scholarly journals Problematika Hukum dan Ideologi Islam Radikal [Studi Bom Bunuh Diri Surabaya]

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Abd. Halim ◽  
Abdul Mujib Adnan

Radicalism in Islam is part of a socio-religious phenomenon that cannot be separated from many aspects. Besides economic and political interests, Radicalism in Islam can also be seen from the legal and ideological aspects. The law forms ideology, and the culmination of it is extremist action, including terrorism. Suicide bombings in Surabaya (2018) are part of the chain of� extremist action and terrorism. Understanding bombing cases like in Surabaya, is not enough to be seen from the outward aspects only but also the basic foundation for forming the awareness of the perpetrators. This paper uses the theory of social action from Pierre F. Bourdieu, to read how values are internalized into oneself and then externalized into suicides, as well as to map the domains and capital owned. This socio-political research proves that acts of terror, including suicide bombings, are actualizations of complex ideological symbolism. Therefore, terrorism is part of space competition, both the space for religious interpretation, the physical space for action, and the human space for image and evaluation. The justification of terrorism is supported by a set of legal and theological arguments, as well as terrorism action also have legal and theological tools

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Khoiruddin Nasution

This paper is intended to describe the efforts that can be done to eradicate the violence in domestic life, especially to the wife. There are three theories of the interdisciplinary study; 1) the theory of classification of nash, 2) the theory of the effectiveness of the law, and 3) the theory of social action. Based on the data anlysis it could be found that first, there are a number of factors being the cause and source of violence against wives in domestic life. Second, understanding nash would distinguish objectives nash (maqâsid) from the temporal nash (wasâ’il). Third, it is important to build a legal culture of community, especially between husband and wife in domestic life, and importantly also changed a traditional behavior of society into a rational behavior. Fourth, the course of marriage becomes one of effective media introduced the law in in society, especially for husband and wife, in order to build a legal culture and change the traditional behavior of the society to be a rational one.

1987 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-85
No authorship indicated

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4-1) ◽  
pp. 28-41
Aleksander Sanzhenakov ◽  

The article is devoted to the consideration of the theory of social action in the context of criticism of the theory of action by analytical philosophy. Firstly, the article describes the basic concepts of social action by M. Weber, E. Durkheim, and T. Parsons. Despite some disagreements between these sociologists, they agree that social action is purposeful and intentional, as well as focused on other people, due to which it receives a social characteristic. Then the author turns to analytical philosophy, in which the concept of "intention" was subjected to skeptical analysis. For example, in the philosophy of late Wittgenstein, action receives its meaning not from the intentions of the actor, but from the context of its implementation, just as words get their meaning from the conditions in which they are used. His ideas were developed by E. Anscombe, who rejected introspection as a method of comprehending the intentions of the subject of action. An obvious consequence of the refusal of psychologizing intent was an appeal to the context of the action being performed and to its social conditions as well. Having considered examples of the application of the theories of social action, the author concludes that sociologists in most of their studies use the model of a rational subject of action, the distinguishing feature of which is awareness of one’s own intentions and goals. Although some researchers have attempted to make this model weaker in order to approximate it to real participants of social interaction, these changes did not affect the awareness of the subject of action of his own goals and intentions. Therefore, the author of the article concludes that one of the urgent tasks of sociology is to develop a new model of the subject of action, which will organically combine the subject’s orientation to the external context and limited awareness of the grounds for his own actions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 47
Sindung Tjahyadi

This article discusses about a paradigm shift in the social sciences based on "the history of science" perspective. The key question is how the recent development of the discourse about the paradigms of the social sciences. The paradigmatic and methodological development forward directed through a post-empirical approach to the exclusion of desire unification cause or structure as the objective theory of social action, and develop a multi-theoretical paradigms on the basis of variations in the structure that can be applied to the various regions and types of action. Furthermore, elaborated further needed is to develop methodological pluralism and theoretical unification in the social sciences are expected to confirm the two sides of the comprehensive-pluralistic approach in the philosophy of social sciences. The main thing about the legitimacy of the methodology underlying the study is to examine the criteria on what should have knowledge of it. Finally, that the dimensions of "ontological" social science should be "liberated" from the illusion of objectivism

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Angelika Kútna ◽  
Imrich Antalík ◽  
Norbert Gyurián ◽  
Zoltán Šeben

In 2013, the Slovak Parliament adopted the Law on Amendments to the Law on Income Tax. One of the most significant changes was the introduction of the Tax License of a Legal Entity. On January 1st, 2018, a minimum corporate tax (the so-called tax license), which was introduced in 2014, was abolished. The main aim of this paper is the evaluation and quantification of the impact which the minimum corporate tax has on the amount of tax liability of a selected group of legal entities in the agricultural sector. The research had tried to find an answer if the tax license abolishment was more in the political interests or if it had some economic background. The main research questions are how has the corporate tax duty increased in the agricultural sector in the Slovak Republic after introducing the minimum corporate tax and how has the tax burden for agricultural holdings increased after introducing the tax license. The analysis presented in this paper confirms that the instrument of introducing the minimum tax is for loss-making sectors, such as the agricultural sector, undoubtedly unfair. On the other hand, the study has confirmed that the public which regularly pays the taxes, agrees with its introduction.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 327
Sholehudin Zuhri

Dalam perkembangan politik hukum kontemporer, keputusan politik dalam pembentukan regulasi sering dihadapkan pada dua persoalan sekaligus yang saling berhadapan. Konfigurasi politik dalam pembentukan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017, partai politik di parlemen tidak hanya merepresentasikan kepentingan politiknya, tetapi juga dihadapkan pada keharusan mengakomodir putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 14/PUU-XI/2013 sebagai koreksi keputusan politik yang otoriter. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif dengan metode kualitatif, studi ini menitikberatkan pada pemahaman komprehensif yang meliputi interaksi politik dan hukum dalam terciptanya konfigurasi politik hukum pemilu. Hasil studi ini dapat menjelaskan kepatuhan partai politik terhadap hukum dalam menciptakan konfigurasi politik di parlemen, namun di sisi lainnya lemahnya partai politik dalam membangun koalisi dalam mewujudkan sistem pemilu demokratis justru menjadikan keputusan politik yang dipilih menjadi otoriter dalam pelaksana teknisnya. Kehadiran hukum dalam perkembangan konfigurasi politik kontemporer, dapat menjadi paradigma baru dalam terciptanya konfigurasi politik demokratis yang pada akhirnya terbentuknya hukum pemilu yang demokratis.In the development of contemporary political laws, political decisions in regulatory formation are often confronted with two issues at once facing each other. The political configuration in the Law No. 7 year 2017, political parties in parliament not only represent political interests but also face the necessity to accommodate the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 14/ PUU-XI/2013 as a correction of authoritarian political decisions. This research is normative juridical research with qualitative method. The results of this study can explain the compliance of political parties to the law in creating the political configuration in parliament. Yet on the other hand, the weakness of political parties in building coalitions in realizing the democratic election system makes the selected political decision become authoritarian in its technical execution. The presence of law in the development of contemporary political configuration can be a new paradigm in creating democratic political configuration which ultimately the formation of democratic law of elections.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 299
Nur Huda

<p><em>Tawasul</em> dan <em>Tabaruk </em>merupakan tradisi yang sudah banyak dipraktekkan oleh masyarakat muslim pada saat berdoa di makam. Kedua tradisi ini juga sering disalahpahami sebagai praktek yang menjerumuskan kepada kemusyrikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap aspek living hadis pada tradisi <em>tawasul</em> dan <em>tabaruk</em> warga Desa Bonang di makam Sunan Bonang dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif induktif, dan menganalisisnya dengan teori tindakan sosial Max Weber. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa temuan. Pertama, tradisi ini merupakan suatu living hadis. Kedua, berdasarkan tipe tindakan tradisional, para pelaku tradisi ingin terus menerus menghormati Sunan Bonang dengan cara melestarikan tradisi yang sudah dilakukan secara turun temurun. Ketiga, tindakan afektif, memperlihatkan bahwa para pelaku memiliki ikatan emosional dengan para tokoh agama dan waktu pelaksanaan (malam Jumat). Keempat, tindakan instrumental rasional, para pelaku secara sadar mampu melaksanakan tradisi tersebut, baik dari aspek sumber daya manusia maupun aspek finansial. Kelima, rasionalitas nilai, pelaku ingin meniru perilaku tokoh-tokoh agama dan membiasakan diri bersedekah sekaligus ingin menanamkan nilai solidaritas jamaah.</p><p> </p><p>[<strong><em>Tawasul</em> and <em>Tabaruk</em> Traditions in Sunan Bonang’s Tomb Lasem Rembang: A Study of Living Hadith</strong>.<strong> </strong><em>Tawasul</em> and <em>tabaruk</em> are traditions that have been widely practiced by Muslim communities when praying at the grave. These two traditions are also often misunderstood as practices that lead to idolatry. This study aims to reveal aspects of the living hadith in the tradition of <em>tawasul</em> and <em>tabaruk</em> of the people of Bonang Village in the Sunan Bonang tomb by using the inductive descriptive method, and by analyzing it through Max Weber's theory of social action. This study yielded several findings. First, this tradition is a living hadith. Second, based on the type of traditional action, traditional actors want to continue to respect Sunan Bonang by preserving traditions that have been carried out from generation to generation. Third, affective action shows that peoples have an emotional bond with religious leaders (<em>ulama</em>) and the time of implementation (Thursday night). Fourth, rational instrumental action, where the actors are consciously able to carry out the tradition, both from the human resource and financial aspects. Fifth, value rationality, the people want to imitate the behavior of religious figures and get used to giving alms at the same time wants to instill the value of solidarity among the <em>jama'a</em>.]</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Muhammad Ali . ◽  
Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Beko Hendro

This article discusses the implementation of the reading of Surah al-Mulk at the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly and the views of the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim congregation on the reading of Surah al-Mulk as well as an analysis of Max Weber on the recitation of surah al-Mulk at the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly. This type of research is a field research (Field Research), the type of data used is qualitative with the study of living hadith. This study uses Max Weber's theory of social action related to four actions, namely, traditional action, affective action, value rationality action and instrumental rationality action. The subjects of this research are caregivers, administrators, ustaz and Jama'ah Majelis Ta'lim Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang. The data collection technique used observation by observing and paying attention to the implementation of the tradition of reading surah al-Mulk at the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly. While the interview data, the researchers interviewed twelve Jama'ah as respondents, while the documentation was equipped with books, photos and books related to the research. Meanwhile, data analysis uses descriptions and explanations. This study found that the Jama'ah of the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly was enthusiastic about the tradition of reciting surah al-Mulk in the Assembly. The congregation of the assembly is of the view that having the reading of Surah al-Mulk before starting the assembly is a good and good thing as a form of imitating the Prophet Muhammad. The congregation of the assembly supported this activity because of the benefits of reading it as a barrier from the torment of the grave and there were some congregations who routinely read Surah al-Mulk. It can be said that the response of the congregation of the assembly tends to know the values ​​contained in the hadith of reading surah al-Mulk. This shows that the living hadith in the congregation of the assembly was carried out and the Raudhotul Ilmi Palembang Ta'lim Assembly fulfilled Max Weber's theory of social action.

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