora in particular, have become a high risk territory for forest fire outbreaks, which requires an entirely new level of firefighting practices.

2017 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-188 ◽  
Tom Hendriks ◽  
Tobi Graafsma ◽  
Aabidien Hassankhan ◽  
Ernst Bohlmeijer ◽  
Joop de Jong

Background: Resilience can be described as the capacity to deal with adversity and traumatic events. The current economic situation in Suriname and its social economic consequences may demand a great amount of resilience for people living in Suriname. In this explorative study, we examined the relation between strengths and resilience among the three major ethnic groups in Suriname. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 participants. We sought to gather viewpoints from community representatives, health care professionals and academic scholars about the personal resources used by people in Suriname to help them deal with the consequences of the current socio-economic crisis. Results: We identified major five strengths that were associated with resilience: religiousness, hope, harmony, acceptance and perseverance. While these strengths contribute to the development of resilience, they can under certain circumstances have an ambiguous influence. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that religiousness is the bedrock strength for the development of resilience in Suriname. We recommend that future positive psychological interventions in non-Western countries integrate positive activities with religious elements into program interventions to achieve a better cultural fit.

2007 ◽  
Vol 1047 ◽  
Niklas Schulze

AbstractThe 3389 copper (alloy) bells from offerings included in successive building phases of Late Postclassic Templo Mayor (A.D. 1325 – 1520) of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) are the results of production processes influenced by social, economic, ideological and technological factors. The compositional and morphological variability of the bells in the earlier construction phases of the Templo Mayor suggests the presence of several workshops in or around Tenochtitlan, while the reduction of this spectrum on one bell type made of copper-tin bronze, points towards a standardization of the production process and a decrease in the number of workshops that supplied the Templo Mayor in later phases. The compositional and morphological information, as well as contextual analysis and comparison with other Mexican bells, give insights into the bells' symbolism, the mechanisms used to supply the Templo Mayor with offerings, the organization of metalwork and the rationale behind some of the technological choices of the artisans. The detected changes through time seem to point to important shifts in the social, technological, economic and ideological influences on the choices of the artisans in the latter half of Aztec rule.

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