scholarly journals State support for the development of rural green tourism at the regional level

Mykola Butko

The subject of research is the theoretical and practical principles of organization and development of rural green tourism enterprises, its regulation and support as a form of entrepreneurial activity in rural areas. The purpose of the work is to develop theoretical principles and practical proposals for the implementation of state support for rural green tourism enterprises and its improvement. The methodological basis of the article were the main theoretical and methodological provisions of economics, regulations of Ukraine, the works of leading foreign and domestic scientists. Results of work. The paper identifies the conditions and resources, features and institutions of organization and development of rural green tourism enterprises. The importance and sources of its spread and growth as a form of entrepreneurial activity in the countryside are substantiated. The forms of statistical reporting for the account are offered. The directions of improvement of the state regulation of the further development of its subjects are developed, including with the involvement of regional and local authorities, united territorial communities. Field of application of results. The conclusions of the article can be used in the educational and scientific process of higher education institutions, the work of rural communities, local governments, fiscal services. Conclusions. In the future, to ensure the development of rural green tourism in Ukraine and its effective management is considered appropriate: to improve the regulatory framework of rural tourism activities at both state and regional levels; constantly monitor indicators and study the needs of the market of its products and services; create an infrastructure of state financial and credit support for rural green tourism entities.

Oleksandr Adamchуk

The subject of research is the theoretical and practical aspects of the definition and implementation of innovations, forms and directions of innovation in order to increase the competitiveness of rural green tourism enterprises. The aim of the work is to identify innovative sources of increasing the competitiveness of rural green tourism enterprises and substantiate the factors, components and tools for innovation in a knowledge economy, digital technologies, non-cash payments, high-speed Internet. The methodological basis of the article were the theoretical and methodological provisions of modern business economics, historical and monographic methods of scientific knowledge, as well as system-structural analysis and synthesis of the study of phenomena and processes, problem-based approach in justifying types, forms and directions of innovation. Results of work. The sources and offered components, directions and tools of introduction of innovations in work of the enterprises of rural green tourism, including in the form of organizational and administrative, marketing, product groups of them are revealed; in the form of IT startups, touring and digital systems and backup networks; timesharing, clustering, strategic alliances and clubs; smart Internet projects, software organization and management of the actual agro-villages and tourist enterprises in the countryside to increase their competitiveness. Field of application of results. Conclusions and results can be used in the work of rural green tourism enterprises, rural communities, public organizations, local governments; in the educational and scientific process of economic faculties of universities, colleges of tourist specialization, other institutions of higher education. Conclusions. Innovative activity in the system of strategic goals, priorities and guidelines for increasing the competitiveness of rural green tourism enterprises in the era of knowledge economy and digitalization will take a leading place. The realization of their important socio-economic functions, as well as other subjects of social life is becoming increasingly associated with an innovative type of development. In turn, it is based on a continuous and purposeful process of finding, preparing and implementing innovations. The possibility and motivation to obtain higher incomes and the need to increase the efficiency of financial and investment resources forces the participants of the tourism business in the countryside to purposefully create new tastes, interests and needs, introduce fundamentally new products, products, services and technologies. All this is also connected with the acceleration of innovation processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (520) ◽  
pp. 241-245
V. О. Martynenko ◽  

The axiom of present is that Ukraine has a very difficult situation in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation has developed not only due to the underdevelopment of this sphere, also because of the significant shortcomings in the system of the State regulation of entrepreneurial activity in the pandemic, which makes this issue a topical scientific problem. The publication is aimed at analyzing the extant status of operation of the hotel and restaurant business under quarantine restrictions, as well as developing proposals for providing the State support to business entities in order to minimize losses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Theoretical and methodological grounds of research are the basic principles of development of hotel and restaurant business in a crisis, scientific works of Ukrainian scholars. The following methods were used in the course of the research: logical-juristic (to analyze the legislation of Ukraine on measures of the State support for business entities in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic); systematization (defining forms of the State aid); hypotheses and assumptions (in the preparation of proposals for further regulation of the provision of the State support to the hotel and restaurant business). As a result of the research, it is determined that the introduced support measures on the part of the State allowed to reduce the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hotel and restaurant sector for the short-term period only. Renewal and further development of this sphere is impossible without the introduction of new approaches to the relations between the State and business, which have established determined in Ukrainian society, without increasing the social consciousness of business and increasing the level of its contact with public authorities. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to improve the system of adjustment of efforts of the State authorities, local self-government bodies and business entities in this sphere.

Iryna Romaniuk

 The subject of the research is the theoretical and practical aspects of defining and implementing innovation, investment and marketing strategies to increase the competitiveness of rural green tourism enterprises and the reproduction of rural areas. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the main components and directions of implementation of innovation, investment and marketing strategies to ensure the effective development of rural green tourism enterprises, taking into account others, including problematic factors of their locations. Methodological basis of the article were the main theoretical and methodological provisions of economics, regulations of Ukraine, the works of leading foreign and domestic scientists in economics, marketing and management of tourism enterprises. Results of work. The importance of using innovation-investment and marketing strategies for the effective development of rural green tourism enterprises is substantiated in the work. Their main components and directions are determined. The main problems were identified and the forecast of the expected results of involvement was made. The field of application of results. The results can be used by rural green tourism enterprises, united territorial communities, regional and state authorities. Conclusions. Innovations are of paramount importance in increasing the efficiency of rural green tourism enterprises in the knowledge economy. Therefore, it is important to group them by areas of implementation. Investing in the development of rural green tourism enterprises is recognized as one of the main problems hindering their spread due to the low incomes of the vast majority of the rural population on the one hand and housing and other conditions that need improvement on the other. Therefore, determining their sources and reserves is of paramount importance. Marketing strategies are of paramount importance for the development of rural green tourism enterprises. Their main tools are brands and trademarks; virtual sales; advertising and PR-technologies, detailed by enterprises and agro-villages; tourist goods, unique and inherent in certain rural areas (food, cosmetics, crafts); attractions and services.

Yaroslav Plevako

The subject of this research is theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the functioning of rural green tourism enterprises in European countries and in Ukraine. The purpose of the work to analyze the European experience in supporting and identifying the features of the functioning of rural green tourism enterprises in the context of leading European countries to optimize their activities and increase the number in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the article was the methods of scientific knowledge: monographic – for theoretical generalization and identification of the features of the formation of rural green tourism in European countries; system-structural analysis and synthesis, groupings – for the interpretation of the results; problem-target – for the practical implementation of the European experience in the operation of rural green tourism enterprises. Results of the article. The article reveals the features of the implementation of rural green tourism in European countries and grouping of countries by the identity of tools and support mechanisms. The possibilities of their implementation in Ukraine in terms of practice, institutions of support, local support not only as a type of activity, but as a resource for the storage and reproduction of rural areas are substantiated. The field of application of results.The materials, results and conclusions of the article can be used in the activities of rural territorial communities, local governments, enterprises and agro-estates, higher educational institutions of the corresponding specialization and faculties of economics and management of tourism and hotel and restaurant business. Conclusions. It has been determined that the most significant feature of the theory and practice of the operation of rural green tourism enterprises in European countries is the expansion of their functions from purely business to more socially necessary and significant ones – as tools for the preservation and reproduction of rural areas, incl. depressive. This ensures their great support at the level of local communities, state authorities, it is advisable to use them in every possible way. It is also advisable to use proven mechanisms and forms of tourism in the countryside.

S.V. Korobka

Small entrepreneurship in rural areas plays a significant role in the Ukrainian economy, since its development contributes to the economic growth of the welfare of rural residents, the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, contributes to the saturation of the territorial markets with the necessary goods and services, and provides employment of freed labor resources. However, one of the main problems that slow down the development of small businesses in rural areas is the lack of financial support at the regional and national levels. A prerequisite for the further successful development of small business in rural areas is the stable and comprehensive state regulation. To date, there is no single algorithm of state intervention in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity. Each state, in accordance with socio-economic conditions of development, establishes state priorities and general state development. Small entrepreneurship in rural areas develops under the influence of external participants in the process: the state, local governments, and competitors. In reforming the economy, small businesses in rural areas have assumed the role of creator of the foundation for creating a new management system. The creation of small enterprises in rural areas allows solving a number of organizational and economic tasks, namely: the refusal of centralized management due to its ineffectiveness; creation of conditions for the reduction of the number of employees due to the elimination of ineffective units; the implementation of rational transformations for the further development of a particular area of the entire region. State regulation and support for the development of small businesses in rural areas in Ukraine should include a system of regulatory, economic and organizational measures that will promote the living standards of the population in rural areas, increase the efficiency of economic activity and rational use of available resources. Consequently, the further development of rural areas of Ukraine depends on how the state, community and rural dwellers work in this regard. The reasons for the slowdown of rural areas are the lack of human capital in rural areas, as well as financial support. It is also necessary to develop a single legal space within which social partnership of all members of society can be realized for the common goal – development and prosperity of not a separate group of people, but of the entire population of our rich country. Prospects for further research we see in the future the study of regional features of state support of small business in rural areas.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 309 (7) ◽  
pp. 84-93
Vasyl Rusaniuk

The purpose of the article is to summarize the methods of state support for agricultural enterprises in order to increase their competitiveness in determining the directions of support for entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Research methods. The methodological basis of the article is the dialectical method of cognition and the systematic approach to the study of the fundamental provisions of science regarding the state support development for subjects of agricultural entrepreneurship. The use of the monographic method has allowed to substantiate aspects of state support for agrarian entrepreneurship. Research results. The state and methods of state support of entrepreneurship in the agrarian sector of Ukraine and the development of entrepreneurial activity in rural areas are investigated. The financial state of agrarian enterprises and the state of state support in the agrarian sector of Ukraine are analyzed. Forms and methods of state support of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine are substantiated. Recommendations for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, the competitiveness of their products, increasing export potential and the international image of agricultural production have been developed. Scientific novelty. The directions of state support for the further development of entrepreneurship in the agrarian sector are proposed. The legislative, regulatory and economic aspects of state regulation, the possibilities of its improvement and targeting are considered. Practical significance. The practical recommendations for improvement of state support of agrarians in modern conditions are offered. The conceptual approach to formation of the state regulation of agrarian production which can be the basis for development of measures for state support of agrarian enterprises is substantiated. Tabl.: 3. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 21.

2020 ◽  
Vasyl Zbarsky ◽  
Diana Hrybova ◽  

The article analyzes the ways to increase the efficiency of small forms of tourism in rural areas. The importance of tourism business as a factor in promoting socio-economic development of regions is noted. The necessity of development of practical recommendations on increase of efficiency of economic activity of small forms of tourist business is substantiated. The importance of green tourism as a component of the national tourism business is pointed out. The model of the organization of tourist activity in the form of a green estate on the basis of a peasant economy is developed. The purpose of the project is the organization of maintenance of effective functioning of a green estate of a basic category as a basis for the further development. It is planned to use 0.3 hectares of land for this form of economic activity. It is also planned to involve the available material, technical and labor resources of a peasant family for the organization of this area of entrepreneurial activity. The main idea of the project is to implement on a regular basis a wide range of cultural and entertainment activities for client groups of 40 to 60 people. In particular, it is assumed that the amount of current costs in general will not change, only in the autumn-winter period will increase slightly utility bills. Alternative models of organization of economic activity of green estates are developed. The first option involves the presence of 1 working person who performs all production and economic, maintenance, accounting and management and other functions, receiving 20,000 hryvnias each month. In this case, the employee must have a wide range of professional competencies, which in some way negatively affects their practical implementation. The comparative analysis of efficiency of functioning of a peasant economy in the field of green tourism and other kinds of activity is carried out. The greater attractiveness of green tourism for the peasant economy as a use of available resource potential has been proved. It is noted that the proposed models should be considered as a starting project for the further development of this form of rural family business.

Yaroslav Plevako

The subject of the research is theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of state support and regulation of rural green tourism enterprises development. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the directions, mechanisms and instruments of state support and regulation of the development of rural green tourism enterprises for the future. The methodological basis of the article was both general scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge. Methods were used: historical, dialectical, system-structural analysis and synthesis, statistical-economic, SWOT-analysis, grouping, problem-targeted approach. Results of work. The article highlights the problems, factors and prospects of state support and regulation of rural green tourism enterprises development. The conditions, resources, mechanisms and instruments of state support and regulation are identified. Reasonable sources of their spread and growth. Forms of monitoring, reporting and accounting are proposed. Functions have been defined to improve state support, regulation and management of rural green tourism enterprises development in the future. The field of application of results. The materials, results and conclusions of the article can be used in the activities of rural territorial communities, local self-government bodies, enterprises and agro-villages, higher education institutions of relevant specialization and faculties of economics and management. Conclusions. Rural green tourism is a relatively new type of rural activity. It is useful for both holidaymakers and owners – rural residents, entrepreneurs, rural communities, regions and the state as a whole. Its businesses and agro-settlements contribute to the development of many related businesses in other industries; preservation of national spirituality, popularization of Ukrainian culture; dissemination of knowledge and information about the historical, natural, ethnographic features of the country. It deserves all the support from the state, public organizations, large agribusiness, rural territorial communities.

Larysa Marmul’ ◽  
Iryna Romaniuk

The subject of the research is the structure of the labor market of rural areas through the development of enterprises of rural green tourism. The purpose of the work is to identify problems and trends of employment of rural population and to substantiate the organization of alternative types of employment in rural areas through the development of rural green tourism enterprises. Methodological basis of the article became general scientific methods of cognition, generalization, method of comparative analysis, statistical and other methods of research. Results of work The labor market in the countryside is characterized by the curtailment of job offers through the holding of agrarian production, its modernization. There is an increase in labor productivity, the release of large masses of the rural population, a decrease in the levels of its income and life. This leads to the search for and justification of alternative types of employment in the countryside. One of them is the definition of rural green tourism and its enterprises. Moreover, the organization of small tourist enterprises and agro-villages in the village does not require significant investments and special professional training of workers. They are based on the use of material resources of farmers, personal peasant and households, as well as the traditions of hospitality and the rural way of life of Ukrainians. The field of application of results. The results of the study can be used by the state executive authorities in improving the structure of the labor market of rural areas. Conclusions With the purpose of developing the rural economy and expanding the labor market for rural residents, we proposed the development of rural green tourism enterprises. The organization of new types of economic activity in rural areas is intended to increase the incomes of rural population. With the active development of unique and competitive destinations for rural green tourism, for which rural areas are used as an advantage, rather than treated as a disadvantage, it is possible to reach a sufficiently high level of profitability. This will give impetus to the further development of the countryside and the emergence of adjacent or serving businesses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-132
Adinda Sekar Tanjung ◽  
Puspita Dirgahayani

Abstract   The demand for rural public transportation is dominated by people who cannot access private vehicles. In terms of the number of operating routes and the performance of their services, currently rural public transport services tend to decline. The mobility of rural communities to reach social facilities can be hampered if there is no public transportation service, which in turn will reduce the quality of human resources in rural areas. This study focuses on the movement characteristics of rural public transport passengers in Kuningan Regency. Several rural transportation routes were taken as samples, namely route 030 Cilimus-Linggarjati, route 061 Cilimus-Mandirancan, and route 037 Lengkong-Rancakeusik. This study shows that the characteristics of the movement of rural public transport passengers are an integral part in an effort to maintain rural public transport services. These characteristics of passenger movement can be used to improve the performance of public transportation, become input for public transport operators, and become material for local governments to make policies   Keywords: rural public transportation; public transport routes; public transport services; public transport performance.     Abstrak   Permintaan angkutan umum perdesaan didominasi oleh masyarakat yang tidak dapat mengakses kendaraan pribadi. Dari sisi jumlah trayek yang beroperasi dan kinerja layanannya, saat ini layanan angkutan umum perdesaan cenderung semakin menurun. Mobilitas masyarakat perdesaan untuk menjangkau fasilitas sosial dapat terhambat jika tidak ada layanan angkutan umum, yang pada akhirnya akan menurunkan kualitas sumber daya manusia di kawasan perdesaan. Studi ini berfokus pada karakteristik pergerakan penumpang angkutan umum perdesaan di Kabupaten Kuningan. Beberapa trayek angkutan perdesaan diambil sebagai sampel, yaitu trayek 030 Cilimus-Linggarjati, trayek 061 Cilimus-Mandirancan, dan trayek 037 Lengkong-Rancakeusik. Penelitian ini  menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik pergerakan penumpang angkutan umum perdesaan merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam upaya mempertahankan layanan angkutan umum perdesaan. Karakteristik pergerakan penumpang ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja angkutan umum, menjadi masukan bagi operator angkutan umum, serta menjadi bahan pemerintah daerah untuk membuat kebijakan.   Kata-kata kunci: angkutan umum perdesaan; trayek angkutan umum; layanan angkutan umum; kinerja angkutan umum.

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