scholarly journals Pemuridan kontekstual sebagai sarana untuk menjawab kebutuhan generasi muda dalam dunia IPTEK.

2020 ◽  
Yokhebed Palinoan

AbstractGuru diera globalisasi ini mempunyai tugas yang sangat penting dalam memberikan arahan pendidikan yang bermutu pada muridnya. Terutama dijaman sekarang ini teknologi sangat memberi dampak pengaruh negatif bagi kalangan anak muda sekarang. Guru harus memiliki kemampuan dalam menguasai keahlian yang berkaitan dengan IPTEK, mampu bekerja secara profesional dengan orientasi mutu dan keunggulan. Pemuridan harus diwujudkan terhadap kalangan muda Kristen. Kondisi yang tidak dapat dibendung saat ini, dimana perkembangan terus terjadi tanpa memperhatihkan etika moral dan karakter anak muda, maka disini sangatlah diperlukan peran dari berbagai pihak termasuk dan teristimewa guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen untuk mengontrol siswanya yang terbawa arus globalisasi. Diperlukan peran guru yang sangat serius bangat untuk membentuk karakter siswa yang baik dan terpuji. Meskipun terkadang kita sadar bahwa saat ini sebagian besar siswa mengalami yang namanaya krisis karakter apalagi dengan kemajuan teknologi yang semakin kian pesat. Usaha akan terus dilakukan sebagai wujud pemuridan dalam memuridkan anak-anak yang terbawah arus globalisasi (IPTEK).Teachers in this era of globalization have a very important task in providing quality education direction to their students. Especially in today’s era, technology has a very negative impact on today’s young people. Teachers must have the ability to master skills related to science and technology, able to work profesionally with quality and excellence orientation. Disciplesship must be realized for Christian youth. An unstoppable condition at this time, where development continues without paying attention to the moral, ethics and character of young people, so here the role of various parties is needed including and especially Christian religious education teachers to control their students who are carried away by globalization. It takes a very serious teacher’s role to from good and praiseworthy student character. Although sometimes we realize that currently some students are experilencing a character crisis especially with increasingly rapid technological advances. Efforts continue to be made as a from of discipleship in discipling children who are under the flow of globalization (Science and Technology)

Arip Febrianto ◽  
Norma Dewi Shalikhah

AbstractAdvances in science and technology entering the millennial era of industrial revolution 4.0 can be enjoyed by mankind. But onthe other hand,  the advancement of science and technology also has a negative impact on many people, especially in today's millennial era   which is very closely related to morality.. Many of the phenomena that occur in society are related to morality. Mislanya case of a student challenging his teacher's fight, the student who is the teacher and there is a case of a student reporting his teacher because of a sepal problem, this is an inappropriate and inappropriate thing to do. The purpose of this research is to find out the role of islamic religious education in shaping morality in the millennial era of the industrial revolution 4.0. The research method uses literature studies by collecting data from documentation using descriptive-analysis methods. Islamic  religious education takes a very important role in addressing  the problem that is happening  at this  time.  In the context of globalization  in the millennial era,education in Indonesia needs to get used to children to understand the existence of the nation in relation to the existence of other nations and all the problems of theworld. Keywords: Morality, Industrial Revolution 4.0,  Islamic Religious Education

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-82
Roy Wentas

The progress of science and technology tends to give rise to differences between the older generation and the younger generation. Therefore learn the value orientation among young people and learners, especially the attitude of diversity is certainly important. Coaching youth as the next generation is a shared responsibility between families, communities and the nation state. Religious Education can run and practice the teachings of Hinduism so that the formation budhi noble character and noble morals. In the holy book, Bhagavadgita stated two trends affect the human character, the properties of all devata's (daivi sampat) and properties of giant (asuri sampat). Both of these trends are directly or indirectly will shape human character. The rapid development of science and technology these days have influenced the characters of the children, who are faced with heavy challenges. Teaching children should be then directed towards strenghtening their morals. Regarding that, it needs a neo-traditional norm that is based on the traditional origins. The Hindu education could become the normative agent that builds any modern Indonesian characters through their local wisdoms that are motivative to the children. On the instrumental level, the primary values to be taught are autonomy, dignity, creativity, morality, pride, and sense of aesthetics, and democracy awareness. They should preserve the local cultural heritage, including the languages and the arts, while adapting the global trend. As the educators, the teachers at schools as well as the parents at homes must be the role models whose responsibilities and disciplines are followed

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-91
Fredik Melkias Boiliu ◽  
Meyva Polii

This article discusses the role of Christian religious education in families in the digital era to improve children's spirituality and morality. The digital era is an era where everything is instantaneous and fast. In this era, all human activities are carried out online, be it work activities, education and also worship. These online activities have both positive and negative impacts. By using a descriptive-analytical method,in this paper the author discusses the negative impact of online activities on children's spirituality and morality. Spirituas and morality are the main and foremost things for children's lives or things that are very basic for children. Therefore, parents have a very important role in the family to shape the spiritual and moral of the child because good or bad spiritual and moral children depend on the role of parents in the family. In the family, parents must play their role as the first and foremost role in improving children's spirituality and morality through the role of parents as teachers, educators, mentoring, motivators, and role models.

David W. Forslund ◽  
David G. Kilman

With the arrival of the “World Wide Web,” we have witnessed a transition toward a truly global perspective with respect to electronic health records. In recent years, much more discussion has focused on the potential for international virtual electronic health records and what is required for them to become a reality in the world today (Kilman & Forslund, 1997). As the Internet becomes more ubiquitous and Web-enabled, we see access to electronic health records using these technologies becoming more commonplace. Even so, these Web-enabled health records still remain technologically isolated from other medical records in the distributed continuum of care; much of the standardization challenge still stands before us. We have witnessed startling technological advances, but we still face considerable obstacles to the goal of having globally standardized electronic health records. In this chapter we describe some of the issues associated with Web-enabled health records, the role of standards in the evolution of Web-enabled health records, and some of the barriers to the development of globally accessible electronic health records. We discuss possible ways to overcome these barriers and the kinds of benefits and opportunities that global health records will help provide. The global scale perspective makes more evident the very real and potentially tragic consequences of prolonged and unnecessary delays in deploying these technologies. Therefore, in an effort to promote a fuller consciousness of health safety, the chapter concludes with a comparative look at the negative impact of impediments in the movement toward global extensible electronic health records.

Marie Demant ◽  
Friederike Lorenz

Within their chapter Marie Demant and Friederike Lorenz discuss the role of shame in the context of violence against children in residential care. Their work is based on two empirical projects and includes reports of survivors of sexual violence, who reported their experiences in hearings conducted by the German ‘Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse’, which started its work in 2016. It furthermore includes empirical material from a research project on systematic violence by a team of professionals in a residential care home for children with disabilities. Both perspectives indicate how young people experience shame and humiliation as part of the institutional setting. Furthermore, it shows the negative impact these practices have on children and adolescents in situations of dependency, seeking help, and disclosure. It points out practices of humiliation as a part of the violence and shows to which extent shame can affect the possibilities for young people in these situations to be heard and to get help.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 148
Falasipatul Asifa

<p>In fact that the rapid development of science and technology has eroded the values of tolerance on the students shown by no mutual respect and respect for differences. The role of Islamic Religion Education (PAI) teachers as the heir of moral values and religious teaching of Islam were also supported by school culture into away and expected to be able to develop student tolerance. This research was a qualitative research, with the background SMA N 8 Yogyakarta. Data collection was conducted by observation, interview, and documentation. The result shows that: <em>First, </em>the role of PAI teacher for development tolerance through religious culture in SMA N 8 Yogyakarta was a designer, a movers, an evaluator, and a motivator. <em>Second, </em> the supported factors were adequate facilities and infrastructure such as places of worship and library. Good relationship between principals, teachers and employees, parents and students, and a supportive order. As for the inhibiting factor was the negative impact of science and technology.</p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><strong>PAI teacher, tolerance, school culture</strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 459-472
Rail M. Shamionov

Civic identity is an important feature of a socialised person. It regulates numerous personal behavioural manifestations, e.g. commitment to the country, patriotism, willingness to participate in important processes related to democratic procedures, desire to realise values that are of paramount importance for adaptation and integration with other representatives of civil society. The aim of this research is to determine the role of civic identity in the preferences of civil and political forms of social activity among young people in provincial Russia. The study involved 305 people (35.4% men) aged 17 to 35 (M = 21.1; SD = 3.1). The study used a questionnaire aimed at determining the socio-demographic characteristics of the sample group, containing scales for assessing the degree of personal involvement in certain forms of social activity (R.M. Shamionov et al.), Civic Identity Scale (A.N. Tatarko), Self-Assessment of the Propensity for Extreme Risky Behavior Technique (the Russian version of M. Zuckermans Sensation Seeking Scale). The study revealed that the indicators of commitment to protest, radical-protest and subcultural activity are more homogeneous and less pronounced in comparison with the indicators of civic, political and socio-economic activity. As a result of the factor analysis, it was found that civic-political (civic, socio-economic and political) and subcultural-protest (subcultural, protest and radical-protest) forms of activity constitute two stable factors. As a result of structural modelling, it was shown that civic identity has a positive impact on social activity in the civil-political field and a negative impact on subcultural-protest activity. Seeking new experiences plays a positive role in subcultural-protest activity of young people, while the feeling of uncertainty undermines the manifestations of civic-political activity. The study also revealed an important role of socialisation conditions: the participation of parents in the public life of the country contributes to civic-political activity and the formation of civic identity of their children. Civic identity reduces the manifestation of the feeling of uncertainty and the search for new experiences among young people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-110
Moh. Fatkur Rohman ◽  
Tasman Hamami

The development of science and technology, as well as the ease of access to information, can have a negative impact on people's attitudes and behavior, including the phenomenon of the diminishing patriotism of the younger generation. An attitude of patriotism is the initial foundation for state life and becomes the joints of life in the daily life of citizens. This study examines Islamic Religious Education as a basis for strengthening students' patriotism attitudes. This study aims to describe and demonstrate the role of Islamic Religious Education in strengthening students' patriotism attitudes. This study was conducted at Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Senior High School Surabaya using a qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out through observation and in-depth interviews. The results showed that Islamic Religious Education contains teachings and values ​​that strengthen students' patriotism. Strategies for strengthening patriotism in Islamic Religious Education through exemplary advice and habituation in everyday life at school. This Islamic Religious Education Model is an alternative solution to arouse students' patriotism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Khoirul Budi Utomo

In the learning process, it is an activity that involves the teaching and learning process, especially learning the knowledge of the Koran so that it can realize the capacity to deepen religious knowledge to realize a meaningful, peaceful and dignified life, realizing the importance of the role of Qur'anic knowledge for Muslims. then the values ​​of the knowledge of the Qur'an can be applied in life for every Muslim to become a necessity that must be pursued through education, be it family education, schools, madrasas, al-Qur'an education parks, Islamic boarding schools and so on. Islamic religious education through learning the Qur'an has a very important role in the life of mankind. Religion is a guide in the effort to create a life that is meaningful, peaceful and dignified. Al-Qur'an education is intended to shape students into human beings who believe and devote themselves to God Almighty and have noble morals through the Qur'an. This noble character includes moral ethics as a form of religious education. Increasing spiritual potential includes the introduction, understanding and inculcation of the values ​​of the Koran in individual families or in society. Increasing spiritual potential in deepening the knowledge of al-Qur'an ultimately aims so that humans have dignity as God's creatures. The values ​​in the Qur'an must be instilled in children from an early age as possible as the basis and foundation in carrying out the teachings of Islam. Therefore the objectives of this journal are 1. To describe the strategy or systematics of learning the Ummi method 2. To describe the application of the Ummi method to students at MI Tarbiyatul Athfal 3. To prove the effect of the application of the Ummi method on the ability to read the Koran in students in Tarbiyatul Athfal Madrasah Ibtida'iyah (MI).

Mohammed bin Hassan Mashhour Hamdi

The study deals with the subject of threats to the Saudis youth thinking and the good ways to overcome them. The study used the analytical descriptive method, which is the most appropriate one for the nature of this study. The study showed the importance of young people to the nations, and explained that intellectual guidance influences youth thinking. It also mentioned that Westernization was a prime objective of the Western intellectual invasion, where he seeks to distract youth and others from their Islamic beliefs, and impose western values and convictions, which not serve their religion or their homelands, and mentioned that the most threatening is technical threat at this time. It also explains the most important social threats that affect the upbringing of young people such as family, friends and media. The study concluded to show how to face these threats, and what is the appropriate mechanism to overcome them and reduce the impact, and even used positively to young people from harm. And that social media is a double-weapon. It can play a positive role in influencing young people's thinking on the one hand, and it can have a negative impact on young people's thinking on the other hand. We must concentrate on the role of institutions of socialization in forming the personality of the individual from their childhood until their youth, so the institutions of socialization should play effective positive role.

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