2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Neneng Julianti

ABSTRAKAngka kejadian kanker serviks yang masih cukup tinggi dipengaruhi olehperilaku deteksi dini yang  masih rendah. Menurut Riskesdas 2018 tumor/kanker di Indonesia menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dari 1,4 per 1000 pendudukdi tahun 2013 menjadi 1,79 per 1000 penduduk pada tahun 2018. Hasil studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan di dusun I Desa Bantarjaya pada tahun 2021 dari 30 wanita usia subur, terdapat 23 orang tidak tahu apa itu IVA dan belum melakukan pemeriksaan IVA dan 7 orang sudah melakukan IVA Test. Sehingga capaian masih rendah karena minat dan motivasi wanita usia subur untuk melakukan pemeriksaan IVA untuk mendeteksi secaradini kanker serviks masihkurang. Pendidikan kesehatan perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan minat ibu  (WUS) tentang kanker serviks. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini memiliki tujuan untuk meningkatkan perilaku ibu diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Pebayuran dalam melakukan deteksi dini kanker serviks melalui pemeriksaan metode IVA. Metode pelaksanaan adalah dengan memberikan sosialisasi / penyuluhan tentang materi pemeriksaan metode IVA untuk mendeteksi secara dini kanker serviksdan dilanjutkan dengan tanya jawab dengan peserta. Hasil yang didapatkan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan dan minat wanita usia subur (WUS) dalam melakukan deteksi dini kanker serviks. Dari 45 responden sebelum sosialisasi memiliki pengetahuan dalam kategori cukup 64,41 %, mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan dalam kategori baik 93,53 %. Dari hasil sosialisasi / penyuluhan dan evaluasi beberapa wanita usia subur bersediauntukmelakukanpemeriksaanIVA di Puskesmas Pebayuran , hal ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan motivasi setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan sosialisasi/penyuluhan.Sosialisasi / penyuluhan pemeriksaan metode IVA pada wanita usia subur dapat meningkatkan kesadaran wanita usia subur dalam melakukan pemeriksaan IVA untuk mendeteksi secara dini dalam upaya mengendalikan kejadian kanke rserviks.Setelah pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan ibu akan tetap rutin melakukan deteksi dini dengan didukung peran aktifkader dan tenaga kesehatan. KataKunci : sosialisasi; pemeriksaan IVA; wanita usia subur. ABSTRACTRecently, the high incident number of servics cancer was influenced by the low early detected behavior. According to Riskesdas 2018, it stated that tumor/cancer in Indonesia increased 1,4 per 1000 citizen in 2013 to 1,79 per 1000 citizen in 2018. The preliminary study result was conducted at Dusun 1, Bantarjaya Village in 2021 of 30 childbearing age women. There were 23 women who did not know what IVA test was, and there were 7 women who had done the IVA test. Therefore, the expected target of servics cancer test was still in low level. It all was because they did not have interest and motivation to do the IVA test for preventing action of servics cancer.The health education was required to increase the knowledge and interest of a mother (WUS) to servics cancer. This society study was dedicated to enhance the mother’s behavior at working area of Pabayuran Public Health Centre. It was in order to detect the early test of servics cancer through IVA method test.The result stated that the society dedication activity succeeded to increase the interest and motivation of the childbearing age women (WUS) to take the early detected test of servics cancer. Before doing the socialization, there were 45 respondents had the average category knowledge of servics cancer, and the score was 64, 41%. Moreover, after doing the socialization, it became 93, 53%. Based on the socialization / counseling, there were several childbearing age women who conducted the IVA test at Pabayuran Public Health Centre. It showed that there wassome enhancement of motivation after doing the socialization/ counseling.The socialization/counseling of IVA method test on childbearing age women increased the childbearing age women awareness to conduct the IVA test for controlling the servics cancer incident.  The society dedication activity purposed to every mother to take the IVA test regularly for early detected test of service cancer which was supported by the active cadres and health workers.  Key words : socialization; IVA test; childbearing age women

Achmad Farich ◽  
Dewi Kusumaningsih ◽  
Sosya Mona Seprianti

Background: Integrated Service Post (Posyandu) is one form of community based health efforts which is managed and implemented by volunteer community health workers. That performance is very important to monitor the toddlers. The coverage of toddlers weighed at Ngaras at public health Service has decreased by 2014 reached of 87.0% in 2015 reached of 100.4% in 2016 reached of 64.0% but in 2017 it only reached of 68,2%.Purpose: To know the correlation of knowledge, motivation, training among volunteer community health workers at public health services West Pesisir Province of Lampung  2018.Methods: Quantitative research type with cross sectional design and population recruited  all of volunteer community health workers. Data collected by using questionnaire sheets. Analysis of data used univariate and bivariate (Chi Square).Results: The results showed that the volunteer community health workers have best performance with number of 45 volunteers (69,2%) comparing with who has a poor performance with number of 20 volunteer (30,8%). Based on bivariate analysis following in several parts of the volunteer such as knowledge with  p-value of 0,001 OR 4,889 (1,5 to 15,3 95% CI), motivation with p-value 0,034 OR 3,778 (1,2 to 11,4 95% CI), and the training with p-value 0,009 OR 5,429 (1,6 to 17,8 95% CI).Conclusion: There is a relation of knowledge, motivation and training for the performance of volunteer community health workers. It is suggested to management of public health centre on Ngaras to conduct more intensive training related to volunteer training which includes knowledge sharing which will improve on volunteer community health workers performance on task, and motivation to intensify duty of passion of volunteer community health workers

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
Prastuti Soewondo ◽  
Meliyanni Johar ◽  
Retno Pujisubekti ◽  
Halimah Halimah ◽  
Dwi Oktiana Irawati

Abstract  The condition of public health in disadvantaged areas has become a public highlight lately such as the high prevalence of child malnutrition and infectious diseases. This can be related to the lack of utilization of health services and the health behavior of the community itself. This study aims to provide a more comprehensive picture of clean and healthy living behaviors, health conditions, and the use of health services in disadvantages areas. Inference is made based on primary data collected at the household-level and public primary health centre in areas  classified as disadvantaged, border and outer islands (DTPK) based on Presidential Decree Number 131 year 2015, and areas with the need for health workers, some of which are locations for the Nusantara Sehat (NS) program placement This study uses quantitative methods and analysis used in the form of descriptive analysis. The results show that most households have adopted some of the clean healthy behaviors that were implemented by the Ministry of Health. Almost all households know the location of the public health centre for treatment, but 47% of patients did not find a doctor when visiting the public health centre.It was also found that 36% of households choose to seek selt-medication when sick. For maternal and child health, it is known that already 66% of deliveries are assisted by midwives, and most of children under five years have received basic immunisation. What still needs to be improved is the knowledge of health and housing infrastucture that supports clean and healthy living. Suggestion for  policymakers to equalize the distribution of health workers and to innovate health promotion programs in advantaged areas. Abstrak Kondisi kesehatan masyarakat di daerah tertinggal menjadi soroton publik belakangan ini seperti tingginya prevalensi gizi buruk pada balita maupun penyakit infeksi. Hal tersebut bisa dikaitkan dengan kurangnya pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan maupun perilaku kesehatan masyarakat itu sendiri. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif tentang perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, kondisi kesehatan, serta penggunaan pelayanan kesehatan di daerah tertinggal. Inferensi dibuat berdasarkan data primer yang dikoleksi di tingkat rumah tangga dan puskesmas di daerah yang tergolong daerah tertinggal, perbatasan, dan kepulauan terluar (DTPK) berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) No. 131 tahun 2015 dan daerah berkebutuhan tenaga kesehatan yang beberapa diantaranya menjadi lokasi penempatan program Nusantara Sehat. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan analisis yang digunakan berupa analisis deskriptif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar rumah tangga telah mengadopsi sebagian perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat seperti yang dicanangkan Kementrian Kesehatan RI. Hampir semua rumah tangga mengetahui lokasi Puskesmas untuk berobat, tetapi 47% pasien tidak menemukan dokter saat berkunjung ke puskesmas. Ditemukan juga bahwa 36% rumah tangga memilih untuk berobat sendiri ketika sakit. Untuk kesehatan ibu dan anak, diketahui bahwa sudah 66% persalinan dibantu oleh bidan dan sebagian besar balita telah menerima imunisasi dasar. Hal yang masih perlu ditingkatkan adalah pengetahuan tentang kesehatan dan prasarana rumah yang menunjang perilaku hidup bersih sehat. Saran bagi pembuat kebijakan untuk melakukan pemerataan distribusi tenaga kesehatan maupun menginovasikan program promotif kesehatan di daerah tertinggal.

Uswatun Khasanah

This research aimed to determine correlation between midwife performance and maternal sastisfaction in Sarwodadi Public Health Centre Pemalang Regency. The corresponding research design used descriptive correlative with cross sectional approach. Sample of research were maternal labor in Sarwodadi Public Health Centre Pemalang Regency as many as 32  people. The sampling technique used accidental sampling. The data collecting instrument used questionnaire. The result showed that 50% respondents said that good midwifes performance and 50% respondents said that it was lacking. There were 68,8% respondents were dissatisfied, but 31,3% respondents were  satisfied. There correlation between midwife performance and maternal sastisfaction in Sarwodadi Public Health Centre Pemalang Regency (ρ value: 0,008). Recommendations are given to health workers to improve the quality of delivery services and the provision of midwifery services by considering psychological aspects

2019 ◽  
pp. 43-49
N Naziyah ◽  
Lyta Pramudyawati

Jumlah penyakit pneumonia pada balita terus meningkat setiap tahunnya termasuk di Puskesmas Pancoran Jakarta. Peran orang tua balita sangat penting untuk menekan jumlah pneumonia pada balita dan penatalaksanaan yang tepat. Pendidikan kesehatan tentang pneumonia pada orang tua dengan balita pneumonia sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan orang tua sehingga penatalaksanaan pneumonia pada balita tepat. Metode penelitian adalah quasi-experiment, pre-test and post-test design with control group. Terdapat 50 responden terbagi 2 kelompok. Kelompok eksperimen diberikan intervensi pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan media leaflet, sedangkan kelompok kontrol hanya mendapatkan pelayanan normal mengikuti program Puskesmas tanpa diberikan pendidikan kesehatan tentang pneumonia dengan menggunakan leaß et. Instrumen untuk mengukur tingkat pengetahuan responden adalah dengan menggunakan kuesioner tingkat pengetahuan tentang pneumonia yang diambil dan dimodifikasi oleh peneliti berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan antara kelompok eksperimen dengan kelompok kontrol sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan tentang pneumonia dengan menggunakan leaflet (p<,05). Pendidikan kesehatan merupakan salah satu bentuk intervensi keperawatan yang dapat diaplikasikan di Puskesmas tidak hanya untuk pneumonia juga penyakit yang lainnya agar pasien dan keluarganya memahami dengan baik tentang penyakit ISPA / Pneumonia. Kata kunci: pendidikan kesehatan, leaß et, pneumonia, tingkat pengetahuan. The prevalence of pneumonia in babies was increase each year including in Pancoran Publich Health Centre, Jakarta. The role of parents is necessary to decrease it prevalence particularly in babies. Health education regarding pneumonia for parents who have babies with pneumonia was important to increase their knowledge regarding pneumonia so that the management of pneumonia in babies could be solved. The research method is a quasi-experimental study, pre-test and post-test design with control group. There were 50 respondents which assigned to the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group received a health education regarding pneumonia by using leaflet, whereas the control group only received the usual care from the Pancoran Public Health Centre. The instrument to measure the level of knowledge about pneumonia used pneumonia knowledge questionnaire which modiÞ ed from a previous study. The Þ ndings of this study showed that there was a signiÞ cance different regarding pneumonia knowledge between the experimental group and the control group before and after receiving the health education about pneumonia (p<,05). The health education is one of the nursing intervention which can be applied in Public Health Centre not only for pneumonia but also for other diseases in order to patients and their family are understand well regarding diseases. Keywords: workload, conß ict with other staff, patient care issues, career development, job stress

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Windy Wiena Putri ◽  
Jamaluddin Sakung ◽  
Rochfika Suleiman

Nutritional problems still being main problems in countries such as Indonesia developing. Nutrition status is the one of indicators. Nutrition status of someone affected by variety of factors. The purpose to know what a correlation between the consumption level of energy and protein with nutrition status of kids under five years old in the work Public Health Centre Talise Mantikulore Palu. The method used is analytic survey that use crross sectional, with 73 respondent as sample, the analytic used in this research are univariat and bivariat analyzes by chi-square test.The results of statistical chi square test showed that is meaningful relation between the adequacy of energy and nutrition status of under five children by the P Value 0,001and there is no meaningful relation between the adequacy of protein and nutrition status ofunder five children by the P Value=0,222.Expected to health workers in Public Health CentreTalise to increase the health services for public especially nutrition program. To hold information about the importance of the consumption level of energy or protein. That decline of under five childrenexperienced lack of energy and protein so that it can be create degrees public health maximum. Keyword : Consumption Level of Energy, Protein, Nutritional Status

2021 ◽  
Elsa Windi Kusuma ◽  
Hartati Eko Wardani ◽  
Anindya Hapsari

The high birth rate of Indonesia has become a significant problem and requires special attention. As an effort to tackle the rapid population growth, the government has formulated a number of development and family planning programs. For instance, the National Family Planning programmes, which is mainly directed towards the use of the Long-term Contraception Method (MKJP); however, the actual usage rate of the programme is still low. This research aimed to examine the relationship between age, parity and husband’s support, and the MKJP selection by women of childbearing age in the working area of Dinoyo Public Health Centre, Malang City. This study was an analytical research with a cross-sectional design. The samples in this research were chosen through the purposive sampling method, with a total sample of 45 women. Data were collected through interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out using the Chi-Square test, with a significance level of < 0.05. The results showed that there was no significant relationship between the age and the selection of MKJP (sig. 0.461), between the parity and the selection of MKJP (sig. 0.522), and between the husband’s support and the selection of MKJP (sig. 0.460). Therefore, we conclude that there is no significant relationship between the age, parity and husband’s support, and the selection of MKJP by women of childbearing age in the working area of Dinoyo Public Health Centre. Keywords: age, parity, husband’s support, long-term contraception methods

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 217-220
Nur Rakhmah ◽  
Hedar Akib ◽  
Jasruddin . ◽  
A. Armyn Nurdin

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 235
Dian Sari

<p><em>Pulmonary Tuberculosis is one of the infectious diseases that become the main problem of Indonesian society. Based on a survey conducted at Andalas Public Health Centre obtained PMO (supervisor taking medicine) TB Lungless provide support to the patient of Pulmonary TB.. This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge and attitude with the support of family as the PMO of Pulmonary TB patients. The study was conducted at the Andalas Public Health Centre Padang in 2017. The type of descriptive analytic research using a cross-sectional approach with a sample of 59 people taken from a population of 145 people PMO using simple random sampling systematic techniques. The results showed that 27.1% of PMO was not good at providing support, 32.2% knowledge was low, and 37.3% had a negative attitude. Chi-square test concluded that there is a significant correlation between knowledge (p = 0,036), and attitude (p = 0,000), with family support as PMO in Public health centre working area Andalas Padang of the year 2017. The result of this research can be used as a reference in improving TB program Lung so it can reduce the incidence of Pulmonary TB in Public health centre working area Andalas Padang.</em><em></em></p><p> </p><p><em>Tuberkulosis Paru merupakan salah satu penyakit menular yang menjadi masalah utama masyarakat Indonesia. Berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Andalas Kota Padang didapatkan sebahagian PMO (pengawas minum obat) TB Paru kurang memberikan dukungan kepada penderita TB Paru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap dengan dukungan keluarga sebagai PMO penderita TB Paru.Penelitian dilakukan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Andalas Padang Tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectionaldengan sampel sebanyak 59 orang yang diambil dari populasi 145 orang PMO menggunakan teknik sistematik simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 27,1% PMO kurang baik dalam memberikan dukungan, 32,2% pengetahuan rendah, dan 37,3% mempunyai sikap negatif. Uji chi-square disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan (p= 0,036), dan sikap (p=0,000), dengan dukungan keluarga sebagai PMO di Wilayah kerja Puskesmas Andalas Padang Tahun 2017. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi dalam meningkatkan program TB Paru sehingga dapat menurunkan angka kejadian TB Paru di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Andalas Padang</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Marta Blanco ◽  
Pablo Suárez-Sanchez ◽  
Belén García ◽  
Jesús Nzang ◽  
Policarpo Ncogo ◽  

Abstract Background In 2018, an estimated 228 million cases of malaria occurred worldwide. Countries are far from having achieved reasonable levels of national protocol compliance among health workers. Lack of awareness of treatment protocols and treatment resistance by prescribers threatens to undermine progress when it comes to reducing the prevalence of this disease. This study sought to evaluate the degree of knowledge and practices regarding malaria diagnosis and treatment amongst prescribers working at the public health facilities of Bata, Equatorial Guinea. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted in October-December 2017 amongst all public health professionals who attended patients under the age of 15 years, with suspected malaria in the Bata District of Equatorial Guinea. Practitioners were asked about their practices and knowledge of malaria and the National Malaria Treatment Guidelines. A bivariate analysis and a logistic regression model were used to determine factors associated with their knowledge. Results Among the 44 practitioners interviewed, 59.1% worked at a Health Centre and 40.9% at the District Hospital of Bata. Important differences in knowledge and practices between hospital and health centre workers were found. Clinical diagnosis was more frequently by practitioners at the health centres (p = 0.059), while microscopy confirmation was more frequent at regional hospital (100%). Intramuscular artemether was the anti-malarial most administrated at the health centres (50.0%), while artemether-lumefantrine was the treatment most used at the regional hospital (66.7%). Most practitioners working at public health facilities (63.6%) have a low level of knowledge regarding the National Malaria Treatment Guidelines. While knowledge regarding malaria, the National Malaria Treatment Guidelines and treatment resistances is low, it was higher amongst hospital workers than amongst practitioners at health centres. Conclusions It is essential to reinforce practitioners’ knowledge, treatment and diagnosis practices and use of the National Malaria Treatment Guidelines in order to improve malaria case management and disease control in the region. A specific malaria training programme ensuring ongoing updates training is necessary in order to ensure that greater experience does not entail obsolete knowledge and, consequently, inadequate diagnosis and treatment practices.

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