2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 760
Ratih Apri Utami ◽  
Indah Ibanah ◽  
Nurul Dwi Novikarumsari

ABSTRAKUKM “Resep Iboe” adalah salah satu Industri Rumah Tangga yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan dan penjualan aneka olahan kue kering tradisional Khas Jember. Lokasi usaha terletak di Desa Karangkedawung Kecamatan Mumbulsari Kabupaten Jember. Permasalahan mitra yang diidentifikasi di UKM “Resep Iboe” adalah pertama pada proses produksi yang selama ini masih bersifat tradisional sehingga produksi yang dihasilkan kurang optimal. Permasalahan kedua yaitu tidak adanya pembukuan keuangan yang terstruktur, sehingga diperlukan pembukuan keuangan melalui sistem keuangan yang terstruktur. Permasalahan ketiga, yaitu akses pemasaran melalui promosi produk belum menyebar luas. Sedangkan di sisi lain UKM “Resep Iboe” diharuskan menyesuaikan dengan kondisi pandemi Covid-19 untuk menerapkan less contact economy, sehingga diperlukan pengembangan digitalisasi pemasaran. Program Pengabdian Kemitraan pada UKM “Resep Iboe” ini merupakan pendampingan kewirausahaan, kelembagaan dan manajemen pemasaran dalam mendukung pengembangan usaha berbasis kelompok. Kegiatan dimulai dengan sosialisasi, dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan inovasi produk (bentuk, rasa, dan kemasan), pelatihan transaksi keuangan (SIAPIK dan QRIS) dan pelatihan desain promosi digital marketing (imooji). Tindak lanjut pasca program dari kegiatan ini adalah menjadikan lokasi pelaksanaan pengabdian sebagai mitra edukasi kewirausahaan, pendampingan manajemen keuangan dan media pemasaran digital. Sedangkan rencana luaran yang ditargetkan: berupa bantuan pendampingan dan peralatan pendukung produksi, pendampingan sistem keuangan SIAPIK serta pembuatan akun platform digital marketing imooji. Kata kunci: UKM; inovasi; SIAPIK; imooji. ABSTRACTSMEs “Resep Iboe” is one of the Home Industries which is engaged in processing and selling various processed traditional Jember pastries. The business location is located in Karangkedawung Village, Mumbulsari District, Jember Regency. The partner problems identified in SMEs "“Resep Iboe”" are the first in the production process which is still traditional so that the resulting production is less than optimal. The second problem is the absence of structured financial bookkeeping, so that financial accounting through a structured financial system is needed. The third problem, namely access to marketing through product promotion has not been widespread. Meanwhile, on the other hand, SMEs “Resep Iboe” are required to adapt to the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic to implement a less contact economy, so the development of marketing digitalization is needed. The Partnership Service Program for SMEs “Resep Iboe” is an entrepreneurship, institutional and marketing management assistance in supporting group-based business development. The activity started with socialization, followed by product innovation training (shape, taste, and packaging), financial transaction training (SIAPIK and QRIS) and digital marketing promotion design training (imooji). The post-program follow-up of this activity is to make the location of the service implementation a partner for entrepreneurship education, financial management assistance and digital marketing media. While the planned outputs are targeted: in the form of assistance and production support equipment, assistance to the SIAPIK financial system and the creation of an imooji digital marketing platform account. Keywords: SMEs; innovation; SIAPIK; imooji.

Dharma LPPM ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Eny Endah Pujiastuti ◽  
Humam Santosa Utomo ◽  
Suratna Suratna

The community service program is carried out at one of the SMEs in Wonosobo, Central Java, which produces and markets processed carica food products. The problems faced by SMEs are problems in the aspects of marketing, financial management and production. The purpose of community service is to improve the ability of SMEs to market products, manage company finances, increase the efficiency of the production process, and increase production capacity. The approach used in this community service is training and business assistance. The results felt by SMEs are the wider marketing of carica processed food products, structuring the company's financial system, efficiency in the production process, and increased production capacity.

Novita Puspasari ◽  
Meutia Karunia Dewi ◽  
Tiladela Luhita

Co-operative is a socio-economic institution which is the most appropriate for Indonesian economic system. Indonesia has the largest number of co-operatives in the world, however, they have not contributed optimally for the Indonesian economy. Co-operative trainings held by the government failed to improve co-operative’s quality, since those trainings were not based on co-operative’s real needs. This study aims to identify and map areas of action for future development of the co-operatives. Using modified Development Ladder Assessment (DLA) as a tool, 74 co-operatives in Central Java, Indonesia,  were measured. Four dimensions were assessed using DLA: 1) vision, 2) governance and member engagement, 3) management capacity and business development, and 4) financial management.  Total score for each dimension determines whether co-operative is in red, yellow or green areas. Red means poor, yellow means moderate, and green means excellent. Most of the co-operatives are poor in the first (vision) and the third (management capacity and business development) dimensions. The Co-operatives were also found to have moderate governance and member engagement (the second dimension). Finally, the result show that financial management (the fourth dimension) has been well-implemented. Implication of this study is that co-operatives are suggested to get appropriate trainings based on their color areas. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Ni Made Wisni Arie Pramuki ◽  
Ni Putu Ayu Kusumawati ◽  
Putu Cita Ayu ◽  
Putu Nuniek Hurnaleontina ◽  
Ni Putu Yeni Yuliantari

<p><strong>Abstract</strong>. <em>This community service program is carried out at Bakul Craf, located in Banjar Padang Tegal Tengah Ubud. This program is implemented with the aim of providing knowledge about the use of digital marketing technology. Bakul Craf is a business engaged in the handicraft sector where the process is still manual. The marketing of these handicrafts is still relatively simple, which is only waiting for guests to visit the gallery. For this reason, more productive marketing is needed by utilizing technology, namely digital marketing technology that uses the internet network to improve its products. Providing training and outreach to partners related to the use of digital marketing technology is a method used by the team so that partners have an interest and desire to take advantage of technology. In the first stage, the team provided education related to the importance of using digital technology in marketing handicraft products. The second stage, the team helps partners create accounts in the market place by displaying their craft products. The third stage, the team provides training to partners in operating the menus in the market place. The hope of this activity is that partners can do online marketing and promotion so that their production results can be more widely known and can increase sales which will also have an impact on increasing the revenue of Craf's basket partners.</em></p><p> </p><p><strong><em> </em></strong><strong>Abstrak</strong>. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan di Bakul Craf yang berlokasi di Banjar Padang Tegal Tengah Ubud. Program ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan memberikan pengetahuan mengenai manfaat penggunaan teknologi digital marketing. Bakul Craf merupakan usaha yang bergerak di bidang kerajinan dimana dalam proses pengerjaanya masih secara manual. Pemasaran hasil kerajinan ini tergolong masih sederhana, yaitu hanya menunggu tamu berkunjung kegaleri. Untuk itu diperlukan pemasaran yang lebih produktif dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi yaitu teknologi digital marketing yang memanfaatkan jaringan internet untuk mempromosikan produknya. Memberikan pelatihan dan penyuluhan terhadap mitra terkait dengan pemanfaatan teknologi digital marketing merupakan metode yang tim gunakan agar mitra memiliki minat dan keinginan untuk memanfaatkan teknologi. Pada tahap pertama, tim memberikan edukasi terkait dengan betapa pentingnya pemanfaatan teknologi digital didalam memasarkan produk hasil kerajinan. Tahap kedua tim membantu mitra membuatkan akun di market place dengan menampilkan produk-produk kerajinannya. Tahap ketiga tim memberikan pelatihan terhadap mitra dalam mengoperasikan menu-menu yang ada didalam market place tersebut. Harapan dari kegiatan ini adalah mitra dapat melakukan pemasaran dan promosi secara online sehingga hasil produksinya dapat dikenal lebih luas sehingga dapat meningkatkan penjualan yang juga akan berdampak pada peningkatan pendapatan mitra bakul craf.</p><p> </p><div id="gtx-trans" style="position: absolute; left: -54px; top: 519px;"> </div>

Reni Dwi Astuti ◽  
Tri Budiyanto ◽  
Muhammad Faishal

Gumawang is an area with lots of bamboo, so many bamboo craftsmen in the area. However, production capacity is still low and cannot meet market demand. This is due to the small number of craftsmen (approximately 10 people) and the low number of workers who carry out the bamboo process. In addition, product quality is low, because it is easily damaged (moldy) caused by the water content in the product is too high, especially in the rainy season. Another problem encountered is a non-ergonomic work system and no financial accounting. To solve the problem, a solution was offered in the form of training for Gumawang residents to increase the number of craftsmen, use of product drying technology to reduce water content so that products last longer, counseling on ergonomics, and training on financial management. Another benefit of the service program is increasing the income of craftsmen and residents in general.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Umu Rosyidah

[Bahasa]: Pemerintah Desa sebagai pengelola dan pemangku kebijakan di desa harus dapat menyelenggarakan pengelolaan secara profesional, efektif, efisien, dan akuntabel. Pengelolaan juga harus didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip manajemen publik yang baik agar terhindar dari tindakan yang kurang bermoral seperti penyimpangan, penggelapan, penyelewengan, dan tindakan korup lainnya. Pengelolaan keuangan meliputi kegiatan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penatausahaan, pelaporan, dan pertanggungjawaban keuangan desa. Secara regulatif semua keuangan desa ini akan terdokumentasi dalam bentuk APBDes yang pengelolaannya mengikuti berbagai petunjuk peraturan perundang-undangan. Ini artinya, pemerintah desa tidak lagi sembarangan mengelola keuangan desa sekalipun otoritas sebagai kuasa pengguna anggaran dan pengguna anggaran ada pada seorang kepala desa. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pelaksanaan pembinaan bagi kepala desa dan aparatnya sehingga dapat menambah referensi aparat tentang manajemen atau pengelolaan keuangan desa yang sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku yang berstandar akuntansi keuangan. Hasil pengabdian ini adalah pelatihan yang diberikan memberikan manfaat dan kontribusi bagi peningkatan pemahaman dan pengetahuan dalam manajemen pengelolaan dan pelaporan keuangan desa baik secara manual maupun dengan aplikasi TIK dengan aplikasi SIKUDes. Kata Kunci: Sistem Pengelolaan Desa, Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK), SisKeuDes [English]: Administrative village as the manager and stakeholder in the village must be able to carry out management in a professional, effective, efficient and accountable manner. Management must also be based on the principles of good public management to avoid immoral actions such as irregularities, embezzlement, fraud, and other corrupt actions. Financial management includes activities in planning, implementing, administering, reporting, and responsible for village finance. Refering to the law, the finances will be documented in the form of APBDes whose management follows various legislative guidelines. This means that the village government is no longer carelessly managing village finance even though the authority as the power of budget users and budget users is with a village head. This community service program aims to increase the knowledge and implementation of guidance for the village head and his apparatus so that they can add apparatus references about village financial management or management in accordance with applicable regulations that have financial accounting standards. The result of this service is that the training provides benefits and contributes to the improvement of understanding and knowledge in village financial management and reporting management both manually and SIKUDes application. Keywords: Village Management System, Financial Accounting Standards (SAK), SisKeuDes

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 221
Ardhiani Fadila ◽  
Dienni Ruhjatini Sholihah ◽  
Siwi Nugraheni

AbstrakKegiatan Program Pengabdian Masyarakat dari UPN Veteran Jakarta Bersama dengan pelaku UKM di Bogor. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan untuk memperkuat pelaku UKM di Kecamatan Ciomas dalam segi manajemen keuangan dan pemasaran di platfrom digital serta meningkatkan kapasitas sumberdaya para pelaku UKM. Metode yang dipakai dalam kegiatan ini melalui kegiatan ceramah, diskusi dan bimbingan teknis untuk pelaku UKM. Banyak UKM yang memiliki potensi namun masih memiliki ekndala dalam promosi dan penjualan yang dilakukan secara tradisiona. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarkat ini adalah para pelaku UKM memiliki wawasan dalam pengelolaan keuangan usahanya, penerapan dalam penggunaan aplikasi jual-beli e-commerce sehingga diharapkan bisa meningkatkan penjualan dan daya saing usaha.Kata Kunci: Manajemen Keuangan; Pemasaran digital; UKM AbstractThis activity is Community Service Program from UPN Veteran Jakarta in Collaboration with SMEs in Bogor. This activity was carried out to empower SMEs in Ciomas Sub-district in financial management and marketing in platform digital also improvement in human resources capacity. The method used in the training uses the method of mentoring, discussions, and technical guidance for SMEs. Potential SMEs are lack of promotion and sale of products that are still done traditionally. The results obtained from the implementation of community service is SMEs having insight in financial management for their business, applying e-commerce applications so they increase sales of their products so that their turnover increases as an effort to upgrade competitiveness for SMEs actors.Key Word: Financial Management; Digital Marketing; SMEs

Biomedicines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 813
Michele Manganelli ◽  
Ilaria Grossi ◽  
Manuela Ferracin ◽  
Paola Guerriero ◽  
Massimo Negrini ◽  

Human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most frequent primary tumor of the liver and the third cause of cancer-related deaths. The multikinase inhibitor sorafenib is a systemic drug for unresectable HCC. The identification of molecular biomarkers for the early diagnosis of HCC and responsiveness to treatment are needed. In this work, we performed an exploratory study to investigate the longitudinal levels of cell-free long ncRNA GAS5 and microRNAs miR-126-3p and -23b-3p in a cohort of 7 patients during the period of treatment with sorafenib. We used qPCR to measure the amounts of GAS5 and miR-126-3p and droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) to measure the levels of miR-23b-3p. Patients treated with sorafenib displayed variable levels of GAS5, miR-126-3p and miR-23b-3p at different time-points of follow-up. miR-23b-3p was further measured by ddPCR in 37 healthy individuals and 25 untreated HCC patients. The amount of miR-23b-3p in the plasma of untreated HCC patients was significantly downregulated if compared to healthy individuals. The ROC curve analysis underlined its diagnostic relevance. In conclusion, our results highlight a potential clinical significance of circulating miR-23b-3p and an exploratory observation on the longitudinal plasmatic levels of GAS5, miR-126-3p and miR-23b-3p during sorafenib treatment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Rabia Miray Kisla Ekinci ◽  
Sibel Balci ◽  
Haldun Dogan ◽  
Serdar Ceylaner ◽  
Celal Varan ◽  

Camptodactyly-arthropathy-coxa vara-pericarditis (CACP) syndrome, caused by biallelic pathogenic mutations in the <i>PRG4</i> gene, is characterized by early-onset camptodactyly, noninflammatory arthropathy, coxa vara deformity, and rarely, pericardial effusion. Herein, we report 3 patients with CACP syndrome from 2 unrelated families. All patients are female, born to consanguineous parents, and had camptodactyly since the first years of their lives. Two patients had a prior diagnosis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Hip changes were present in 2 patients, and 2 of 3 patients had undergone surgery for camptodactyly. Routine echocardiographic evaluations were normal during the 2-year follow-up. This paper represents the third study including CACP patients from Turkey. Clinically, all 3 patients resembled juvenile idiopathic arthritis cases and received unnecessary medication. There is also an ongoing need for improving awareness of CACP and an effective treatment focusing on the lubrication of the joint space in CACP patients.

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