Comparison of two algorithms for the application of real-time image mosaicking in neuroendoscopy

2014 ◽  
Vol 121 (3) ◽  
pp. 688-699
Kay Niklas Liebig ◽  
Homajoun Maslehaty ◽  
Athanasios K. Petridis ◽  
Wolfgang Konen ◽  
Martin Scholz

Object Neuroendoscopy is used more and more frequently in neurosurgical procedures and has become an important tool in the neurosurgical armamentarium. However, the main restriction of neuroendoscopy is the limited field of view. A better overview of the area of interest would increase surgical safety and decrease procedure-related morbidity rates. In the present study, the authors aimed to improve this restriction by using and comparing two algorithms to create endoscopic panoramic images, which increase the field of view during neuroendoscopic procedures. Methods Different endoscopic methods with or without a stand and with linear or circular endoscope movements were performed in cadaveric ventricles. Video of the endoscopy was used to create image mosaics of the lateral ventricle with the help of the Kourogi or LogSearch (LS) algorithm. In the LS algorithm, different template sizes were used. Three observers graded the quality of the image mosaic in terms of usefulness in surgery. The fastest frame rate was 3–4 frames/second. Results The LS algorithm with a larger template size showed significantly better results for the creation of image mosaics than the Kourogi algorithm in linear endoscopic movement with or without a stand. In circular endoscopic movements, the results seemed to be better with the LS algorithm but were not significantly different from those obtained with the Kourogi algorithm. In summary, image quality in the experimental paradigms was satisfying. Conclusions Results in the study showed that the creation of image mosaics is possible and reliable with the featured algorithms. Image mosaicking is an applicable device for neuroendoscopy and can increase the field of view during endoscopic procedures. Its use can increase the safety and the field of application of neuroendoscopy. However, faster frame rates will be required to create a smooth image for practical use during surgery.

1978 ◽  
W. Dean LeMaster ◽  
Thomas M. Longridge

2018 ◽  
pp. 10-20
Н.А. Глотов ◽  
Н.Е. Соколов ◽  
Ю.Б. Смоляков

Представлены результаты внедрения в хирургическую практику урологического отделения Дорожной клинической больницы г. Ярославль биполярной техники трансуретральной резекции (БТУР) и энуклеации простаты (ТУЭБ) для лечения доброкачественной гиперплазии предстательной железы (ДГПЖ) средних и больших размеров. В сравнительное исследование включено 164 пациента, разделенных по методам операции на 2 основные группы (ТУЭБ - 33 человека, БТУР - 49) и 2 контрольные (открытая простатэктомия - ОПЭ - 38 и монополярная ТУР - 44). Для новых эндоскопических методов установлено значимое снижение объема кровопотери, частоты геморрагических осложнений, сроков послеоперационной катетеризации и госпитализации. Для количественной оценки различий средних и относительных показателей использо-вали непараметрический критерий Манна-Уитни, оценка качественных признаков проводилась с применением критерия Пирсона (χ2), уровень значимости различий для исследования выбран р ≤ 0,05. Анализ послеоперационной динамики клинических показателей в среднесрочной перспективе показал сходную радикальность и эффектив-ность сравниваемых методов. Установленные меньшая инвазивность, большая безопасность и лучшая переносимость биполярных эндоскопических операций демонстрируют перспективность их внедрения взамен бывших стандартных хирургических методов, что позволит повысить качество оперативного лечения и сократить затраты стационара. The results of the introduction into surgical practice of the urological Department of the road clinical hospital of Yaroslavl bipolar technique of transurethral resection (BTTR) and enucleation of the prostate (EOTP) for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) of medium and large sizes are presented. The comparative study included 164 patients, divided by the methods of surgery into 2 main groups (EOTP - 33 people, BTTR - 49) and 2 control (open prostatectomy - OPE - 38 and monopolar TTR - 44). For new endoscopic methods, a significant reduction in the volume of blood loss, the frequency of hemorrhagic complications, the timing of postoperative catheterization and hospitalization was established. Nonparametric Mann-Whitney test was used to quantify the differences in mean and relative indicators, qualitative characteristics were evaluated using Pearson test (χ2), the significance level of the differences for the study was chosen p ≤ 0.05. Analysis of postoperative dynamics of clinical parameters in the medium term showed similar radicality and effectiveness of the compared methods. The lower invasiveness, greater safety and better tolerability of bipolar endoscopic operations demonstrate the prospects of their implementation instead of the former standard surgical methods, which will improve the quality of surgical treatment and reduce the costs of the hospital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 158-164
Navruza Yakhyayeva ◽  

The quality and content of information in the article media text is based on scientific classification of linguistic features. The study of functional styles of speech, the identification of their linguistic signs, the discovery of the functional properties of linguistic units and their separation on the basis of linguistic facts is one of thetasks that modern linguistics is waiting for a solution. Text Linguistics, which deals with the creation, modeling of its structure and the study of the process of such activity, is of interest to journalists today as a science.

Erick Kim ◽  
Kamjou Mansour ◽  
Gil Garteiz ◽  
Javeck Verdugo ◽  
Ryan Ross ◽  

Abstract This paper presents the failure analysis on a 1.5m flex harness for a space flight instrument that exhibited two failure modes: global isolation resistances between all adjacent traces measured tens of milliohm and lower resistance on the order of 1 kiloohm was observed on several pins. It shows a novel method using a temperature controlled air stream while monitoring isolation resistance to identify a general area of interest of a low isolation resistance failure. The paper explains how isolation resistance measurements were taken and details the steps taken in both destructive and non-destructive analyses. In theory, infrared hotspot could have been completed along the length of the flex harness to locate the failure site. However, with a field of view of approximately 5 x 5 cm, this technique would have been time prohibitive.

Джээнбүбү Бегеева

Аннотация. В статье анализируется качество переводов рассказов В.Шукшина, осуществленных в середине 70-х годов С. Наматбаевым. Переводоведческий анализ вывил многочисленные стилевые расхождения между оригиналом и переводом. При переводе одного из лучших рассказов Шукшина «Чудик» искажения стиля не передали психологические тонкости рассказа. При переводе рассказа «Дядя Ермолай» философский аспект рассказа выпал, так как переводчик исказил жанровую специфику. Перевод рассказа «Два письма» оказался более качественным по сравнению с предыдущими. Переводчик рассказа «Два письма» сумел приблизиться к оригиналу, расшифровать его основную тональность, воспроизвести атмосферу напряженных поисков истины героем рассказа Николаем Иванычем. Этот перевод оказался более качественно выполненным по сравнению с предыдущим рассказом «Дядя Ермолай». Причину переводческого успеха можно объяснить, прежде всего, доступностью содержания рассказа, да и сам герой не столь сложная и глубокая личность, как повествователь в рассказе о дяде Ермолае. В целом, переводы С.Наматбаева являются своеобраз- ным этапом в переводческом деле. В настоящее время необходимо более полное и глубокое восприятие творчества В.Шукшина и создания новых адекватных переводов. Ключевые слова: качество переводов, стилевые расхождения, психологические тонкости, философский аспект, этапом. Аннотация. Макалада В.Шукшиндин аңгемелеринин кыргыз тилине которуудагы сапаты каралат, котормолор 1970-жылдары котормочу С.Наматбаев аркылуу жаралган. Котормонун сапатына талдоо жүргүзгөндө көпчүлүк каталар табылган, алардын эң олуттуусу стилдердин айырмасы, негизги чыгарма менен котормонун ортосунда. Мисалы, “Чудик” деген аңгеменин психологиялык мүнөздөмөсү жоголуп кеткен. “Ермолай байке” деген аңгемеде жанрдын туура эмес берилишинен жазуучунун негизги ою жоголуп кеткен. “Эки кат” деген аңгеме беркилерге караганда сапаттуу которулган. Котормочу " Эки кат" деген аңгемени оригиналга жакындатып которгон. Башкы каарман Николай Иванычтын изденүүлөрүн, ойлорун, чындыкты табууга аракеттерин Шукшинден кем эмес окуучуларга жеткирген. Котормочунун жетишкендиги аңгеменин түшүнүктүү мазмуну менен түшүндүрсө болот, жана Николай Ивановичтин жөнөкөйлүгү менен. С.Наматбаевдын котормолору каталарына карабастан котормочулук иште алдыга жылуу болгон. Бирок, азыркы заманда сапаттуу котормо жаратууда мезгил келди. Түйүндүү сөздөр: которуудагы сапаты, стилдердин айырмасы, психологиялык мүнөздөмөсү, негизги ою жоголуп. Annotation. The quality of translation of the Shukshins stories is analyzed in the Middle 70- years. By S.Namatbaev. The translation analysis had idenh hed numerous style discrepancies between the original and the translation. The psychological feature of the compasihion were not be hansfered by the translation one the bestand famous story by. V.Shukshin due to distorhion of the style. By the translation of the story “The uncle Ermolai” had full a phisichal aspect of the story, because the translator had distorted the genre specifics. The translation of the stories “Two letters” was wade more qualitative comparated with another stories. Generally, the Namatbaevs translation are a sui generis stage in the translatiobs. We need currently more total and profound perception of the creation by V.Shukshin. The create of the new adeavate translation is the main task. The head of the theory and history of Russian literature department. V. Shukshin’s stories and problems of translation them into Kyrgyz language. This article is analysed the quality of translation of V. Shukshin’s stories, which were written in 70 th with S. Namatbaev. Translation analyse deduced many stylistic variations between translated version and original. There is a misrepresentation, was not transmitted psychological subtleties of the story in translation of one of the best V. Shuk- shin’s story “Wierdo”. Metaphysical dimension is disappeared in translation of the story “Uncle Ermolai”, since translator destort the genre specificity. The translation of the story “Two letters” has been more qualitative in comparison with previous translations. In common, S. Namatbaev’s translation is a genius stage in translation. It needs more full and deep comprehension of S. Shukshin’s work and to establish new suitable translation. Key words: Quality of translation, stylistic variation, psychological subtleties, metaphysical dimension, stage.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 522-525
Dorina Hasselbeck ◽  
Max B. Schäfer ◽  
Kent W. Stewart ◽  
Peter P. Pott

AbstractMicroscopy enables fast and effective diagnostics. However, in resource-limited regions microscopy is not accessible to everyone. Smartphone-based low-cost microscopes could be a powerful tool for diagnostic and educational purposes. In this paper, the imaging quality of a smartphone-based microscope with four different optical parameters is presented and a systematic overview of the resulting diagnostic applications is given. With the chosen configuration, aiming for a reasonable trade-off, an average resolution of 1.23 μm and a field of view of 1.12 mm2 was achieved. This enables a wide range of diagnostic applications such as the diagnosis of Malaria and other parasitic diseases.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. ii151-ii151
Sadaf Soloukey ◽  
Arnaud J P E Vincent ◽  
Djaina D Satoer ◽  
Frits Mastik ◽  
Marion Smits ◽  

Abstract OBJECTIVE In the early 20th century, Dr. Cushing first demonstrated the use of electrical stimulation mapping (ESM) to define motor and sensory cortices during neurosurgical procedures. Essentially, little has changed in what guides a neurosurgeon’s intra-operative decision-making since. Inherent limitations of ESM such as limited depth penetration and risk of seizure elicitation, warrant the development of new image-guided resection tools. Here, we present functional Ultrasound (fUS)-imaging as a new, high-resolution tool to guide intra-operative decision-making during awake tumor removal. METHODS fUS relies on high-frame-rate ultrasound, which offers images at thousands of frames-per-second. As such, fUS is sensitive to very small motions caused by vascular dynamics (µDoppler), allowing measurements of changes in cerebral blood volume (CBV). This facilitates the possibility to 1) detect functional response, as CBV-changes reflect changes in metabolism of activated neurons through neurovascular coupling and 2) visualize high-resolution vascular morphology of tumor and healthy tissue. During conventional awake craniotomy surgery, n= 10 patients were asked to perform 60s functional tasks to elicit cortical responses. Simultaneously, a conventional 5 MHz ultrasound probe connected to an experimental acquisition system, was placed over ESM-defined functional areas. After image acquisition, correlation analyses with the corresponding tasks revealed functional and non-functional areas. In addition, 3D vascular maps were reconstructed from subsequent 2D-Power Doppler Images (PDIs). RESULTS fUS was able to detect functional areas as activated using conventional motor tasks, as well as complex language-related tasks. In addition, both 2D-PDIs and 3D-reconstructions revealed the ability of fUS to detect unique high-resolution onco-vascular characteristics in high- and low-grade malignancies. In all cases, images were acquired with micrometer-millisecond (300 µm, 1.5-2.0 msec) precision at imaging depths > 5 cm. CONCLUSIONS Applying fUS-imaging successfully in this awake craniotomy series serves as a clear demonstration of the technique’s revolutionary potential for maximizing safe tumor removal.

Auditor ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 24-28
Nataliya Kazakova

The article includes materials presented at the scientifi c and practical conferences «Problems of Audit Quality» organized by the Self-regulatory organization of Auditors «Sodruzhestvo» in June-July 2021. Th e conferences are dedicated to the development of audit education and qualifi cation certifi cation of audit personnel in the Russian Federation, aimed at improving the quality of audit through the introduction of a competence-based approach and the creation of a national system for regular monitoring of auditor’s competencies, contributing to the training of broad-based specialists in demand in various areas of economic, business and fi nancial management.

Impact ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (7) ◽  
pp. 15-17
Hirofumi Hamada

Education reform helps ensure that the education in a given country is of the highest possible quality and is a key area of focus for many developed countries. Japan's education system rates highly and the evolution of education reform is key to ensuring this high level is sustained. School principals play a key role in delivering high-quality education and, indeed, a school principal's leadership correlates with the quality of education available. This is an area of interest for Professor Hirofumi Hamada, School Management Laboratory in the Faculty of Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan, who is currently exploring the institutional and organisational conditions that affect the leadership of principals. The goal of this research is to help shape education reform in Japan. Hamada believes it is necessary to create an environment of independent and collaborative learning and to value the individuality of children. In addition, problem situations among children are diverse and complex and how schools respond influences the quality of education. Given that the principal is in charge of how a school is run, they play a vital role in assuring the quality of education. Key to Hamada's work is the idea that principals can share their knowledge and leadership with teachers and this creates an environment of shared leadership. He believes that empowering teachers and encouraging them to take on leadership duties is essential. He is working to inform educators that schools require the leadership of principals and for principals to promote a distributed approach to leadership.

2021 ◽  
pp. 34-37
Р.Х. Беков

Рассмотрены важные аспекты использования геноносителей различных маркерных признаков при создании и селекции гетерозисных гибридов томата для защищенного грунта. Наряду с общими требованиями к родительским компонентам, касающимися продуктивности растений, скороспелости, устойчивости к болезням и т. д., сегодня при селекции на гетерозис для защищенного грунта к исходному материалу предъявляют более высокие требования по наличию хозяйственно полезных признаков. Эти требования касаются типа роста растений, формы, окраски и качества плодов, типа кисти, формы плодоножки и т. д. Представлены характеристики исходного материала для создания гетерозисных гибридов томата, а также даны характеристики полученных гибридов. Исследования, проведенные в отделе селекции ВНИИО (ВНИИ овощеводства – филиал ФГБНУ ФНЦО), показали большую перспективность использования при гетерозисной селекции томата для защищенного грунта геноносителей различных маркерных признаков, особенно признаков, определяющих коричневую окраску эндосперма семян (гены bs и bs-2) и несочлененную плодоножку (ген j-2). Созданные с использованием этих маркерных признаков гибриды и селекционные линии по-своему уникальны и являются приоритетным достижением этого научного учреждения, так как они представляют большой интерес для гетерозисной селекции томата в качестве исходного материала. Целый ряд гибридов F1 включен в Госреестр селекционных достижений, допущенных к использованию (Удача, Голубчик, Клад овощевода, Заур и др.). В связи с развитием фермерского и любительского овощеводства в последние годы определенное внимание было уделено созданию новых мутантных линий с розовыми, малиновыми и темно-коричневыми плодами с высокими вкусовыми качествами (учитывая, что образцы такого типа пользуются повышенным спросом у населения и стоят дороже). При создании новых гетерозисных гибридов были учтены эти признаки родительских форм. Important aspects of the use of gene carriers of various marker traits in the creation and selection of heterotic tomato hybrids for greenhouse industry are considered. Along with the general requirements for the parent components concerning plant productivity, precocity, resistance to diseases, etc., today, when breeding for heterosis for greenhouse industry, higher requirements are imposed on the source material for the presence of economically useful features. These requirements relate to the type of plant growth, shape, colour and quality of fruits, brush type, stem shape, etc. The characteristics of the initial material for creating heterotic tomato hybrids are presented, as well as the characteristics of the resulting hybrids are given. Studies conducted in the breeding department of the ARRIVG (ARRIVG – a branch of the FSBI FSCV) showed great prospects for the use of gene carriers of various marker traits, especially those that determine the brown colour of the seed endosperm (bs and bs-2 genes) and an undifferentiated peduncle (j-2 gene) in the heterosis breeding of tomatoes for greenhouses. Hybrids and breeding lines created using these marker traits are unique in their own way and are a priority achievement of this scientific institution, since they are of great interest for the heterosis breeding of tomato as a basic material. A number of F1 hybrids are included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements allowed for use (Udacha, Golubchik, Klad ovoschevoda, Zaur, etc.). Due to the development of farming and amateur vegetable growing in recent years, some attention has been paid to the creation of new mutant lines with pink, crimson and dark brown fruits with high taste qualities (given that samples of this type are in high demand among the population and are more expensive). When creating new heterotic hybrids, these features of the parent forms were taken into account.

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