E. V. Komarova ◽  
M. A. Lyashkov ◽  

Purpose: to consider the possibility of using the cavitation method of disinfection of livestock effluents with the possibility of their applying immediately for fertilizing agricultural crops and obtaining liquid and solid phases of organic-mineral fertilizers. Discussions. The presented technological schemes for preparation of livestock effluents allow them to be used without adding chemical reagents and keeping quarantine in lagoons, as well as to obtain environmentally friendly fertilizers, which is promising for organic agriculture. The introduction of the cavitation method for processing livestock wastewater allowed Sistema LLC to get rid of the specific smell characteristic of pig farms, to reduce the cost of utilizing manure, since the cost of treatment 1 m³ of wastewater on a cavitation generator-disperser is about 7.5 rubles/m³. The introduction of cavitated manure runoff under cultivated crops ensured an increase in productivity, an increase in biomass and an increase in the quality of cultivated crops. Conclusions. Cavitation treatment allows livestock wastewater to be immediately applied to agricultural fields and makes it possible to build livestock complexes without settling lagoon-silt sumps, which reduces the negative impact on the environment. Cavitation is an efficient and energy-saving, environmentally friendly direction of manure disposal, allows organic agriculture based on environmental principles. The obtained organic-mineral fertilizers are not much inferior to industrial fertilizers in terms of yield and surpass them in quality. The cavitation treatment technologies of livestock wastewater will allow farms to produce organic products, which, due to an increase in demand for such products, will increase the level of sales both in Russia and in countries whose inhabitants are the main consumers of organic products.

2020 ◽  
pp. 80-84
K. D. Buzetti ◽  
M. V. Ivanov

Relevance. Processing of poultry farm waste makes it possible to obtain highly effective organic fertilizers that can replace mineral fertilizers, while significantly improving the environmental indicators of the region, the composition of the soil, crop fertility, and the quality of agricultural products.Materials and results. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using mineral and organic fertilizers. The negative impact of nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizers on soil, hydrosphere and atmosphere pollution by various harmful elements is given. Their negative impact on agricultural products and public health is analyzed. At the same time, it is shown that the use of organic fertilizers improves the composition and properties of soils, increases crop yields, while growing environmentally friendly crops, which ensures food security of the country, improves people's health and increases their life expectancy. The use of organic fertilizers improves the composition and properties of soils, significantly increases the yield of agricultural crops, while growing environmentally friendly crops, which ensures food security of the country, improves people's health and increases their life expectancy. Organic fertilizers obtained from poultry farm waste significantly reduce the amount of emissions into the environment, increase environmental safety, and improve the quality of life of people living in the region.

S.A. Korshunov ◽  
A.M. Asaturova ◽  
A.I. Chomiak ◽  
G.V. Volkova

Наряду с традиционными приемами ведения сельского хозяйства во многих странах развивается альтернативное земледелие, основанное на строгом соблюдении научных рекомендаций и требований по эксплуатации почвенных ресурсов с целью их сохранения при длительном использовании. Одно из таких направлений – органическое земледелие, успешно развивающееся в странах ЕС и США последние 30 лет. Оно предполагает создание высококультурной, экологически сбалансированной агроэкосистемы, критериями функционирования которой является устойчивость агроландшафта на фоне продуктивного долголетия всех составляющих его компонентов (почва, растения, животный мир). Устойчивость таких агроценозов обеспечивается путем минимизации негативного влияния на агроэкосистему (отказ от применения пестицидов и других средств защиты растений, химических удобрений, ГМО, ионизирующего излучения) и внедрения экологически обоснованной системы земледелия при обязательном контроле за состоянием всего агробиоценоза в системе эколого-мелиоративного и агроэкологического мониторинга. Научно-исследовательская деятельность и биологическая защита в органическом сельском хозяйстве должны отвечать основным задачам реального сектора. Ученым, вовлеченным в данное направление, важно взаимодействовать с сертифицированными органическими производителями, профильными союзами, понимать как частные задачи конкретных хозяйств, так и общерыночные тенденции, требования сертифицирующих органов, знать основные стандарты органического сельского хозяйства. В обзоре рассмотрены тенденции развития рынка органической продукции в России и в мире. Показана прямая взаимосвязь между государственной поддержкой экологизации земледелия и ростом рынка органической продукции. Представлены данные социологических опросов с целью выявления количественных и качественных показателей развития рынка органического сельского хозяйства и биологизации земледелия в Российской Федерации. Подчеркнута роль биологической защиты растений как ключевого элемента обеспечения стабильного органического производства, что потребует активного и целенаправленного внедрения научных методов поддержания плодородия почв и механизмов естественной биоценотической регуляции агроэкосистем, разработанных российскими учеными.In addition to traditional farming practices, many countries are developing alternative agriculture based on strict compliance with scientific recommendations and requirements for the exploitation of soil resources in order to preserve them during long-term use. One of these areas is organic farming, which successfully developing in the EU and the US for the last 30 years. It includes creation of a highly cultured, ecologically balanced agroecosystem, which has stability of agrocenosis with productive longevity of all its components (soil, plants, wildlife). The sustainability of such agrocenoses is ensured by minimizing the negative impact on the agroecosystem (refusal to use pesticides and other plant protection products, chemical fertilizers, GMOs, ionizing radiation) and the introduction of environmentally sound farming system with mandatory control over the state of the entire agrobiocenosis in the system of ecological-meliorative and agroecological monitoring. Research and biological protection in organic agriculture must meet the basic objectives of the real sector. Scientists involved in this area, it is important to interact with certified organic producers, specialized unions, to understand both the private tasks of specific farms and General market trends, the requirements of certification bodies, to know the basic standards of organic agriculture. The review examines the trends in the development of organic products market in Russia and in the world. The direct relationship between the state support for the greening of agriculture and the growth of the market of organic products is shown. The article presents the data of sociological surveys to identify quantitative and qualitative indicators of the market of organic agriculture and biologization of agriculture in the Russian Federation. The role of biological plant protection as a key element of ensuring stable organic production is emphasized, which will require the active and purposeful introduction of scientific methods for maintaining soil fertility and mechanisms of natural biocenotic regulation of agroecosystems developed by Russian scientists.

A.P. Kovalchuk ◽  

The article analyzes the current problems of ecologization of the agro-industrial complex of Russia, substantiates the great potential for the development of organic agriculture in our country. In recent years, a number of legislative acts have been adopted aimed at solving some of the problems of domestic production and sale of organic products. For the long-term development of the industry, the “strategy for the development of the agro-industrial and fisheries complex until 2030” has been adopted. Among the goals of the strategy: the introduction of a national system of environmental certification of fisheries and industries, as well as the solution of such problems as falsification of environmentally friendly products and legal support for relations in the field of production of environmentally friendly products. The results of scientific research show that despite the adopted legal acts, the production of organic products in Russia is only at the initial stage of its development. Our country is far from the first place in the world rankings in terms of the level of development of ecologization of agriculture. In our opinion, one of the reasons for the low level of development of organic agriculture in the Russian Federation is the lack of development of the system of state regulation in this area. Therefore, the state should soon devote all its efforts to the formation of a sufficient regulatory framework that is harmonized with international requirements for the production of organic products and takes into account the need to create certification institutions and control systems. The article suggests promising directions for the development of agriculture, focused on improving the previously mentioned strategy in order to more effectively support organic farmers and solve socio-economic problems in rural areas.

2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 91 ◽  
Henny Mayrowani

<p><strong>English</strong><br />Awareness of the dangers posed by the use of synthetic chemicals in farming attracts attention at both the producers and consumers. Most consumers will choose safe food ingredients for better health and it drives increased demand for organic products. Healthy, environmentally friendly life-style becomes a new trend and has been institutionalized internationally which requires assurance that agricultural products should be safe for consumption (food safety attributes), high nutrient content (nutritional attributes) and environmentally friendly (eco-labeling attributes).  Indonesia has a great potential to compete in the international market, but it should be implemented gradually. This is because of many comparative advantages, i.e. (i) there are large land areas available for organic  farming; (ii) technology to support organic farming is available such as composting, no-tillage planting, biological pesticides, among others. Although the government has launched various policies on organic agriculture such as "Go Organic 2010”, but the development of organic farming in the country is relatively slow. This situation is due to various problems such as market constraints, consumers’ interest, relatively expensive organic products certification for small farmers, and lack of farmers’ partnership with private companies. However, interest for organic farming has grown and it is expected to have positive impacts on the development of organic agriculture in Indonesia.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Kesadaran tentang bahaya yang ditimbulkan oleh pemakaian bahan kimia sintetis dalam pertanian menjadikan pertanian organik menarik perhatian baik di tingkat produsen maupun konsumen. Kebanyakan konsumen akan memilih bahan pangan yang aman bagi kesehatan dan ramah lingkungan, sehingga mendorong meningkatnya permintaan produk organik. Pola hidup sehat yang akrab lingkungan telah menjadi trend baru  dan telah melembaga secara internasional yang mensyaratkan jaminan bahwa produk pertanian harus beratribut aman dikonsumsi (food safety attributes), kandungan nutrisi tinggi (nutritional attributes), dan ramah lingkungan (eco-labelling attributes). Indonesia memiliki potensi yang cukup besar untuk bersaing di pasar internasional walaupun secara bertahap. Hal ini karena berbagai keunggulan komparatif antara lain: (i) masih banyak sumberdaya lahan yang dapat dibuka untuk mengembangkan sistem pertanian organik, (ii) teknologi untuk mendukung pertanian organik sudah cukup tersedia seperti pembuatan kompos, tanam tanpa olah tanah, pestisida hayati dan lain-lain. Walaupun pemerintah telah mencanangkan berbagai kebijakan dalam pengembangan pertanian organik seperti ‘Go Organic 2010’, namun perkembangan pertanian organik di Indonesia masih sangat lambat.  Keadaan ini disebabkan oleh berbagai kendala antara lain kendala pasar, minat konsumen dan pemahaman terhadap produk organik, proses sertifikasi yang dianggap berat oleh petani kecil, organisasi petani serta kemitraan petani dengan pengusaha. Namun minat bertani terhadap pertanian organik sudah tumbuh. Hal ini diharapkan akan berdampak positif terhadap pengembangan petanian organik.</p>

Putu Calista Gitta Kalyana

Organic products become more popular as an alternative for consumption which are often perceived to be healthier and more environment-friendly. As the demand for organic products increases, the conventionalisation of organic agriculture practice becomes inevitable. The advantage of conventionalisation is arguable because although it can increase the production efficiency, the practice tends to disregard the principle of organic farming. This paper will discuss the issue through utilitarianism and justice theory framework. Utilitarianism perspective supports the conventionalisation of organic farming practice since the economic benefit would outweigh the cost of negative outcome from the damaged environment. Theory of justice offers opposing perspective by considering the marginalised farmer and the effect of the conventionalisation practice to the environment. According to the ecological justice perspective, conventionalisation of organic agriculture practice is unacceptable as it undermines the organic principle and proven to be detrimental for the small farmer where only the large operations perform the conventionalisation practice.

V. N. Maretskaya ◽  

The relevance of considering the development of organic agriculture in the Russian North is due to the fact that this segment of agriculture has been functioning steadily in many countries for several decades in parallel with traditional agriculture, having a positive impact on many aspects of the society's development. Organic farming contributes to a number of important tasks, being a form of farming that emphasizes the elimination of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Organic farming reduced the negative impact on the environment and preserved soil fertility. The production of organic products directly affects the improvement of people’s health, providing the population with high-quality, safe, and healthy food. Organic agriculture provides a wider opportunity to develop small and medium-sized enterprises in the industry, which in modern conditions are not able to compete with the price of large agricultural producers. The opportunities for Russian producers in this area are expanding, and the prospects for our country's entry into the world market of ecologically friendly products appear with the adoption of the law on organic products in Russia in2020. The development of organic agriculture for the regions of the Russian North is an opportunity to generate additional income from the production of ecological, low-transportable products by small and medium-sized businesses, increase employment of the rural population, attract investment in the developing and growing popularity of rural tourism, and preserve and expand activities of the traditional sectors of the indigenous population.The article examines the opportunities and prospects for the development of organic agriculture in one of the regions of the North of Russia —the Murmansk region, based on the analysis of international experience in the organic farming development, the experience of Russian agricultural producers, taking into account the separate legislative regulation that arises in connection with the specifics of relations in the process of allocating organic agriculture as a special direction of agricultural production. It is concluded thatorganic agriculture is one of the most promising areas of diversification of regional and local economies for the Murmansk region, creating potential growth points, especially for remote rural settlements.

2018 ◽  
V.A. Borisov ◽  
A.M. Menshikh ◽  
V.S. Sosnov ◽  
G.F. Monakhos

Показано действие минеральных удобрений, микрокристаллического комплексного водорастворимого удобрения «Мастер» и органоминерального наноудобрения с ростостимулирующей активностью «Арксойл» при капельном орошении на урожайность и качество сладкого перца нового гибрида F1 Темп. Сочетание основного удобрения с листовой и корневой подкормками позволяет получить до 65 т/га плодов перца высокого качества.The action of mineral fertilizers, microcrystalline complex water soluble fertilizer Master and organic mineral nano-fertilizer with growth-stimulating activity Arksoil under drip irrigation on the productivity and quality of sweet pepper of the new hybrid F1 Temp is shown. The combination of basic fertilizer with leaf and root fertilizing allows to obtain up to 65 t/ha of pepper fruits of high quality.

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 757-767

Consumers’ interest in organic products is increasing globally. As IFOAM 2016 report, only 1.2 % of the land has been utilized in organic agriculture method. The overall organic market has achieved 89.7 billion $ in 2016 in that, & 48.4 a billion in sales accounted for the USA and German alone. Total registered organic producer in the worldwide is 2.7 million in that India is the leading country which has 835,200 organic producers. But many of them are a small farmer, and they had shared 1.49 million hectares only. The Government of India (GOI) and the state governments have taken several steps to improve the regulatory mechanism and frame several schemes to incentivize organic farming. 2017 December, Food Standards and Safety Authority of India (FSSAI) have recognized both the certification systems (NPOP and PGS-India) valid for organic food products. From these steps, GOI has tried to create confidence in the organic products, so that, domestic consumers and export countries can trust Indian organic products. But still, the organic sector in India suffered from some unique characteristic that is the absence of proper branding, package, consumer awareness, purchasing power, and supply chain issues (Agarwal, 2018).

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (15) ◽  
pp. 4091
Zorana Kovačević ◽  
Ana Sutlović ◽  
Ana Matin ◽  
Sandra Bischof

In this study, the natural dye was extracted from Spartium junceum L. (SJL) flowers and applied on cellulose (cotton) and protein (wool) fabric. Fabrics were pre-mordant with alum prior to the dyeing process. Considering the global requirements on zero waste and green policy, the dyeing process was intended to be as much as possible environmentally friendly but still effective. Therefore, mordant concentration was optimized due to the reduction of the negative impact. The efficiency of the dyeing process was investigated by examination of fabrics’ color characteristics and colorfastness to washing properties. In this paper, we have proved that the extracted dye from Spartium junceum L. is an acidic dye (mordant dye) which is more applicable for the treatment of wool fabrics. In this paper, it was proved that phytochemicals responsible for coloring are part of the flavonoids group. The UV absorption spectra of extracted dye show 4 bands in the region of λmax 224, 268, 308 and 346 nm which are ascribed to bands characteristic for flavonoids. Wool fabric pre-mordant with 3% alum and dyed shows great chromatic (C*) properties where C* value is in a range from 47.76 for unwashed samples to 47.50 for samples after 5 washing cycles and color hue (h°) is in a range 82.13 for unwashed samples to 81.52 for samples after 5 washing cycles. The best result regarding the colorfastness properties is shown by the wool sample treated with 3% alum after 5 washing cycles (total difference in color (Delta E*) = 0.87). These results confirm that metal (Al) from alum mordant make strong chemical bonds with wool substrate and dye since Delta E* values decrease in comparison to Delta E* values of the cotton samples treated the same way. The results revealed it is possible to reduce the concentration of mordant up to 3% and obtain satisfactory results regarding the colorfastness. Nevertheless, future research will go in the direction of replacing synthetic mordant with a more environmentally friendly one.

2001 ◽  
Vol 221 (5-6) ◽  
Elizabeth Kremp ◽  
Elmar Stöß

SummaryThis paper investigates the borrowing behavior of 2,900 French and 1,300 German firms over the 1987-95 period. Both samples based on data sets of the Banque de France and the Deutsche Bundesbank not only include large but also small and medium-sized enterprises. Applying GMM techniques, we estimate identical debt equations for the two total samples and by size class. Despite the large differences between the two countries in term of debt trends over time and size class the main result is the similarity of a few determinants between France and Germany. E.g. we find that firm growth has a positive impact on borrowing according to the theory of signalling whereas the negative correlation of profit and debt supports pecking order approach and the cost of finance has a negative impact on leverage, too. Additionally, the study can provide some insights for the monetary transmission mechanism in both EMU member countries.

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