scholarly journals Penggunaan Media Visual dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Keterampilan Menulis Laporan

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-79
Ratna Sari Dewi Pohan ◽  
Yuhelmi Yuhelmi

This study aims to describe the improvement of student report writing activities and skills through visual media. This research data in the form of qualitative data and quantitative data. Research procedures through stages: 1) observation and identification of problems, 2) pre-action activities, 3) planning research, 4) choosing a process approach using visual media to increase the activity and value of report writing skills, 5) making three-dimensional visual learning media to be projected through the LCD of the projector, 6) making observation sheets, 7) implementing research (observation, analysis and reflection). Research activities were carried out 2 times without using visual media and using visual media. Data collection was carried out by 2 researchers with observers. The results of the study found that after the research was conducted, it appeared that there was an improvement in student processes and grades. The results showed an increase in activity indicators (an average of 60 with sufficient qualifications (before the use of the media), to 80 with good qualifications (after the use of the media). Improved values ​​can be seen from an average of 54.17 (before) with almost enough qualifications being 76.25 with good qualifications (after). This explains that visual media can improve student activities and grades in writing reports based on visual objects. Keywords: Activities, Skills, Writing, Reports, Visual Media

Hariadi Hariadi ◽  
Suryansah Suryansah ◽  
Muhamad Rezeki Rizal Watoni

This study was aimed at designing, creating, and developing an interactive audio visual learning media. This study was also aimed at examining the effectiveness of the implementation of the kid’s athletics interactive audio visual learning media on the student learning achievement. This research used a Research and Development method. The subjects of the study were 30 elementary students. The research design was the product development model. The data were analyzed by using a percentage calculation of the validation results. The validators were the expert in media and the expert in material. The result of the data analysis showed that the use of interactive audiovisual media kid’s athletics had been assessed as valid by the validators. The validity score was 85,71% from the media expert and 91,67% from the material expert. Therefore, the product was categorized as very good, which means it is applicable to use. The results of teacher instruction observation on using the kid’s athletics interactive audio visual media were 94,79% for the Kanga Escape material, 88,54% for Frog Jump material, 92, 70% for Turbo Throwing material, and 91,66 for Formula 1 material.

IdeBahasa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-120
Ahmad Abdullah Rosyid

Media is an intermediary that is widely used in conveying information, such as print media, visual media (television), and online visual media. The information contained a lot about ideology, hegemony, power, and even marginalization. The media is also very influential in affirming the concept of gender in society, one of which is YouTube's online media which is considered the most effective in disseminating information. Various kinds of accounts publish videos with various concepts, some contain games, some have vlogs, and some contain lectures. In this paper, the researcher will discuss the contents of the lecture delivered by Ustadz Khalid on gender issues, such as differences between men and women and the characteristics of a man towards women. Three shows were taken as samples and analyzed using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse theory which offers three-dimensional concepts in it; textual, discourse, and social. The results obtained were from the three videos, Ustadz Khalid tried to instill ideology in the community. This is in line with the patriarchal family system adopted by the majority of people in Indonesia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 69-80
Puri Sulistiyawati ◽  
Dwi Puji Prabowo ◽  
Dimas Irawan Ihya' Ulumuddin

Abstrak Tipografi merupakan salah satu mata kuliah pada bidang desain komunikasi visual yang mengutamakan aspek visual. Namun berdasarkan hasil observasi diketahui bahwa media pembelajaran yang selama ini digunakan kurang efektif karena kurangnya pemanfaatan teknologi informasi, sehingga mahasiswa kurang maksimal dalam memahami materi kuliah yang disampaikan oleh pengajar. Perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini banyak memberikan dampak positif bagi kemajuan bidang pendidikan diantaranya dapat digunakan untuk mendukung media dalam proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang media pembelajaran untuk mata kuliah tipografi dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi yaitu media audio visual. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research and Development dengan pendekatan model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Dengan diciptakannya media pembelajaran audio visual ini diharapkan proses pembelajaran mata kuliah Tipografi dapat lebih efektif dan materi kuliah lebih mudah dipahami oleh mahasiswa.  Kata Kunci : audio visual, media pembelajaran, tipografi AbstractTypography is one of the subjects in the field of visual communication design that prioritizes the visual aspect. However, based on the observation note that the media has been used less effective because the lack of use information technology, so students can't understand the course material that explained by lecturers. Today, the development of information technology is being positive impact for the advancement of education which can be used to support the media in the learning process. The purpose of this research is to design learning media for the course of typography by utilizing information technology, called audio-visual media.  The method that used in this research is Research and Development with ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). With the creation of audio-visual learning media is expected Typography learning courses can be more effective and the course material more easily understood by students. Keyword : audio visual, instructional media, typography

Defa ◽  
Wisman Hadi ◽  
Daulat Saragi

The research is using the 4 D Thiagarajan development model consisting of Define, Design, Development and Dissemination. The validation results of three experts consisting of material experts, design experts and media experts with a very decent category. Once validated by the three experts, the media tested on two groups of small groups and big groups by demonstrating the effectiveness of the media. One of the patterns of kinship adopted from the value of Batak culture contains many positive and good elements that can be used as a role model in the use of technology. Making the use of technology is growing by having a cultural corridor that can align in its development and use in both the digital world though. In this study gave birth to a visual learning media that collaborated with the values of Batak culture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-28
Husnul Khotimah ◽  
Asep Supena ◽  
Nandang Hidayat

Penelitian literatur ini bertujuan untuk mencari solusi terkait dengan upaya meningkatan perhatian siswa khususnya ditingkat awal yaitu kelas 1, 2 dan 3 terhadap tugas belajarnya selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung menggunakan media pembelajaran visual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode tinjauan literatur integratif. Metode ini menggabungkan berbagai artikel berbasis empiris dan penelitian, buku, dan literatur lain yang dipublikasikan tentang penggunaan media visual dalam meningkatkan perhatian belajar siswa kelas awal tersebut. Penelitian literatur ini menyimpulkan: (1) Perhatian adalah proses pemilihan informasi yang dikontrol secara sukarela oleh subjek (sadar), atau dapat karena pengaruh beberapa peristiwa eksternal yang ditangkap indera (tidak sadar); (2) Proses perhatian terjadi melalui seleksi, kesadaran, dan control; (3) Model media visual yang digunakan sebaiknya bervariasi baik media pembelajaran yang dibuat oleh guru maupun media dari internet. Media visual dalam bentuk infografis merupakan model media visual yang paling disarankan; (4) Implikasi dari fungsi media visual terhadap memori penginderaan antara lain: (a) memori pengindera hanya dapat mengolah informasi dalam jumlah terbatas, sehingga media visual yang digunakan untuk menyajikan materi pembelajaran perlu didesain sedemikian sehingga informasi-informasi kunci dapat diterima oleh siswa dengan baik; (b) memori penginderaan yang memiliki daya serap paling tinggi adalah indera penglihatan, sehingga mengkombinasikan sajian informasi visual dapat meningkatkan jumlah informasi yang mampu diterima oleh memori pengindera. AbstractThis literature research aims to find solutions related to efforts to increase the attention of students, especially at the initial level, grades 1, 2 and 3 of their learning tasks during the learning process takes place using visual learning media. This study uses the method of review of integrative literature. This method combines various empirical and research-based articles, books, and other published literature on the use of visual media in increasing the attention of students learning in the early grades. This literature research concludes: (1) Attention is the process of selecting information that is voluntarily controlled by the subject (conscious), or it can be due to the influence of some external events that are sensed (unconscious); (2) The process of attention occurs through selection, awareness, and control; (3) The visual media model used should vary both the learning media made by the teacher and the media from the internet. Visual media in the form of infographics is the most recommended visual media model; (4) The implications of the function of visual media on sensing memory include: (a) memory sensors can only process information in a limited amount, so that the visual media used to present learning material needs to be designed so that key information can be received properly by students; (b) sensing memory that has the highest absorption power is the sense of sight, so combining visual information offerings can increase the amount of information that the sensory memory can receive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 248-262
Widodo Eko ◽  
Afandi Afandi ◽  
Candramila Wolly

Penggunaan media pembelajaran sebagai sumber belajar sangat penting untuk membantu menjelaskan materi yang diajarkan agar lebih optimal. Pemilihan media juga harus menyesuaikan kebutuhan peserta didik. Permasalahan yang dialami yaitu kebutuhan akan media yang dapat mencakup banyak materi yang banyak dan dapat diterapkan pada peserta didik yang memiliki karakteristik pembelajaran auditori dan visual. Media film dokumenter dibuat bertujuan untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut sehingga ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran akan berhasil. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Development Research dan di validasi oleh 5 validator yang diuji dengan validasi Aiken’s V serta uji reliabilitas Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa media film dokumenter layak digunakan dan masih ada kriteria yang harus diperbaiki pada media. Pada uji reliabilitas diperoleh nilai Alpha 0,757 dengan kategori cukup memuaskan dan nilai Intraclass Correlation Coefficient yaitu 0,384 dikategorikan kurang memuaskan. Kata kunci: film dokumenter; kelayakan; media pembelajaran. ABSTRACTFeasibility of documentary film on types of feed raw materials for Class X SUPM Negeri Pontianak. The use of learning media as a learning resource is very important to help explain the material being taught to be more optimal. However, media selection must also match the needs of students. The problem experienced is the need for media that can accommodate a lot of material and can be applied to students who have auditory and visual learning characteristics. Documentary film media is made to aim to answer this problem so that the achievement of the learning objectives will be successful. This research used Development Research method and validated by 5 validators who were tested with Aiken V validation and thereliability test Intraclass Correlation Coefficient. The results of this study indicate that documentary film media is suitable for use and there are still criteria that must be improved on the media. The reliability test shows anvalue of Alpha 0.757 with a satisfactory category and an Intraclass Correlation Coefficient value of 0.384. Keywords: documentary film; feasibility; learning media

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-123
Ahmad Darlis ◽  
Muhammad Khalidin  

  The Implementation of Audio Visual Learning Media in Improving Learning Understanding of Al Quran Hadith in Class VII MTs Students. Private Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak. The problems found in the research location were: 1). The learning and teaching process in madrassas, teachers in the field of study of Al-qur'an hadith have not involved students directly with the digital Al-qur'an application from the subject matter of the Al-qur'an hadith study area taught so that students have not been trained in solving various field problems study of Al-qur'an hadith. 2). The unavailability of media that supports learning and teaching activities of Al-quran Hadith in madrasas. The focus of this research is that the researcher focuses on the application of Audio Visual Media and the efforts made by the teacher in the Al-quran Hadith study field to improve students' reasoning abilities. 1). The influence of digital Al-quran-based Audio Visual Media on students' reasoning abilities in the concept of understanding and memorizing Al-quran verses by students of the Tarbiyah Waladiyah Island Many Private Tsanawiyah Madrasah is significant, namely the application of the model helps students to better understand the subject matter. 2). Improved reasoning skills of students on indicators of creative thinking, flexible thinking, original thinking, and detailed thinking after the application of Audio Visual Media to students of Tarbiyah Waladiyah Island Banyak Madrasah Tsanawiyah. 3). Student activities when applied to Audio Visual Media in the Al-quran hadith study at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Tarbiyah Waladiyah Pulau Banyak, students responded well.   Keywords: Media; Audio Visual; Comprehension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 401-410
Siti Hadiati Nugraini

AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang perancangan film pendek dengan judul “Simbah” sebagai salah satu media yang dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran mata kuliah Audio Visual pada mahasiswa semester 5. Film ini dibuat sebagai media untuk memberikan pendidikan moral kepada mahasiswa. Film ‘Simbah’ berisi nilai-nilai moral untuk orang dewasa yang sangat penting untuk dikenalkan pada mahasiswa. Salah satu aspek dari nilai-nilai moral dalam film tersebut adalah keinginan yang perlu dikendalikan. Keinginan merupakan salah satu sifat dasar yang dimiliki manusia dan harus dikendalikan sejak usia muda. Salah satu strategi yang dapat digunakan pendidik untuk menanamkan nilai tersebut adalah dengan media audio visual berupa film pendek. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif karena dapat mengungkapkan aspek-aspek yang harus ditekankan dalam sebuah film pendek, sehingga penanaman nilai bahwa keinginan perlu dikendalikan dapat dilakukan. Sebagai hasilnya film pendek ‘Simbah’ menjadi salah satu media pembelajaran yang menarik dan dapat mengarahkan serta membuat mahasiswa mengerti dengan latar belakang budaya. Selain itu sinematografi film ‘Simbah’ memudahkan mahasiswa untuk memahami alur cerita dan menjadi referensi dalam perancangan mata kuliah audio visual. Kata Kunci: audio visual, film pendek, media pembelajaran, simbah AbstractThis research discusses the design of a short movie with the title "Simbah" as one of the media that uses as a learning medium for studying Audio Visual courses for 5th-semester students. This short movie was made as a medium to provide moral education for students. 'Simbah' contains moral values for adults that are very important to introduce to students. One aspect of the moral values in the movie is the desire that needs to control. Desire is one of the primary human traits and must restrain from a young age. One strategy that educators can use to instill these values is with audio-visual media in the form of short movie. The method used in this study is qualitative because it can reveal aspects that must be emphasized in a short film so that the inculcation of the value that desires need to control can be carried out. As a result, the short movie 'Simbah' became one of the interesting learning media and could direct students to understand the cultural background. In addition, the cinematography of the 'Simbah' movie makes it easier for students to understand the storyline and becomes a reference in making short films in audio visual courses. Keywords: audio visual, learning media, short movie, simbah

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 352-360
Rony Arahta Sembiring ◽  
Ermina Waruwu ◽  

This study aims to identify learning outcomes through the media used by students, focus student knowledge to determine the contribution of media in their learning, improve student expertise / knowledge, and provide opportunities for students to become innovative teachers. This research method applies descriptive qualitative data analysis and comparative quantitative. The research data was measured through test and non-test instruments. The research sample was FKIP students majoring in Indonesian and English through 2 general subjects, namely learning media and educational statistics. The results of the study have shown that the learning outcomes of the two majors do not show a significant difference. Furthermore, 24 questionnaire items showed that social media contributed more to student learning activities than audiovisual media. On the other hand, the observations show that students are more likely to behave negatively during research activities. Students feel uncomfortable if learning activities are dominated by media. Plus the imposition of online learning which requires virtual learning activities. So this research concludes that the existence of the media will be increasingly felt if it is collaborated with other relevant learning methods. Keywords: Media, Learning, Existence, FKIP Students

Mark Ellisman ◽  
Maryann Martone ◽  
Gabriel Soto ◽  
Eleizer Masliah ◽  
David Hessler ◽  

Structurally-oriented biologists examine cells, tissues, organelles and macromolecules in order to gain insight into cellular and molecular physiology by relating structure to function. The understanding of these structures can be greatly enhanced by the use of techniques for the visualization and quantitative analysis of three-dimensional structure. Three projects from current research activities will be presented in order to illustrate both the present capabilities of computer aided techniques as well as their limitations and future possibilities.The first project concerns the three-dimensional reconstruction of the neuritic plaques found in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease. We have developed a software package “Synu” for investigation of 3D data sets which has been used in conjunction with laser confocal light microscopy to study the structure of the neuritic plaque. Tissue sections of autopsy samples from patients with Alzheimer's disease were double-labeled for tau, a cytoskeletal marker for abnormal neurites, and synaptophysin, a marker of presynaptic terminals.

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