2016 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
Zainuddin Zainuddin

<strong>Abstrak</strong>: Evaluasi penyelenggaraan MAN meliputi input-process-product dan outcome. Penelitian ini hendak mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan penyelenggaraan MAN di Idi Rayeuk Aceh Timur dengan pendekatan contex-input-process-product (CIPP). Temuan penelitian, dalam input adalah bahwa input siswa, pembiayaan dan kurikulum, sarana dan prasarana belajar berada pada kriteria tinggi; sementara daya dukung orang tua siswa, sumber daya berupa guru dan tenaga kependidikan berada pada tingkatan relatif sedang, Untuk evaluasi proses yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan proses kompetensi guru, pembelajaran, pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran, penilaian pembelajaran, kegiatan pengembangan diri/ ekstrakurikuler, supervisi dan evaluasi dikategorikan rata-rata pada tingkat relatif tinggi. Sedangkan untuk produk, baik hasil belajar maupun kegiatan ekstrakurekuler pada tahap produk di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Idi Rayeuk Aceh Timur di katagorikan rata-rata pada tingkat relatif tinggi.<br /><strong> </strong><br /><strong>Abstract:</strong> <strong>The Evaluation of State Islamic Senior High School Management in East Aceh</strong>. The evaluation of state Islamic senior high school management includes input-process-product and outcome. The purpose of this research is to know how the management of state Islamic senior high school in Idi Rayeuk East Aceh with using contex-input-process-product (CIPP) approaches. The finding of the research especially for input part is the input of student, funding and curricula, the high criteria of facilities and infrastructure; while the parents carrying, teacher and education staff are in middle level, for evaluation process which related with the planning process of teacher competency, learning, learning process, learning evaluation, extracurricular activity, supervision and evaluation categorized at the high level. But for the product, either learning result or extracurricular activity in state Islamic senior high school in Idi Rayeuk East Aceh categorized on average at a relatively high level.<br /> <br /><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Aceh, madrasah, evaluasi program, <em>contex-input-process-product</em>

Yunan Helmi Subroto

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untukmengetahui sejauhmana keberhasilan penyelenggaraan lima hari sekolah di SMA Negeri 1 Ngemplak yang meliputi proses, kesiapan dan hambatan yang muncul.Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian evaluatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan model CIPP (context, Input, Process, Product) dari Stuflebeam. Subyek penelitian adalah warga sekolah, terdiri dari 370 siswa, 27 guru dan 7TU. Metode pengambilan data dengan angket, wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: Penyelenggaraan lima hari sekolah di SMA Negeri 1 Ngemplak tergolong berhasil, dengan rata-rata perolehan skor sebesar 2,87. Ditinjau dari dimensi kontek, input dan proses termasuk berhasil dengan rata-rata perolehan skor masing-masing sebesar 3,01, 2,84, dan 2,95. Sedangkan pada dimensi produk termasuk dalam kategori cukup, dengan rata-rata skor yang diperoleh sebesar 2,68. Hambatan selama proses penyelenggaraan lima hari sekolah berupa jumlah kantin dan staf TU belum mencukupi, serta guru yang belum bisa membawakan pembelajaran dengan kreatif dan menarik, sehingga berdampak pada kondisi fisik dan psikis siswa berupa rasa bosan, letih dan mengantuk. AbstractThis study aims to determine the extent of the successful implementation of five school days in Ngemplak 1 Senior High School which includes the processes, readiness and obstacles that arise.This study belongs to the category of descriptive evaluative research using evaluation model of CIPP (context, Input, Process, Product).The study was conducted at Ngemplak 1 Senior High School which has 370 students, 27 teachers and 7 staffs. Data was taken using techniques: questionnaires, interviews, documentation and observation. The research data was then analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques.The results of this study showed that the holding of five school was successful, with an average score of 2.87. Judging from the dimensions of the context, inputs and processes including the successful category with an average score of 3.01, 2.84, and 2.95 respectively. While the dimensions of the product are included in the sufficient category, with an average score of 2.68. Obstacles during the process of organizing five school days in the form of the number of canteens and education personnel that are still insufficient, and teachers who have not been able to bring learning creatively and attractively, which have an impact on both students' psychic and physical such as boredom, fatigue and sleepiness.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-197
Sri Rahmi

The managerial expertise possessed by school principal, such as the ability to lead, to actuate, to plan and to interact with his/her subordinates is a major factor in achieving the success of the planned programs. School principals should be able to develop a high level of cooperation and work ethic among their subordinates. This article aims to analyse the types of school principal’s managerial expertise and the work ethihc of the teaching staff at State Senior High School 2 Lhoknga, Aceh Besar. The qualitative data was collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The result shows that the managerial expertises of the principal of State Senior High School 2 Lhoknga includes skills as educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader and motivator. The implementation of the expertise went well in accordance with the existing duties,  from the planning to the  evaluation process. However, the work ethic of the teaching staff has not been running optimally due to two factors, i.e., (1) internal factor which relates to cultural diversity and various; educational-economy-social background; and (2)External factor which relates to wages, work climate, inculcation of attitudes, and time owned by the educational staff.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 134
Katrin Hjort ◽  
Marianne Abrahamsen

The Nordic Countries are usually seen as the worlds must successful nations when it comes to gender equality, and the Scandinavian population in general appreciates values traditionally labeled feminine as caretaking and the quality of everyday life. However, the inequalities become obvious in school management. Among headmasters in High school in Denmark only 18 % are women despite of the fact that 52 % of the teachers are female. How can we explain that? This article is based on a survey answered by top- and middle level management staff. It rejects all traditional explanations of the relations between gender, values and family obligation but reveals an interesting difference between two strategies for career development: Domain Building and Risk Taking. Both strategies are applied by both men and women. However, one of them seems to be the most effective with regard to achieve a position as a top manager – and one of them is more often preferred by men than by women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Sapira Sapira ◽  
Haratua Tiur Maria Silitonga ◽  
Syukran Mursyid

This research aims to present the evaluation result of a remedial program using the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) model based on Technical Guidance by High School Directorate year 2010 in Physics Study in SMAN 1 Sekadau Hulu. This study is evaluative research with a descriptive quantitative approach. The data collection techniques used are by employing a questionnaire to the students of the MIA (Mathematics and Natural Sciences) Program, interviews with the school principal, deputy head of curriculum, and one teacher of Physics, as well as documentation. The research data analysis is through steps such as data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The data validation techniques used are the source and technique triangulation. The findings showed that (1) context evaluation carried out results in a percentage of 74.73%, categorized as sufficient. (2) Input evaluation carried out results in a rate of 56.88%, classified as low. (3) Process evaluation conducted results in a value of 74.07%, categorized as sufficient. (4) Product evaluation administered results in a percentage of 78.70%, categorized as high. The overall score of assessment on the remedial program in Physic instructions using CIPP evaluation is 71,09% with a category corresponding to the technical guidelines for the remedial program by the directorate of high school development year 2010. Therefore, this research is expected to contribute to improvements in remedial programs as a continuous effort in improving the quality of education programs.Keywords: CIPP Model, Evaluation, Remedial Program

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Sepri Sepri

The main purpose of this research is to find out the influence of students’ understanding of sentence pattern and vocabulary mastery on their reading comprehension of recount text at State Vocational Senior High Schoo 1 Logas Tanah Darat Kuantan Singingi Regency. This is a correlational research that consists of three variables; two independent variables, namely the students’understanding of sentence pattern and their vocabulary mastery, and one dependent variable which is the students’ reading comprehension of recount text. The research participants consisted of 175 tenth-grade students at the State Vocational Senior High School. The instruments that were used to collect the data are tests. After analysing the collected data by using SPSS, the results showed that the students’ understanding of sentence pattern is at the high level (M = 73.30, SD = 1.59) and their vocabulary mastery is also at the high level (M = 70.97, SD = 1.56). Besides, their reading comprehension of recount text is at the high level too (M = 67.91, SD = 1.66). After analysing the data by using multiple regressions, the finding indicated that there is a significant influence of the students’ understanding of sentence pattern and vocabulary mastery on their reading comprehension of recount text, in which F = 82.14, p=0.000<0.05. Then the percentage of the students’ understanding of sentence pattern and vocabulary mastery is 0.842 (84.20%). Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. Keywords: Influence, Sentence Pattern, Vocabulary Mastery, Reading  Comprehension

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
Cristine Kyle Cuizon ◽  
Mary-Ann A. Atienza ◽  
John Ismael J. Medina

Anti-intellectualism, the manifestation of disrespect and lack of interest of individuals for intellectual pursuits and critical thinking, has become a constant thread not only in the corporate world but also among students. Its long-term effect will be very excruciating, especially in the Philippine economy. This quantitative correlational research investigated the extent of relationship between the anti-intellectual attitudes and level of self-esteem or the individual’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value of one hundred and ninety-four (194) senior high school students from Fiat Lux Academe-Cavite, Philippines. The researchers made use of the Student’s Anti-Intellectualism Scale and State Self-Esteem Scale to measure the two variables. Analyzed data revealed an average level of attitude of anti-intellectualism and a moderate level of self-esteem among the participants. Furthermore, there is a significant, inverse, and moderate correlation between the two variables (Pearson= -0.50; Spearman Correlation = -0.44). Thus, students with high level of self-esteem have low anti-intellectual attitudes. Conversely, students exhibiting low level of anti-intellectual attitudes tend to have higher self-esteem. The researchers also utilized other statistical techniques such as the t Statistic and linear regression.

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 135
Yustiani Yustiani

<p><em>Cases of cheating, promiscuity, making sordid video student in the classroom are the phenomena of decline in character education at the school. In this sense, character education is essential to emphasized. This research uses qualitative approach, by applying design research CIPP model (Context, Input, Process, and Product). In context of building the nation character values at the school will success on condition that it is accompanied with system and climate supported by each school. One of supporting system and climate is the headmaster's policies on the regulation that support the implementation of character education, and this policy should be supported by infrastructure of the school. The input aspect that determines inculcation of nation character values in these both schools is the quality of the school resources including headmaster, teachers, educational staffs, students, and education infrastructures. From the aspects of process, inculcation nation character values on these schools is implemented through the integration of the Islamic religious education subject and culture of the school. Syllabus and RPP on subjects of Islamic religious education in State Senior High School 1 Kudus and State Senior High School 1 Jepara have already been insightful with the education of nation character. The aspects of product from internalization of cultural values and nation character are embodied in attitudes and behaviors of the students at school and society.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-96
Istifadah Istifadah

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to figure out and describe choir learning on extracurricular activity in State Senior High School of Jember and to know supporting factors and inhibiting factors of choir extracurricular learning process in State Senior High School of Jember. The result of this research showed that choirn extracurricular learning in State Senior High School of Jember: (1) has the purpose to improve musical intelligence and sharpen the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of thestudents(2) the material of chir extracurricular learning in State Senior High School of Jember is devided into each voice group , such as sopran, altor, tenor and bass, (3) the used method in choir learning is vary, such as plus lecture method, demonstration method, and drill method, and (4) music learning evaluation in State Senior High School of Jember is open and able to motivate students to be more vigorous in exercise. The supporting factors of band learning in State Senior High School of Jember are interest and talent, motivation, infrastructure, school community and parents and the program. While inhibiting factors are emotion and limitedtime. Keywords: Learning, Extracurricular, Choir

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-36
Stephen O. Calixton ◽  
Chona G. Mascuñana

This paper examined the level of strand specificity and perceived effectiveness of language activities in the Senior High School English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP) instruction. Specifically, it determined if a difference exists in the level of strand specificity and perceived effectiveness of language activities and if there is a relationship between the two variables. Adhering to descriptive-comparative and correlational research designs, this study used a researcher-made questionnaire conducted to 79 Grade 11 Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students. The findings revealed a high level of strand specificity and perceived effectiveness of EAPP language activities, both when taken as a whole and grouped as oral or visual. Furthermore, no significant difference exists both between the level of strand specificity of oral and visual language activities and their perceived effectiveness. Finally, strand specificity and perceived effectiveness have a moderately positive significant relationship.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Yogiek Indra Kurniawan

 ABSTRACT SMA Negeri Kerjo is a senior high school located in Kerjo, Karanganyar regency, Central Java province. From the data obtained, it can be seen that SMA Negeri Kerjo included in the school that is developing. There are more people willing to enter this school, especially high school student candidate in Kerjo area, Karanganyar regency. Based on the interviews that have been done, there are some problems in SMA Negeri Kerjo. The main problem is the promotion of SMA Negeri Kerjo that has not been maximized. During this time, the promotion from SMA Negeri Kerjo to capture the students is through posters spread to the surrounding areas. Another problem is the number of information related to SMA Negeri Kerjo that want to be conveyed to the public, both to SMA Negeri Kerjo’s students, as well as to people who want to know the condition in SMA Negeri Kerjo. Based on the problems above, the solution to overcome these problems is with the school information website that specifically displays the information for SMA Negeri Kerjo. SMA Negeri Kerjo’s website has been built with several features, including : school module, news module, gallery module, guest book module, PPDB module, material download module, announcement module, and extracurricular activity module. Based on the tests that have been done, 96.67% of respondents stated that the SMA Negeri Kerjo’s website can provide information on matters related to schools, news and school activities well, 85.83% of respondents stated that the website can already be a promotional tool which is better than the existing posters and fliers as well as 98.33% of respondents stated that the website is feasible to use.Keywords: school, senior high school, websiteABSTRAKSMA Negeri Kerjo adalah sebuah sekolah tingkat menengah atas yang terletak di daerah Kerjo, kabupaten Karanganyar, provinsi Jawa Tengah. Dari data yang diperoleh, dapat diketahui bahwa SMA Negeri Kerjo termasuk ke dalam sekolah yang sedang berkembang. Semakin banyak yang berkeinginan untuk memasuki sekolah ini, terutama para calon siswa SMA di daerah Kerjo, kabupaten Karanganyar. Berdasarkan wawancara yang telah dilakukan, terdapat beberapa permasalahan di SMA Negeri Kerjo. Permasalahan yang utama adalah promosi SMA Negeri Kerjo yang belum maksimal. Selama ini, promosi yang dilakukan SMA Negeri Kerjo untuk menjaring siswa hanyalah melalui poster yang disebar ke daerah-daerah sekitar. Permasalahan yang lain adalah banyaknya informasi terkait SMA Negeri Kerjo yang ingin disampaikan kepada publik, baik kepada siswa SMA Negeri Kerjo, maupun kepada masyarakat yang ingin mengetahui kondisi di SMA Negeri Kerjo. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, solusi yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi berbagai permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan adanya website informasi sekolah yang khusus menampilkan informasi-informasi untuk SMA Negeri Kerjo. Website SMA Negeri Kerjo pun telah dibangun dengan beberapa fitur, antara lain : modul sekolah, modul berita, modul gallery, modul buku tamu, modul PPDB, modul download materi, modul pengumuman, serta modul kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Berdasarkan pengujian yang telah dilakukan, 96,67% responden menyatakan bahwa website SMA Negeri Kerjo dapat memberikan informasi mengenai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan sekolah, berita serta kegiatan sekolah dengan baik, 85,83% responden menyatakan bahwa  website tersebut sudah dapat menjadi alat promosi yang lebih baik daripada poster dan flier yang ada selama ini serta 98,33% responden menyatakan bahwa website tersebut sudah layak untuk digunakan.Kata Kunci: Sekolah, SMA, Website

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