scholarly journals IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN PESANTREN KONTEMPORER: Pendekatan Strukturalisme

2012 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
Al Husaini M. Daud

<p>Abstrak: Islam adalah dasar bagi ideologi pesantren. Penanaman nilai-nilai Islam bagi santri merupakan hal penting yang akan menjadi modal bagi santri setelah berhadapan dengan realitas masyarakat. Tulisan ini mendiskusikan ideologi pesantren dengan menggunakan pendekatan Strukturalisme dengan tujuan untuk membahas strategi pelaksanaan ideologi pendidikan kepada santri sehingga nilai-nilai filosofi diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penulis menemukan bahwa strategi penyebaran ideologi pendidikan Islam pesantren adalah melalui kepiawaian seorang kiai dan kemapanan ilmu yang dimilikinya sebagai figur dalam masyarakat. Jaringan yang dibangun antara alumni dan masyarakat membuat nilai-nilai ideologi menjadi lebih mudah dilaksanakan. Di samping peran kiai sebagai pemimpin sangat dominan membuat proses transformasi ideologi melekat dalam seluruh aktivitas kehidupan para santri.</p><p><br />Abstract: The Ideology of Contemporary Pesantren Education: A Structuralism Approach. Islam is the ideological foundation of Pesantren. The cultivation of Islamic values in students is an important aspect that should become a force in facing the social reality. This article discusses the ideology of traditional Islamic boarding School or Pesantren. In doing so, this work will be approached by structuralism. The objective of this article is to discuss the strategy of education ideology implementation to all santri so that such values of the Pesantren ideology can be deeply rooted in their daily life. The author finds that dissemination strategy of Islamic education ideology is via the kiai’s expertise and his sound knowledge as a central figure for his community. In addition, the network  that constructed between alumnus and society make that ideology values become easier to implement. What’s more, the dominant role enjoyed by the Kiai lead to transformation process very attached to the whole social activities of the santris.</p><p><br />Kata Kunci: ideologi pendidikan, pesantren, Strukturalisme</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
Sumarto Sumarto

Historically, Islamic boarding schools were Islamic educational institutions developed by Indonesian people. Because actually pesantren is a cultural product of Indonesian people who are fully aware of the importance of education for indigenous people who grow naturally. Regardless of where the tradition and system is adopted, it will not affect unique patterns and have taken root and lived in the community. The pattern of life in pesantren is formed naturally through the process of planting values and developing the process of influencing influence with society. Islamic boarding schools always experience dynamics that never stop, in line with the social changes that occur.In the pesantren management system, the existence of a vision and mission occupies an important position. The vision must be formulated earlier and then set forth in the mission, namely programs and activities to realize the vision, and furthermore is to compile an action program in a mature and flexible plan to be implemented in a certain period of time in stages. The vision and mission of Islamic education which is the hope, ideals, and goals of Islamic education, are basically built from Islamic values and the results of analysis of the existence of Islamic education.Islamic boarding schools should be the center of Islamic education development, because; Islamic Boarding School is a center of religious education, which combines general and religious education, becomes a fortress for scientific balancers which are increasingly rapid by the influence of globalization, the development of science and knowledge is unstoppable, so Islamic boarding schools present as a fortress to provide boundaries that are in accordance with Islamization. This paper explains how Islamic boarding schools should be in developing Islamic education, preserving and preserving Islamic scholarship as a practice and practice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-176
Aida Hayani

Penerapan hukum Islam di zaman modern ini tampaknya aneh di kalangan umat Islam. Ini adalah cara yang sangat umum untuk ditentang dan jika diimplementasikan ketakutan di antara sosial masyarakat. Selain itu, mereka masih belum terintegrasi ke dalam menerapkan hukum Islam, sebagian besar dari mereka masih belum mengambil Islam sebagai jalan hidup. Jadi, karena itu bukan tanggung jawab mereka untuk terus berjalan, hidup mereka, dan juga tidak mengambil kendali dan menerapkannya dengan sempurna dan benar-benar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Penelitian ini merupakan pembaruan pada pengetahuan dan pemahaman hukum publik yang menerapkan hukum Islam. Sangat perlu untuk mengeksplorasi masalah di zaman modern ini. Kebijakan lokal semakin berkurang dengan datangnya budaya modern. Sebagai sampel, orang Aceh adalah salah satu orang muda paling sukses di dunia. Ada banyak manuskrip tentang budaya Aceh di meseum dan dayah (Pesantren Tradisional Islam) Dijelaskan ruang Aceh, budaya yang berbatasan dengan nilai-nilai Islam. Berdasarkan pernyataan sebelumnya, Pemerintah Aceh diharapkan untuk menerapkan dengan sempurna di antara semua hukum Islam di Aceh.The implementation of Islamic law in this modern age seems to be strange among moslems. It is the caused by most of them are opposed and if it is implemented a scare among the social society perfectly. Besides, they are still not integrated to implement the Islamic law, most of them still have not taken Islam as the path of life yet. So, as if it is not their responsibility to keep it goes along Reviews their life, and Neither to take control and implement it perfectly and truelly in their daily life. This research is Aimed to upgrade the knowledge and understanding of public society that implementation of Islamic law. Perfectly is Necessary to Anticipate the problems in this modern age. The local policy is getting reduce by coming the modern culture. As a sample, Achehnese most of the teenagers who live in urban can not understand to communicate by using Achehnese language well and most of the attitude of Achehnese is getting dissappear from their ancestor inheritance. There are many manuscripts about Achehnese culture in meseum and dayah (Traditional Islamic boarding school) Described roomates Achehnese the culture of the which is bordered by Islamic values. Base on the previous statements, the goverment of Aceh is expected to apply the Islamic law in Aceh perfectly among all society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Saifuddin Saifuddin ◽  
Yaqub Cikusin

 Multikulturalisme sesungguhnya sangat dekat dengan Islam. Nilai-nilai multicultural berjalan beriringan dengan nilai-nilai ajaran Islam. Implementasi dan praktik multikulturalisme di dunia pendidikan Islam telah berjalan dalam kehidupan alamiah masyarakat pesantren. Namun, multikulturalisme di pesantren tidak dapat dipisahkan dari peran serta seorang kiai sebagai pimpinan tertinggi. Tulisan ini mengungkap nilai multikultural yang terdapat dalam kehidupan alamiah masyarakat pesantren; ketika santri belajar, di asrama, mengaji, ketika santri makan, shalat, membaca wirid dan sebagainya. Selain itu, tulisan ini mengungkap keberadaan sosok kiai yang menjadi aktor dibalik berkembangnya nilai multikultural. Nilai-nilai multicultural diungkap dengan menelisik kehidupan sehari-hari santri, yang dalam pembumian nilai-nilai multicultural berjalan dengan alami. Dibalik itu semua, terdapat pola atau model yang dikembangkan oleh kiai yaitu; membentuk komunitas multicultural menghindari konflik sectarian menumbuhkan Islam moderat dan menangkal ideologi radikal.Kata Kunci: Kiai, Pondok Pesantren, Nilai-nilai Multikultural Multiculturalism is highly relevant to Islam.  Multicultural values go alongside Islamic values.  The implementation and practice of multiculturalism in Islamic education has been running in the natural life of the pesantren community.  However, multiculturalism in pesantren cannot be separated from the participation of a kiai as the highest leader. This paper reveals the multicultural values found in the natural life of the pesantren community; when the students study, in the dormitory, the Koran, when they eat, pray, read wirid and so on.  In addition, this paper reveals the existence of a kiai figure who is the actor behind the development of multicultural values.  Multicultural values are revealed by examining the daily life of students, which in the grounding of multicultural values runs naturally.  Behind all that, there are patterns or models developed by the kiai, namely; building multicultural communities — avoiding sectarian conflicts — fostering moderate Islam and countering radical ideologies.Keywords: Kiai, Islamic Boarding School, Multicultural Values 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 60
Nur Hidayah

Pondok Pesantren has an effective role to form the character of human who have the characteristic and have Islamic values ​​through transformation process of yellow book. Pesantren is a very important link for the transformation of science and the inheritance of Islamic values ​​from the next generation of generation. Originally boarding school more known as Islamic educational institutions, the institutions used for the spread and study of Islam. Pondok Pesantren is an Islamic educational institution that puts the figure of Kyai as the central figure and the mosque as the center of the institution. The quality of pesantren education depends on the quality of kyai as social actors, mediators, dynamists, catalysts, motivators as well as power with the depths of kyai knowledge and new insights . Because with new insights a kyai will quickly anticipate the existence of an opinion that says that the output of boarding school students is not qualified, then kyai anticipate the changes in all fields according to the needs of the community

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-84
Muhammad Nasrudin ◽  
Hilman Harun ◽  
Ahmad Salim ◽  
Ahmad Dimyati

the basic principles of Islamic boarding school education, namely; Al Muhafadhah ala al-qadim al shalih wa al akhdzu bi al jadid al ashlah. This principle has encouraged pesantren to maintain good old Islamic values without denying better changes. This paper intends to explore two sides of the coin for Pondok Persantren where one side is a distinct advantage for but can be a boomerang that hinders the progress of Islamic education based on understanding the basic elements and values of Islamic boarding schools and, then contributing thoughts in building a holistic Islamic boarding school education so that can follow the development of science without losing the obligation to maintain basic values. Holistic pesantren education can only be achieved if it is reaffirmed that the elements of the boarding school education system are not oriented towards learning religious knowledge but how kyai, teachers / ustaz and santri can learn to live in religion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-80
Ahmad Dzikri Dzikri

da'wah in Indonesia. In addition, Islamic boarding schools are defined as sustainable ritual institutions, moral development institutions, as covering Islamic Education. It is also as social institutions that have experienced various life variations; which is adjusted to the burden of growth of the community in the midst of the pesantren. This research is intended to describe the history  and the social changes of the  communities of the Al-Ishlah Sidamulya Astanajapura Cirebon Islamic Boarding School. It is also to describe the role of the Boarding School in fostering the lives of the community around the pesantren. This study uses historical history studies. The results of this study indicated that the Al-Ishlah Sidamulya Islamic Boarding School is one of the pesantren which has an important role in matters relating to the Sidamulya community; in religious, educational, social and economic fields of the communities. The social changes happen in the communities are malima activity (the thief, main, madat, mabok, madon) changed to salima (shubuh, dhuhur, ashar, maghrib and isya). In addition, planting the values of Islam to show the real Muslim through routine tarikat (Tijaniyah), activities of manakiban, tahlilan and tadarrusan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ahmad Fauzi

Sociologically, multicultural education is an attempt to preserve Islamic values as the vision of Islam rahmatanlil'alamin. Therefore, Islamic education today, faced with various increasingly crucial challenges, this view, cannot be separated from the atmosphere of modernization and globalization. Thus the presence of Islamic education is required to play its role dynamically and is expected to be able to provide change in the midst of a pluralistic society. Thus to build Islamic education in Indonesia which can bring a universal vision, it is necessary to have a paradigm of multicultural Islamic education, by promoting several principles, including; maintaining harmony, peace of mutual respect and liberation, not the other way around as domestication and social taming (social and cultural domestication). In this context, education is referred to as social enlightenment. Therefore, the effort to build the paradigm of Islamic education is a necessity, this can be done by restoring the social values of Islamic education universally besides being dynamic (inclusive), through several stages, namely a) building inclusive awareness by transmitting the entire system socio-religious values such as ketauhidan, tolerance and justice in the curriculum structure (culture domination and control). b) reconstructing the paradigm of Islamic education from the point of view of indoctrination to participatory, c) changing the ideological paradigm into scientific by giving the human mind the freedom to study and develop knowledge through His guidance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Agus Abdul Rahman

Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) as islamic educational institution in general organizes and designs curriculum that able to avoid its students from sexual behavior that contrast to the islamic values, as well as in pesantren or after graduating from pesantren. One of the effort of pesntren to reach such goal among them are by organizing the relationship between sexs and to separate its students according to the sexs. Students are faced to the situation that different at all with the actual reality. Some aspects are regarded can direct to the social contact between sexs are controlled. The question appears about how the influence of the sexs separation (single sex-pesantren) to the student sexual development, as they coming out from that pesantren and must face the actual reality, which heterogenous, uncontrollabe and different at all with the relaity that experienced in pesantren. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 93-104
Mohammad Saat Ibnu Waqfin

One of the most important and influential educational components is the teacher. Because the teacher is a central figure in improving the quality of education in students. Teachers in carrying out their duties are required to carry out various conditions, duties and responsibilities as instructors, educators and trainers. With a variety of demands that are so big and heavy, teachers in reality sometimes pay little attention to and implement these demands, so that they will influence and reduce the quality of education, especially students. The concept of teacher exemplary in terms of Islamic education is very important and is a very influential method in the process of formation and development of students. And this has been applied by the Apostle to his friends. As an educator, the teacher who becomes a character, role model and identification for students and their environment the teacher must implement the quality of his personality which includes authority, responsibility, independence, discipline, code of ethics, compassion, and mingling with society in daily life both in school environment and outside the school environment. Thus, the example of the teacher implemented in daily life will lead to the achievement of the goal of Islamic education to the fullest. From the explanation above, this is where the importance of this theme is about the example of the teacher in the perspective of scientific education to be studied by the author in the study of literature as a consideration or reference for educators, especially teachers.

Hasan Asari ◽  
Abd Mukti ◽  
Syadidul Kahar

The problem that is analyzed in this article is about the concept and implementation of inclusive Islamic education in the Darul Amin Border Dayah in Southeast Aceh. This research is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach by examining how the functions of the implementation of inclusive Islamic education in the Dayah Border Darul Amin Aceh Tenggara. Inclusive Islamic education in Dayah Border Darul Amin is integrated into the implementation of the dayah curriculum, both the dayah curriculum, the formal curriculum, the informal curriculum and the non-formal curriculum. Inclusive values instilled in dayah daily life are the values of tolerance, togetherness, mutual assistance, respect for differences and leadership based on Islamic values. The essence of inclusive Islamic education in the Darul Amin Border Dayah is the leader of the ummah and the generation of Muslim believers who are highly virtuous, knowledgeable, free-thinking and devoted to society.

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