scholarly journals The Meanings of The Philosophy of Symbol of The Patuaekkon Tradition In The Mandailing Muslim Bataknesse Community on The Northern Border of West Sumatra

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Fitri Mawaddah

<p>This article aims to describe the meaning of symbolic philosophy contained in patuaekkon tradition at the wedding of Mandailing Batak Muslim community in Kampung Harapan Village, Pasaman Regency. This research article uses the field research method, in which the researcher collects data directly at the research location to strengthen the results of the philosophical meaning contained in patuaekkon tradition with a descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the meaning of symbolic philosophy of patuaekkon tradition consists of water symbolizing purity, kaffir lime symbolizing cleanliness, silunjuang leaves symbolizing self-adjustment, midrib leaf of banana stem and miracle leaves symbolizing peace and tranquility, nacar symbolizing the process of life's journey, ulos symbolizing blessing and affection, onang-onang song as an expression of joy, praise, hope, advice, and prayer. Poda has a meaning as advice in social life, ways to find a good and right livelihood, and habits in life.</p><p><em>Artikel ini bertujuan  untuk menguraikan makna filosofi simboik yang terkandung dalam tradisi patuakkon pada pernikahan komunitas Muslim Batak Mandailing  Perbatasan utara di Kampung Harapan Kabupaten Pasaman. Penelitian artikel ini menggunakan metode field reasearch, dimana peneliti mengumpulkan data-data secara langsung di lokasi penelitian untuk memperkuat hasil makna filosofi yang terkandung dalam tradisi patuaekkon dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa makna filosofi simbolik  tradisi patuaekkon terdiri dari air melambangkan kesucian, jeruk purut melambangkan kebersihan, daun silunjuang melambangkan penyusaian diri, pelepah batang pisang dan daun cocor bebek melambangkan kedamaian dan ketentraman, nacar melambangkan proses perjalanan hidup, ulos sebagai makna restu dan kasih sayang, lagu onang-onang sebagai ungkapan kegembiraan, pujian, harapan, nasehat, dan do’a, poda memiliki makna sebagai nasehat dalam berkehidupan sosial, cara-cara mencari penghidupan yang baik dan benar, dan kebiasaan yang dilakukan dalam kehidupan</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ryski Pebriana, Rofik Efendi

The development of Islamic banking and Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia lately increasing. One reason is the strong belief in the Muslim community that banking and conventional financial institutions contain usury which is prohibited by Islam. The presence of Agritama Srengat Blitar BMT as Syari'ah savings and loans is intended to be a more innovative alternative in financial services, the financing process is also not complicated. The absence of an element of usury to Murabahah financing, and the ease of the process and conditions for financing, does not make more and more bad loans. The approach used in this research is a qualitative descriptive approach, while the type of research is field research, and the method of collecting data is observation, interview and documentation, which is using three steps, data reduction, file presentation and drawing conclusions.The results of this study indicate that: 1). Financing procedures at BMT Agritama Srengat Blitar use 5C analysis (character, capacity, capital, collateral, condition) and take into account a maximum radius of 10 km, but this does not apply to existing customers and customers who get recommendations from partners. 2). The implementation of Murabahah financing management has not been in accordance with the murabaha management function which includes planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling. Where the planning of murabahah financing is devoted to agriculture and animal husbandry, but in practice it is not appropriate, then in the implementation of murabahah financing using a wakalah contract it is signed together with murabahah. And the supervision conducted by BMT Agritama is not routinely visited to the place of business. Keywords : financing manajement, murabahah

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Alif Nurul Mubarok

Tahlilan is one of the ancestral traditions of the Indonesian nation which is rich in social values. Apart from functioning as a religious ritual, it is also meaningful as a medium for character education. Through the field research method, this research seeks to reveal the values of character education contained in the tahlilan tradition, especially tahlilan carried out by the people of Losari Village, Losari District, Cirebon Regency. The results of this study found that there are so many values of character education contained in the tahlilan tradition in Losari Village, namely; diversity, social concern, hard work, and discipline. Thus, it can be said that the tahlilan tradition can function as the basis for character education for the Indonesian nation, especially among the Indonesian Muslim community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Miskahuddin Miskahuddin ◽  
Zuherni Zuherni

Reciting Barzanji is a tradition that has long practiced among Muslim community, and performed in special ceremony or occasion. Even though the books known as Barzanji, in fact the origin title is ‘Iqd al-Jawahir (the strands of jewels), as the Prophet himself. Barzanji refer to the author Syekh Ja’far ibn Hasan ibn Abdul Karim ibn Muhammad al-Barzanji (1690 -1763 M) a sufi scholar, whose born in Madinah and relate to Barzan (Kurdistan) tribe. Based on the content, the author of barzanji present Islamic knowledge regarding with the life of Prophet (sirah). In Aceh, particularly in Julok distric East Aceh, the famous hand book of barzanji called Majmu’ah Maulud Syaraf al-Anam. That book written and recited in arabic, and that must be an issue wheather local people understand or not toward the content. Therefore this article obtain to figure out the barzanji tradition toward people knowledge of religious understanding effectivenessly. This research apply field research method, which is observation and interview used as the tool for collecting the data.  From observation and interview find out reciting barzanji tradition in Julok district, East Aceh that practised by local people is not in line with their understanding of Islamic knowledge. Whereas the tradition for them as a ceremony, entertainment, gathering and hospitality. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 317-334
Urwatul Wusqa ◽  
Salma Salma ◽  
Walan Yudhiani

This paper aims to explore the understanding of the Muslim community of West Sumatra about the determination of the beginning of the month of Ramadan and its implications for implementing the first day of fasting. The people of West Sumatra are always talked about when determining the first day of Ramadan because they are divided into several groups. As a result, they differ in the implementation of the first day of fasting, the implementation of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. This type of research is field research. Data obtained through in-depth interviews with people who can provide important information about the determination of the beginning of this month, including the leader of Naqsabandiyah, Satariyah, person in charge of hisab Muhammadiyah, ru'yah NU, astronomy experts, as well as several congregations from each group. The results showed that determining the start of the month is a very old problem but always becomes new every time Ramadan comes. The problem of determining the initial crescent moon in Indonesia in general and West Sumatra in particular is basically the same but the practice depends on the different ways of understanding the context of the initial crescent of the month. In fact, these differences are very difficult to reconcile because each element remains steadfast in maintaining its sectoral ego.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Meria Eliza ◽  
Ikhsan Satria Irianto

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses kreatif Komunitas Seni Nan Tumpah (KSNT) dan bagaimana persepsi masyarakat terhadap karya dan keberadaannya. KSNT merupakan kelompok seni terproduktif di Sumatra Barat yang karya-karyanya mendapatkan tanggapan berbeda dari masyarakat luas. Upaya untuk mengupas tentang proses kreatif dan keberadaan dari KSNT, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan deskriptif interpretatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diambil kesimpulan, pertama kecenderungan karya KSNT adalah mengolah seni tradisi sebagai material artistik garapan seni modern. Kedua, setiap karya KSNT mempertimbangkan jangkauan penontonnya, sehingga karya-karya KSNT dapat diterima dengan baik oleh masyarakat. Ketiga, keberadaan KSNT meningkatkan minat apresiasi seni masyarakat di Korong Kasai, Padang Pariaman.           Kata Kunci: komunitas seni nan tumpah, proses kreatif, masyarakat AbstractThis study aims to find out the creative process of the Komunitas Seni Nan Tumpah (KSNT) and how people's perceptions of their work and existence. KSNT is the most productive art group in West Sumatra whose works get different responses from the wider community. Efforts to explore the creative process and the existence of KSNT, the research method used is interpretive descriptive approach. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the first tendency of KSNT's work is to process traditional art as an artistic material of modern art. Second, each KSNT work considers the audience's reach, so that KSNT's works can be well received by the community. Third, the existence of KSNT increased the interest in the appreciation of community art in Korong Kasai, Padang Pariaman.  Keywords: komunitas seni nan tumpah, proses kreatif, masyarakat

2012 ◽  
Ardiun Hindi

Bergubalan adalah sebuah tradisi pelamaran gadis yang berlangsung di Desa Pagar Agung, Kecamatan Rambang, Kabupaten Muara Enim Sumatera Selatan. Dalam tradisi tersebut peminang tidak menemui orang tua gadis yang diinginkannya, akan tetapi hanya mengutarakan keinginannya kepada gadis yang disenanginya. Ketika keduanya sepakat menikah, maka mereka bisa bermufakat untuk pulang ke rumah salah satu perangkat desa, seperti Kepala Desa, dengan tujuan agar segera dinikahkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan field research (penelitian lapangan)<br />dan pendekatan dekriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder yang dikumpulkan melalui metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data dianaisa dengan mengunakan metode deskritif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tradisi Bergubalan dilihat dari berbagai sudut pandang baik dari<br />konsep dasar peminangan (khithbah) dan perkawinan maupun dilihat dari konsep dasar adat (‘urf), tidak ditemukan hal-hal yang berkonfrontasi dengan Islam, oleh karenanya bergubalan ditinjau dari hukum Islam adalah boleh (mubah).<br />Bergubalan is a marriage proposal tradition which runs in Pagar Agung village, Rembang sub-district, Muara Enim, North Sumatera. In this Tradition, a man does not propose marriage to the girl's parents or her guardian but he will ask the girl directly. If both of them agree each other to marry, they will come to official village in order they can marry soon. This research is conducted by field research method and qualitative descriptive approach. It also uses primary and secondary source data which are collected by observation methode, interview and documentation. The data are analyzised by qualitative descriptive method.The result shows that Begubalan<br />tradition is not confronting with Islam from marriage proposal ( khitbah)basic concept and custom urf) basic concept. Therefore this tradition is allowed in Islam.<br />Kata Kunci: Tradisi, Pelamaran, Begubalan,

Sapirin Sapirin ◽  
Adlan Adlan ◽  
Candra Wijaya

Character education is understood as an effort to instill intelligence in thinking, appreciation in the form of attitudes, and experiences in the form of behavior that is in accordance with the noble values that are the identity of themselves. Character education instilled in Islamic education is the creation of the nature of students who have moral character. The importance of character education because some of the problems of the current generation are moral crises. The research method used in qualitative research with field research uses a descriptive approach. Based on the data analysis found The form of character education material in moral akidah learning at MIN 3 Middle Tapanuli requires teaching, exemplary, and reflection of morals, worship, and aqeedah. The most important points in character education teach children to behave according to the guidance of the Koran and the Sunnah. Implementation of Character Education in moral learning in MIN 3 Central Tapanuli is carried out in three ways, namely learning activities in the classroom, activities outside the classroom, and activities outside of school. Existing facilities and infrastructure are recognized or not have helped provide convenience in character education in moral akidah learning at MIN 3 Central Tapanuli with existing materials and using methods of habituation, exemplary, and reflection as well as methods that activate students in the process learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-241
Mohammad Muslih ◽  
Muhtadi Abdul Mun'im ◽  
Khotimatul Mahbubah

Mukena is a well-known typical dress for Indonesian Muslim women in conducting prayers. Mukena is taken for granted as a daily routine dress that did not receive much attention from many people in a more in-depth study, so it needed to be highlighted to the field of research. This study aims to determine two sides, namely, the meaning of dress in religious social life as well as to find out the meaning of mukena for Madurese. This study uses qualitative field research method. The sources of data are obtained from interviews and literature studies confined to things that only have relevance to this research. Using purposive sampling, the informants taken in this study were Madurese Muslim women from both santri and non-santri groups. The results discovered in this study are that Madurese Muslim women interpret clothes, including; as a part of social ethics, as a cover of aurat as well as an affirmation of social identity in a community. The meaning of mukena for Madurese Muslim women includes the following; mukena as a cultural tradition, as a form of self-sacralization, and as an affirmation of identity for Muslim women.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-266
Itsna Rifiana Ulfa

The background of the problem held by this research is to find out the implementation of attitude assessment applied in schools. The attitude or affective aspect is an important part of the learning process, but many schools only focus on cognitive aspects. A good attitude must be instilled in every student and there is on need to think about it because it is absorbed in his daily behvior. This study aims to determine whether attitude assessment has been applied to the maximum in learning and the apllication of attitude assessment techniques in learning. The research method is a qualitative field research with a descriptive approach. Obtained from observations, interviews and documentation. Interviews were conducted with PAI’s teachers to find out whether the attitude assessment had been applied ti the maximum or not, observations were modw to find out the activities of teachers in assessing student’s attitudes in learning, and documentation was used to take an attitude assessment and photo form that could strengthen the evidence of the findings from interviews and observations. The results of this study indicate that the assessment of attitude has been apllied in learning, it is proven that students always try to be better with the prefix that only wants to get value but this change is implemented continuously so that it becomes a habit in everyday life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 245-257
Nala Sakinah ◽  
Sity Sumijati ◽  
Encep Taufik Rahman

Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui respon komunitas pemuda faiths terhadap kajian khitobah berbasis materi tauhid yang rutin dilaksanakan setiap hari minggu di Masjid Islamic Center Garut. Adapun aspek respon yang dituju yaitu perhatian, pengertian, dan penerimaan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Respon), diambil dari teori sosiologi komunikasi yang dikemukakan oleh Onong Uchjana Effendi dalam buku “Ilmu, Teori dan Filsafat Komunikasi” (2003). Dalam teori ini, untuk mengetahui respon maka terdapat tiga variable yaitu stimulus (kajian khitobah berbasis materi tauhid) organism (perhatian, pengertian, dan penerimaan) dan respon (perubahan sikap atau feedback) terhadap kegiatan kajian tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif, dimana data yang diperoleh berupa angka kemudian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan dan menarik kesimpulan hasil data dari penelitian lapangan berupa wawancara, observasi dan penyebaran angket kepada 30 responden sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa perhatian komunitas pemuda faiths terhadap kajian khitoah berbasis materi tauhid sangat tinggi dengan perolehan rata-rata skor 4,32, pengertian komunitas pemuda faiths terhadap kajian khitobah berbasis materi tauhid sangat tinggi dengan perolehan rata-rata skor 4,49, dan penerimaan komunitas pemuda faiths terhadap kajian khitobah berbasis materi tauhid sangat tinggi dengan perolehan rata-rata skor 4,44. Kata kunci : Respon; Khitobah; Komunitas. The purpose of this research is to find out the community pemuda faiths response, towards the dakwah of khitobah based on tauhid material which is routinely carried out at the Islamic Center Garut Mosque. As for the intended response aspect, namely attention, understanding, and acceptance. The theory used in this study is theory S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-Response), taken from the theory sociology of communication put forward by Onong Uchjana Effendi in the book “Communication science, Theory and Philosophy” (2003). In the theory to find response three variabels, namely stimulus (study of khitobah based on tauhid material), organism (attention, understanding, and acceptance) and response (change of attitude or feedback) on the dakwah activity. The research method used is a quantitative method, where the data obtained are in the form of numbers then use a descriptive approach to describe and draw conclusion from the result of field research in the from of interviews, observation and questionnaires to 30 respondents as samples. The results of the study prove that the attention of the pemuda faiths community to the dakwah of khitobah based on tauhid material is very high with the average score 4,32, understanding pemuda faiths community to the dakwah of khitobah based on tauhid material is very high with the average score 4,49, and acception pemuda faiths community to the dakwah of khitobah based on tauhid material is very high with the average score 4,44. Keywords: Response; Khitobah; Community.

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