scholarly journals Meneladani Nabi Muhammad dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Servant-Leadership dan Perilaku Khidmat

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (02) ◽  
pp. 191
Bambang Qomaruzzaman ◽  
Busro Busro

Abstrak: Proses pembelajaran materi Agama Islam di Indonesia mendapatkan peringatan dari hasil riset PPIM yang menunjukkan adanya pengaruh pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam menumbuhkan sikap intoleransi. Ini berarti proses pembelajaran materi ajaran Islam didorong untuk melakukan perubahan metode atau bahkan materinya agar sikap intoleransi tidak lagi menjadi hasil dari pembelajarannya. Paper ini bertujuan mengajukan model pembelajaran materi ajaran Islam, melalui pembelajaran Tauhid, yang dapat mendorong munculnya sikap Servant-Leadership dan perilaku khidmat (prosocial behavior). Sikap Servant-Leadership(dalam arti pemimpin yang melayani) dan khidmat (perilaku prososial dalam melayani orang lain) dianggap dapat menjadi jembatan bagi munculnya sikap toleransi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Research and Development (R&D) terhadap 208 Mahasiswa semester pertama Fakultas Ushuludin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung tahun ajaran 2017-2018. Untuk mengukur peneladanan digunakan Skala yang dimodiifkasi dari CPI (Celebrity Personal Identification) dari Brown Bocarnea, kuesioner Servant Leadership diadaptasikan dari Liden, dan  kuesioner khidmat menggunakan pengukuran dari Nickell, G. “The Helping Attitudes Scale”. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peneladanan terhadap Nabi Muhammad saw berpengaruh pada sikap servant-leadership, namun tidak berpengaruh pada sikap khidmat (prososial behavior).  Implementasi dari riset ini dapat menjadi pijakan bagi penemuan motode pengajaran materi ajaran Islam. Kata Kunci: pembelajaran Tauhid, teologi, peneladanan, khidmat, servant-leader, manajemen. Abstract: The learning process of Islamic material in Indonesia received a warning from the results of PPIM research that showed the influence of Islamic Religious Education lessons in fostering intolerance. This means that the learning process of Islamic teaching materials is encouraged to change the method or even the material so that the attitude of intolerance is no longer the result of learning. This paper aims to propose a model of learning Islamic teaching material, through monotheism learning, which can encourage the emergence of Servant-Leadership attitudes and solemn behavior (prosocial behavior). Servant-Leadership attitude (in the sense of a leader who serves) and solemn (prosocial behavior in serving others) is considered to be a bridge for the emergence of tolerance. The study was conducted by the Research and Development (R&D) method of 208 first semester students of the Ushuludin Faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in the 2017-2018 school year. To measure the model, a modified MMI (Celebrity Personal Identification) CPI (Brown Bocarnea) model was used, the Servant Leadership questionnaire was adapted from Liden, and the solemn questionnaire used measurements from Nickell, G. "The Helping Attitudes Scale." The results showed that the example of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) affected servant-leadership attitudes, but did not affect the solemn attitude (prosocial behavior). The implementation of this research can be the basis for the discovery of methods of teaching Islamic teaching materials. Keywords: Monotheism learning, theology, modeling, solemnity, servant-leader, management

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Lia Angela ◽  
Riko Aprianto

<p>Modul adalah salah satu bahan ajar yang dapat digunakan peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Untuk meningkatkan hasil belajarnya, peserta didik membutuhkan modul pembelajaran biologi yang berbasis <em>contextual Taeching Learning</em> (CTL). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan modul yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian <em>Research and development </em>(R&amp;D) dengan menggunakan model pengembanan 4-D (<em>four D</em>) terdiri dari tahap define, design dan develop, sedangkan tahap dessiminate tidak dilakukan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan modul yang dikembangkan memiliki nilai rata-rata kevalidan yaitu 3,51 dengan kriteria sangat valid. Nilai rata-rata kepraktisan modul oleh peserta didik yaitu 3,49 dengan kategori praktis.</p><p> </p><p>Modules are one of the teaching materials that students can use in the learning process. Students need a biology learning module based on contextual learning (CTL) to increase their learning achievement. The purpose of this study was to produce a valid and practical module. This research was a Research and development (R&amp;D) study using the 4-D (four-D) development model consisting of define, design and development stages, while the disseminate stage was not carried out. The results of this study indicate that the module developed has an average value of validity 3.51 or on very valid criteria. The average value of the practicality of the module was 3.49 or on the practical category</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 315
Malisun Malisun

<p>This study used a qualitative approach with classroom action research (PTK). The main goal of this research is to understand at the various possibilities efforts to improve the achievement of learners Class XI IPS-1  Madrasah Aliyah Genukwatu on subjects’ geography through approach Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) with a model of P a SA (Pictures and Student Active). This research took place in the first semester of the school year 2013/2014, performed with 2 cycles. The learning process with CTL approach through PASA models implemented by stages (1) the distribution of a small group (2) students describe the pictures (3) review and analyze each image (4) discuss the pictures (5) perform oral presentations (6) carry out post-test in the form of quizzes and problems of objective/ subjective. The results showed that the learning outcomes with PASA models can improve the processes and outcomes of learning. In cycle I Class XI IPS-1yang totaling 25 students who completed study were 20 students (80%), while incomplete 5 students (20%) in the second cycle of a significant increase which students completed 100%.</p><p>Keywords: improve the achievement, CTL, Picture and Student Active</p>

Fandi Ahmad ◽  
Nur Indah Sari

This research is a Classroom Action Research with the application of Problem Based Instruction approach oriented Think Think Share learning models in the learning process. The subjects of this study were 40th-grade students of SMP Negeri 40 Makassar in the first semester of the 2018/2019 school year. The implementation of this research consisted of two cycles. The data collected was analyzed descriptively. Based on the results of the study note that in the first cycle has not reached the expected standard classical limitations, this can be seen from the final value which only reached an average of 61.50 with a percentage of completeness of 65%. While in the second cycle the final grades of students have increased. This can be seen with the increase in the average value of student learning outcomes which reached 73.50 with a percentage of completeness of 80%. Based on the results it can be concluded that the application of the Problem Based Instruction approach oriented to Think Pair Share learning models can improve learning outcomes in biology subjects in the eighth grade at SMP Negeri 40 Makassar

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 206-215 ◽  
Amalia Puspha Rini ◽  
Nunuk Suryani ◽  
Siti Sutarmi Fadhilah

The learning process cannot be separated from the use of teaching materials that play a role to achieve the competencies that must be achieved by the learners. The purpose of this research is to identify the developmental stages of Predict Observe Explain (POE)-based thematic teaching materials, quality, and effectiveness of teaching materials to improve the learners' learning outcomes. This is a research and development technique. The development of this product is done through the design model of ADDIE learning system, i.e. (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, (5) and evaluation. The results show that the POE-based thematic teaching materials has excellent quality on aspects of graphics and material with the score 4,52 and score 4,75 respectively from the aspects of readability, linguistic, and presentation according to the learners as the users of the product. Furthermore, the effectiveness test results show that the average class score that does not use POE-based thematic materials is 75,72, whereas that using POE thematic materials is 82,08. Therefore, the average score in the experimental class is higher than the control one. The Sig. shows 0,010 0,05, then H0 is rejected and H1 accepted. It is concluded that there is a significant value difference between the control and experimental class.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-137 ◽  
S. Hartini ◽  
S. Firdausi ◽  
M. Misbah ◽  
N. F. Sulaeman

This research came up from the unavailability of the physics teaching materials containing the local wisdom of Tabalong Regency society, South Kalimantan, and the less optimal character education in the learning process. Therefore, the research and development on the physics teaching materials based on the local wisdom of Tabalong regency, South Kalimantan to train saraba kawa character were conducted. The objective of this study was to produce feasible physics teaching materials integrated with the local wisdom based on the aspects of validity, practicality, effectivity, and character achievement. This research type is a research and development using ADDIE model. The subjects of the try out were 36 grade X students of MIPA in 4 SMA Negeri 2 Tanjung Tabalong Regency. The instruments used in this study were validation sheet, response questionnaire, student achievement results, and character observation sheet. The results showed that: (1) the validity of the teaching materials based on its content and appearance was in a good category, (2) the practicality of the teaching material categorized as very practical, (3) the effectiveness of the medium categorized as very practical, (4) and the achievement of saraba kawa character categorized as very good. It concluded that the physics teaching materials based on the local wisdom to train saraba kawa character is feasible for physics learning.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
M. Miftah ◽  
Kartika Candra Dewi

Learning device has an important role in the learning process for teachers as well as learners, but there are some teachers haven’t optimized the learning device. The purposes of its study are : to determine the needs of the learning device according to teachers and learners; to describe the characteristics of a learning tool; to develop a prototype device which is suitable with the learners need, and to measure the effectiveness of the learning device. The research method used is a research and development method. The results of the study include: the needs of the learning device anecdotal text competence; the characteristics of the learning device anecdotal text competence; a feasibility study based on each device (syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials and worksheets); the effectiveness of the learning device in producing anecdotes text is shown based on this information; learning without using the learning device obtaining the value of 25 (62.5%), learning with an effective value category and increased by 38 (94.5%) categorized as very effective when learning to use the device. AbstrakPerangkat pembelajaran memiliki peran penting dalam proses pembelajaran namun masih banyak guru belummengoptimalkannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: mengetahui kebutuhan perangkat pembelajaran menurut guru dan peserta didik; menjelaskan karakteristik perangkat pembelajaran; mengembangkan prototipa perangkat pembelajaran yang layak untuk peserta didik; dan menguji keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian dan pengembangan (reasearch and development). Hasil penelitian berupa: kebutuhan perangkat pembelajaran kompetensi teks anekdot; karakteristik perangkat pembelajaran kompetensi teks anekdot; kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan silabus, RPP materi pembelajaran, dan lembar kerja; keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran memproduksi teks anekdot ditunjukkan berdasarkan pembelajaran tanpa menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran memperoleh nilai 25 (62,5%) dengan kategori nilai efektif dan mengalami kenaikan sebesar 38 (94,5%) dengan kategori sangat efektif di saat pembelajaran menggunakan perangkat.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1224
Wihdati Suryani ◽  
Suyatno Suyatno ◽  
Erman Erman

This study purposed to produce a teaching materials with hypothetical deductive learning cycle model in the material acid solution decent base to improve the mastery of concepts. Development of the teaching materials using the Research & Development (R & D). The teaching materials developed consisting of lesson plan, student’s book, worksheets and test of concept mastery. The teaching materials were tested to the students of class XI SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Gresik in the first semester of the academic year 2015/2016. The design of trials using One Group Pre-test and Post-test Design. The results showed that (1) The validity of the teaching materials respectively acquire the criteria very valid; (2) Practicality teaching materials seen from feasibility study learning implementation lesson plan got practice criteria with an average of 3.48, legibility student’s book scored an average legibility level of 58% so that the legibility level appropriate teaching materials, student activity increased toward centered learning on students; and (3) the effectiveness of the teaching materials that consists of responses students received a positive response from the students so that students feel interested in learning process using hypothetical deductive learning cycle model, score improvement of students' concepts mastery, the average value of n-gain by 0.71 by category high. Based on the analysis of data and discussion is concluded that the learning device with hypothetical deductive learning cycle model feasible for use in learning process. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan model siklus belajar hipotetik deduktif pada materi larutan asam basa yang layak untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran ini menggunakan model Research &Development (R&D). Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan terdiri dari RPP, BAS, LKS, dan tes penguasaan konsep. Perangkat pembelajaran di uji cobakan terhadap siswa kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah 5 Gresik pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Rancangan uji coba menggunakan One Group Pre-test and Post-test Design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Validitas perangkat pembelajaran masing-masing memperoleh kriteria sangat valid/valid; (2) Kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran dilihat dari keterlaksanaan RPP mendapat kriteria baik dengan rata-rata 3,48, keterbacaan BAS mendapat nilai rata-rata tingkat keterbacaan sebesar 58% sehingga tingkat keterbacaannya materi tepat untuk pembelajaran, aktivitas siswa mengalami peningkatan ke arah pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa; dan (3) keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran yang terdiri dari respon siswa mendapat respon positif dari siswa sehingga siswa merasa tertarik pada proses pembelajaran menggunakan model siklus belajar hipotetik deduktif, skor peningkatan penguasaan konsep siswa, rata-rata nilai  n-gain sebesar 0,71 dengan kategori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran dengan model siklus belajar hipotetik deduktif layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran

Jurnal Ecogen ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 706
Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Tri Kurniawati

One element of change in the 2013 Curriculum is a process standard that contains minimum standards regarding planning, implementation, and assessment of the learning process. Researchers conducted research on the analysis of the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in economics subjects of A Accredited  High School. The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum at SMA N 4 Solok in terms of process standards. This research uses a descriptive method. This research was conducted at Solok Public High School 4 in the first semester of the 2019/2020 school year. This study analyzes the learning tool document developed by the economics teacher and the implementation of learning in the classroom. Data collection techniques namely documentation, interviews, and observation. Data analysis techniques use inductive analysis techniques, including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed, 1) In general, the learning tools developed by the economics teacher were already good, but the contents still seemed incomplete in accordance with Permendikbud No. 22 of 2016. 2) The implementation of learning in accordance with the 2013 curriculum has not been implemented optimally, especially in using scientific approaches and learning methods. 3) The assessment of the economic learning process has not been carried out in accordance with Permendikbud No. 22 of 2016, because teachers are seen to only conduct assessments based on knowledge, this is due to limitations in the development of assessment instrumeKeyword: Process Standards and 2013 Curriculum

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 36
Hamidah Suryani Lukman ◽  
Ana Setiani

Abstract. This paper describes the validity analysis of applied statistical teaching materials based on ICT and project integrated which one of the first step of research and development, namely expert judgment. The instruments used in this study are the validation sheet of materials and ICT experts. The material expert validation sheet comprises 44 statements covering 4 aspects of the assessment, namely the feasibility of the material aspect, the feasibility of the language aspect, the feasibility of the teaching materials presentation aspect, and the feasibility of teaching effects on the student learning process. The ICT expert validation sheet consists of 15 statements regarding the assessment of the feasibility of teaching materials in terms of ICT aspects. Validator involved in this research is 3 experts. Data of this research are analyzed descriptively. The result of research indicate that 86,60% criteria of material aspect have been fulfilled and categorized as very good (4,33), 86% criteria of language aspect have been fulfilled and categorized as very good (4,30), 90% has been fulfilled and categorized as excellent (4.50), 96.60% criteria of the effects of the teaching materials on the learning process of students have been fulfilled and categorized as excellent (4.83), and 94.60% criteria of ICT aspects have been met and categorized as excellent (4.73). Based on these data, 91.60% of the criteria for the assessment of the feasibility of applied statistical teaching materials based on ICT and project integrated developed have been fulfilled, classified as excellent category (4.58) and appropriate for use in learning. Keywords: Validity, Teaching Materials, ICT, Project Abstrak. Artikel ini berisi tentang analisis validitas bahan ajar statistka terapan berbasis ICT terintegrasi proyek yang merupakan salah satu bagian dari penelitian pengembangan (research and development) tahap pertama, yaitu expert judgement. Intrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah lembar validasi ahli materi dan ahli ICT. Lembar validasi ahli materi terdiri 44 pernyataan yang mencakup 4 aspek penilaian, yaitu kelayakan aspek materi, kelayakan aspek penggunaan bahasa, kelayakan aspek penyajian bahan ajar, dan kelayakan efek bahan ajar terhadap proses belajar mahasiswa. Lembar validasi ahli ICT terdiri dari 15 pernyataan mengenai penilaian kelayakan bahan ajar ditinjau dari aspek ICT. Validator yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah 2 orang ahli di bidang pendidikan matematika dan 1 orang ahli bidang ICT. Data hasil penelitian ini dianalisis secara deskriptif. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 86,60% kriteria kelayakan aspek materi sudah terpenuhi dan tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,33), 86% kriteria kelayakan aspek kebahasaan sudah terpenuhi dan tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,30), 90% kriteria kelayakan aspek penyajian sudah terpenuhi dan tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,50), 96,60% kriteria kelayakan efek bahan ajar terhadap proses belajar mahasiswa sudah terpenuhi tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,83), serta 94,60% kriteria kelayakan aspek ICT sudah terpenuhi dan tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,73). Berdasarkan data tersebut, 91,60% kriteria penilaian kelayakan bahan ajar statistika terapan berbasis ICT terintegrasi proyek yang dikembangkan secara keseluruhan sudah terpenuhi dan tergolong kategori sangat baik (4,58) serta layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Kata kunci: Validitas, Bahan Ajar, ICT, Proyek

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-95
Linda Pramita ◽  
Yetty Hastiana ◽  
Rusdy A Siroj

This study aims to produce teaching materials in the form of Interactive PowerPoints of biodiversity material. This research method is the development of Research and Development (R & D) using Tessmer development model with the stages of Self Evaluation, Exspert Reviews, One to One, Small Group and Field Test. Data collection were in the form of interviews and questionnaires. Subjects in this study were 11th grade of SMA Nurul Yaqin. The analysis of the results of the validation sheet and student questionnaire in this study was using quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques. Validation results are categorized as very feasible, the feasibility of Interactive Powerpoint teaching materials is drawn from media experts, 46 values ​​show X> 45 including very feasible categories, material experts obtained 37 which shows X> 36 categorical very feasible, language validation obtained a value of 33 indicating X> 33 which is in the very decent category. The practice of interactive powerpoint teaching materials is categorized as very practical in the learning process, this can be seen through trying One to one and Small groups by obtaining an X value greater than 42 with a very practical category. The results of the potential effects on the ability to understand student concepts in the learning process are seen as an average value of 39.31% of the learning outcomes in the medium category. For the high category, the average N-Gain calculation is 63. 60% includes a very good category. Keywords: Teaching materials, biodiversity, interactive powerpoints   Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar berupa Powerpoint Interaktif materi kenakaragaman hayati. Metode penelitian inipengembangan Research and Development (R&D) dengan mengunakan model pengembangan Tessmer dengan tahapan Self Evaluation, Exspert Reviews, One to One, Small Group dan Field Test. Pengumpulan data berupa lembar angket, wawancara dan Kuisioner. Subjek dalam penelitian ini siswa kelas XI SMA Nurul Yaqin. Analisis hasil lembar validasi dan angket siswa pada penelitian ini adalah menggunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif  dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian validasi dikategorikan sangat layak, kelayakan bahan ajar Powerpoint Interaktif tergambar dari ahli media diperoleh nilai 46 yang menunjukan nilai X > 45  termasuk kategori sangat  layak, ahli materi diperoleh 37 yang menunjukan X > 36 kategorik sangat layak, validasi bahasa diperoleh nilai 33 yang menunjukan  X>33 yang termasuk kategori sangat layak.Kepraktisan bahan ajar powerpoint interaktif dikategorikan sangat praktis digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran, hal ini dapat dilihat melaluiui coba One to one dan Small group dengan memperoleh nilai X lebih besar dari pada nilai 42 dengan kategori sangat praktis. Hasil efek potensial terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa dalam proses pembelajaran dilihat nilai rata-rata   39.31% hasil belajar dengan kategori sedang. Untuk kategori tinggi rata-rata perhitungan N-Gain 63. 60%  termasuk kategori sangat baik. Kata Kunci: Bahan ajar, keanekaragaman hayati, powerpoint interaktif

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