2021 ◽  
pp. 85-95
Г. М. Бурлак ◽  
Л. М. Вілінська

Purpose: analyze the experience of revitalizing an industrial complex in the context of creating an architectural space by means of external environmental design. Methodology. General scientific methods of analysis, comparative method, typological systematization, figurative and stylistic method, method of visual observation are applied.Results. The experience of revitalization of an industrial complex and the adjacent territory is considered on the example of the Waltrovka architectural space in Prague, Czech Republic. The figurative and semantic accents and architectural and artistic solutions for the revitalization of industrial complexes to create a modern ecologically, psychologically comfortable, socially oriented external environment are analyzed. The structural elements of the formation of new spaces in the place of industrial objects are highlighted. The constituent elements of the Waltrovka space can be viewed as urban planning objects integrated into the landscape component and the overallecological system. Landscape solutions are characterized by harmony, diversity, use of functional and decorative design elements. The historical past of the industrial complex manifests itself in the preservation of old buildings and the use of art objects. Scientific novelty. The content and significance of the external environment design in the revitalization of an industrial complex with a complete change in functions and the disclosure of new possibilities of old territories and buildings of the Waltrovka architectural space has been determined. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the practice of design of the external environment and landscape design during the revitalization of industrial areas to preserve historical significance.

Alexey G. Boev ◽  

T he dynamic development of the digital economy creates new business conditions that catalyze crossindustry cooperation of enterprises and accelerate technology transfer between various market entities. This determines the need for the efficient integrated structures in the industrial sector of Russia with high scientific, innovative, digital, and production capacity. The purpose of the research is to develop and operationalize a competitive model of the scientific and industrial complex in the digital economy. The content of the scientific and industrial complex is determined, and the differences between the complex and the industrial cluster are identified. The competitive advantages of a scientific industrial complex in relation to autonomous enterprises are highlighted. The scientific novelty and practical significance of the study unfold in the development of theoretical provisions and structural and functional parameters of the model of the scientific and industrial complex in the digitalization of the social economic systems, as well as a cluster analysis based methodological approach to its operationalization. A methodological approach to the operationalization of the model of scientific and industrial complexes performing in the digital economy includes four stages: 1) identifying the prerequisites for the integration; 2) choosing the goals for establishing a complex; 3) enterprises clusterization and modeling of scenarios for establishing a complex; 4) development of a complex’s functioning and development mechanism. The basic, industrial and technological, innovative digital, institutional and managerial, structural, financial and market criteria for clustering enterprises and organizations to establish a complex have been worked out. The approach was tested and options for establishing scientific and industrial complexes were modeled from cluster analysis of 37 enterprises of the Central Chernozem region of Russia by the G-means method. With the results of the analysis in mind, the authors recommended to set up radio-electronic, electrical engineering complexes in Voronezh region and a machine-building complex in Lipetsk region. The article offers a list of members, goals, types of strategies, integration projects and expected results of the modeled complexes performance. The model of the scientific and industrial complex and the approach to its operationalization can become a methodological tool for the management of enterprises when some options for setting up, organization types and scenarios for the development of integrated structures in the industry of Russia are considered. Further research is seen to be in developing the models of strategic and sustainable development during digital transformation of scientific and industrial complexes, as well as in developing organizational and economic mechanisms for institutional transformations of industrial enterprises in the digital economy.

А. А. Мустафаев

Formulation of the problem. The article deals with the actual problem of improving the efficiency of financial resources of the agro-industrial complex of the Komi Republic. The aim of the research is an attempt to solve certain conceptual and practical tasks that can ensure the efficient use of financial resources of the agro-industrial complex of the Komi Republic. The object of the research is the direction of increasing the efficiency of using financial resources of the agro-industrial complex of the northern region. The methods used of the research: methods of systematization and generalization, the comparative method, methods of induction and deduction. The hypothesis of the research.An important task is the development of appropriate principles to ensure the transition to an intensive investment path of development - the replacement of machinery and equipment, the introduction of new production technologies, increased technological competition, and increased demand for intellectual property. The statement of basic materials. Сonceptual aspects of financial relations contain a variety of scientifically based principles, features and phenomena. Numerous search options for various options (ways) to improve the efficiency of financial resources of the regional agro-industrial complex show that systematic underfunding of spheres and enterprises does not correspond to the efficient movement of these resources. Originality and practical significance of the research. The main way to improve the efficiency of financial resources of the agro-industrial complex of the region is to build an optimal system of their management. The creation of this system will allow more correctly classify the resources used and evaluate their circulation and turnover in the production processes; improve management efficiency and ensure transparency of business activity of enterprises; exercise effective control over monetary, material, labor and land resources. Conclusions of the research. The analysis of financial relations and financial resources of the agro-industrial complex more reliably characterize the financial condition of agro-industrial enterprises, assess their stability and stability. The transparency of this analysis depends not only on financial results, but also on industrial and commercial activities. Based on the analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of finance and financial resources of the agroindustrial complex, it was determined that this problem is multifunctional, systemic in nature.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 309 (7) ◽  
pp. 77-83
Iryna Fedotova

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical concepts and methodological bases for assessing the level of enterprise viability. Research methods. The basis to the formation of theoretical and methodological principles for assessing the viability of enterprises was a systematic approach. In the process of the research the dialectical means of perceiving the processes and phenomena were used, as well as the method of analysis (to determine the components of enterprise viability and relationships between them), the comparative method (to identify the common and different in the existing methods of assessing enterprise viability), the graphical method (to build a model of enterprise viability on the basis of sustainable development), the method of generalization (describing the stages of assessing the enterprise viability), the abstract-logical method (theoretical generalizations and formulation of conclusions). Research results. Based on the principles of sustainable development, the main three areas of the enterprise interaction with the external environment for the formation of its viability are identified: economic, social and environmental. Based on the analysis of existing approaches to assessing the enterprise viability, the main directions for assessing the viability are suggested, depending on the scope of interaction between the enterprise and the external environment. The stages of assessing the enterprise viability have been formed. Scientific novelty. The methodological bases for assessing the level of enterprise viability based on evaluating the stability of internal subsystems of the enterprise, its corporate culture, relations with internal and external partners, as well as environmental safety have been improved. Practical significance. The proposed methodological guidelines will help systematically and comprehensively assess the enterprise viability in terms of its internal and external environments, and will make it possible to perform a comparative analysis of the enterprise viability in the dynamics of a number of years or for different enterprises between them. Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 14.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. 2103-2123
V.L. Gladyshevskii ◽  
E.V. Gorgola ◽  
D.V. Khudyakov

Subject. In the twentieth century, the most developed countries formed a permanent military economy represented by military-industrial complexes, which began to perform almost a system-forming role in national economies, acting as the basis for ensuring national security, and being an independent military and political force. The United States is pursuing a pronounced militaristic policy, has almost begun to unleash a new "cold war" against Russia and to unwind the arms race, on the one hand, trying to exhaust the enemy's economy, on the other hand, to reindustrialize its own economy, relying on the military-industrial complex. Objectives. We examine the evolution, main features and operational distinctions of the military-industrial complex of the United States and that of the Russian Federation, revealing sources of their military-technological and military-economic advancement in comparison with other countries. Methods. The study uses military-economic analysis, scientific and methodological apparatus of modern institutionalism. Results. Regulating the national economy and constant monitoring of budget financing contribute to the rise of military production, especially in the context of austerity and crisis phenomena, which, in particular, justifies the irrelevance of institutionalists' conclusions about increasing transaction costs and intensifying centralization in the industrial production management with respect to to the military-industrial complex. Conclusions. Proving to be much more efficient, the domestic military-industrial complex, without having such access to finance as the U.S. military monopolies, should certainly evolve and progress, strengthening the coordination, manageability, planning, maximum cost reduction, increasing labor productivity, and implementing an internal quality system with the active involvement of the State and its resources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 5538
Sin-Yee Yoo ◽  
Sumin Choi ◽  
Namin Koo ◽  
Taehee Kim ◽  
Chan-Ryul Park ◽  

Green buffer (GB) zones are designed to prevent the spread of air pollutants and odors from industrial complexes (ICs) to residential areas (RAs). We analyzed changes in the concentration of particulate matter (PM) and the number of high PM pollution days for 10 years after the GB was implemented, using the National Atmospheric Environmental Research Stations 2001–2018 dataset. We also performed field measurements of PM10 and PM2.5 from February 2018 to January 2019 to analyze the PM concentrations at human breathing height throughout the GB. Before GB implementation (2001–2006), PM10 in the RA was 9% higher than that in the IC. After GB zone implementation (2013–2018), PM10 in the RA was 11% lower than that of the IC. Furthermore, the PM concentration in the RA (slope = ∆Concentration/∆Time, −2.09) rapidly decreased compared to that in the IC (slope = −1.02) and the western coastal area (WCA) (slope = −1.55) over the 10-year period. At PM concentrations at human breathing height, PM10 and PM2.5 in the RA were lower than those in the IC by 27% and 26%, respectively. After GB implementation, the wind speed was positively correlated but SOx was negatively correlated with the PM reduction rate at a local scale. These results show that there was a reduction of PM during and after GB implementation, implying the need for proper management of GBs and continuous measure of pollutant sources at the green buffers of industrial complexes.

K.A. Ushmaeva ◽  
A.S. Goncharov

This study is devoted to the study of relevant works on the history of the Stavropol Cossacks, works in the field of education of the Stavropol Cossacks as an independent Cossack group, trade, cultural and economic ties in the Stavropol Territory, spiritual life, language, culture, traditions and customs of the Stavropol Cossacks. Among modern studies in the history of the Stavropol Cossacks, the following topics stand out: military life and everyday life, folklore and song traditions, the movement for the revival of the Cossacks, as well as the current state and prospects for the development of Cossack organizations. The prospect of the development of pedagogical technologies based on the Cossack traditions of educating young people in Stavropol is highlighted as a separate topical topic. The relevance of the study lies in the need for a private study of the historiography of the regional Cossack group of Stavropol Cossacks in order to expand the scientific and pedagogical tools in the field of «Cossack studies». The practical significance of the study is expressed in the possibility of using the data of the article in the search for supporting material for teaching the "History of the Cossacks" in a higher educational institution (taking into account the regional specifics). The scientific novelty of the research is expressed in a new view of the Stavropol Cossacks as an independent Cossack group formed at the end of the XVIII century. The source base is represented mainly by archival data from the State Archives of the Stavropol Territory, data banks on archaeological, cultural and linguistic expeditions, sources of personal origin, the works of contemporary historians and directly the works of historians, whose studies formed the basis of the historiography of the history of the Stavropol Cossacks. The research methodology is based on the principles of historiographic comparative studies and comparative analysis of sources. Within the framework of the sociocultural approach, we rely on the following methods. Special-historical: the narrative method, the historical-comparative method, the historical-systemic method, the retrospective method. Sociological: document analysis, method of generalizing characteristics, method of ideal types. Culturological: comparative method, cultural-systemic method. Pedagogical: pedagogical interviewing, a method of studying and generalizing pedagogical experience.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (390) ◽  
pp. 146-153
L. Savchenko ◽  
S. Tovkach ◽  
A. Shilina ◽  
N. Yablonovskaya ◽  
O. Subbotina ◽  

An advertising slogan is a special genre of advertising text that acts as a connecting link in the entire advertising campaign. In addition, slogans also perform a number of other functions, being the most important unit of advertising communication, they influence the recipients of information, affect their emotions and behavior. The relevance of the topic is due to the increased interest in the rapidly developing language of advertising. The article is devoted to general issues of the functioning of an advertising slogan in the structure of advertising activities, classification of slogans in advertising communication. Research methods are determined by the goals and objectives of the work. In a complex linguistic analysis, the following general scientific theoretical methods are used: the continuous sampling method, the descriptive-analytical method, the comparative-comparative method. The theoretical significance of this study lies in the expansion, deepening and systematization of theoretical information about the concept of an advertising slogan. The scientific and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the materials of the study can be used in theoretical courses on advertising in the study of intercultural communication. Results. The totality of the typological characteristics of the slogan distinguishes it from the background of other verbal units of advertising appeal. These are laconicism and imagery of form, expressiveness, focus on dialogue with the addressee. The slogan of a product that is just entering the market must contain the brand name. This will allow the consumer to be remembered faster. Having analyzed the functions and typological characteristics of the slogan, we came to the conclusion that the slogan is a key autonomous element of the advertising message and can be used both in the context of advertising, being its component, and separately, having semantic, structural, compositional features. The slogan can act as a linguistic unit, independent of other elements of the advertising text, expressing the essence of the advertising campaign, the company's image, the dominant idea. Thus, the changes caused by extralinguistic factors inevitably lead to the creation of new advertising images, which in turn requires a qualitative transformation of the nature of the advertising text and the emergence of new advertising slogans.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 311 (9) ◽  
pp. 86-94
Yurii Kernasiuk

The purpose of the article is to highlight the conceptual understanding of the cluster as an innovative organizational and economic form of production in the system of sustainable development on the example of the agricultural sector and substantiate the scientific basis for ensuring its implementation at the regional level. Research methods. When carrying out the research, a set of general scientific methods and techniques was used; monographic - in the study of domestic and foreign publications and the above-mentioned problems; a systematic approach based on the principles of systems analysis and synthesis - to substantiate the relationship between sustainable development, the efficiency of agricultural production and the cluster model; abstract-logical - for the theoretical generalization of research results and determination of measures to ensure the implementation of the cluster model of agricultural development; economic analysis - to study the efficiency of agricultural production. Research results. The essence of the cluster in modern economic theory in the context of the concept of sustainable development has been studied and analyzed. Globalization, climate change and the aggravation of socio-economic and environmental problems in many countries of the world necessitate the search for new models of economic development. It has been established that one of the most optimal organizational and economic forms of effective agricultural production in the system of sustainable development is clusters. On the example of the Kirovograd region, a scientifically grounded regional model of the development of agro-clusters in the agro-industrial complex. Scientific novelty. Based on the synthesis of scientific theories of cluster and sustainable development, further study of theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the essence of clusters as a promising organizational and economic form of effective agricultural production in the system of sustainable development was obtained. Practical significance. The research results will find practical use in substantiating regional strategies for the development of agro-industrial production. They can be used in educational and educational programs, when providing consulting services for the creation of projects of agricultural clusters and in further scientific research.

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