scholarly journals Construction of the Wali Pitu’s Sacredness and Islamic Veneration in Balinese Hindu Civilization

Amin Tohari

<p class="abstrak">This article explains the <em>Wali Pitu</em> (the seven saints) as a new form of veneration dynamics in Indonesia, which was built by the sacredness of Bali as the heart of Hindu culture in Indonesia. This phenomenon is unique and interesting, because the seven tombs of Muslim saints are venerated by Hindus of the region. This study uses a qualitative approach with the case-study method, extracting data as documentation from the notes of Toyyib Zaen Arifin during the expedition to search the seven graves, and interviews with members of the Manaqib al-Jamali, guidance, organizers and religious tourism congregations, as well as several caretakers of the tombs. This article describes the sacred construction of the discovery of the seven sainthoods tombs and their cults and their dynamics as a new form of the veneration of saints in Indonesia, one that differs from the other forms of veneration in Java which has been deeply rooted for a long time, such as the <em>Wali Songo</em> (the nine saints).</p><p class="abstrak" align="left"> </p><p><em>Artikel ini berupaya menjelaskan Wali Pitu (tujuh wali) sebagai bentuk baru dinamika venerasi di Indonesia yang dibangun oleh sakralitas Bali sebagai jantung peradaban Hindu. Fenomena ini sangat unik dan menarik dimana kedua korpus yang diteliti sangat kontradiktif namun menjadi sebuah realitas nyata, dimana tujuh makam wali Muslim ditemukan di Bali sebagai jantung peradaban Hindu. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus, penggalian data berupa dokumentasi dari hasil catatan Toyyib Zaen Arifin selama ekspedisi pencarian tujuh makam wali, dan wawancara kepada anggota manaqib al-Jamali, pembimbing, penyelenggara dan jama’ah wisata religi, serta beberapa juru kunci makam Wali Pitu. Artikel ini menjelaskan konstruksi sakralitas atas penemuan tujuh makam wali dan pengkultusannya serta dinamikanya sebagai wujud baru venerasi orang suci di Indonesia yang berbeda dengan venerasi sebelumnya di Jawa yang sudah mengakar kuat sejak lama (Wali Songo).</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 2192
Anantasena Indra Wicaksono ◽  
Siti Inayatul Faizah

ABSTRAKJumlah pengunjung di wisata Sunan Giri sejak tahun 2017 hingga 2019 mengalami peningkatan, sehingga membuat pendapatan rata-rata harian yang diperoleh pengemudi dokar cukup tinggi yaitu kurang lebih 400.000 rupiah di hari kerja, sedangkan di akhir minggu atau musim libur bisa mencapai dua kali lipatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keadilan sosial dan kesejahteraan anggotan paguyuban di wisata religi Sunan Giri berdasarkan prinsip ashabiyah melalui circle of equity Ibnu Khaldun. Penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif dalam menganalisis permasalahan. Wawancara dilakukan kepada lima anggota paguyuban di wisata Sunan Giri, yang terdiri dari kusir dokar, wakil ketua paguyuban, dan informan kunci. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa tingkat keadilan sosial dan kesejahteraan paguyuban wisata Sunan Giri menurut teori Ibnu Khaldun melalui ashabiyah dan circle of equity yang masih rendah. Hasil penelitian diperkuat diperkuat dengan penambahan analisis penelitian melalui triangulasi dengan teori Al Ghazali.                Keywords: Kesejahteraan Islam, Ibnu Khaldun, Circle of Equity, Ashabiyah ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to find out how the welfare of traditional public transportation service providers in the Sunan Giri religious tourism area in the perspective of Ibn Khaldun. The approach used in this study uses a qualitative approach. This type of research is a case study method. The results showed that Ibn Khaldun's thought in the Circle of Equity theory of a person's level of welfare could be measured through Sharia values, so that when the providers of doctoral services in the Sunan Ampel religious tourism area performed obligatory prayers at the mosque and performed alms. Ashabiyah badawah-based economies are also applied in this community, because people tend to have a goal to save for the future in the hope of providing something more for their offspring later. The value of their wealth has not been able to share their wealth with fellow believers because it is only enough for themselves and is still classified as a prosperous family in stage III. in fact the circle of equity theory experienced a setback which increasingly troubled and kept the community from the word prosperous because the government did not want to be involved in the process of welfare for its people.Keywords: Islamic Welfare, Ibnu KHaldun, Circle of Equity, Ashabiyah

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (9) ◽  
pp. 684
Wandha Cholifah Ramadan ◽  
Suherman Rosyidi

This research aims to find out how far the implementation of Islamic production norms at Faiza Embroidery Industry in Bangil goes on. Author only implements two of four Islamic production norms, which are: to make working as a main pillar of production and to do production activity in a halal way. It uses qualitative approach by using case study method. Deep interviewand observation to informen, were used in collecting data and they are owner and employees of this industry. Secondary data were derived from journal, text books, and the other literatures. Analysis has been done by seeing a suitability between activity of the production process and Islamic production norms. It is started from finance and then to labor, salary system, and materials used.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 329-346
Iyam Marhamah ◽  
Yaya Yaya ◽  
Asep Sodiqin

Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan sistem dakwah Pondok Pesantren At-Tawazun ditinjau melalui sistem terbuka mulai dari tahap input, conversion, output, feedback, hingga environment dalam upaya mengatasi problematika santri yang dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan zaman. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan spesifikasi penelitian field research (penelitian lapangan). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan pondok pesantren At-Tawazun dirasakan cukup besar manfaatnya oleh orang tua maupun masyarakat. Lembaga dakwah dan pendidikan ini telah ikut berkontribusi dalam menanggulangi masalah sosial dan kenakalan remaja yang semakin rumit, sehingga mampu memberikan lulusan santri yang brakhlak, berbudi luhur dan mampu mengamalkan ilmunya di masyarakat. Lebih dari itu, kehadiran pondok pesantren At-Tawazun diharapkan dapat mengatasi akulturasi budaya yang menyimpang di era sekarang ini. Sehingga semangat generasi muda kita dapat disalurkan terhadak hal-hal positif, untuk kemajuan Agama dan Negara. This paper aims to describe the da’wah system of At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding School through an open system starting from the input, conversion, output, feedback, and environment stages in an effort to overcome the problems of santri that are influenced by the times. This research uses case study method with qualitative approach and field research specification (field research). The results of this study indicate that the existence of the At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding Scool was felt to be of considerable benefit by parent and community. This da’wah and education institution has contributed to tackling social problems and juvenile delinquency that are increasingly complicated, so as to be able to provide graduates who are morally, virtous and able to practice their knowledge in the community, moreover, the presence of the At-Tawazun Islamic Boarding School is expected to overcome the deviant cultural acculturation in the present era. So that the spirit of our young generation can be channeled suddenly to positive things, for the advancement of Religion and the state.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Novalia Nastiti ◽  
Imron Mawardi

Amil zaka in zaka institutions has the right as one of eight ashnaf. Their rights are usually used by zaka institutions as operational cost. However, not all of the intitutions which manage zaka take amil’s right, one of them is Yayasan Nurul Hayat. This institution does not take amil’s right and it is independent in its operational cost. To support this operational cost, Yayasan Nurul Hayat establish business unit with utilize its profit.This study aimed to discover the capability of business unit in supporting operational cost of Yayasan Nurul Hayat. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive case study method. The selections of informant are using purposive sampling method. Data collection was conducted by semi-structured interviews and documentation. This data is analyzed using descriptive method.The result of this study shows that Yayasan Nurul Hayat Employments’ Salary is taken from business unit’s profit. It is also used to give bonus for employments and grow the business unit of Yayasan Nurul Hayat up. From the result of this study, it can be concluded that the business unit which is developed has great capability to support operational cost of Yayasan Nurul Hayat.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Anindya Retno Wardhani ◽  
A.A Gde Satia Utama

Branch of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) in Tanjung Perak is one of the institution body that appointed by the Government to carry out the collection and remittance of WAPU VAT according to PMK No. 85 / PMK.03 / 2012 (amended by PMK No. 136 / PMK.03 / 2012). WAPU VAT collection and deposit system are inefficient because it requires a lot of time and effort when it comes to input the data entry of tax invoice, printing Tax Deposit and sent it to Bank Perception. Three steps activities need to be done more than once. Therefore, Branch of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) in Tanjung Perak need the collection and remittance of the WAPU VAT system that sufficient to improve the efficiency of tax suboffices performance.This research aims to design the accounting information system for collecting and depositing process WAPU VAT. WAPU VAT Deposit using e-tax payment application are expected to overcome the problems that will arise in the WAPU VAT system deposit.Exploratory qualitative approach with case study method chosen in order to dig up the real problem occurs and find a solution. This research are expected to contribute significantly towards Branch of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia III (Persero) in Tanjung Perak as a research subject. In addition, the implementation of draft e-tax application payment system are expected to improve efficiency process of collection and remittance of WAPU VAT. Keyword : System Design, Wapu VAT, Efficiency, e-tax payment

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
Monika Teguh ◽  
Jeremy Santoso ◽  
Sasha Kurnia Njotoharsojo

Franchise is a business license from the franchisor to the franchisee. The franchise business industry continues to show an increasing trend every year. One of the food franchise businesses that has successfully developed and has outlets in various cities in Indonesia is ChiFry. ChiFry has been established since 2015 and now has 27 outlets throughout Indonesia. This study aims to determine the relationship strategy of the franchisor with the franchisee in the ChiFry food business, where ChiFry within 4 years succeeded in opening 25 franchise branches. The research is based on customer relations theory because the franchisee is a customer of the franchisor. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the case study method. The results of this study indicate that all elements of the relationship strategy at ChiFry such as commitment, communication, trust, respect, mutual understanding, confidentiality, and mutual exchange work well, thus encouraging customer satisfaction. This research also shows that when the franchisor meets aspects of customer satisfaction such as quality perception, perceived value, and handling complaints, it will create loyalty from the franchisee. Loyalty is manifested in the form of not breaking the contract of cooperation with the franchisor.Keywords : Customer Relations, Franchise, Relationship Strategy, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty

Prologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Vinia Fransiska ◽  
Sinta Paramita

Live shopping is an online shopping activity that is done directly and within a certain duration. This research discusses the live shopping process in the digital communication industry.. The theory used is the theory of marketing communication, social media, Instagram, and digital communication. This study discusses the phenomenon of live shopping activity in the digital communications industry. The method used is a case study with a qualitative approach and using the techniques of interview, observation, and documentation. The results of this study can be seen that the live shopping activity that uses social media to utilize the features of Instagram namely Stories. The birth of live shopping is based on the phenomenon that has been formed over a long time, namely ‘jastip’. Goods sold in the live shopping activity are also more diverse than shop online as usual. It also offers more interactive shopping activities and fun so that buyers feel the thrill of shopping directly on the spot and the limited duration so that the buyers will be encouraged with time. Before live shopping, sellers will promote it by using Instagram Ads or endorsement to influencers. It can be concluded that the live shopping process starts with 3 main steps, promotion, interaction, and transaction. Live shopping merupakan suatu kegiatan berbelanja secara online yang dilakukan secara langsung dan dalam durasi tertentu saja. Penelitian ini membahas tentang proses live shopping dalam industri komunikasi digital. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori komunikasi pemasaran, media sosial, Instagram, dan komunikasi digital. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa kegiatan live shopping yang menggunakan media sosial Instagram ini memanfaatkan fitur Instagram yaitu Instagram Stories. Lahirnya live shopping didasari oleh fenomena yang sudah terbentuk lebih lama yaitu jasa titip atau jastip. Barang yang dijual dalam kegiatan live shopping juga lebih beragam dibandingkan berbelanja online seperti biasa. Kegiatan ini juga menawarkan kegiatan belanja yang lebih interaktif dan menyenangkan sehingga pembeli merasakan sensasi berbelanja langsung di tempat dan durasi waktu yang terbatas sehingga pembeli akan berpacu dengan waktu. Sebelum melakukan kegiatan live shopping, penjual terlebih dahulu akan memasarkannya dengan memanfaatkan fitur Instagram ads atau endorsement kepada influencer. Untuk itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses live shopping dimulai dari 3 langkah utama yaitu promosi, interaksi, dan terakhir transaksi. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-62
Nadhillah Kusindriani ◽  
Martha Tri Lestari

Ustadz Evie Effendi was a public figure who is known by the public as a modern ustadz that use the Sundanese language when do Da’wah. The perceptions given by the society particularly of ustadz Evie Effendi Da'wah pilgrims are positive until ultimately ustadz Evie exposed "misinterpretation" case in August 2018 when he misinterpreted a verse in the Sura in the Quran. The occurrence of a case of "misinterpretation" had a significant impact for ustadz Evie Effendi, one of them is a lot of pilgrims from ustadz Evie Effendi in Bandung which is no longer a loyal following lectures activities conducted by him. The existence of the impact that occurs from the "misinterpretation" case encourages researchers to see how the changes in perception that occurred in ustadz Evie Effendi Da'wah worshipers in Bandung. This study used a qualitative approach through the case study method uses the concept of Yin (2015). The results of this research show that changes in perception that occurred in Ustadz Evie Effendi Da'wah worshipers in Bandung is different for adult ages (40 – 50 years) and adolescents (20 years) as well as temporary caused culture society Indonesia which is permissive.Ustadz Evie Effendi merupakan seorang publik figur yang dikenal oleh masyarakat sebagai ustadz kekinian yang menggunakan bahasa Sunda ketika ceramah. Persepsi yang diberikan masyarakat khususnya jamaah dakwah ustadz Evie Effendi positif sampai pada akhirnya ustadz Evie terkena kasus “salah tafsir” pada bulan Agustus 2018 ketika ia salah menfasirkan ayat dalam suatu surat di Al-Quran. Terjadinya kasus “salah tafsir” memberikan dampak yang cukup besar bagi ustadz Evie Effendi salah satunya adalah banyak dari jamaah dakwah ustadz Evie Effendi di Kota Bandung yang tidak lagi setia mengikuti kegiatan ceramah yang dilakukan ustadz Evie Effendi. Adanya dampak yang terjadi dari kasus “salah tafsir” mendorong peneliti untuk melihat bagaimana perubahan persepsi yang terjadi pada jamaah dakwah ustadz Evie Effendi di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui metode studi kasus menggunakan konsep Yin (2015). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perubahan persepsi yang terjadi pada jamaah dakwah ustadz Evie Effendi di Kota Bandung berbeda untuk kalangan usia dewasa (40 – 50 tahun) dan remaja (20 tahun) serta bersifat sementara yang disebabkan kultur masyarakat Indonesia yang permisif.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Muhammad Zakaria Umar ◽  
Muhammad Arsyad ◽  
Santi Santi ◽  
Arman Faslih

Bamboo is a sustainable building material because the use of new materials is sustainable. In the City of Kendari, there are still craftsmen of bamboo woven wall material. This research is important to do because to reveal how to make bamboo woven wall material by local craftsmen in Kendari and to find out the pattern of making bamboo woven wall material against the principles of sustainable architecture. This research is aimed at identifying and reviewing work tools, work materials, and how to make bamboo woven wall material against the principles of sustainable architecture by local craftsmen in Kendari City. This study uses a case study method with a qualitative approach. This study concluded that the principles of sustainable architecture in bamboo woven wall materials are as follows: working tools are used simply to reduce the use of new materials, the materials for making come from vegetation grown so that the location and natural resource ecosystems are sustainable, and how to make use of human energy so that it saves energy.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 188
Gea Papurane Langi ◽  
Imron Mawardi

This research is done to see any risks that happened in Islamic bank, which can damage the bank. While it aims to find out the strategy used by Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) to reduce the risk faced and often happened in the field. The research method uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collecting was done by relating proposed questions and the conclusion made from the result of the interview with Branch Manager (BM), Relation Manager, and Remedial BMI of Branch Office of Mas Mansyur. The result of this research showed that BMI of Mas Mansyur Branch Office had done the process of risk management by identifying risk in the manner of finding out the existing risks which are financing risk; market risk; and ownership risk, measuring and monitoring the risks in the manner of doing measurement to find out and see any reason that causes those risks exist, and controlling and managing the existing risks in Musyarakah Mutanaqisah (MMQ) financing in the manner of ways that have already determined by BMI of Mas Mansyur Branch Office. The last is by monitoring the risks in MMQ financing at BMI of Mas Mansyur Branch Office.Keywords: Risk Management, Risk, Financing, Musyarakah Mutanaqisah, Bank Muamalat Indonesia

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