Pengaruh Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian terhadap Kondisi Ekonomi Rumah Tangga

Dian Artha Pasaribu ◽  
Ivanovich Agusta

Pertumbuhan industri menyebabkan pergeseran status wilayah dari agraris menjadi semi industri. Tenaga kerja luar daerah industri semakin meningkat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang didukung dengan data kualitatif. Metode pengolahan data menggunakan analisis uji regresi linear berganda untuk data rasio dan regresi logistik berganda untuk data nomial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh alih fungsi lahan pertanian terhadap kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga petani dan pemilik rumah sewa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa alih fungsi lahan pertanian tidak berpengaruh signifikan pada kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga petani. Sedangkan berpengaruh siginifikan pada kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga pemilik rumah sewa. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah petani dan pemilik rumah sewa diharapkan dapat mencari pekerjaan lain untuk meningkatkan kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga dan pemerintah membuat suatu kebijakan bagi industri-industri terkait pengolahan limbah industri yang ramah lingkungan.Kata kunci: alih fungsi lahan, industri, kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga, petani, rumah sewa=====ABSTRACTIndustrial growth led to a shift in the status of the region from agrarian to semi-industrial. The workers outside industrial areas of labor increases. These studies use quantitative methods that are supported by qualitative data. Method of processing data using analysis of multiple linear regression test for quantitative data and multiple logistic regression to the qualitative data. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of agricultural land conversion to household economic conditions of farmers and owner rental house. The results of this research show that agricultural land conversion has no significant effect on the economic conditions of farmer households. Whereas the household economic condition has a significant effect on the owner rental house. Suggestions from the research are farmers and owner rental house expected to be able to find other jobs to improve the economic conditions of households and government made policy for industry-related industrial waste processing industries that are environmentally friendly.Keyword: farmers, household economic condition, industry, land conversion, rental house

Dian Artha Pasaribu ◽  
Ivanovich Agusta

Pertumbuhan industri menyebabkan pergeseran status wilayah dari agraris menjadi semi industri. Tenaga kerja luar daerah industri semakin meningkat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang didukung dengan data kualitatif. Metode pengolahan data menggunakan analisis uji regresi linear berganda untuk data rasio dan regresi logistik berganda untuk data nomial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh alih fungsi lahan pertanian terhadap kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga petani dan pemilik rumah sewa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa alih fungsi lahan pertanian tidak berpengaruh signifikan pada kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga petani. Sedangkan berpengaruh siginifikan pada kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga pemilik rumah sewa. Saran dari penelitian ini adalah petani dan pemilik rumah sewa diharapkan dapat mencari pekerjaan lain untuk meningkatkan kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga dan pemerintah membuat suatu kebijakan bagi industri-industri terkait pengolahan limbah industri yang ramah lingkungan.Kata kunci: alih fungsi lahan, industri, kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga, petani, rumah sewa=====ABSTRACTIndustrial growth led to a shift in the status of the region from agrarian to semi-industrial. The workers outside industrial areas of labor increases. These studies use quantitative methods that are supported by qualitative data. Method of processing data using analysis of multiple linear regression test for quantitative data and multiple logistic regression to the qualitative data. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of agricultural land conversion to household economic conditions of farmers and owner rental house. The results of this research show that agricultural land conversion has no significant effect on the economic conditions of farmer households. Whereas the household economic condition has a significant effect on the owner rental house. Suggestions from the research are farmers and owner rental house expected to be able to find other jobs to improve the economic conditions of households and government made policy for industry-related industrial waste processing industries that are environmentally friendly.Keyword: farmers, household economic condition, industry, land conversion, rental house

Tisha Alya Arifiani ◽  
Sofyan Sjaf

ABSTRACTGovernment effort for increasing and leveling rural development done by village funds allocation as mandated by UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 about also by Goverment Regulation (PP) No. 60 Tahun 2014 about village funds that sourced from APBN. Referred to village funds purpose which is for increasing community welfare so for the management community should involve. The purpose from this research is analyzing how’s the community’s attitude and participation towards village funds management and to analyze how’s the level of inequality distribution of development results. The methods that being used in this research is quantitative methods supported with qualitative data and using analysis of multiple linear regression test. The results of this research shown if community’s attitude who joined village discussion tend positively and the participation level is high, while the community’s attitude who wasn’t join the village discussion tend negatively and the participation level is low. The community’s responses is affecting the transparency level and accountability of village funds management.Key words: community’s responses, village development, village funds-----------------------ABSTRAKUpaya pemerintah untuk meningkatkan dan memeratakan pembangunan desa dilakukan melalui pengalokasian dana desa sebagaimana amanat UU No.6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa serta Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 60 Tahun 2014 tentang Dana Desa yang bersumber dari APBN. Merujuk tujuan dari dana desa yaitu untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat maka pengelolaannya harus melibatkan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana sikap dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan dana desa serta untuk menganalisis bagaimana tingkat ketimpangan pendistribusian hasil pembangunan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif yang didukung data kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis uji regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sikap masyarakat yang mengikuti musyawarah desa cenderung positif dan tingkat partisipasinya tinggi, sedangkan masyarakat yang tidak mengikuti musyawarah cenderung memiliki sikap yang negatif dan tingkat partisipasi yang rendah. Respon masyarakat tersebut mempengaruhi tingkat transparansi dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan dana desa.Kata kunci: dana desa, pembangunan pedesaan, respon masyarakat

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 15 ◽  
Rika Harini ◽  
Rina Dwi Ariani ◽  
Supriyati Supriyati ◽  
M Chrisna Satriagasa

The increasing population in North Kalimantan will affect the provision of land. Agricultural land conversion cannot be avoided to meet the social and economic needs of the population. To find out land conversion and its impacts in North Kalimantan, a study of a) changes in agricultural land area, b) changes in rice production and c) the effect of changes in agricultural land area on North Kalimantan rice production. Quantitative methods of secondary data analysis were carried out to assess rice production and changes in agricultural land presented in frequency tables, graphs and maps. Analysis of the effect of agricultural land area on rice production in North Kalimantan Province was carried out using linear regression analysis. The results showed that the agricultural land area in North Kalimantan in 2012-2017 had a change of 4,955 ha or around 19.56 percent.. Rice commodities in North Kalimantan in general decreased by 25,468 tons or 0.04 percent. While for agricultural land area significantly (0.029) has an effect on rice production in North Kalimantan.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 329
Mochammad Yefrie Dwi Oga ◽  
Lathifah Hanim

The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) The role of the Land Deed Official (PPAT) in registration of rights to land conversion of agricultural to non-agricultural to residential in Tegal. 2) The procedure of registration of land rights over the function of agricultural to non-agricultural to residential in Tegal. 3) Obstacles and solutions of conversion rights over agricultural land into non-agricultural to residential in Tegal. This study uses empirical juridical approach or socio-legal research. Data collected through literature, observation and interviews. Based on data analysis concluded that: 1) The role of PPAT in enrollment over the function of rights over agricultural land into non-agricultural to residential houses which provide information on the law relating to the procedure of land conversion and registration of land rights after deters conversion and the making of letters or deeds relating for their particular legal acts such as the breakdown of plot, behind the name, as well as buying and selling land. 2) The procedure of registration of land rights over the function of agricultural to non-agricultural to residential implemented through several stages of the formation of the assessment team, the assessment of land use change object, the trial of the determination, the recommendations and the issuance of a decision on approval of land use changes. 3) Obstacles and solutions in the conversion of agricultural land rights into non-agricultural to residential namely population growth, land agricultural diminishing and changing the status of land use. The solution in the conversion of rights over agricultural land into non-agricultural to residential houses of government is more emphasis on the rules on agricultural land and non-agricultural order later on agricultural land does not decrease faster than society itself should be aware of the importance of agricultural for food security community own.Keywords: Notary / PPAT; Role; Registration; Transfer Function; Land.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 409-421
Rima Wahyu Utami ◽  
Kartini Kartini ◽  
Aji Ali Akbar

Lahan gambut merupakan komponen ketahanan lingkungan yang diupayakan untuk menjamin keamanan publik dan munculnya bahaya lingkungan yang disebabkan secara alami oleh alam maupun disengaja oleh perbuatan manusia. Lahan gambut di Desa Teluk Empening telah mengalami konversi menjadi lahan usahatani seperti lahan sawit, karet dan jahe, sedangkan lahan sekunder yang ada pada daerah penelitian sebelumnya pernah mengalami kebakaran pada tahun 2017. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi keanekaragaman jenis pada lahan gambut dengan melakukan pengukuran biodiversitas lahan dengan analisis vegetasi. Kemudian menganalisis pengaruh konversi lahan gambut dengan pengukuran sifat fisik tanah, pengukuran Tinggi Muka Air tanah, pengukuran dimensi saluran dan pengujian kualitas air. Perubahan dinamika tutupan lahan yang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat, data diperoleh dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan kuesioner sebanyak 30 sampel. Hasil analisis menunjukkan lahan jahe, karet dan sawit memiliki nilai indeks keanekaragaman (H’) ±0 dikategorikan biodiversitas rendah. Lahan sekunder memiliki nilai indeks keanekaragaman (H’) 2,001 masuk kategori biodiversitas sedang. Konversi lahan gambut mempengaruhi sifat fisik tanah gambut seperti parameter porositas, permeabilitas, kadar serat dan kadar air. Konversi lahan gambut menjadi lahan karet memengaruhi penurunan muka air tanah yaitu setinggi 68 cm. Pengaruh konversi terhadap kualitas air pada lahan, ditandai dengan parameter pH berkisar 3,3 - 4,6, TSS berkisar 6-440 mg/l dan DO berkisar 0,89-3,4 mg/l yang tidak sesuai dengan baku mutu yang ditetapkan yaitu Kelas 2 PP No.82 Tahun 2001. Konversi lahan gambut semakin meningkat tiap tahun dan mempengaruhi kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat dengan fungsi sosial penyerapan tenaga kerja serta fungsi ekonomi pendapatan dari hasil produksi usahatani. Lahan gambut memberikan keunggulan dan kapasitas bagi kawasan lokal untuk kekuatan alam seperti lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosial yang dapat dilakukan sambil tetap menjaga daya tahan lingkungan. AbstractPeatlands are a component of environmental resilience that strives to ensure the safety and security of environmental hazards caused naturally or intentionally by human actions. Peatland in Teluk Empening Village has undergone conversion to agricultural land such as oil palm, rubber and ginger, while the secondary land in the previous study area experienced fires in 2017. This research was conducted by identifying the diversity of species on peatland by measuring biodiversity land with vegetation analysis. Then analyze the effect of peat land conversion with physical measurements of soil, measurement of groundwater level, measurement of channel dimensions and testing of water quality. Changes in land cover dynamics obtained from socio-economic conditions, data obtained using observations, interviews and questionnaires as many as 30 samples. The analysis showed that ginger, rubber and oil palm land had a diversity index value (H ') ± 0 which was categorized as low biodiversity. Secondary land has a diversity index value (H ') of 2,001 in the medium biodiversity category. Peat land conversion affects the physical properties of peat soil such as parameters of porosity, permeability, fiber content and air content. The conversion of peatlands to rubber lands has an effect on the decrease in the water table, which is 68 cm long. The effect of conversion on water quality in land, fear with pH parameters ranging from 3.3 to 4.6, TSS ranging from 6-440 mg / l and DO ranging from 0.89-3.4 mg / l which are not in accordance with the specified quality standards namely Class 2 PP No. 82 Year 2001. Conversion of peatlands is increasing every year and affects the socio-economic conditions of the community with the social function of absorption of labor and the economic function of income from agricultural production. Peatlands provide advantages and capacities for local areas for natural forces such as environment, economy and social that can be done while maintaining environmental resilience.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Ika Devy Pramudiana

Conversion of agricultural land resulted in socio-economic changes for farmers who do the conversion, which would then have an impact on the level of well-being of farmers. The methods used in the writing of this research is qualitative research methods. The result of the writing of this library study revealed that land conversion Conditions farmers ‘ livelihood before and after the existence of the land conversion is seen in terms of revenue is the amount of income of farmers after the land conversion there is increased and decreased from the amount of income before the existence of land conversion. The condition of the housing and kepemilikikan assets haven’t changed much both before and after the existence of land conversion. At this writing specified on conversion of agricultural land, livelihoods, economic conditions, the income of farmers, and its impact on the level of household well-being of farmers in the countryside. Keywords: land conversion, social change, wellbeing

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Zainal Fadri ◽  
Mitria Candra ◽  
Tegu Chaniago

This study aims to explore information on improving community welfare after converting agricultural land to oil palm land. Many of the villagers carry out land conversion to increase income as a means of fulfilling their daily needs, although in reality not all of them get welfare. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data mining was carried out by interview and documentation. Interviews were conducted with smallholders who converted land to oil palm, stakeholders and local government. The results of the interview were then triangulated with documentation obtained from library searches in the form of books, articles and previous research. The results of this study indicate an increase in the welfare of the community after land conversion but with very binding rules both from the state and from the prevailing market rules.

Hesti Prastiwi ◽  
Martua Sihaloho

Lahan merupakan salah satu sumber daya agraria yang sangat penting bagi petani dikarenakan lahan merupakan salah satu sumber untuk bertahan hidup. Sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Dasar Nomor 41 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan. Pembangunan yang terjadi di Indonesia semakin masif, menimbulkan konversi lahan bersifat permanen ketika lahan sawah beririgasi berubah menjadi kawasan pemukiman atau industri. Konversi lahan yang terjadi menyebabkan hilangnya beberapa atau seluruh modal nafkah yang ada. Perubahan modal nafkah ini akan mengakibatkan perubahan strategi nafkah petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak konversi lahan terhadap strategi nafkah dan pengaruh pemanfaatan  modal nafkah  terhadap strategi nafkah rumah tangga. Lokasi penelitian ini yaitu Desa Pasirgaok, Kecamatan Rancabungur, Kabupaten Bogor. Metode yang digunakan untuk menggali fakta, data, dan informasi dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan kuantitatif melalui metode survei dengan kuesioner yang didukung oleh data kualitatif melalui wawancara dan studi literatur hingga diperoleh hasil bahwa dampak konversi lahan mempengaruhi modal dan strategi nafkah.Kata Kunci: buruh tani, konversi lahan, modal nafkah, strategi nafkah=====ABSTRACTLand is one of the most important agrarian resources for farmers because land is one source of livelihood survival. According to Constitution Number 41 Year 2009 on concerning The Protection of Sustainable Food Agriculture. The development that is taking place in Indonesia is increasingly massive leading to permanent land conversion when technical irrigated rice fields change into residential or industrial areas. The land conversion that occurs causes a loss of some or all existing livelihood asset. This change in livelihood asset will result in a change in farmers livelihood strategies. This study aims to analyze the influence of the impact of land conversion towards livelihood strategies and the influence of the utilization of livelihood asset towards the livelihood strategies households. The location of this research is Pasirgaok Village, Rancabungur District, Bogor Regency. The method used to extract facts, data, and information in the research is the quantitative approach through survey method with questionnaires supported by qualitative data through interview and literature study until it is obtained that the impact of land conversion towards landless farmer household’s assets and livelihood strategies.Keywords: land conversion, landless farmer, livelihood asset, livelihood strategies

Patan Pragya ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Chhabi Ram Baral

Urban poverty is one of multidimensional issue in Nepal. Increasing immigration from the outer parts of Kathmandu due to rural poverty, unemployment and weak security of the lives and the properties are core causes pushing people into urban areas. In this context how squatter urban area people sustain their livelihoods is major concern. The objectives of the study are to find out livelihood assets and capacities squatters coping with their livelihood vulnerability in adverse situation. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are applied for data collection. It is found that squatters social security is weak, victimized by severe health problems earning is not regular with lack of physical facilities and overall livelihood is critical. This study helps to understand what the changes that have occurred in livelihood patterns and how poor people survive in urban area.

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