scholarly journals Upaya menanggulangi hoax melalui literasi media pada anggota Karang Taruna Desa Tandem Hilir I Kecamatan Hamparan Perak

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Humaizi Humaizi ◽  
Siti Hazzah Nur Ritonga

AbstrakHoax merupakan informasi yang direkayasa untuk menutupi informasi sebenarnya. Dengan kata lain hoax juga bisa diartikan sebagai upaya pemutarbalikan fakta menggunakan informasi yang seolah-olah meyakinkan tetapi tidak dapat diverifikasi kebenarannya.Salah satu cara menganngulangi hoax adalah dengan literasi media. Berdasarkan info yang diperoleh, remaja anggota karang taruna desa Tandem Hilir I kecamatan Hamparan Perak belum pernah mendapatkan informasi tentang literasi media sehingga kegiatan ini perlu dilakukan. Kegiatan ini berkokasi di desa Tandem Hilir I kecamatan Hamparan Perak kabupaten Deli Serdang Sumatera Utara. Kegiatan inimenggunakan metode ceramah, dan diskusi. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan lancar dengan peserta berjumlah 50 orang. Secara umum, kegiatan ini membangkitkan kesadaran para peserta bahwa berita hoax dapat membuat kegaduhan, keributan, dan pertikaian. Para peserta juga menyadari bahwa media sosial dapat digunakan untuk kepentingan yang lebih bermanfaat seperti silaturrahmi dan berbagi informasi yang bermanfaat seperti lowongan pekerjaan, dan membuka kesempatan mendapatkan tambahan pendapatan dengan membuka online shop. Peserta kegiatan juga telah memahami bahwa dampak menyebarkan hoax dapat menyeret ke penjara karena adanya UU ITE. Oleh karena itu, para peserta juga sependapat untuk berhati-hati dalam menyebarkan berita, melakukan fact-checking, membaca berita secara utuh, dan memperkuat akidah untuk mampu mengontrol diri. Diharapkan setelah kegiatan ini peserta dapat mengaplikasikan dan menyebarluaskan pengetahuan yang mereka peroleh di lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat.�Kata Kunci: literasi; media; berita; hoax�AbstractHoax is defined as information that is engineered to cover up the real information. In other words, it can also be interpreted as an effort to distort the facts using information that seems convincing but cannot be verified. One of the ways to overcome this is through media literacy. Based on the information obtained, youth members of the Karang Taruna Tandem Hilir I village of Hamparan Perak sub-district have never received any information about media literacy, so this activity is urgent to be conducted. This activity is located in the village of Tandem Hilir I, Hamparan Perak sub-district, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra. This activity utilizes lecture, and discussion in its application. This activity ran smoothly with 50 participants. In general, this activity aroused the awareness of the participants that hoax news could trigger commotion, and dispute. They also realized that social media could be used for more useful purposes such as friendship and sharing useful information such as job vacancies, and opening up opportunities for additional income by opening an online shop. They also understood that the impact of spreading hoaxes could lead them to prison because of the ITE law. Therefore, they also agreed to be careful in spreading the news, doing fact-checking, reading the whole news, and strengthening the faith to be able to control themselves. It is expected that after this activity, the participants will be able to apply and disseminate the knowledge they have gained in the family and community.�Keywords: literacy; media; news; hoax

Ainorrofiqie Ainorrofiqie ◽  
Umrotul Khasanah ◽  
Akhmad Djalaluddin

This research aims to explore the model of financial management tradition Lalabet in the village of Babbalan District Batuan Sumenep. This study is based on the fact that occurred in the community about the implementation of traditions carried out by the heirs to family members who died. Interpretative qualitative research is used and an in-depth understanding of a problem that occurs is emphasized more. Based on the results of this study, the financial management tradition Lalabet can be done based on accounting equations. The accounts contained in the accounting equation is not used in its entirety and are reported as are generally financial statements. In this case, the source of funds in carrying out Lalabet tradition is sourced from personal money, money and donations from the family, money from Muslimat, debt, and money or goods from Lalabet's proceeds. The impact is the onset of debt both short-term and long-term. While the expenditure is in the form of costs in taking care of the body, costs for tahlilan (petto'arean), pa'polo, nyatos, nyataon, nyaebu, mangaji, ngin-tangin, nyalenin mayyid, and ajege makam (kep-sekep).

Glimpse ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-130
Sarah Lwahas ◽  

Journalism like many other professions is facing a crucial phase with the emergence of Coronavirus pandemic. The impact of Coronavirus phenomenon is enormous on social and cultural relationships of many communities who depend on the media for information to connect with each other and participate in governance freely. Journalists globally are facing enormous crisis of managing the infodemic of the pandemic streaming particularly from social media; as well as controversies of the media perpetuating disinfodemic or disinformation and distrust in the society. Besides arrests and restrictions of movement, journalists are also under intense threats of losing their jobs, and exacerbated psychological and physical pressures owing to the devastating effects of COVID-19. Using the Social Responsibility theory, that emphasises improved standards of journalism, safeguarding the interests of journalism and journalists among others, and the Agenda setting theory, that controls access to news, information, and entertainment; this research interrogates how journalists from selected states in Northern Nigeria are responding to the challenges of reportage of COVID-19. This research sampled the views of journalists using structured questionnaire administered online and interviewed seven senior journalists holding managerial positions. Findings revealed that journalists are embracing fact checking of the avalanche of information even within familiar sources to verify reports on COVID-19. Similarly, they are deploying digital and multimedia strategies to provide a continuum of media services and sensitive reporting to engage this new infodemic of COVID-19, now globally considered the “new normal”. This research recommends that, since COVID-19 is a novel disease, professionals across countries need to talk with each other, and journalists particularly from Africa and indeed Nigeria; need to put some structure and some science in place, especially in the performance of their jobs, so that professionalism can be sustained without compromising the future of the journalism.

Dewi Novianti ◽  
Siti Fatonah

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many entrepreneurs went out of business; many employees had to be laid off. With the existence of the Covid-19 pandemic, everything is limited. Economic activities are increasingly uncertain. However, this is an opportunity for housewives at RW17 Babadan, Banguntapan, Bantul Regency to help the family economy. One of them is the culinary business. The first problem is that these housewives experience difficulties selling due to their limited movement to offer their culinary works to consumers. Second, the understanding of media literacy in using social media as a new media is still lacking. Third, the understanding and ability to make messages are minimal through social media. Community service methods are discussion, focused group discussion, socialization, and media literacy training. The solution to this problem is to hold training and mentoring on understanding media literacy in carrying out sales promotion activities. Also, by holding skills training in documenting culinary products and in packaging messages through social media. The conclusion is that community empowerment by providing promotional media literacy makes them understand the benefits of using modern communication tools and new media. In the end, they were able to take advantage of smartphones to sell their products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 203-224
Marcin Prościak ◽  
Beata Prościak

Aim. The aim of this thesis is to present the impact of students exclusion (including SPEs) on their virtual behaviour in social media. Students with no special educational needs and those with SEN were taken into account. The relationship between exclusion of SPE and digitisation exclusion will be indicated . In addition, social exclusion in the family area was included. Methods: The analysis was based on statistical methods, such as: range, standard deviation, variance. Surveys were used. They were conducted on the Internet through the Facebook social portal on a national and global scale. Results: Respondents from around the world feel more excluded by the SPE than respondents in Poland. In contrast, respondents from the SPE use fewer social networking sites than in groups of computer players, both in Poland and worldwide. Conclusions: In Poland, SPE is not a barrier to communication with peers for most respondents, unlike global respondents. Respondents from the SPE spend less time on social portals because it absorbs their time devoted to learning, which can be an indicator of digital exclusion. Cognitive value: The originality of the research is to focus on introducing the global and Polish scale of the problem excluding students from SPE from the social media, which was calculated by the author’s method based on the indicator digital exclusion.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Siti Djazimah ◽  
Ihab Habudin

Islam has expressly regulate the division of tasks and roles between husbands and wives fairly. Although the husband is obliged to provide sustenance for his wife and children, but the family law of Islam does not forbid a wife from helping her husband in making a living with her husband's consent and does not interfere with her obligations as a housewife. There is a wife in a family of craftsmen in the village of Tegal Kembang, Imogiri, Yogyakarta, which acts as the main breadwinners for their families. This article examines the wives who work as the wage earners by using the concept of maqa> s} id ash-shari'ah < 'ah. The impact that emerges of the role of the kapok craftsmen woman is more on the impacts that are in positive traits and it is associated with the hajjiy and daruriy needs. The wife who has an income has the economic independence power that can even sustain the needs of the family. Social interactions that occur in kapok craftsmen community, make a strong emotional connection between kapok craftsmen. While the social interaction with the "outside world" (consumers) clearly provides insight of the Kapok Craftsmen. As for the negative impact of the mother's role of Kapok craftsman towards parenting does not seem significant.[Islam secara tegas telah mengatur tentang pembagian tugas dan peran antara suami dan istri secara adil. Walaupun suami berkewajiban memberi nafkah kepada isteri dan anak-anaknya, tetapi hukum keluarga islam tidak melarang istri membantu suaminya dalam mencari nafkah dengan persetujuan suaminya dan tidak mengganggu kewajibannya sebagai seorang ibu rumah tangga. Ada istri pada keluarga perajin kapuk di dusun Tegal Kembang, Imogiri, Bantul,  Yogyakarta, yang berperan sebagai pencari nafkah utama bagi keluarganya. Tulisan ini mengkaji para isteri yang bekerja sebagai pencari nafkah dengan menggunakan konsep maqa>s}id asy-syari<‘ah. Dampak yang ditimbulkan dari peran yang dijalankan para ibu perajin kapuk adalah lebih pada dampak yang sifatnya positif dan hal ini terkait dengan kebutuhan yang sifatnya daruriy dan hajjiy. Para isteri yang mempunya penghasilan tersebut memiliki kemandirian dalam ekonomi bahkan dapat menopang kebutuhan keluarga. Interaksi sosial yang terjadi dalam komuitas perajin kapuk, menjadikan kuatnya hubungan emosional di antara perajin kapuk. Sementara  interaksi sosial dengan “dunia luar” (konsumen) jelas memberikan wawasan perajin kapuk semakin bertambah. Adapun dampak negatif peran ibu sebagai perajin kapuk terhadap pengasuhan anak tidak nampak secara signifikan.]

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Endang Fatmawati

<p>Online media has penetrated in all areas including the library so the impact on the rapid flow of information. Library into the gates of knowledge so librarian most responsible for the release of information entered into the goal. Information posts from library can be made through any type of social media application. Sosial media was created to enable people to communicate and connect with others. Social media has changes the way librarian in doing their jobs related to communicate with the users, how to communicate both individually and at the library level. Social media have forever changed the way interact, share, and ultimately conduct our relationships. Various information appeared like seawater unstoppable spread so users required to be wise in choosing and using them. A wave of false news more so by the presence of social media. Social media become a challenge for librarians to improve their competence with media literacy of new technology. Librarian library through a very important role as a gateway healthy information.</p><p>Media online sudah merambah di semua bidang termasuk perpustakaan sehingga berdampak pada pesatnya arus informasi. Perpustakaan menjadi gerbang pengetahuan sehingga pustakawanlah yang paling bertanggung jawab menjadi gawang masuk keluarnya informasi. Informasi dari perpustakaan dapat dilakukan melalui semua jenis aplikasi media sosial. Media sosial memungkinkan kita berkomunikasi dan terhubung dengan yang lain. Media sosial<strong> </strong>dapat mengubah pekerjaan pustakawan yang berhubungan dengan komunikasi dengan pemustaka, baik perseorangan maupun pada level perpustakaan.<strong> </strong>Media sosial merubah cara untuk berinteraksi, berbagi, dan menjalin hubungan. Beragam informasi muncul bagaikan air laut yang tak terbendung penyebarannya sehingga pemustaka dituntut harus bijak dalam memilih dan menggunakannya. Gelombang berita bohong semakin terasa dengan hadirnya media sosial. Media sosial menjadi tantangan bagi para pustakawan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi literasi media dengan teknologi baru. Perpustakaan melalui pustakawannya sangat berperan sebagai gerbang informasi sehat.</p>

1993 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17 ◽  
Jona Schellekens

The focus of the analysis in this study is on the economic benefits parents derive from their children and the impact of these on fertility transitions. Particular attention is given to the working class in Victorian England and Wales. The life-cycle drop-off in adult productivity among this class created a need for additional income at later stages of the family life-cycle. This income was mostly generated by children and adolescents. Hence, it is suggested, that not until the substantial rise in real wages during the last quarter of the nineteenth century could fertility among the working class in England and Wales have started its decline. This hypothesis is shown to be consistent with data on occupation-specific fertility levels taken from the 1911 Fertility Census.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-49
Riza Wulandari

Kehidupan anak era milenial kini menjadi lebih ironi, dukungan dari sajian media yang menawarkan sisi dunia kekinian menyebabkan generasi penerus bangsa luntur nilai-nilai kearifan lokal yang telah ada pada masa lampau. Tujuan dari kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat pada target sasaran kelompok ibu-ibu rumah tangga Desa Manukaya adalah untuk memberikan edukasi kepada keluarga khususnya ibu yang memiliki peran penting di keluarga dalam mengantisipasi sikap negative dari dampak modernisasi. Focus Group Discussion di pilih dalam memecahkan masalah yang terjadi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah tim pelaksana memberikan 2 kegiatan diantaranya adalah pertama memberikan edukasi tentang pentingnya kearifan lokal dan strategi mempertahankan kearifan lokal melalui mendongeng. Kedua memberikan pendampingan pelatihan sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki oleh kelompok ibu-ibu rumah tangga Desa Manukaya yaitu merajut. Dari potensi tersebut, diberikan kegiatan pendampingan pembuatan media boneka jari dengan cara merajut dan berbahan dasar flannel. Dari media boneka jari yang telah dibuat, diharapkan dapat diaplikasikan kepada anak-anak dalam mengajarkan kearifan lokal Bali melalui dongeng. Bali Mendongeng: Revitalization of fading local wisdom AbstractThe lives of the millennial era is now becoming more irony, the support of the media which offers dishes of the world side of the present generation successor Nations smudging local wisdom values that already exist in the past. The purpose of the community empowerment activities on the target objectives of the mother-homemaker village of Manukaya is to provide education to their families especially mothers who have an important role in the family in anticipation of a negative attitude from the impact the modernization. Focus Group Discussion on select in solving the case. The result of this activity is the implementing team provide activities such as the first two provide education about the importance of local wisdom and strategy of maintaining local wisdom through storytelling. Both provide a mentoring training in accordance with the potential that is owned by a group of mothers of households of the village of Manukaya that is knitting. From the potential, given the activities of accompaniment the creation of finger puppets knit and way made from flannel. From finger puppets that have been made, is expected to be applied to children of Bali's local wisdom in teaching through storytelling.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 29
Resy Nirawati ◽  
Mariyam Mariyam ◽  
Sri Mulyani ◽  
Haris Rosdianto

Event PPM is one of dedication to the community listed in the Tri Dharma College. The PPM activities conducted involving several professors, students, teenagers around the village Nyarumkop and some employees of the village. Measures undertaken in the form of socialization about the impact of social media for teens in the Village of East Singkawang Nyarumkop in the district in 2017. The method used in the service activities of these activities are lectures, discussions and question and answer. Results of implementation and yag response was obtained from the participants can be concluded that the purpose of these activities successfully and on target. Hopefully with these activities can contribute to society as one application of the Tri Dharma College, especially community service.

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