Model of Translation of International Legal Discourse: to the Problem of Applying the Transformation Model and the Model of the Reference Set of Features

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
A Pozhar ◽  
N Yemets ◽  

Abstract. The article focuses on analyzes of the translation of international legal discourse applying the transformational model of translation analysis and the model involving tertium comparacionis - the language-mediator as a standard for comparing the original and target texts. The aim of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the application of the transformation model and the model of the reference set of features for translation analysis of international legal discourse. The article used a complex research methodology involving methods of translation analysis, componential analysis, structural transformational analysis, as well as the elements of comparative method and text-interpretive analysis. The study reached the following conclusions. First, the transformation of nuclear structures of the English original text into surface text structures of the Ukrainian translation, carried out in accordance with the three-stage model of transformational analysis, shows the need to reproduce in Ukrainian translation conditional relations implied in the form of explanatory or attributive meanings. It is found that none of the obtained transformational structures completely coincides with the official translation into Ukrainian. In addition, the Ukrainian translation omits the modal verb of obligation shall, which is present in the English original text, so that the fragment of the translation loses the connotations of imperative modality, which does not correspond to the style of the translated text. The application of the translation analysis model related to the identification of the reference set of features for the original and target texts showed the presence of both common and different features from the reference set. The difference in the text of the translation is revealed by such allomorphic features as (a) "object of action in the singular", in contrast to the original fragment with the object of action in the plural, (b) change from modality of possibility to epistemic modality with verb in the present tense, as well as (c) implicated condition relations in the target Ukrainian text, in contrast to the explicit expression of the condition of the text of the original.

Kovalchuk O.Ya.

The purpose of the work is to compare the translators’ idiostyles and conceptions through a comparative analysis of G.G. Byron’s mystery “Cain” and Ukrainian-language interpretations by M. Kabaliuk and O. Hriaznov.Methods of work. In the research a comparative method is used to compare the original and the translation and compare two translations, literary and stylistic textual analysis, descriptive and contextual methods are used to determine the stylistic dominants of the original and the target work, the method of assessing the adequacy of translation is used to define the translators’ mastery, the method of quantitative calculations is used to determine the degree of reproduction of linguistic and stylistic expression means.Results. In the article the characteristic features of G.G Byron’s idiostyle, the stylistic features of the original text of the mystery “Cain” are outlined. The degree of style reproduction adequacy of G.G. Byron’s mystery “Cain” in the interpretation by two Ukrainian translators – M. Kabaliuk and O. Hriaznov is determined, the specifics of their translation style are clarified. The history of O. Hiyaznov’s translation with the use of own electronic correspondence is investigated. The literary-critical opinion concerning the named translations is considered. Translation analysis is performed at the phonetic, rhythmic, lexical, morphological and syntactic levels. Information on the translation reception of G.G. Byron’s works in Ukraine has been expanded.Conclusions. The conducted comparative analysis makes it possible to state that each of these translators has an individual translation style, his own understanding of the author’s intention. M. Kabaiyuk takes into account the requirements for the most accurate reflection of the content in combination with the deepest reproduction of the author’s style, so his translation is marked by a high degree of adequacy. M. Kabaliuk approaches extremely close to the original work, avoiding literalism, preserving the author’s lexemes at most. He tries to convey all the stylistic dominants of the original maximally, pays attention to the subtle nuances of the poetic fabric of the English work; the interpreter’s presence is minimized. O. Hriaznov claims that a translation from an unlike language cannot be accurate; he pays more attention to the content than to the style, and does not reproduce all the features of G.G. Byron’s idiostyle (exclamatory intonation in some places, repetitions, about half of the epithets and exclamations). He is somewhat fluent with the original, often paraphrasing language units based on his own perception.Key words: translation, original, style, adequacy, stylistic dominant, translation strategy, emotionality, lexeme, lexical and syntactic linguistic-stylistic means. Мета роботи – шляхом зіставного аналізу містерії Дж.Г. Байрона «Каїн» та україномовних інтерпретацій М. Кабалюка і О. Грязнова порівняти ідіостилі і концепції перекладачів.Методи роботи. У дослідженні використано зіставний метод для порівняння оригіналу та перекладу і порівняння двох перекладів між собою, літературно-стилістичний текстуальний аналіз, описовий і контекстуальний методи – для визна-чення стильових домінант ориґіналу і цільового твору, метод оцінювання адекватності перекладу – для визначення ступеня майстерності перекладачів, метод кількісних підрахунків – для визначення ступеня відтворення мовностилістичних засобів вираження.Результати. У статті окреслено характерні риси ідіостилю Дж.Г. Байрона, стильові особливості оригінального тексту містерії «Каїн». Визначено ступінь адекватності відтворення стилю містерії Дж.Г. Байрона «Каїн» в інтерпретації двох укра-їнських перекладачів – М. Кабалюка та О. Грязнова, з’ясовано специфіку їхньої перекладацької манери. Досліджено історію перекладу О. Грязнова з використанням власного електронного листування. Розглянуто літературно-критичну думку щодо названих перекладів. Проведено перекладознавчий аналіз на фонетичному, ритмічному, лексичному, морфологічному та син-таксичному рівнях. Розширено відомості про перекладну рецепцію творчості Дж.Г. Байрона в Україні.Висновки. Проведений зіставний аналіз дає змогу стверджувати, що кожен із зазначених перекладачів має індивідуальний перекладний стиль, власне розуміння авторського задуму. М. Кабалюк враховує вимоги щодо якнайточнішого відображення змісту у поєднанні з якнайглибшим відтворенням стилю автора, тому його переклад відзначається високим ступенем адек-ватності. М. Кабалюк підходить гранично близько до першотвору, уникаючи буквалізму, максимально зберігаючи авторські лексеми. Він намагається максимально передати всі стильові домінанти першоджерела, звертає увагу на найтонші нюанси поетичної тканини англійського твору; присутність перекладача зведена до мінімуму. О. Грязнов стверджує, що переклад із неблизькоспорідненої мови не може бути точним; звертає більшу увагу на зміст, ніж на стиль, і відтворює не всі особливості ідіостилю Дж.Г. Байрона (окличну інтонацію подекуди, повтори, приблизно половину епітетів і вигуків). Він дещо вільно поводиться з оригіналом, часто перефразовує мовні одиниці, виходячи із власного сприйняття.Ключові слова: переклад, оригінал, стиль, адекватність, стильова домінанта, перекладацька стратегія, емоційність, лексема, лексичні та синтаксичні мовностилістичні засоби.

G Mazzeo ◽  
MN Ichchou ◽  
G Petrone ◽  
O Bareille ◽  
S De Rosa ◽  

In the wind tunnel facility, a test structure is often used for measuring its vibrational response to the aerodynamic excitation. A support is needed to sustaining the structure and it is mandatory that this support does not influence the vibrational energy to be measured. To this aim, the maximum amount of energy decoupling between the structure and the support is desired. This work is focused around a quick method to estimate this decoupling by using simplified models for the Turbulent Boundary Layer (TBL) excitation and for the structural response. Specifically, the Equivalent Rain-on-the-roof excitation is invoked with a Statistical Energy Analysis model for the structure. Some simple design rules are proposed and based on little information leading to foresee the difference of vibrational velocity levels between the two structural systems. A simplified test-case is used for the first investigations and a complex structure is finally conceived thinking to vibroacoustic measurements in a large wind tunnel facility. Although some results are largely expected, the global approach is promising.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
Anna Smirnova

This article examines Mikhail V. Lomonosov’s translation techniques and idiolect in his A Brief Guide to Eloquence (1748), with most of the examples being translated fragments of European literature. A comparison of the translated fragments from Cicero (the author analyses 82 excerpts from the antique orator’s works) with Lomonosov’s own Latin texts makes it possible to see some features of Lomonosov’s translation techniques. Except for the translated fragments included in the textbook on rhetoric, some of Cicero’s works were entirely translated into Russian in the eighteenth century. The author also compares Lomonosov’s translated fragments from Cicero (Cic. Leg. Man., Cat., Arch., Har. resp., etc.) with translations by K. Kondratovich, which were released twenty years after those by Lomonosov. The aim of the research is to show the peculiarities of Lomonosov’s translations, resulting both from the specifics of his translation techniques and the task of these texts as examples of Russian eloquence. The comparative method allows the author to conclude that Lomonosov managed to adequately convey the content and form in his translations and to recreate the style while closely adhering to the original – all this convinced him that the Russian language ‘stands out among all the languages of Europe in its grandeur and richness’. In Lomonosov’s translation techniques, there is a tendency for word-by-word translation and an attempt to preserve the Latin syntax; there is also a noticeable tendency to replace specific ancient culture-specific concepts with modern ones (a principle dating back to humanistic translations into Latin and vulgar languages). The translator’s adherence to the original is of practical importance for historians of literature and allows us to determine when the original text was taken from textbooks on rhetoric.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
Tri Yulianty Karyaningsih

This paper aims to discuss the comparison between possessive constructions in Russian and Indonesian noun phrases. Since both of the languages have different grammatical systems, their possessive constructions may also be different. The differences are discussed using a contrastive analysis approach. However, the similarities between them are also taken into consideration following one of the practical purposes of contrastive analysis, namely, to aid the translation process. The theory employed in this research is eclectic. The research method employed in this research is descriptive method with contrastive analysis model. In addition, for translation analysis, word-for-word and literal methods are used here. The data in this research are collected from the Russian National Corpus and some selected literary works in Russian and Indonesian. The result suggests that there are some structural differences and similarities between Russian and Indonesian in terms of word order, attributive categories, and grammatical categories of the elements constituting noun phrases. The results of this comparison can be referred to in the translation of possessive construction of both languages so that the closest equivalent is found following the rules of each language. 

Vladyslava Akkurt ◽  
Alexander Procopenco ◽  
Rymma Pastyr

The article deals with features and problems of translating texts of Englishlanguage songs and ways of translating them into Ukrainian by the blogger UkrTrashDub. With the advent of American culture and its influence on Ukrainian youth, research is becoming increasingly relevant in our time. In the course of a comparative analysis of the original, it was revealed that linguistic realities and reproduction of the form of the original text are the main difficulties in the perception and translation of songs. Despite a deep understanding of the ideological and thematic orientation of the original text, the translator must be able to find adequate verbal means and the specifics of the author’s language. In addition, when translating is a poetic text, it is very important to preserve its rhythmic organization and rhyme system, which, however, is not always possible. Speaking about the ways of translating lyrics, the authors dwell on the rhymed method of translation, focusing on achieving the maximum possible adequacy of the translation. Particular attention is paid to the social factor that motivates the existence of this type of translation. As part of the study, the main features, problems and means of translating English-language songs into Ukrainian were identified. The main features include: unstable poetic meter; the huge influence of the culture of native speakers of the original text; a large number of the realities of the culture of the native speakers of the original language depicted in the lyrics. The problems of translating lyrics are: preservation of the original form; adaptation and/or transmission of foreign language realities and the difference in languages, which forms the approach to writing poetry. It can be concluded that the main features of the translation of English songs are related to the preservation of the original form.

Olena Velychenko ◽  
Yevheniia Shylova

The article considers the problem of reflecting the picture of the world of English social dystopia and its moral and ethical component in the author’s idiosyncrasy, as well as ways of its reproduction in modern translation into Ukrainian. The urgency of this issue is dictated by the dynamism and variability of society, the processes of globalization and integration of states and nations, the need to find a common language in intercultural communication, solving common problems, finding compromises through faithful cross-cultural communication, interaction and cooperation. Within the framework of the research a comprehensive translation analysis was made, which allowed to outline the concepts related to the conceptual picture of the world and moral and ethical discourse of the dystopian novel, to find out and compare the features of authorial and translational transferring of the conceptual picture of the world in moral and ethical discourse in Ukrainian translation, as well as to characterize its tactical and strategic basis and translation operations. To reproduce the culturologically complicated, but conceptually important components of the picture of the world in the dystopian novel, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of “flexibility” and “combinatoriality” in the selection of translation operations for faithful rendering of these components. It is established that the correctness and faithfulness of rendering of the conceptual picture of the world in the dystopian novel is possible due to the holistic-situational perception and translation of the original text, wide subject and rich background knowledge of the translator, his/her creative intuition, pragmatic adaptation of the source text using logical and semantic, cross-cultural and occasional ways of solving the problem and adherence to an objective tactical and strategic approach in translation.

1931 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-22 ◽  
W.H. Shewring

The theory of the comparative method has been discussed in a previous article. I pass on to the results obtained—the actual history of prose-rhythm in the practice of particular authors. I give below the figures of normal frequency on which my statements are based. For Greek prose, as I have already said, Thucydides may be considered a practically unmetrical author, since nearly all his clausulae occur with about the same frequency as might be expected from the natural proportion of long and short syllables in the Greek language, and since there is little difference between his sentence-metre and his clausula-metre. (A slight difference between the two is natural, because there are some words, such as the article, which can scarcely be used to close a sentence.) Thus the theoretical frequency of — ∪ — is 14·19 per cent.; its frequency in Thucydides' clausula-metre is 14·2, in his sentence-metre 14·4. But there are two cases where the difference in these proportions seems too great to be due altogether to chance. Compared with the theoretical calculation and with the sentence-metre, —∪∪—— occurs in the clausula considerably more frequently (6·1 per cent, as against 2·6 per cent.) and —∪—∪ considerably less (3·7 per cent, as against 5·1 per cent.). The first form seems to be sought by Thucydides; the second seems to be avoided (doubtless as suggesting an iambic trimeter ending). For these two forms, therefore, I have considered as normal the average percentages of 2,000 cases in the sentence-metre of Thucydides and Xenophon (1,000 each), for the rest the percentages of 2,000 cases in the clausula-metre of Thucydides. For normal frequency in Latin metrical prose I have used de Groot's figures, based on 2,000 cases from nineteenth-century Latin translations of Gregory and Athanasius.

2008 ◽  
Vol 594 ◽  
pp. 339-350 ◽  
Chang Hsin Kuo ◽  
Jhy Cherng Tsai

In this paper, we discuss the tolerance analysis methods for the component with a mean shift or drift. A new tolerance analysis model that assumes the mean shift in normal distribution rather than in uniform distribution is proposed. Simulation shows that the difference between the uniform distribution and normal distribution is 1.7%, which can be ignored, for mean shift to one standard deviation (σ). However, the difference becomes significant when the mean shift increases. The difference increases to 5.2% with 1.5σ shift, to 10.9% for 2σ shift, and up to 30.4% for 3σ shift. As normal distribution is a better model for statistical mean shift in manufacturing process, this investigation shows that the proposed tolerance analysis model can give a better model compared to conventional models.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Muhammad Irfan Helmy

Human personality depicts an individual’s behavior and it is a formal object of psychology. Understanding human behavior is a vital and fundamental subject to understand human’s essence. The typology of behavioral concept is multifaceted and varied. In fact, various definitions of personality arrive at a single substance. This paper analyses Sigmund Freud’s concept on personality through the eye of Qur’an. The Qur’an made a personality concept as part of its focus. Through a comparative method, this study concludes that both Freud and the Qur’an argue that human personality consists of three components or potentials with different characteristics, yet integrated, to create human behavior and its personality. Freud calls them consecutively as Id, Ego and Superego; while the Quran calls them as Nafs, Akal and Kalbu. The difference between Freud and Quran on personality concept lies on the source where these three potentials came from. In Freud’s view, they came from the human being themselves internally or being influenced by their surroundings. Freud did not count God’s influence in his theory. According to Quran, however, the third potentials (Kalbu)depicts God’s values embedded in human being. Kalbu is called as a God’s disposition (tendency). Thus, Quranic concept on personality is theocentric while Freud’s is anthropocentric which is much dependent on rationality and morality of human being.  

Humaniora ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 532 ◽  
Menik Winiharti

Modality is always interesting to discuss. Understanding it is crucial for both language teachers and learners. This essay discusses the concept of modality, its types and uses. It has a goal to find the difference between deontic and epistemic modality that is indicated by their modal verbs. It also provides the readers a better understanding of modality, particularly of its types and uses. The result of the analysis shows that in general, deontic modality indicates obligation and permission, while epistemic modality expresses possibility and prediction. However, the difference between deontic and epistemic modality is not a clear cut, since one single modal verb can express both types, and one single proposition can be expressed by more than one modal verb.  

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