scholarly journals Designing a Mobile-Based Self-Care Application for Patients with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis: An Effective Step in Patients’ Self-Care and Participation

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Khadije Nadri ◽  
Hedieh Sajedi ◽  
Amin Sayahi ◽  
Leila Shahmoradi

Introduction: Today, the introduction of smartphones into the healthcare field has led to rapid growth in application development; provided many important tasks such as maintaining health and access to information, communications and counseling, referral and data collection, management and supervision of patients; and facilitated patient self-care and participation.Material and Methods: In order to design a mobile-based self-care application, the designing purpose was first defined and then related literature was reviewed and different kinds of software designed in this field were identified. Using the specified information elements, UML diagrams (Use-Case, Sequence, and Activity) were plotted by Visual Paradigm Enterprise 8 software.In fact, a feasibility assessment was carried out, based on which the application prototype was developed and provided to 10 patients to achieve their opinions. In the next step, the final application components were determined based on user feedback and experts approval. In the final step, Quiz Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire v.7.0 was used to assess users' satisfaction.Results: Based on user questions and answers, and answers available in the database, the application offers appropriate therapies that emphasize the presence of patients in health centers.Conclusion: The presented application helps with providing rapid information and awareness about different aspects of the disease.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 605
Diana Effendi ◽  
Bella Hardiyana ◽  
Iyan Gustiana

Tunarungu, samahalnya dengan difabel yang lain yang merupakan warganegara Indonesia berhak memperoleh pendidikan. Seperti diketahui Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus (ABK) membutuhkan perhatian lebih untuk meningkatkan fokus terhadap proses belajar. Saat ini dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di objek penelitian yaitu SDLB Bagian (B) Cidendo Bandung dilakukan secara konvensional, dimana guru menjelaskan materi pelajaran menggunakan buku sebagai alat bantu dalam pengajaran. Keterbatasan media alat bantu yang tepat untuk mengajaranak tuna rungu menjadi masalah bagi para guru untuk mampu menjelaskan materi pelajaran yang dibebankan kepada siswa. Terutama pada mata pelajaran IPA/Sains yang cukup komplek, contohnya materi sistem pernapasan pada manusia dan hewan sangat membutuhkan bantuan alat yang lebih ke arah visual. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, dalam penelitian ini dibuatlah rancangan program aplikasi alat bantu pembelajaran IPA/Sains untuk SDLB bagian B khususnya materi sistem pernapasan manusia dan hewan menggunakan metode penelitian Research Development, metode pendekatan berbasis objek (object-oriented approach), dengan alat bantu perancangan menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML) yaitu Use Case, Sequence Diagram, Class Diagram.Sedangkan model pengembangan sistem menggunakan prototype. Rancangan tersebut meliputi rancangan proses, rancangan user interface program aplikasi yang disesuaikan dengan aplikasi berbasis multimedia. Berdasarkan rancangan tersebut, nantinya diharapkan dapat diimplementasikan menggunakan software Adobe Flash Cs3 Proffesional yang berbasiskan multimedia, dimana dengan multimedia memungkinkan suatu materi yang tidak dapat disampaikan secara verbal atau kejadian, dapat direkayasa sedemikian rupa sehingga bisa disajikan dengan terperinci dan sangat menarik bagi siswa. Kata kunci: anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK), tunarungu, IPA/sains, sistem pernapasan manusia dan hewan.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Khairan AR

Bagian administrasi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Baiturrahmah (FKM Unbrah) Padang langsung berada dibawah naungan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat yang menjalankan tugas dan fungsinya untuk menjaga keteraturan transaksi akademik pada fakultas tersebut. Proses kegiatan akademik di FKM Unbrah selama ini sedikit mengalami keterhambatan, hal ini dikarenakan lamanya proses pencatatan hasil evaluasi nilai mahasiswa ke buku besar akademik yang menyebabkan terhambatnya proses kegiatan akademik lainnya. Kendala lain yang sering dialami oleh bagian akademik FKM Unbrah adalah terlambatnya pemberian absensi perkuliahan, absensi ujian tengah dan akhir semester, kartu hasil studi mahasiswa, dimana hal ini terjadi erat kaitannya dengan keterhambatan seperti yang disebutkan sebelumnya, dan ditambah dengan belum ada program yang terintegrasi untuk membantu proses transaksi pengolahan evaluasi hasil belajar mahasiswa persemester di bagian akademik FKM Unbrah. Salah satu cara yang dapat diambil untuk memperbaiki kinerja bagian akademik FKM Unbrah serta membantu mengefektifkan dan mengefisiensikan transaksi pengolahan data-data akademik serta evaluasi hasil belajar mahasiswa persemester adalah dengan merancang antar muka (Interface) menggunakan aplikasi visual basic 6.0 yang khusus untuk menangani pengolahan data akademik di FKM Unbrah melalui pendekatan model Rapid Application Development (RAD) dan pemanfaatan Use Case Diagram untuk merepresentasikan interaksi antar aktor-aktor yang terlibat dengan kebutuhan-kebutuhan yang diperlukan oleh sistem dalam bentuk diagram alir. RAD menggabungkan berbagai macam teknik-teknik terstruktur dengan teknik pemodelan yang bertujuan mempercepat pengembangan sistem, dengan syarat sebelum menerapkan model RAD harus diketahui dengan baik kebutuhan serta batasan ruang lingkup proyek yang akan dikembangkan. Kata Kunci:

R. H. Handayani ◽  
Qurrotul Aini ◽  
Evy Nurmiati

PT. Meda Cipta Hutama merupakan penyedia jasa IT dan general contractor. Keinginan perusahaan adalah memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, di mana diperlukan sebuah sistem informasi yang interaktif. Untuk memenuhi keinginan pelanggan tersebut, dibutuhkan sistem informasi Interactive Customer Relationship Management (i-CRM). I-CRM merupakan suatu usaha untuk menciptakan interaksi antara pelanggan dan perusahaan dengan waktu respon yang tinggi sehingga tidak terjadi kesalahan dalam proses persiapan sampai kepada penyajiannya. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan studi literatur. Sedangkan metode pengembangan sistem informasinya menggunakan model RAD, yang meliputi UML, dengan diagram use case, sequence class, statechart dan activity. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah membangun sistem informasi interactive customer relationship management (i-CRM). Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini berupa sebuah website i-CRM di mana pihak perusahaan dapat berinteraksi langsung dengan pelanggan dan pelanggan juga dapat dengan mudah melakukan purchase order. Selain itu, i-CRM ini dapat meningkatkan pelayanan yang diberikan yang berdampak pada meningkatnya kepuasan dan loyalitas pelanggan. Sistem ini juga dapat mempermudah perusahaan berinteraksi langsung dengan pelanggan menggunakan fasilitas suggestion dan complain, chatting dan newsletter.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Andiani Andiani ◽  
M. Farhan Zidni L.

Pinang is a digital application-based BRI Agro product that runs on the Android operating system, wherewith this application customers can apply for loans without collateral digitally, anywhere, and anytime. Of course, we need a system that can help the process of managing data from Pinang customers, starting from adding company cooperation with the Pinang application to maintaining and monitoring the system. So a Pinang dashboard information system is needed that can assist in the operation of the Pinang application that is capable of managing data, monitoring, and maintenance if there are problems in the Pinang application borrowing process. The Pinang dashboard can make it easier to manage, monitor, and provide information related to the Pinang application, including customer status, whitelist, repayment, disbursement, outstanding, ID card approval, and report withdrawal. The areca dashboard is built using the waterfall method, this method in its design uses UML diagrams, use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, and entity-relationship diagrams (ERD). The implementation of making Pinang dashboards uses the Golang programming language, Node Js, React Js, keycloak, and the PostgreSQL database. With the Pinang Dashboard, it is hoped that it can facilitate the operational team in maintaining the Pinang application and building a system that can manage, monitor, and provide information related to the Pinang application.  

Paulette M. Rothbauer ◽  
Lynne E.F. McKechnie

The treatment of potentially controversial materials is of great interest to library and information science scholars and practitioners because of the commitment of the profession to the principles of intellectual freedom and access to information. An examination of collection management activities is one way to determine if and how librarians implement these principles in their professional work.

Pulak Sahoo ◽  
J R Mohanty

<p>Software Testing is essential for delivering quality software products. Accurate test effort estimation is an important part of project planning. Prediction of test effort at early phases of Software Developmen Life Cycle enables managers to plan ahead for the testing phase. This increases the chances of the project meeting its timeline while achieving required quality. Unified Modeling Language is a widely-used standard for representing Object Oriented Systems. Use Case and Class Diagrams are two of the most important models of the system created during early phases of software development. This work proposed that the initial test effort is predicted early using Use Case Diagram during the requirement stage and is refined during design stage when Class Diagrams are available. The predicted test efforts in both stages are functions of parameters derived from Use Case and Class Diagrams. Estimations can be revised when rest of the UML diagrams are created.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Septi Nur Ilmi Putri ◽  
Mohammad Zaeni ◽  
Desi Jasmiati ◽  
Endar Nirmala ◽  
Irpan Kusyadi

Rental is a service provider that provides vehicle rental services. Currently, there are still many rental businesses that use manual systems for data processing which results in less efficient and slow work. Lack of information also makes it difficult for prospective tenants to find out the vehicle you want to rent. Making this application design aims to help facilitate ordering and information. This vehicle rental application will be designed using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) method, which visualizes the modeling using Use Case Diagrams and Activity Diagrams. Then the programming language that will be planned is JAVA language, with the MYSQL database as data storage. Meanwhile, the application development uses the Netbeans IDE 8.2. This system will provide results in the form of rental information and ordering transactions to facilitate vehicle rental activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Evi Harwiati Ningrum ◽  
Linda Wieke Noviyanti ◽  
Ike Nesdia Rahmawati ◽  
Annisa Wuri Kartika ◽  

The high number of COVID-19 cases was not balanced by the number of nurses assigned to the Covid isolation room with limited PPE availability. This causes many of the duties of nurses, especially health education, could not be performed completely. Thus, it is necessary to renew the Discharge Planning procedure for Covid 19 patients according to the characteristics of Covid-19 transmission. The purpose of this community service is to increase the effectiveness of the discharge planning for the COVID-19 patients to improve self-care and prevent infection transmission at home. This community service activity consists of 4 (four) stages, namely: 1) Preparation stage for coordination with the hospital; 2) Application development phase, consisting of application design, collection of educational media; 3) Implementation, launching and socialization of applications in the hospital environment; 4) Evaluation and monitoring stage. The results of the evaluation showed that as many as 58.7% of patients had used the CNA. About 62.7% patients experience an increase of their knowledge after accessing the CNA. There were 61.6% patients stated that the CNA had increased their knowledge on home care procedure post-Covid treatment. There are 62.3% of patients feel that the CNA supports patient care at home. The benefits of the CNA were expressed by 82 patients (87.2%) with increased self-care and as many as 76 patients (80.9%) stated that the CNA educational media was more attractive and easy to understand. The conclusion of this activity is that the CNA application can be implemented as a medium of health education for patients and families to improve their ability to take care of themselves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-86
Oviani Viandari ◽  
Qurrotul Aini

The establishment of the Pos Keadilan Peduli Umat (PKPU) Human Initiative as one of the non-governmental institutions. Concentration on humanitarian issues should have a public service standard such as a SIM (Management Information System) the goal is to fulfill role processing needs in channel qurban with modern management where more days the number of donors is getting more increase so that requires management to improve service quality. Therefore the writer analyzed and designed the Qurban Management Information System at PKPU Jakarta East. The method used in Job Training (PKL) is Rapid Application Development (RAD) through the Requirement Planning and Workshop Design stages with modeling Unified Modeling Language (UML) so as to produce analysis and design of Information Systems Qurban Management (SIMAQ), from the results of street vendors the authors analyze and design include: integrate donor data management starting from collection transactions up to reporting on distribution or distribution of qurban animals, the author designs starting from the use case diagram that will explain the sequence of activities performed by actors and systems to achieve the system needed, such as identification of actors, identification of use cases , design of use cases and use case narratives , activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, and class diagrams . Display of the system user interface qurban management information based on the duties and authority of each actor.

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