2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-146
Nurmalahayati Nurmalahayati ◽  
Aja Salmiati ◽  
Bazelia Izasatifa

ABSTRACTThe research aims to find out information about the learning system applied during the COVID-19 pandemic, information related to the efforts made by education units in Aceh Barat Daya in implementing the policies of the central government and local governments during the learning period of the pandemic and knowing the integration of education related to the COVID-19 pandemic  in the school curriculum. The research method is quantitative with data collection techniques through questionnaires. Furthermore, the data was analyzed and based on the results obtained showed that the learning systems that were generally applied during the pandemic were blended, offline and online learning. Practical learning aktivities during the COVID-19 pandemic are generally carried out  online and offline. Semester exams are generally conducted online. Face-to-face learning is carried out through the division of study groups, while online learning is carried out by utilizing learning applications. Obstacles in implementing learning during the pandemic include difficulties for teachers to monitor the behavior and character of students, students find it difficult to understand learning materials and also limited quotas. The education unit at ABDYA has tried to implement the policies of the central government and local governments while carrying out learning during the pandemic. This can be observed from the efforts of the school in implementing health protocols during learning during the pandemic. In addition, the school also provides free health facilities and infrastructure to school residents. Internet quotas are also provided to overcome the constraints of limited quotas during learning during the pandemic. Education related to the dangers of coronavirus is carried out by the school in various ways, both by socializing the dangers of covid in the school and by teaching teachers to model COVID-19 prevention behavior. Education is also carried out by making disinfectants independently and through social media. Most chemistry teachers consider that COVID-19 education can be inserted into certain sub-learning materials, one of which is through the manufacture of disinfectants and sanitizers independently. Meanwhile, other chemistry teachers argue that teachers can insert covid-19 education in all learning materialsKey words: Learning process, Curriculum integration , Covid-19

E-Structural ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Tira Nur Fitria

Abstract. During COVID-19 pandemic, educators implement online learning in the education process. Basic interactive models of online learning available, such as synchronous learning, as a face-to-face learning process through online media. This research investigates the students’ perception toward the implementation of synchronous learning in ELT especially TOEFL. This research is qualitative. The results show that: 1) 51 % of students use Zoom and Live YouTube in learning TOEFL. 2) 89.7 % of students use mobile phones in online learning. 3) 49.7 % of students agree that Zoom has complete features. 4) 83.2 % of students agree that operating Zoom’s features is very easy. 5) 74.2 % of students agree that Zoom is easy-used. 6) 72.9 % of students agree that using Zoom in learning TOEFL is effective. 7) 73 % of students agree that using Live YouTube in learning TOEFL also effective. 8) 63.9 % agree that in Zoom, they can participate by face-to-face interactions (e.g. question-answer even discussion with lecturer and classmates. 9) 95.5 % of students agree that using YouTube, videos can be seen anytime and anywhere because videos are stored on the lecturer’s channel. In the understanding level of TOEFL, 83.2 % of students really understand in the listening section, 89.7 % of students understand the reading section, and 81.3 % of students understand the Structure and Written Expression section. Several problems affect learning TOEFL with Zoom and YouTube. Students have a problem with an internet connection. The other problems are internet quota, technical problems of the device (e.g battery, device dead suddenly, audio quality, device’s video/audio, and others), device’s type used, and surrounding conditions (e.g light conditions, sounds, or other disturbances). In the next learning system, 80.6 % of students agree that the next learning system implements face-to-face learning and still uses Zoom and YouTube Live Streaming. Keywords: ELT, synchronous learning, TOEFL, YouTube, Zoom Abstrak. Selama pandemi COVID-19, para pendidik menerapkan pembelajaran online dalam proses pendidikan. Model pembelajaran online interaktif dasar yang tersedia, seperti pembelajaran sinkron, sebagai proses pembelajaran tatap muka melalui media online. Penelitian ini mengkaji persepsi siswa terhadap penerapan pembelajaran sinkron di ELT khususnya TOEFL. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) 51% siswa menggunakan Zoom dan Live YouTube dalam pembelajaran TOEFL. 2) 89,7% siswa menggunakan ponsel dalam pembelajaran online. 3) 49,7% siswa setuju bahwa Zoom memiliki fitur yang lengkap. 4) 83,2% siswa setuju bahwa mengoperasikan fitur Zoom sangat mudah. 5) 74,2% siswa setuju bahwa Zoom mudah digunakan. 6) 72,9% siswa setuju bahwa menggunakan Zoom in learning TOEFL efektif. 7) 73% siswa setuju bahwa menggunakan Live YouTube dalam pembelajaran TOEFL juga efektif. 8) 63,9% setuju bahwa dengan Zoom, mereka dapat berpartisipasi dengan interaksi tatap muka (misalnya tanya jawab bahkan diskusi dengan dosen dan teman sekelas. 9) 95,5% mahasiswa setuju bahwa dengan menggunakan YouTube, video dapat dilihat kapan saja dan di mana saja karena video disimpan di saluran dosen. Pada tingkat pemahaman TOEFL, 83,2% siswa sangat memahami bagian menyimak, 89,7% siswa memahami bagian membaca, dan 81,3% siswa memahami bagian Struktur dan Ekspresi Tertulis. Beberapa masalah memengaruhi pembelajaran TOEFL dengan Zoom dan YouTube. Siswa memiliki masalah dengan koneksi internet. Masalah lainnya adalah kuota internet, masalah teknis perangkat (misal baterai, perangkat mati mendadak, kualitas audio, video/audio perangkat, dan lain-lain), jenis perangkat yang digunakan, dan kondisi sekitarnya (misal kondisi cahaya, suara, atau gangguan lainnya). Pada sistem pembelajaran selanjutnya, 80,6% siswa setuju bahwa sistem pembelajaran selanjutnya menerapkan pembelajaran tatap muka dan masih menggunakan Zoom dan YouTube Live Streaming.Kata kunci: ELT, pembelajaran sinkronus, TOEFL, YouTube, Zoom

2018 ◽  
Vol 197 ◽  
pp. 03002
Muhammad Nur Hudha ◽  
Uwes Anis Chaeruman ◽  
Sudi Dul Aji ◽  
Choirul Huda ◽  
Andista Candra Yusro ◽  

The blended learning model is a learning that uses online facilities combined with face-to-face learning (synchronous learning-asynchronous learning). The purpose of this research is to develop online learning that can be used by two PGRI universities in Indonesia as an online learning media. This research applies research and development method 4D Thiagarajan (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). Data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative data analysis. The result of this study is an online learning system that can be used by Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang and Universitas PGRI Madiun in Basic Physics course. This system uses the MOODLE (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment), therefore it has the advantage that it is easy to use by all lecturers.

Compiler ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Sumarsono Sumarsono

The learning model in the digital era has changed from traditional face-to-face learning to online learning. This causes stuttering and uncertainty for educational institutions, including the State Islamic Religious University (PTKIN), especially the readiness of lecturers. Each lecturer has different models, strategies and learning media in managing the class according to their understanding and ability in online learning. This study aims to see the readiness of PTKIN lecturers for online learning through MOOCs media with a heutagogy approach using the e-learning system at their respective universities.The quantitative research method uses 5 elements of heutagogy and 1 element of MOOCs with 52 sampling data on PTKIN lecturers.The results show that lecturers have competence and readiness in using online learning technology, but there are weaknesses in lecturers' understanding in using the heutagogy approach in learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Ratu Winda Septiawati

During the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Education System in Indonesia also experienced a change, namely by replacing face-to-face learning activities directly at schools or colleges with online learning activities from their respective homes. This online learning certainly has an impact on high school student interest and learning motivation. Some students think that physics is one of the subjects that are complicated, and boring. The bad opinion of these students certainly reduces students' interest in studying physics. What's more, currently Indonesia is implementing an online learning system. Therefore, there needs to be a proper teaching strategy carried out by teachers, especially in physics subjects. The appropriate teaching strategy is in order to increase students' interest in learning in physics, and to change the perception of some students who think physics is complicated and boring. Because regardless of the situation, it is important to study physics because physics is the study of all the events that occur in the universe. Writing this paper aims to find out what are the impacts of online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic on learning interest and motivation in high school students and to be able to find out the right teaching strategies in physics lessons online. The method used in this study is the literature method (literature review) from several reading sources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Dwi Febianti ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

This study aims to find out or describe how distance learning strategies are carried out by Muhammadiyah Elementary School during this pandemic. In this scientific paper, it explains how the strategy carried out by SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo was when the pandemic was still at its height, learning in schools used online and if the pandemic had decreased, the school planned to conduct offline learning at school but also must always obey health regulations. . However, in reality, SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo still uses the online system, even though there is an appeal from the central government and also the Ministry of Education and Culture to carry out face-to-face learning, but there are one thing or another that causes many parents and guardians of students who do not agree if learning is done face-to-face. Ideas to support the success of distance learning strategies carried out by educators in online learning or on platforms such as Google Classroom, Zoom and Meet, namely, delivery of materials, learning media and teaching materials. This scientific article uses descriptive qualitative method which is a type of qualitative research. Its purpose is to reveal events or facts, phenomena, circumstances and variables that occur when conducting research directly by writing down what actually happened. For data collection techniques using observation and interview techniques. The results of this research at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo show the strategies used in dealing with distance learning, namely, what media are used at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo to deal with distance learning that makes students feel bored. The conclusion that can be drawn is, a distance learning strategy that aims at an online learning process that is directed and can run well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-121
Andry Setiawan

Corona Virus disease or commonly known as COVID-19 has made the learning system in Indonesia change drastically from conventional face-to-face learning to bold home learning. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of online learning for PJOK during the COVID-19 pandemic for students at MTs NU 06 Sunan Abinawa Kendal. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with an online survey method using google form and this study used a total population sampling consisting of 105 male and 99 female students with a total of 204 student respondents at MTs NU 06 Sunan Abinawa Kendal. After the data is collected, it will be analyzed and the percentage and the results will be described. The results showed that online learning was carried out at home, where the subject matter of PJOK using online learning 40.6% of students felt they did not understand. In the operation of online learning media 49.0% of students said they did not understand how to operate the media during online learning, then the assignment became a model often used by teachers during online learning with 69.3% in addition to online presentations of 28.6%. On the other hand 45.3% of students felt they did not understand when assignments and exams were carried out online, and 50.0% of students felt less enthusiastic when learning PJOK was carried out online so that it greatly affected student interest. Based on the results of research and discussion, it is concluded that there is a lack of effectiveness of online learning for PJOK during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is based on the results of the data that online learning as a whole was less effective in PJOK subjects during the COVID-19 pandemic at MTs NU 6 Abinawa Kendal. Keywords: Effectiveness, Student, Online Learning Abstrak Penyakit Virus Corona atau yang biasa dikenal dengan COVID-19 telah membuat sistem pembelajaran di Indonesia berubah drastis dari pembelajaran tatap muka konvensional menjadi pembelajaran rumah yang berani. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keefektifan pembelajaran online PJOK selama pandemi COVID-19 pada siswa MTs NU 06 Sunan Abinawa Kendal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survey secara online menggunakan google form dan penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling populasi yang terdiri dari 105 putra, 99 putri dengan total 204 responden siswa di MTs NU 06 Sunan Abinawa Kendal. Setelah data terkumpul akan dianalisis dan di persentase serta di deskripsikan hasilnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pembelajaran daring dilakukan dirumah, dimana materi pelajaran PJOK dengan menggunakan pembelajaran daring 40,6% siswa merasa kurang mengerti. Dalam pengoperasian media pembelajaran daring  49,0% siswa mengatakan kurang mengerti dalam mengoperasikan media selama pembelajaran daring, kemudian penugasan menjadi model yang sering digunakan guru selama pembelajaran Daring dengan 69,3% selain presentasi online 28,6%. Di sisi lain 45,3% siswa merasa kurang paham ketika tugas dan ujian dilakukan secara daring, serta 50,0% siswa merasa kurang semangat ketika pembelajaran PJOK dilakukan secara daring sehingga sangat mempengaruhi minat siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka disimpulkan bahwa kurangnya efektivitas pembelajaran daring PJOK selama masa pandemi COVID-19. Hal ini berdasarkan hasil data bahwa pembelajaran daring secara keseluruhan kurang efektif dilakukan pada mata pelajaran PJOK selama masa pandemi COVID-19 di MTs NU 6 Abinawa Kendal. Kata kunci: Efektivitas, Pembelajaran, Daring Siswa

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-235
Erni Munastiwi

This research aims to determine the various problems of online learning at the level of early childhood education units during the COVID-19 pandemic. As for the issues among them, teachers have not all mastered IT; students tend to get bored too long studying at home. Likewise, parents are not ready to change the role of teachers at home and the policies of the central government and local governments and other issues.  This research uses a qualitative approach. Respondent consists of a teacher of 12 people and a parent of 25 people. Research location in Ponorogo Regency, East Java. The process of retrieving data using questionnaires through a google form. The results showed there were colorful problems, including 1) communication between educators, parents, and protégés, 2) the lack of costs for procurement of information technology facilities, and the price for online learning needs, 3) the right online learning method for early childhood. While the obstacles faced by parents are 1) mastery of material submitted to the child, 2) less growing the interest of the child, 3) internet network problems, 4) time accompanying the child to study online.

Nadwa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ro'fah Ro'fah ◽  
Astri Hanjarwati ◽  
Jamil Suprihatiningrum

<p class="ABSTRACT"><em><span lang="EN-US">The study seeks to examine the voices and experiences of students with disabilities in navigating online learning during the COVID-19. Based on in-depth interviews with thirty-four students with various disabilities of UIN Sunan Kalijaga, this study attempts to answer how these students experiencing online learning, what challenges they encounter, and what strategies they are using to navigate this new way of learning. Results show most students prefer conventional face-to-face learning, compared to the online learning one. Students reported various challenges they experienced, the most important of which is the high cost of internet access. Other challenges include the inaccessibility of the e-learning system with respect to the platform of online learning and the learning activities. Students also concerned with the absence of supports that they normally received from the university’s disability office (Pusat Layanan Difabel/ PLD). These challenges have encouraged students to seek help from family members, peers, and lecturers.</span></em></p><p class="ABSTRACT"><em><span lang="EN-US"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong><em><br /> Studi ini berupaya untuk mengevaluasi pendapat dan pengalaman siswa penyandang cacat dalam menavigasi pembelajaran online selama COVID-19. Berdasarkan wawancara mendalam dengan tigapuluh empat mahasiswa dengan berbagai kecacatan di UIN Sunan Kalijaga, penelitian ini mencoba menjawab bagaimana para siswa ini mengalami pembelajaran online, tantangan apa yang mereka hadapi, dan strategi apa yang mereka gunakan untuk menavigasi cara belajar baru ini. Hasil menunjukkan sebagian besar siswa lebih suka pembelajaran tatap muka konvensional, dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran online. Siswa melaporkan berbagai tantangan yang mereka alami, yang terpenting adalah tingginya biaya akses internet. Tantangan lain termasuk tidak dapat diaksesnya sistem e-learning sehubungan dengan platform pembelajaran online dan kegiatan pembelajaran. Siswa juga khawatir dengan tidak adanya dukungan yang biasanya mereka terima dari Pusat Layanan Difabel (PLD) universitas. Tantangan-tantangan ini telah mendorong siswa untuk mencari bantuan dari anggota keluarga, teman sebaya, dan dosen</em></span></em><em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Hamidulloh Ibda ◽  
Nadia Rena Sari

<p><em>The impact of covid-19 requires several local governments to decide on implementing policies to dismiss students and implement online or online learning systems. This government policy has been effectively enforced in several provinces in Indonesia since March 2020. However, this does not apply to several schools in Temanggung Regency. The learning system in a network is a learning system without face to face directly between teachers and students but is carried out online using the internet network. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online learning activities at SD Kemloko Temanggung during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses qualitative methods and uses interview and observation data collection techniques. The results showed a lack of effectiveness during home learning. Students cannot interact directly with teachers and friends, students do assignments and watch television accompanied by their parents and students have difficulty receiving understanding of the material.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Pifa Arita Lakapu ◽  
Rince S. M Benu ◽  
Merni Missa

Online learning is a learning system established along the pandemic covid-19 era. This study is aimed at describing students’ perceptions on online learning along covid-19 period. The data was gathered thought the levering questionnaire and interview process. The sample covered 76 students of PGSD study programs STKIP Soe. The result showed that 64% students supported the use online learning science increases students competence in using technology, materials can be accessed easily, anytime, anywhere, the materials are easy to understand and decrease expenses on transportation. There were 68,5% students said that there were hindrances’ related to the system that covered look of internet access, and look of the facilities there were 54% student shared their expectation to have online learning system in the next semester and also face to face learning system especially for math programs strengthen their understanding on the materials. The learning process should also be delivered by implementation of interesting creative and innovative method to create conducive and comfortable learning process. Keywords: Perception, Online Learning, Pandemic Covid-19

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