2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-209
Rahwan Ahmad ◽  
Prasetyawati Prasetyawati

Introduction: Education and behavior (knowledge, attitudes and actions) about healthy living are important things, especially applied in life, so as not to fall sick so that they can carry out activities properly. Worldwide, there are more than 2500 species of mosquitoes, although most of these mosquito species are not associated with disease. Larva eradication practice can be done with 3M plus. The role of the community in eradicating mosquito nests is prioritized by housewives because they are generally responsible for taking care of the household including household hygiene problems. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between education and knowledge with the behavior of housewives in eradicating mosquito nests. The method used was cross-sectional analytic, the sampling technique used simple random sampling and inclusion criteria in order to obtain 50 respondents. Data analysis used Chi-Square with a significant level of 95% with a significance value of 5%. Results: Respondents with higher education and good behavior were 73.1%. Respondents with low education and bad behavior were 70.8%. Respondents with good knowledge and good behavior were 75%, respondents with bad knowledge and bad behavior were 77.3%. Conclusion: There is a relationship between education and the behavior of housewives in eradicating mosquito nests, and there is a relationship between knowledge and behavior of housewives in eradicating mosquito nests. Keyword : Household, Education, Knowledge, Behavior

1970 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Dian Palupi Kusuma ◽  
Sheizi Prista Sari ◽  
Ikeu Nurhidayah

Posyandu merupakan pusat pemantauan tumbuh kembang balita berbasis masyarakat, namun masih banyak ibu yang tidak membawa anak berkunjung teratur ke posyandu. Di Kabupaten Bandung, Posyandu Desa Cimekar memiliki angka kunjungan balita yang terendah yaitu 70,3% pada Bulan Oktober– Desember 2013. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi ibu dengan perilaku membawa balita ke posyandu dengan pendekatan teori Health Belief Model. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 94 ibu balita yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling di 10 Posyandu Desa Cimekar. Analisis menggunakan chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 52,12% memiliki persepsi positif tentang posyandu dan 59,57% responden memiliki perilaku rutin membawa balita ke posyandu. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara persepsi dengan perilaku ibu membawa balita ke posyandu (nilai p=0,000; α=0,05). Simpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi ibu tentang posyandu belum merata dengan baik. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar puskesmas memberikan pembinaan terhadap para ibu balita bukan hanya penyuluhan, namun diberikan pengarahan dan bimbingan tentang pentingnya membawa balita ke posyandu. Kata kunci: Balita, Health Belief Model, perilaku, persepsi, posyandu The Relationship between Mother’s Perception and Behavior on Attending Posyandu Abstract Community health post as well known as posyandu provide as center to monitor growth in children under five years old. Data showed that the number of mother’s attendance behavior to Posyandu in Cimekar’s Village was very low, only 70.5% from October to December 2013. The aimed of this study was to identify the relationship between mother’s perception and parents behavior on taking their children to posyandu based on Health Belief Model Theory. The method of this study was descriptive with cross sectional study. Simple random sampling was used as sampling technique with 97 mothers who has child under five years old among 10 Posyandu in Cimekar was taken in this study. Data was analyzed by chi-square. The result of this study showed that there was significant relationship between mother’s perception and mother’s behavior to attend Posyandu (p=0.000; α=0.05). Data showed that 52.25% respondents had a positive perception about posyandu and 59.5% respondents had positive behavior to take their child to posyandu. The recommendation for Puskesmas is to give further information and motivation to mother to attend posyandu frequently.Key words: Behavior, child under five years old, Health Belief Model, perception, posyandu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 1330-1332
T. Yubiah ◽  
N. Sulami ◽  
Nurha edah

Background: The knowledge of pregnant women about cosmetics' dangers is still shallow; this is because pregnant women mostly have never consulted a dermatologist regarding the cosmetic products they use. Aim: This study aimed to determine the relationship between pregnant women's knowledge about cosmetics and the use of facial cream. Method: This research applied an analytical survey with a cross-sectional approach. The study samples were 40 pregnant women taken from a population of 44 pregnant women who used facial cream with Slovin formula and a purposive sampling technique that met the inclusion criteria. The instrument used questionnaires. Results: Data analyzed by the Chi-Square test showed bivariate results (ρ = 0.001) <0.05 indicating that there were relationships between 2 variables. Conclusion: In conclusion, there was a relationship between maternal knowledge about cosmetics and the use of facial cream in the Bre Village of Palibelo Primary Health Center in 2017. Keywords: Knowledge, Pregnant women, Cosmetics

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-147
Maria A.L Dawe ◽  
Petrus Romeo ◽  
Enjelita Ndoen

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an endemic disease commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. Community behavior and the role of health workers in DHF prevention significantly influence DHF incidence. This study purposed to determine the relationship between community knowledge and attitude and the role of health workers with DHF prevention in the working area of the Bakunase Public Health Center in 2020. The study design was descriptive-analytic with a cross-sectional study approach. The research sample was 99 respondents, taken by simple random sampling technique. Analysis of research data used the chi-square test. The results showed that knowledge (p = 0.003), attitude (p = 0.000), and the role of health workers (p = 0.004) were related to DHF prevention. Most respondents had poor knowledge but showed a positive attitude towards DHF prevention. Intensive counseling on DHF prevention is essential to ensure active community participation in DHF prevention activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Neti Herawati

Rampant cases of child sexual abuse in Indonesia to be the most worrying at this time, this was due to the lack of parents inintroducing reproductive system to children early because it was considered as taboo, parents only introduces the name of non genital parts of the body. In the city of Bengkulu sexual abuse of children each year increase. This study aimed to know the relationship between knowledge and the role of mothers in the introduction of the reproductive system early at the age of preschool children (3-5 years) in Beringin Raya Health Center.This study used a descriptive analytic method with cross sectional rangcangan. The population of this study were mothers of preschool children (3-5 years) in Beringi Raya Health Center Bengkulu City. The sampling technique used was proportional random sampling with data analysis using univariate and bivariate.Univariate analysis research results obtained over the majority of respondents (56.0%) had less knowledge about the reproductive system, the majority of respondents (72.0%) had less good role, and the majority of respondents (70.30%) were less in giving recognition to their reproductive system and test results statictik chi-square value of ρ value of knowledge gained 0,047 and the role ρ values obtained value of 0.021. Expected to teachers in kindergartens to provide education about reproduction on children and mothers of students to introduce the reproductive organs.

2013 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Havilia Ayu Haznany ◽  
Winarko .

PT Arto Metal International is one of the metal components manufacturers, where theproduction processes are using machinaries which its operations may lead to accidents. One ofthe effects that can be caused by the production machines might happen if workers are notcareful, they might got pinched by plong engine, etched plates and exposed debris grams.Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of workplaceaccidents in this company.The methods used in this study were analytical methods, because this researchexamined the relationship between 2 (two) variables. Based on its times, this study wascategorized as cross-sectional study, due to variables such as risk factors and effect factorswere observed at the same time. Sampling technique was done by simple random sampling,and analysis was used to determine the relationship between 2 (two) variables using Chi Square.The results showed that employees injured at workplace as much as 94.3%. Theresults of analysis of Chi - Square showed that there were four variables significantlyassociated with the incidence of workplace accidents, they were the use of PPD to theincidence of occupational injuries (p value = 0.025), the level of knowledge to the incidence ofoccupational injuries (p value = 0.047), the ages to the incidence of occupational injuries (pvalue 0.025) and the length of services to the incidence of occupational injuries (p value0.005).Therefore, it is suggested that the company perform incident controlling actionswhether technically, administratively as well as adding a number of Personal ProtectiveDevices (PPD) for workers so that all workers can use it while working.Keywords: Workplace Accident, Personal Protective Devices

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 227
I Gusti Agung Putu Mahendra ◽  
Farapti Farapti

Background : Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) is one of the main causes of high rates of mobility and mortality in infants in developing countries in the world. In 2015 the death rate from respiratory problems was 920,136 people, the most common in South Asia and Africa. Purpose : This study aims to analyze the relationship between the physical condition of the house and the smoking behavior of family members with the incidence of ARI in infants in Sidotopo, Surabaya. Methods: This research was an observational analytic study using cross sectional design. The sample size uses simple random sampling technique where all existing data and meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria have the same opportunity to be selected as samples. This study used chi square statistical test to determine the relationship between the physical condition of the house and the incidence of ARI Results: There is a relationship between lighting (PR = 3.35; p-value = 0.01), ventilation (PR = 5.75; p-value = 0.01), kitchen smoke holes (PR = 4.05 ; p-value = 0.01), roof of the house (PR = 3.07; p-value = 0.02), smoking behavior (PR = 5.63; p-value = 0.01) with ARI incidence and not there was a relationship between the wall of the house (PR = 0.64; p-value = 0.68) with the incidence of ARI. Conclusion: There was an relationship between the physical conditions of the house (lighting, ventilation, kitchen smoke holes, roofs of houses) and smoking with incidence of ARI in infants at Sidotopo Village. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Farida Umamah ◽  
Aprillia Lestari

The relationship between pre-menopause women with incidence of hypertension in RT 11 RW 05 Banjarbendo village Sidoarjo. Menopause women have increasing blood pressure is higher than pre-menopause women, it caused by decreasing of hormonal levels. Initial data showed in February 2015 in RT 11 RW 05 Banjarbendo village was obtained 6 out of 10 women or 60% women had symptoms of hypertension in pre- menopause women. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between pre- menopause women with incidence of hypertension in RT 11 RW 05 Banjarbendo village Sidoarjo.It use analytic design, with cross sectional approach. The population were 61 women. The sample were 52 respondents taken by simple random sampling technique. The independent variable was the incidence of hypertension and the dependent variable was the incidence of pre-menopause. Data were collected by using check list. Analyzed by chi square test ( α = 0.05 ) . Study results showed almost all pre–menopause women and most women them had hypertension. Results test ρ = 0.001 < α = 0.05. so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted . The conclusion of this study is there is relationship between Pre-menopause with incidence of hypertension In women In RT 11 RW 05 Banjarbendo village Sidoarjo. Suggested for women to understand and have knowledge about the signs of pre-menopause and the incidence of hypertension and Health staff to provide information to the women about the signs of pre-menopause and hypertension .

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Nova Mega Muryatma

Surabaya is the capital city of East Java Province and is a large city with a population of 2,807 inhabitants. According to WHO in 2011 showed that 400,000 victims under the age of 25 who died on the highway, with an average mortality rate of 1,000 children and adolescents each day. The cause of the greatest accidents is caused by human factors that do not apply discipline in traffic, low awareness, and lack of knowledge about safety riding. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between safety factor driving with saefty riding behavior on students of SMK PGRI 4 Surabaya. This research is an observational analytic research using research method with cross sectional design. The sample of 74 respondents was taken randomly using simple random sampling technique. Data collection using questionnaires tool filled by respondents. Data analysis in this study using Chi Square test with 5% significance value to see the relationship between independent variables with dependent variable. Based on the research conducted there is no significant relationship between independent variables with dependent variable with p-value exceed the value of meaning. In order to minimize the incidence of traffic accidents involving students it is good that schools always do the provision of a bound regulation that students are required to use SNI helmets when riding a motorcycle, no need to use expensive helmet but just use a helmet that complies with safety standards. Facilities for students are expected to always comply with existing traffic rules while driving.Keyword: safety riding, student, safety riding behaviour

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Adelia Dwi Pratiwi ◽  
Windhu Purnomo

There were total of 2,100,000 new HIV infections worldwide and 1,500,000 deaths from AIDS recorded in 2013. The total HIV/AIDS cases in 2017 in Sidoarjo reached 476 cases and cumulatively reached 1,245 cases. HIV/AIDS is a well-known topic among teenagers. Teenagers are often associated with physical development in puberty phase which usually followed by sexual development. Furthermore, they also experience changes emotionally and physically which are projected in their behavior and attitude.  These circumstances make teenagers prone to the risky behavior towards HIV/AIDS transmission. This study aims to analyze the role of "Paguyuban Peduli HIV/AIDS Sidoarjo" or PARPAS on teenagers' knowledge, attitude, and behavior towards HIV/AIDS prevention. This research is an observational analytic using cross-sectional research design. The population of the study is all students of SMAN 1 Taman and SMAN 1 Sidoarjo, 2,370 students in total. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling and the sample size is 100 students. The result shows that there is correlation between PARPAS role on knowledge and attitude of students' in Sidoarjo towards HIV/AIDS prevention. Nevertheless, there is no correlation between PARPAS role on students' behavior towards HIV/AIDS prevention. Suggestions concluded from the results are including early detection, attempt in joining organization related to HIV/AIDS awareness, and health education given to both students and parents.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-62
Marniati ◽  
Nurlina ◽  

Pulmonary tuberculosis is a direct infectious disease caused by TB (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) bacteria. The level of compliance with the use of pulmonary TB drugs is very important and requires a long time that is 6-8 months, because if treatment is not carried out regularly or is not compliant and does not correspond to the specified time then there will be resistance (resistance) of tuberculosis germs against drugs Widespread Anti Tuberculosis (OAT) or Multi Drugs Resistance (MDR). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between motivation, attitudes, the role of supervisors taking medication (PMO) in TB sufferers. The design of the study used an Analytical Observational design using the Cross-Sectional approach. The population in this study were all TB sufferers in Bulukumba District with a sampling technique using cluster sampling. The number of samples in this study were 60 respondents. Data were obtained through questionnaire sheets made by researchers to respondents. Data analysis used Fisher's alternative Chi-square Test, with significance level α = 0.05. The results of the data analysis show that the motivation variable p = 0.023, the attitude variable p = 0.012, and the role of the supervisor for taking medication (PMO) p = 0.017. So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between motivation, attitude, the role of supervisors taking medication (PMO) with adherence to taking medication in TB patients in Bulukumba Regency.

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