scholarly journals The problem of forming the motivation of student youth in the field of physical culture

N.V. Ketova

The article considers the problems of increasing interest and ways to involve students in physical culture and sports. It is determined that in matters of motivation of student youth such qualities of the teacher's personality as compassion, benevolence, sensitivity, justice, purposefulness play a significant role. The teacher is obliged to monitor their appearance and keep themselves in good shape, to have their own approach to each student, and most importantly - to be interested in their work. It is also determined that the organization of normal life of student youth entering a new independent adult life depends on the conditions and traditions of the educational institution in which they study. The modern lifestyle and behavior of students is greatly influenced by living and living conditions, financial opportunities, material prosperity, organization of education and recreation, diet and quality of food. Of great importance are the interpersonal relationships that develop in the student environment, the motives of youth. The implementation of these functions is through the solution of some tasks: to gain experience in the creative use of physical culture and sports to achieve life and professional goals, providing general and professional physical training, which determines the psychophysical readiness of students for future professions, forming motivational and value attitude of students to physical culture, attitude to a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education, the need for regular exercise and sports, mastering the scientific and practical foundations of a healthy lifestyle and physical culture, mastering the system of practical skills and abilities to ensure the preservation and strengthening of health , mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities and personal qualities, self-determination in physical culture, formation at students of understanding of a role of physical culture in development of the person and preparation for professional activity; development of personality and its preparation for professional activity

2021 ◽  
pp. 126-130

The article analyzes and substantiates that human health is the most important social value and is closely related to the fundamental right of the individual to physical, spiritual, social well-being in terms of maximum length of active life. We interpret health as a complex, holistic, multi-vector dynamic state that shows progress in the process of realization of genetic potential in the context of a particular social and ecological environment and allows a person to realize its important biological and social functions to varying degrees.Definitely, a healthy lifestyle of a future physical education teacher represents a system of formed theoretical skills and practical skills of daily behavior, the functional direction of which is to preserve and strengthen their own health in its various manifestations (physical, mental, moral, spiritual, social, professional), compliance important leading guidelines for the implementation of pedagogical activities, which is based on the organization of the educational process, taking into account the formation of health skills.The level of elaboration of the issue concerning the preparation of physical education teachers for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth in the field of education is thoroughly analyzed. The essence of the concept of “healthy lifestyle” is revealed in detail, the peculiarities of its formation in schoolchildren of different age categories are characterized. The structure of readiness of the teacher of physical culture to the organization and introduction of health-preserving activity which leading components, in our opinion, are: motivational, cognitive, activity, improving, reflexive is defined. The basic levels of formation of readiness of the teacher of physical culture to the organization of healthpreserving activity - high, sufficient, basic, elementary are characterized.It is established that the readiness of a physical education teacher to organize health activities is the result of comprehensive preparation for the professional role of teacher, organizer, moderator of health, sports, sports and mass process in the institution, it is the ability to create health culture and healthy lifestyle of students and actively participate in creating a healthy educational environment of the educational institution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
Folala Telaumbanua ◽  
Hizkia Ronaldus Silalahi ◽  
Jonathan Simanjuntak ◽  
Syaluddin Rezha Siregar ◽  
Maria Isadora Simangunsong ◽  

Psychosocial is commonly defined as referring to a relationship that is close in both psychological and social factors. Emotional and cognitive development, as well as social factors such as interpersonal relationships and the community in which a person lives all influence a person's psychological well-being. Psychosocial is focused on the interpersonal aspects that exist alongside psychological aspects (thoughts, emotions, and behavior) (social relations, traditions and culture). Initiated psychological encouragement (commonly referred to as DPA) is also known as PFA (PFA). Psychosocial encouragement is a type of DPA. DPA aims to reduce the detrimental effects of stress, to help individuals recover from disasters, and to assist in the process of their return to normal. A crisis situation is an ongoing (or expected) event that places people, groups, communities, or societies in an unstable and dangerous position, which then impacts those people, groups, or societies. There are both positive and negative impacts that teachers, students, and also parents have to face and deal with during a COVID-19 pandemic. Stress and pressure can arise naturally, for everyone, when someone is in an unpleasant/crisis situation. Emotional expressions, such as crying in children aged 0-3 years, or other non-adaptive behavior, such as aggressive or tantrums, are common indicators of stress in students (venting anger or excessive emotional outbursts at a certain age because there are unfulfilled wants or needs).

The results of the empirical study of the peculiarities of personal well-being of the staff of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, depending on participation in the Anti-Terrorist Operation are represented in the article. The differences in the personal, professional and organizational characteristics of the personal well-being of the border guards who participated in the Anti-Terrorist Operation and the border guards who did not participate in the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) are identifid and described. A signifiantly higher levels of lifetime orientations and general feasibility of life were detected of the border guards-participants of the ATO, compared with border guards who did not participate in the ATO. The border guards-participants of the ATO more appreciate the interesting work, the presence of good friends and a happy family life compared to the border guards who did not participate in the ATO, who appreciate more health, knowledge and freedom than the border guards-participants of the ATO. The lower levels of development of the reflction of communication and interaction with other people and subjective well-being of the border guards-participants of the ATO were revealed in comparison with the border guards who did not participate in the ATO. The level of professional wellbeing of the border guards-participants of the ATO is higher due to higher indicators of autonomy in professional activity, professional self-acceptance, satisfaction with the level of competence and professional achievements, the formation of professional goals, professional development and growth compared with the border guards who did not participate in the ATO. The level of job satisfaction of the border guards-participants of the ATO is lower compared to border guards who did not participate in the ATO. In general, the border guards-participants of the ATO are more satisfid with work because they have a much higher interest in the work, higher satisfaction with achievements, content of work and relationships with employees compared to border guards who did not participate in the ATO. The differences in the personal, professional and organizational peculiarities of the personal well-being of the border guards-participants of the ATO are related to the positive transformation of the traumatic experience of staying in the ATO zone, the rethinking of life and professional goals, their results, changing values orientations, interests, aspirations and professional motivation, change in attitudes to the organizational culture of relations and governance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 38-43
Levitskyi O.I. ◽  
Kovalchuk V.V.

The article is devoted to one of the current problems, the peculiarities of the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students in the educational institution. It is noted that at present the issue of a healthy lifestyle has become especially relevant. Purpose: the characteristics are analyzed, which include a number of pedagogical means of forming a value attitude to a healthy lifestyle of student youth. It is established that the state of health of the young generation is one of the important factors in the health of the Ukrainian nation. It is noted that to provide students with sufficient information about the importance of a healthy lifestyle during the learning process. Methods: It is noted that low functional indicators in health and physical development play an important role in this issue. It has been found that diseases of the nervous system (neurotic disorders) and sense organs are common among the diseases. It is described that students have low emotional resilience, being in a state of stress due to learning and interpersonal relationships with classmates and teachers. Addressed a number of problems related to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems (pharyngitis, chronic tonsillitis), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis and cholecystitis) and musculoskeletal system. The main factors in the formation of a healthy lifestyle are considered, namely the involvement of students in physical education classes outside of school hours, the implementation in everyday life of scientifically proven recommendations on rational work, physical performance, rest and nutrition. The results drew attention to the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle in student youth depends on themselves and not on doctors and drugs. It is noted that medicine will not help if students neglect healthy life skills. The conclusions prove that the human body can be healthy only if you follow good health habits and clear principles (absence of bad habits, systematic tonic muscle support, hardening of the body, proper nutrition).Key words: health, skills, sports, bad habits, informing students, main components of health, university education, stress, physical activity. Стаття присвячена одній з актуальних проблем особливостей формування здорового способу життя студентів в умовах навчального закладу. Зазначено, що нині питання здорового способу життя набуло особливої актуальності. Проаналізовано характеристики, котрі включають низку педагогічних засобів формування ціннісного ставлення до здорового способу життя студентської молоді. Встановлено, що стан здоров’я молодого покоління – це один із важливих чинників здоров’я української нації. Наголошено на наданні студентам достатньої інформації про важливість здорового способу життя під час навчального процесу. Важливу роль у цьому питанні відіграють низькі функціональні показники у стані здоров’я та фізичному розвитку. З’ясовано, що серед захворювань поширеними є хвороби нер-вової системи (невротичні розлади) та органів чуттів. Описано, що студенти мають низьку емоційну стійкість, перебуваючи у стані стресу через навчання та міжособистісні стосунки з одногрупниками й викладачами. Звернено увагу на низку проблем, пов’язаних із серцево-судинною та дихальною систе-мами (фарингіти, хронічні тонзиліти), захворюваннями кишково-шлункового тракту (гастрити та холецистити) та опорно-рухового апарату. Розглянуто основні чинники у формуванні здорового способу життя, такі як залучення студентства до занять фізичною культурою в позанавчальний час, втілення в повсякденний побут науково доведених рекомендацій щодо раціонального режиму праці, фізичної працездатності, відпочинку та харчування. Звернено увагу на те, що формування у студентської молоді здорового способу життя залежить від них самих, а не від лікарів та ліків. Зазначено, що медицина не допоможе, якщо студентство нехтує здоровими життєвими навичками. Доведено, що організм людини може бути здоровим лише за умов дотримання корисних для здоров’я звичок та чітких принципів (відсутність шкідливих звичок, систематична тонусна підтримка м’язів, загартування організму, раціональне харчування).Ключові слова: здоров’я, навички, спорт, шкідливі звички, інформування студентів, основні складові частини здоров’я, навчання у ВНЗ, стрес, рухова активність.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Tatyana Nikulina ◽  
Yulia Chepurko

Currently, the interrelation of various motivational phenomena, interests, attitudes and behavior of a person in the professional activity is being considered. Analysis of modern psychological literature shows that employees of organizations can be highly-motivated to achieve in their professional activities, however, in each individual, the motivation for achievement can manifest itself in a certain motivational trend. The article discusses the issues of the main parameters of the influence of the motivation for achievement on the determination of strategies for the behavior of suburban railway employees, which are revealed, both in destructive interpersonal communication and at a high level of constructive interaction. The available knowledge about the causes of conflicts and the needs of using the dominant strategy of behavior in interpersonal relationships and professional activity is generalized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e16602
Sergij Tkachov ◽  
Mykhailo Liannoi ◽  
Olha Shapovalova

The main purporse is to determine the main aspects of professional competence among students of physical culture and sports. The pedagogical practice of future physical culture teachers is an integrating and core component of the personal and professional formation of a future specialist, which provides for the formation of his professional competence through mastering various types of activity, leads to professional self-improvement, student self-knowledge in various professional roles in the real conditions of a general education school. Among the main tasks facing the system of higher pedagogical education, an important place is occupied by the task of training a competence-based specialist of a wide profile, further strengthening of fundamental education and bringing it closer to research and practical professional activity, therefore, the goal of training should provide for an optimal combination of theoretical knowledge and creative abilities of future teachers, which would allow them, after graduating from an educational institution, to independently raise the level of their education and professional training, to find fundamentally new solutions to the problems of science and practice. The study was carried out using the following theoretical methods: systems analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, classification, generalization and systematization, idealization and abstraction. As a result of the study, the main aspects of professional competence among students of physical culture and sports were determined

2018 ◽  
Vol 566 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Anna Gregorek

The scale of the cyberbullying problem is big and disturbing. Attempts are being made to eliminate and reduce this issue by seeking effective preventive solutions. Based on her analysis of the literature on mindfulness, the author points to the enormous potential of mindfulness-based programs in preventing cyberbullying threats. Numerous studies confirm that the practice of mindfulness is an effective program in the fight against stress, pain, and even illness; it improves mental and physical well-being. Mindfulness practitioners become more compassionate, milder, empathetic, they cope better with difficult situations, use positive thinking and behavior patterns, achieve calmness and confidence, and make positive changes in interpersonal relationships.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (6/1) ◽  
pp. 103-108
Irina A. MAKHROVA ◽  

Designing clothes, taking into account the timely physical, mental and physiological development of overweight children and adolescents, contributes to the harmonious development of body systems, maintaining thermal homeostasis, balanced nervous processes, and can enhance social adaptation. The study applied psychodiagnostic methods that develop motivation for a healthy lifestyle with the help of balanced clothing as a means of rehabilitation. The psycho-emotional development of children according to age groups is investigated and the wardrobe of multi-layer functional clothing that makes up the set is recommended. The ways of formation of new psychological mechanisms of activity and behavior in each age group, the formation of a system of social values, social internal position, psychological and personal readiness for systematic school education, and the active development of cognitive activity have been studied. In overweight adolescents, the predominance of a negative emotional background impedes the formation of their autonomy, perception of themselves as a free and independent person. Given the rationale for the participation of adolescents in fashion processes, possible psychological and social support. The ways of achieving the goal in designing balanced clothes, and the adaptation of children and adolescents in society are proposed. The results suggest that in parallel with the development of a mobile system "Rational wardrobe" for children with overweight, it is necessary to carry out some work on psychological support aimed at improving the positive attitude of well-being and quality of life.

Milton Morales Filho ◽  
Cidia Vasconcellos ◽  
André Mota

ABSTRACTFrom the Ottawa Charter of 1986, health promotion has been seen not only as an exclusive responsibility of the Healthcare sector, and it goes beyond a healthy lifestyle towards a global state of well-being. The idea of a dynamic balance between health and disease has a historical beginning in the West around V b.C., when Philosophy of Nature and Medicine began to become integrated. According to pre-Socratic investigations, the physical human nature was linked to the concept of physis. Diseases also followed the same principles that gave the kósmos its sense of totality. The integration between man and kósmos initially happened through its constituent elements in order to the same concepts about spiritual nature could be further on projected. This theory will be present in Corpus hippocraticum, on the matter of health as equilibrium. Diet referred not only to nourishment, but also to exercise, professional activity, the geographic and climatic surroundings and the political and social activities of the city in which the individual lived, depending on age and sex.RESUMOA partir da “Carta de Ottawa”, de 1986, a promoção da saúde passou a ser vista não apenas como uma responsabilidade exclusiva do setor da Saúde, indo para além de um estilo de vida saudável, na direção de um bem-estar global. A ideia de um equilíbrio dinâmico entre saúde e doença teve início histórico no Ocidente em torno do séc. V a.C., quando a Filosofia da Natureza e a Medicina começaram a se integrar. A natureza humana física, nas investigações pré-socráticas, estava ligada ao conceito de “physis”. As doenças também obedeciam aos mesmos princípios que davam o sentido da totalidade do “kósmos”. A integração do homem ao “kósmos” inicialmente se deu por meio de seus elementos constitutivos, para que, num segundo passo, fossem projetados os mesmos conceitos sobre sua natureza espiritual. Essa teoria está presente no “Corpus hippocraticum”, na questão da saúde como equilíbrio. A dieta referia-se não só à alimentação, mas aos exercícios, à atividade profissional, ao entorno geográfico e climático e às atividades políticas e sociais da cidade na qual o indivíduo vivia, de acordo com a idade e o sexo.

2021 ◽  
Сергей Александрович Яковлев

Современная система физического воспитания студенческой молодежи не физкультурных вузов является приоритетной в формировании физической культуры как вида общей культуры молодого человека, здорового образа и спортивного стиля жизнедеятельности будущих специалистов производства, науки, культуры. Формирование социально активной личности в гармонии с физическим развитием - важное условие подготовки выпускника вуза к профессиональной деятельности в обществе, развивающейся по законам рыночной экономики. Взаимоотношение физического развития и нравственного становления личности в процессе занятий физическими упражнениями получило научное обоснование в теории и методике физического воспитания. Modern system of physical education of students of non-physical universities is a priority in the formation of physical culture as a type of general culture of young people, healthy lifestyle and sporting style of life activities of future specialists in production, science, culture. The formation of a socially active personality in harmony with physical development is an important condition for the preparation of university graduates for professional activity in the society developing according to the laws of the market economy. The relationship between physical development and moral formation of the individual in the process of physical exercise is scientifically substantiated in the theory and methodology of physical education.

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