scholarly journals Knowledge regarding sexual and reproductive health among adolescents in higher secondary school

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-41
Kopila Shrestha ◽  
Shanti Awale

Background: Adolescent reproductive health is one of the component of the reproductive health. It is most important issue in the world. Reproductive capability is taking place at an earlier age and adolescents are indulging in risk taking behaviors day by day. The objective of this study is to assess knowledge regarding sexual and reproductive health among adolescents. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Kathmandu valley to assess the knowledge regarding sexual and reproductive health among adolescents. Total of 200 respondents were selected through non-probability purposive sampling technique. Self-administered written questionnaire was used for data collection. The collected data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics such as Chi-square test. Results: The findings revealed that most of the respondents had knowledge regarding transmission and protection of HIV/AIDS and STIs but still some respondents had misconception regarding it. The statistical analysis revealed that the total mean knowledge score with standard deviation was 45.02±8.674. Nearly half of the respondents (49.5%) had moderate level of knowledge, followed by inadequate level of knowledge 29.5% and adequate level of knowledge 21.0% regarding sexual and reproductive health. There was statistically significant association of level of knowledge with area of residence (p-value 0.002). Conclusion: Nearly half of the respondents possess some knowledge about sexual and reproductive health but still effective educational intervention is required to increase their knowledge.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Ivett Adriana Herrera-Zuleta ◽  
Jonathan Fernando Reyes-Salazar ◽  
Katherine Patricia Rojas-Velasco ◽  
Magda Lizeth Tipán ◽  
Carlos Andrés Torres-López ◽  

Objetivo: Describir el conocimiento y las prácticas relacionadas con la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva en los estudiantes de una Universidad del Suroccidente Colombiano. Materiales y métodos: Investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, prospectiva de corte transversal; se realizó con estudiantes matriculados en I y II semestre en el primer periodo académico 2016; el cálculo de la muestra se obtuvo utilizando la fórmula de varianza desconocida y población total conocida (3.489), obteniendo un tamaño de muestra de 415 estudiantes. Se utilizó un instrumento tipo encuesta estructurada elaborada a partir del formato de consejería del programa de salud sexual y reproductiva universitario.  Los datos se procesaron a través de Excel y el   paquete estadístico SPSS versión 22, para determinar la significación de la asociación se utilizó la prueba Chi cuadrado con una confiabilidad de 95%. Resultados: En la población estudiada se encontró un predominio masculino del 50,7%, la edad promedio fue de 19 años, encontrando que el 81% están en una etapa de adolescencia tardía, el 62% tiene un nivel de conocimientos deficientes sobre salud sexual y reproductiva, el 78% inicio vida sexual con edad promedio de 16 años, un gran porcentaje de estos estudiantes tienen entre 1 y 3 compañeros(as) sexuales al año. El 70% utilizó condón en su primera relación sexual y el 12,3% de la población utilizó la píldora de emergencia. Conclusiones: El nivel de conocimiento acerca de salud sexual y reproductiva es deficiente. La mayoría de los estudiantes encuestados utilizan al menos un método de planificación familiar en sus relaciones sexuales.Palabras clave: Sexualidad, Salud reproductiva, estudiantes, conocimientos y prácticas en salud.Sexual and reproductive health in university students: beyond knowledge andpractices AbstractObjective: To describe the knowledge and practices related to Sexual and Reproductive Health in the students of a University of the Suroccidente Colombiano. Materials and methods: Quantitative descriptive prospective cross-sectional study; was carried out in students enrolled in I and II semester in the first academic period 2016; the calculation of the sample was obtained using the formula of unknown variance and known total population (3,489), obtaining a sample size of 415 students. A structured survey-type instrument was developed based on the counseling format of the university's sexual and reproductive health program. Data were processed through Excel and the SPSS version 22 statistical package, to determine the significance of the association was used Chi square test with a reliability of 95%. Results: A male prevalence of 50.7% was found in the study population, the mean age was 19 years, and 81% were in the late teens, 62% had a poor level of knowledge about sexual health and reproductive, 78% start sexual life with average age of 16 years, a large percentage of these students have between 1 and 3 sexual partners a year. Seventy percent used a condom at their first sexual intercourse and 12.3% of the population used the emergency pill. Conclusions: The level of knowledge about sexual and reproductive health is deficient. Most students surveyed use at least one method of family planning in their sexual relationships.Saúde sexual reprodutiva em estudantes universitários: conhecimentos e práticasSumario Objetivos: Descrever os conhecimentos e práticas relacionados com a saúde sexual e reprodutiva em estudantes de uma Universidado sudoeste Colombiano. Materiais e Métodos: A pesquisa quantitativa transversal descritiva prospectiva; foi realizado em estudantes matriculados em I e II, semestre 2016; cálculo da amostra foi obtida utilizando a fórmula de variância desconhecida e a população total conhecido (3489), obtendo-se um tamanho de amostra de 415 estudantes. Foi utilizado um tipo de instrumento de pesquisa estruturada. Os dados foram processados pelo pacote estatístico Excel versão 2010 e SPSS versão 22, para determinar o significado do teste foram utilizados do qui-quadrado de associação com uma confiabilidade de 95%. Resultados: Na população estudada predominância do sexo masculino de 50,7%, a idade média dos alunos era de 19 anos, descobrindo que 81% estão em uma fase de adolescência tardia, 62% têm um nível de conhecimentos regulares saúde sexual e reprodutiva, 78% inicio vida sexual com uma idade média de 16 anos, uma grande porcentagem desses estudantes estão entre 1 e 3 parceiro (s) ano sexual. 70% usam preservativo em sua primeira relação sexual e 12,3% da população usava a pílula de emergência. Conclusões: O nível de conhecimento sobre a saúde sexual e reprodutiva é regular. A maioria dos estudantes pesquisados usar pelo menos um método de planejamento familiar em suas relações sexuais.Palavras-chave: Gestão de terapia de medicação, diagnóstico, enfermeiros, pediatria

2013 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Havilia Ayu Haznany ◽  
Winarko .

PT Arto Metal International is one of the metal components manufacturers, where theproduction processes are using machinaries which its operations may lead to accidents. One ofthe effects that can be caused by the production machines might happen if workers are notcareful, they might got pinched by plong engine, etched plates and exposed debris grams.Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of workplaceaccidents in this company.The methods used in this study were analytical methods, because this researchexamined the relationship between 2 (two) variables. Based on its times, this study wascategorized as cross-sectional study, due to variables such as risk factors and effect factorswere observed at the same time. Sampling technique was done by simple random sampling,and analysis was used to determine the relationship between 2 (two) variables using Chi Square.The results showed that employees injured at workplace as much as 94.3%. Theresults of analysis of Chi - Square showed that there were four variables significantlyassociated with the incidence of workplace accidents, they were the use of PPD to theincidence of occupational injuries (p value = 0.025), the level of knowledge to the incidence ofoccupational injuries (p value = 0.047), the ages to the incidence of occupational injuries (pvalue 0.025) and the length of services to the incidence of occupational injuries (p value0.005).Therefore, it is suggested that the company perform incident controlling actionswhether technically, administratively as well as adding a number of Personal ProtectiveDevices (PPD) for workers so that all workers can use it while working.Keywords: Workplace Accident, Personal Protective Devices

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-121
Fadhilah Rosyid Pradana ◽  
Sri Widiyati ◽  
Arwani Arwani

Background: Tuberculosis (TB) in children needs special attention. Enforcement of the diagnosis of childhood TB which is an important component in controlling pulmonary TB itself. Nurses as health workers have a role as providers of nursing care, educators, communicators and extension agents needed in an effort to overcome diseases including pulmonary TB in children. The nurse is also one of the human resources or health workers trained and responsible for implementing pulmonary TB prevention programs. For this reason nurses are required to have competent knowledge.Purpose: To determine the relationship of characteristics with the level of knowledge of nurses about pulmonary TB in children in the Health Center’s area of Semarang City.Methods:.This study used a descriptive survey design with a cross sectional study design. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The number of respondents was 44 respondents. The instruments used were questionnaires about demographic data and the level of knowledge about pulmonary TB in children. The data was analised using chi square.Results:.The results of this study using the Chi-square test obtained p value (Age 0.677), (Gender 0.531), (Education Level 0.230), and (Working Period 0.424) which shows p-value 0.05.Conclusion: There is no correlation between the characteristics and level of knowledge of nurses about pulmonary TB in children in Health Center’s area of Semarang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-77
Harly Pratiwi Indah ◽  
Desmiwarti Desmiwarti

Objective : To find out the effectiveness of reproductive health counseling on reproductive health knowledge for bride and groom couples in the KUA, Padang City, October 2017 - March 2018.Methods : This study is an analytical study using a cross-sectional study design with a population, namely couples who received prenuptial counseling and a sample of respondents who received prenuptial counseling at KUA Padang City during the period October 2017 - March 2018. The sample was taken using simple random sampling technique. The data were taken from post counseling questionnaires that were distributed to the prospective bride and groom couples. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate using chi-square test and independent T test with 95% CI. The research results are presented in tabular form.Results : During the study period, 147 respondents were given a post-counseling questionnaire on reproductive knowledge. It is known that more than half of the respondents (61.2%) had a low level of education, namely elementary, junior high and high school education, while 38.8% of respondents had higher education, namely at the diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Of the 147 respondents, more than half (79.6%) with a high level of knowledge about reproductive health after being given prenuptial counseling and all respondents (100%) stated that premarital counseling was beneficial. And it can be concluded that there is no difference in the mean age between respondents with high knowledge of reproductive health after being given counseling with low knowledge (p> 0.05). The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the education level of the respondents and knowledge about reproductive health after being given counseling (p <0.05).Conclusion : More than half of the respondents (79.6%) have a high level of knowledge about reproductive health after being given pre-marital counseling on reproductive health.Keywords: Pre-marital Counseling, Reproductive Health

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 57
Widyah Setiyowati ◽  
Titik Kurniawati ◽  
Dwi Jayanti

ABSTRAKMasa remaja adalah suatu tahap dengan perubahan yang cepat dan penuh tantangan yang sulit. Berbagai tantangan ini kadang-kadang sulit diatasi walaupun secara fisik sudah dewasa namun secara psikologis belum tentu. Sebagian kelompok remaja mengalami kebingungan untuk memahami tentang apa yang boleh dilakukan dan apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan. Pada usia 15-19 tahun, proporsi terbesar berpacaran pertama kali pada usia 15-17 tahun. Sekita 33,3% remaja perempuan dan 34,5% remaja laki-laki yang berusia 15-19 tahun mulai berpacaran pada saat mereka berlum berusia 15 tahun. Pada usia tersebut dikhawatirkan belum memiliki perilaku pacaran tidak sehat, antara lain melakukan hubungan seks pra nikah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Kesehatan Reproduksi Dengan Perilaku Seksual Pada Siswi Kelas X-XI Di SMK Al-Asror Gunungpati, Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Menurut sifat dasar penelitian, penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian analitik korelasi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswi kelas X-XI Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019 di SMK Al-Asror Gunungpati Kota Semarang. sejumlah adalah 35 responden. Teknik sampling pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling pada keseluruhan populasi. Analisa data pada penelitian ini menggunakan Uji chi square yang dilakukan untuk mencari hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan remaja putri tentang kesehatan reproduksi dengan perilaku seksual  diperoleh hasil p value sebesar 0,195 ( 0,195 ? 0,05 ) maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho diterima Ha ditolak artinya tidak ada hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi dengan perilaku seksual . Saran Ditujukan kepada Tenaga Kesehatan, Peneliti, Institusi dan Masyarakat Khususnya remaja putri hendaknya tetap menjaga perilaku positif yang selama ini telah diterapkan Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, Kesehatan Reproduksi, Perilaku Seksual.  ANALYSIS OF HEALTH KNOWLEDGE LEVELS REPRODUCTION WITH SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN CLASS X - XI STUDENTS IN SMK AL-ASROR GUNUNGPATI SEMARANG CITYABSTRACTAdolescence is a stage of rapid change and full of difficult challenges. These challenges are sometimes difficult to overcome despite being physically mature but psychologically uncertain. Some groups of adolescents experience confusion about what to do and what not to do. At the age of 15-19 years, the largest proportion of dating was first aged 15-17 years. About 33.3% of female teenagers and 34.5% of male teenagers aged 15-19 start dating when they are not yet 15 years old. At that age it was feared that he did not yet have unhealthy courtship behavior, including pre-marital sex. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Relationship between Reproductive Health Knowledge Levels and Sexual Behavior in X-XI Grade Students at Al-Asror Gunungpati Vocational School, Semarang City. This study uses a cross sectional design. According to the nature of the study, this research is a type of correlation analytic study. The population in this study were students of class X-XI 2018/2019 Academic Year at Al-Asror Vocational School Gunungpati Semarang City. a number are 35 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used a total sampling technique in the entire population. Analysis of the data in this study using the chi square test conducted to look for the relationship between the level of knowledge. Adolescent girls about reproductive health with sexual behavior obtained p value of 0.195 (0.195 ? 0.05 ) then it can be concluded that Ho is accepted Ha is rejected, meaning that there is no relationship between the level of knowledge about reproductive health with sexual behavior.. Suggestions Aimed at Health Workers, Researchers, Institutions and Society Especially young women should continue to maintain positive behavior that has been applied so far. Keywords: Knowledge, Reproductive Health, Sexual Behavior.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 1135
Raja Syafrizal ◽  
Yulihasri Yulihasri ◽  
Zifriyanthi Minanda Putri

The performance of nurses can be seen from several cases that occur in hospitals. The incidence of falls in patients, nosocomial infections, inadequate documentation is the result of nurses' low performance. Factors that affect the performance of nurses in hospitals are job satisfaction. So this study aims to describe the relationship between job satisfaction and nurse performance. This study used a cross-sectional study design with a sample of 85 nurses at Arosuka Hospital using proportional sampling technique. The research instrument used a job satisfaction survey questionnaire and the Individual Work Performance quasi (IWPQ) and statistical tests used frequency distribution and chi-square tests. The results showed that the majority of nurses' job satisfaction was in the satisfied category as much as 56.5% and the majority of nurses' performance in the high category was 51.8%. Then obtained a significant relationship between job satisfaction and nurse performance with a p-value of 0.000. So it is expected that hospitals can pay attention to aspects of nurse job satisfaction in making policies

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 215013272094051
Mulugeta Feyissa ◽  
Tadesse Nigussie ◽  
Yitagesu Mamo ◽  
Temesgen Aferu

Background: Adolescents who have communication about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) with their parents are less likely to participate in risky sexual behaviors and to utilize modern contraceptives. However, communication on SRH issues between adolescents and their parents continues to be below the desired goals in low- and middle-income countries. Objective: To assess SRH communication between adolescent girls and their mothers among students in secondary and preparatory schools in Fiche town, Oromia, Central Ethiopia. Method: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted from March 27 to March 30, 2017, using a structured self-administered questionnaire. A total of 181 adolescent female students selected from 2 schools in the town participated in the study. Data were collected on sociodemographic characteristics, student-mother communication, and knowledge about and attitudes toward SRH issues. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed, and variables with a P value less than .05 were considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 103 (56.9%) of the students had discussed SRH issues with their mothers. The mothers’ educational status (ie, primary school and above, adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 10.01, 95% CI = 3.55-28.19; the student living with friends, AOR = 5.29, 95% CI = 1.09-25.47; the students’ knowledge about SRH issues, AOR = 8.57, 95% CI = 3.61-20.35; and students’ attitude toward SRH issues, AOR = 2.79, 95% CI = 1.26-6.15) were identified as independent positive predictors of student-mother communication on selected SRH issues. Conclusion: More than half of the study participants had communication on SRH issues with their mothers. SRH communication was positively associated with maternal educational status, the students’ living with friends, and the student’s knowledge of and attitude toward SRH issues.

Maya Ramesh ◽  
Ramesh Krishnan ◽  
Sabarinathan Jaganathan

Introduction: Medical as well as dental professionals are always at an increased risk of contracting infections in pandemics. The novel Coronavirus (nCoV), the causative agent of the COVID-19 pandemic is more contagious than other known members of Coronaviridae family. Aim: This research aims to evaluate the knowledge, psychological, social, and economic aspects of COVID-19 pandemic among dental professionals using a closed-ended questionnaire study. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study with close ended questionnaire was planned. The questionnaire form was prepared in the Google platform after receiving ethical clearance, with 39 questions under the headings of General Information, Knowledge, Psychological aspects, and Social and Economic aspects. The questionnaire link was circulated among dental professionals known to the research team through Email, WhatsApp, and Messenger. A total of 504 dental professionals participated in this study in five days. Knowledge score was calculated, and psychological stress was calculated using Likert scale. Economic aspect was measured using yes/no answers. Data were entered in an excel sheet and the data obtained were statistically analysed using the SPSS software, version 11.5. Chi-square test was done to evaluate whether there is an association between knowledge score and demographic factors and p-value was obtained. Results: There was almost equal gender distribution of respondents in the study. p-value obtained from chi-square test results correlating knowledge score with various demographic factors was not significant. A 59.9% of study participants were poorly informed on methods used to diagnose COVID-19 infection. A 44.4% of the respondents were psychologically stressed about infecting their family members and 72.22% were economically affected because of their profession. A 98.61% of the participants reported that they will wash their hands frequently, avoid crowded places and cancel travel plans in the near future. Conclusion: The present study evaluated the knowledge, psychological, social and economic aspects of COVID-19 pandemic among dental professionals. We identified that there is an urgent need to intensify the knowledge on COVID-19 and also to give psychological, social and economic support to dental professionals

2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (6) ◽  
pp. 1681-85
Kanwal Jehanzeb ◽  
Zia Ul Haq ◽  
Saeed Zaman Khattak ◽  
Sajid Ali Shah ◽  
Munir Akmal Lodhi ◽  

Objective: To assess the occurrence and intensity of Giardia and Ascaris infestations in children of both genders reporting with diarrhea. Study Design: Comparative cross sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: Paediatrics department, Combined Military Hospital, Gilgit, from Jul 2016 to Jul2018. Methodology: Patients of either gender with worm infestation were included in the study. Patients more than13 years old were excluded. The sampling technique used was non probability consecutive sampling. The stoolexamination (R/E) for the diagnosis of worm infestation was done. Stratification was done with regards to age,mother education, gender, type of water used and post stratification chi square test was applied. p-value was0.613 when calculated for the manifestation between both genders. p-value ≤0.05 was considered significant. Results: Total number of patients in our study was 100. Among them, males were 65 (65%) and females were 35(35%). Mean age of patients in our study was 4.20 ± 2.61 years (Mean ± SD). Abdominal pain being most common symptom in 43 (43%) of patients. Majority of the patients were from 2 to 10 years of age, 79 (79%). Helminthic infestation was the most common observed in 52 (52%) whereas Protozoal infestation was observed in 48 (48%) patients. The most common parasite isolated was Giardia 41 (41%) followed by Ascaris 36 (36%). p-value of 0.613 was found between both gender. Conclusion: In our study Helminthic infestation was more common. The most common parasite isolated wasGiardia followed by Ascaris.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Elia Ika Rahmawati ◽  
Dini Andriyani ◽  
Fathiyatur Rohmah

Cervical cancer is a malignant disease that remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality among women in the world. In Indonesia, only 5% of women of reproductive age screen for cervical cancer. 76.6% of cervical cancer patients are detected with the disease when they entered the advanced stage. Early detection of cervical cancer is the key intervention in the reduction of incidence and mortality of cervical cancer. Other studies reported that the awareness of women of reproductive age to do cervical cancer screening is still very low due to a lack of knowledge about cervical cancer. This study aimed to determine the correlation of knowledge and participation in early detection of cervical cancer in women in reproductive age. This study used an analytical survey with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used incidental sampling with a total of 36 women in reproductive age. Data analysis used Chi-Square test. Statistical results showed that there was a significant correlation between knowledge of women in reproductive age about cervical cancer and participation in early detection of cervical cancer, which is p value = 0.020 ( 0.05) and coefficient of contingency (r) = 0.423. The level of closeness of the correlation is medium. Therefore, there is a need for tailored services that could improve knowledge of women in reproductive age about cervical cancer to improve participation with a view to preventing cervical cancer by early detection.

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