scholarly journals Penilaian Ranah Afektif Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Melalui Aplikasi Whatsapp Group

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Zul Fadli ◽  
Rachma Nika Hidayati

Abstrak : Evaluasi pembelajaran merupakan bagian terpenting dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar, baik yang berupa konsep, nilai sikap dan juga keterampilan dari bahan ajar yang disampaikan. Evaluasi pembelajaran yang berupa penilaian dapat dilakukan guru baik menggunakan paper atau tercetak maupun secara online melalui berbagai macam aplikasi seperti WhatsApp Group. Seluruh mata pelajaran dapat melakukan hal yang sama, tak terkecuali pendidikan agama Islam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses penilaian ranah afektif dalam evaluasi pembelajaran yang berlaku dikelas online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskritif dengan metode studi kasus. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi dan analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses penilaian ranah afektif dalam kelas online pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam melalui WhatsApp Group berjalan dengan baik, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan prosentase keberhasilan guru dalam melaksanakan penilaian ranah afektif mata pelajaran pendidikan agama Islam.Abstract : Assessment of The Effective Realm of Islamic Religious Education Learning Through Whatsapp Group App. Learning evaluation is an essential part of the learning process, both in concepts, attitude values, and the teaching materials' skills. Evaluation of learning in the way of assessment can be done by teachers either using paper or printed or online through various applications such as WhatsApp Group. All subjects can do the same, no exception to Islamic religious education. This study aims to find out the process of assessing the affective realm in the evaluation of learning that applies in the online class. This research uses qualitative research methods with case study methods. Data are collected through interviewing, observing, and analytical techniques. The results showed that assessing the affective realm in the online class of Islamic religious education learning through WhatsApp Group went well; this was demonstrated by the percentage of teachers' success in carrying out the affective field assessment of Islamic religious education subjects. Kata Kunci : Evaluasi, WhatsApp Group, Pendidikan Agama Islam. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-178
Achmad Muhibin Zuhri ◽  
Muhammad Zaqqi Ghufron

To achieve learning objectives, the enthusiasm of students has an existence that cannot be negotiated, its nature is inherent. This is because the learning process requires awareness and mental readiness that requires a desire or encouragement to learn. In practice, factually, in Islamic religious education, learners from non-Muslim families and converts have its challenges. This reality can be found as is the case in SMAN 16 and SMAN 17 Surabaya city. This study aims to identify the characteristics of learning motivation through the approach of learning psychology. Researchers conduct interviews and in-depth observations in natural setting situations through qualitative research methods with a case study approach. This method aims to describe, analyze phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, perceptions, and thoughts of individual people. The study found that: First, the problem in the motivation of learning Islamic Education, both mualaf and non-Muslim family students concerning psychic aspects, methods of spending and materials that are too "overdosed" for the size of beginners. Problems like this, can be minimized if the teacher correctly understands the learners' characteristics, plans a mature learning, and uses fun media. Second, the problem of learning motivation in Islamic Education, which includes extrinsic and intrinsic aspects, can be overcome if the teacher acts not only as a conveyor of knowledge but also as a source of inspiration and motivation. Thus, teachers can become trendsetters of science, morality, and inspiration for their students. Increased learning motivation is therefore, not only packaged for “how to know” but also “how to do and feel.”  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-69
Moh Fachri

Learning process is the most important part in education as an effort to mature learners, The success of the learning process becomes a benchmark achievement of learning objectives. To know the achievement of the success of learning objectives, it must be done evaluation / assessment. In particular the purpose of evaluation to determine the progress of learning outcomes of learners after following the learning, as well as to determine the level of effectiveness and efficiency of methods, strategies that teachers use in learning. Evaluation of learning has an important and strategic meaning in education, because the learning process becomes meaningful, as well as its evaluation results can be used as a basis to determine the next step, for teachers, principals, institutions, parents, and government. The importance of learning evaluation can be seen from the approach of the learning process, the characteristics of professional educators, and the institutional approach, but it can also be seen from its purpose, function and principles and the validity and reliability of its evaluation tool.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2621-2630
Mohammad Usman ◽  
Muhammad Zainuddin ◽  
Muhammad In’am Esha

The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of Islamic Religious Education Teachers' exemplary approach to developing students' emotional, spiritual quotients. This article employs a qualitative research methodology in conjunction with a case study approach. The approach taken is consistent with the formulation of the problem under investigation. Informants were chosen based on the research's objectives. Formal and informal interviews were conducted. The findings of this study demonstrate two aspects of the emotional approach in Islamic education: Methods of persuasion and education. Teachers develop spiritual, emotional intelligence by providing students with new knowledge that includes exemplary figures dating all the way back to the Prophet Muhammad's time and exemplary national figures, as well as by inviting students to practice family strategies for recognizing and managing their own emotions, the ability to motivate themselves, the ability to recognize the emotions of others, and how to build relationships with others.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-100
Siti Nur Fadilah ◽  
Nasirudin F

Giving stimulus from educators in the form of giving appreciation and punishment will greatly affect the way of thinking and behavior of students in achieving the goals of character education that have been set. This study aims to describe the implementation of reward and punishment in shaping the character of students' discipline. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study. Methods of data collection using interviews, observation and documentation. The validity of the data used source triangulation and technical triangulation. The results of this study indicate: (1) The implementation of rewards in shaping the discipline character of students is done by giving rewards in the form of praise and giving appreciation in the form of gifts. (2) The implementation of punishment in shaping the disciplinary character of students is carried out by giving gradual warnings, giving spontaneous warnings and written warning letters. (3) Evaluation of the implementation of rewards and punishments in shaping the character of students' discipline is using process evaluation, which is an assessment carried out during the learning process by observing the attitudes of students everyday when they are in the madrasa environment.. Keywords: Reward; Punishment; Discipline; Learners Pemberian stimulus dari pendidik berupa pemberian apresiasi dan hukuman akan sangat mempengaruhi cara berpikir dan tingkah laku peserta didik dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan karakter yang sudah ditetapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi reward dan punishment dalam membentuk karakter disiplin peserta didik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi tehnik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) Implementasi reward dalam membentuk karakter kedisiplinan peserta didik dilakukan dengan memberikan reward dalam bentuk pujian serta memberikan apresiasi dalam bentuk hadiah. (2) Implementasi punishment dalam membentuk karakter kedisiplinan peserta didik dilakukan dengan cara memberi peringatan secara bertahap, memberi teguran spontan dan surat peringatan tertulis. (3) Evaluasi implementasi reward dan punishment dalam membentuk karakter kedisiplinan peserta didik adalah menggunakan evaluasi proses, yaitu penilaian yang dilakukan di saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung dengan mengamati dari sikap peserta didik sehari-hari ketika berada di lingkungan madrasah. Kata Kunci: Reward; Punishment; Disiplin; Peserta Didik

Roys Afreni

This study was conducted with regard to the phenomenon of Islamic religious education graduates who became class teachers in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Pangkalan Susu distric. The purpose of this research is to know: 1) Problematic graduates of PAI as classroom teachers in planning instructional. 2) Problematic graduates of PAI as classroom teachers in implementing instructional. 3) Problematic graduates of PAI as classroom teachers in conducting instructional evaluation. The type of research is using qualitative research methods with phenomenology approach. The subject of research is the graduate of Islamic Religious Education who has become a class teacher. The result of the research that problematic of PAI graduates as teacher of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah class in planning instructional in Pangkalan Susu sub-district of Langkat district is still having difficulties to make instructional plan independently. Besides these three Madrasah Ibtidaiyah also do not have a library that can provide books that qualified to be used as a source of learning. While in implementing the instructional is the similarity of teachers in the method of learning and the lack of mastery of the material. This is due to their lack of knowledge about the variety of instructional methods and the lack of mastery of the material. On the other hand these teachers rarely attend training, seminars, workshops that can provide information for development for their profession. As for the evaluation of learning is not yet meet the assessment procedures. This is because the teacher has not understood the way the preparation of the implementation Plan of instructional.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 270
Irvina Zulvah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui realitas upaya guru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik di sekolah menengah atas (SMA) se-Kecamatan Bringin, Kabupaten pada tahun 2012, termasuk: (1) Untuk menentukan kompetensi pedagogik guru PAI, (2) Untuk mengetahui upaya guru PAI dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik, (3) Untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kompetensi pedagogic guru PAI se-Kecamatam Bringin. Penilaian dilakukan penelitian kualitatif, informan terdiri dari guru PAI dan kepala sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) kompetensi pedagogik guru PAI SMA se-Kecamatan Bringin Semarang 2012 tergolong baik, terbukti dari latar belakang pendidikan guru yang linier dengan pelajaran yang diampu, pemahaman terhadap kompetensi pedagogik yang baik, persiapan alat pembelajaran dan manajemen pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan ketentuan (2) upaya untuk meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik adalah dengan memperbanyak referensi mengenai kompetensi pedagogik PAI, menghadiri berbagai seminar, lokakarya, pelatihan, dan mengikuti Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP). Pihak sekolah juga melakukan upaya melalui evaluasi belajar, memeriksa pembelajaran, supervisi kelas, dan mendorong guru untuk menghadiri seminar pendidikan (3) Pelaksanaan pedagogik pembelajaran pendidikan Islam akan menentukan kualitas pembelajaran itu sendiri, dengan guru yang memiliki kompetensi pedagogik, manajemen pembelajaran akan berjalan lancar. This study aims to determine the reality of the efforts of teachers of Islamic religious education (PAI) in improving pedagogic competence at senior high school (SMA) throughout Bringin Semarang regency in 2012, including: (1) To determine the pedagogical competence of PAI teachers, (2) To know the efforts of PAI teacher in improving pedagogical competence, (3) To know the implementation of pedagogical competence in PAI. The assessment was conducted qualitative research to informants, both PAI teacher and the headmaster. This study uses a descriptive qualitative procedure. The conclusions are (1) pedagogical competence of PAI teachers at SMA 1 Bringin Semarang Regency 2012 is good, proven by the teachers’ linear education background with teaching load, understanding towards good pedagogic, the preparation of learning tools and management in accordance with the provisions (2) efforts to improve pedagogical competence are by reading various reference regarding it, attending seminars, workshops, trainings, and following deliberation subject teachers (MGMP), the school authorities make efforts through the evaluation of learning, classroom supervision, and creating opportunities for teachers to attend educational seminars (3) Implementation of pedagogic on learning Islamic education will determine the quality of learning itself. With teachers who have pedagogic competence, learning management will go smoothly. Kata kunci: kompetensi pedagogik, guru PAI, SMA

Muhtadin Muhtadin

The title of this research is efforts to overcome lack of interest in reading reference book of courses in the industrial revolution 4.0 case study on student masters PAI class 2018. This research aims to know efforts by students for overcoming the lack of interest in reading of main reference book at an educational institution that is University. In addition, this study also aims to know the factors that cause lack of interest in reading so that we know how to overcome it. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative research methods. Data were obtained by observing in advance during the learning process in class, then followed by some interviews which is considered to have understanding about the issues that will be investigated, regarding the efforts made to overcome the lack of interest in reading Student of Islamic religious education studies Masters Program FITK class 2018 towards the Lecture Reference Book in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0. The results showed that the reasons of low interest in reading are they don't have reference book, the books are too thick, and lack of awareness of the importance of reading reference books. The efforts that students have to do are buying a lot of books, increasing and straightening the intention to read, turning on self awareness that reading reference books as an effort to quickly graduate.

2015 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Herly Jannet

<p class="IIABSBARU">This study aimed in general to determine and describe the religious education in a democratic school culture is one of potential strategies in disseminating religious de-radicalization in schools. Applying qualitative naturalistic approach with case study, this study focused the location in Christian High School Urimessing Ambon. The object of this research was the all democratic phenomena found in the process of teaching and learning of Christian education. The results of this study can be described as follows: religious education in a democratic school culture has the potential to disseminate de-radicalization because the learning process optimized the attitude of critical thinking on freedom, independence, and accountability that were assumed to build the belief, attitude and norm of student to: (1) deepen and believe their own religious teachings; (2) commit to transform their religious teacgings in their daily life, both individually and socially; and (3) be­come the real who got off from violence and anarchy in realizing their objectives.</p><p class="IIABSBARU" align="center">***</p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan dan mendeskripsikan Pendidikan Agama dalam kultur sekolah demokratis sebagai salah satu strategi membumikan deradikalisasi agama di sekolah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuali­tatif naturalistik dengan strategi studi kasus dan mengambil tempat penelitian di SMA Kristen Urimessing Ambon. Objek penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan gejala demokratis dalam proses belajar mengajar Pendidikan Agama Kristen. Hasil pe­nelitian dapat dideskripsikan sebagai berikut, Pendidikan Agama dalam kultur sekolah demokratis berpotensi membumikan deradikalisasi, karena dalam pro­ses belajar mengajar mengoptimalkan sikap kebebasan berpikir kritis, ke­mandiri­an, dan akuntabilitas sehingga dapat membentuk keyakinan, sikap dan nor­ma pe­serta didik untuk: (1) mendalami dan meyakini ajaran agamanya sendiri; (2) ber­komitmen mentransformasikan ajar­an agamanya secara baik dalam ke­hidupan pribadi maupun sosial ber­masyarakat; dan (3) memberi teladan secara konkret tidak terjebak menggunakan kekerasan dan anarkisme dalam mewujudkan keinginan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Inti - Englishtina ◽  
Novita - Al Ihyak ◽  
Steffie Mega Mahardhika

This paper aims to reveal factors that affect the students' participation in a speaking online class. The subjects are the second and fourth semester students of English department, Language and Culture Faculty, UNTAG Semarang. The research was held during the even semester of the academic year 2020/2021. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. The data was based on the interview and the questionnaires filled by the students. Some technical issues came up in the online class such as internet connection which mostly became the hottest issue and also the device being used which was sometimes not compatible to the program used in the teaching and learning process. Those issues somehow have affected the online teaching and learning process. The other issues affected in online learning are students’ contribution and students’ condition. For those, it is hoped that the research will give a clearer explanation especially for the teachers who are struggling on teaching the online class and face a similar situation. Therefore, they can cope and handle it better. Keywords: online learning, participation, speaking class

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-157
Nila Rauzana ◽  
Yuni Setia Ningsih

The purpose of this study is to know the effect of Covid-19 on the trend of elementary school children learning and playing that recognized by their parents. This research uses case study methods and qualitative research approaches to gain information on the effect of Covid-19 on the trend of playing and learning. For confidentiality identity, respondents were given the initials R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, and up to R20. The interview was conducted by asking the respondents one by one. the results showed that the level of achievement had decreased and there was a new learning trend. Online learning causes students and parents to adapt to this learning model. In addition, playing games on cellphones has also become the most favorite games during this pandemic.

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