2021 ◽  
pp. 2577-2583

Currently in metal mechanical companies, environmental accounting is not being adequately treated, because; There are no reports of the financial situation regarding environmental protection. The National environment policy aims to improve the quality of life of people that guarantees the existence of healthy and functional ecosystems in the long term; and the sustainable development of the country, preventing and protecting the environment. Considering accounting as the main information system of the company, it is necessary that accounting and auditing practices are adapted to adequately reflect the new information requirements, this is the case of "environmental accounting". For this, the objective of the investigation was formulated. Determine the influence of environmental accounting on the sustainable development of mechanical metal companies in Villa el Salvador; On the other hand, the research methodology was developed in this way; the type of research is applied, the explanatory level, the non-experimental cross-sectional design. Through the survey technique, an instrument called a questionnaire was applied. The study sample was made up of 100 collaborators from metal-mechanical companies. The result of the statistical analysis was that environmental accounting has a significant influence on sustainable development. The Chi square statistical test was used to test the hypothesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-68
Dherma Wati Bangun ◽  
Dherma Wati Bangun ◽  
Vivi Eulis Diana

Patients in health services have different behaviors in deciding to take advantage of health services. Patients used various considerations to make decisions based on the health products or services for re-treatment. The study aimed to analyze the factors that influence the patient's decision in using health services for re-treatment. This research was quantitative with cross-sectional design and conducted at Tanjung Pura Regional Hospital. The population was 3.946 people, and the sample were 247 respondents taken by using purposive sampling. Data analysis was univariate and bivariate using chi-square and multivariate using multiple logistic regression at the 95% confidence level (a= .05). The results showed that the factors that influenced the patient's decision to use health services for re-treatment at the Tanjung Pura Regional Hospital were the service quality of doctors / nurses (p= .000), distance (p=.049), facilities (p=0.000), and service speed (p = .000). The factors that did not influence we age (p=.461). gender (p=.895), education (p=.371), occupation (p=.593). The most dominant factor influencing is facilities with Exp (B)/OR =14.477, meaning that respondents who stated that the hospital facilities were good, had the opportunity to use health services for re-treatment by 14.4 times higher the respondents who stated that the hospital facilities were not good. It is suggested to Tanjung Pura Regional Hospital to propose and allocate a budget for improving hospital facilities that are still lacking and adding new service facilities so that it can increase public confidence for repeat treatment

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-49
Kasimirus Ebu To ◽  
Noorce C. Berek ◽  
Agus Setyobudi

Musculoskeletal disorder (MSDs) is a disorder in workers. This work-related disease has a high prevalence globally. MSDs occurs in work environment that exposes workers to non-ergonomic posture. The disorder triggers fatigue and indirectly adds to the workload among workers. This study aims to analyze the relationship between work tenure, sex and work attitudes with musculoskeletal complaints in general refueling station operators in Kupang City. The research was an analytical survey with a cross-sectional design. The research were conducted at 15 General Refueling Stations in Kupang from October to November 2019. A sample of 69 people were selected from the population of 222 operators. Data were analyzed by using chi-square (X2) with p-value = 0,05. The results showed that there was a relationship between musculoskeletal complaints and length of work (ρ-value= 0,004), gender (ρ-value 0,007) and work attitude (ρ-value= 0,001).

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 100-111
Vita Camelia ◽  

Stunting is a children growth problem that occurs a result of chronic malnutrition in the first 1000 days of life. The indicator of stunting is using the height measurement according to age HFA (Height for Age) under -2 SD based on the WHO growth standard curve according to sex. The impacts of stunting are the occurrence of growth disorders, barriers to development and the risk of metabolic disorders in adulthood. One of the risk factors for stunting is history of quality and quantity Antenatal Care (ANC). This study aimed to determine the relationship between quality and quantity history of ANC visits and stunting in toddlers aged 24-59 years in Pujon District Malang Regency. The method used in this research was observational analytic by using cross-sectional design. The population of this study was all mothers who have children aged 24-59 months that were conducted in January 2020. Ninety eight respondents taken by purposive sampling as the sample of the research. The data was obtained by filling out questionnaires and KIA books, then analyzed with chi-square test (α = 0.05). The results showed that there was a significant relationship in quality (p-value = 0.004) and quantity (p-value = 0.003) toward stunting.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 89
Heni Hendriyani ◽  
Enik Sulistyowati ◽  
Astidio Noviardhi

Background: It is a fact that natrium consumption relates to hypertension and the risk of heart disease and stroke. Even though it is common happened in later life, hypertension can be started in early age.Objective: The aim of the study is to identify salty food preference, high natrium food consumption, natrium intake, weight and its correlation with blood pressure among schoolchildren.Method: The study used cross-sectional design. There were 151 samples from junior high school chosen by purposive sampling. Food salty level data was assessed by eating the snack with three different salt concentration. High and low natrium source food and natrium intake data were taken using semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Blood pressure was measured by sphygmomanometer digital. Bivariate analysis was used Chi-square and Rank Spearman test.Results: The study revealed that 74,2% children prefer snack with the salt level above recommendation (> 0,5 gr salt per portion ). There were 22,5% children have natrium intake from food only ≥2000 mg (above recommendation). As much as 35,8% children fall into hypertension category based on their blood pressure (BP) level. There was a significant relationship between high natrium food consumption score with natrium intake (p=0,002). There were significant correlation between weight with systolic and diastolic BP ((p=0,000 r=-0,549 and p=0,000 r=-0,412). There were no correlation between atrium intake with systolic and diastolic BP (p=0,764;  r= 0,0025 and p=0,819 r=0,19).Conclusion: Healthy food and maintaining normal weight information and education must be done for children as early as possible.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Khusnul Khotimah ◽  
Ova Emilia ◽  
Mohammad Hakimi

PEMANFAATAN POJOK LAKTASI DI PUSKESMAS I CILONGOKKABUPATEN BANYUMASKhusnul Khotimah, Ova Emilia,Mohammad HakimiABSTRACTBackground : Based on survey Indonesian demographic and health in 2007 that exclusive breastfeeding 38 %decrease from 39,5% in 2002-2003, child under 6 months who gets milk incease from 16,7% until 27,9% in2007. American Academy of Pediatrics (1)get recomendation baby must get exclusive breastfeeding in 6 monthuntil 2 years old. Banyumas regency are have a program to increase scope of exclusive breastfeeding by regulationof regent number 52 in 2012 about increase exclusive breastfeeding in Banyumas Regency. One of the material insocialization is about lactation room and standardization, right of women worker to breastfed in office, publicfacility.Objective : to determine factors can effected utilization of lactation room in Puskesmas I Cilongok.Methods : this study was an observational study with a cross sectional design and qualitative study or called mixmethod. Location of study in Puskesmas I Cilongok. Sample of this study is employed mother who breastfeedand visitors of Puskesmas I Cilongok in Banyumas Regency. Sampling method used sampling convinience get 41women until this study done. independent variable are attitude of breastfeed mother about lactation room andbehavior of breastfeed mother. Dependent variable is utilization of lactation room. Data analysis consisted ofunivariable analysis, bivariable analysis using chi-square test and multivariable analysis using logistic regressiontest and also qualitative analysis.Results and Discussion : there is no effect attitude of breastfeed mother about lactation room with utilization oflactation room, can we see from p = 0,247 (RP1,58; 95% CI 0,70-3,55), the similar result from dialogue thatmother have good attittude but not utilized, they say not get socialization from health worker. The good Behaviorbreastfeed mother have relation with utilization, can we see p = 0,028, RP2,35 (95% CI 1,05-5,23). Results fromdialogue mother who get bad behavior not utilized. Utilization in lactation room only just breastfeeding, neverused to pamp and saving breastmilk. People not respond that room lactation is a necessary, because withoutpolicy about room lactation, they are can breastfed in any where.Conclusion : Good attitude of breastfeed mother about lactation room can not get effect utilization of lactationroomand good behavior breastfeedmother can get effect with utilization lactation room in Puskesmas I Cilongok.Keyword: attitude breastfeed mother, behavior breastfeed mother and utilization lactation room ABSTRAKLatar Belakang:Berdasarkan data Survey Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2007 tercatat bahwacakupan ASI eksklusif sebesar 38% menurun dari 39,5%di tahun 2002-2003, sementara jumlah bayi dibawah 6bulan yang diberi susu formula meningkat dari 16,7% menjadi 27,9% ditahun 2007. American Academy ofPediatrics (1)merekomendasikan bahwa durasi minimal ASI eksklusif menjadi 6 bulan tetapi optimal harus terusselamaminimal 2 tahun.Kabupaten Banyumas sedangmemiliki program gunameningkatkan cakupan ASI eksklusifyang dituangkan lewat Peraturan Bupati Banyumas nomor 52 tahun 2012 tentang peningkatan pemberian ASI diKabupaten Banyumas. Salah satu materi sosialisasi tersebut berisi tentang anjuran pengadaan pojok laktasibeserta standarisasinya, hak ibu bekerja yang menyusui di kantor pemerintahan, sarana pra sarana umum juga.Tujuan:Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatan pojok laktasi di Puskesmas I Cilongok.Metode:Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis observasional dengan desaincross sectionaldan kualitatif. Tempatpenelitian Puskesmas I Cilongok. Sampel penelitian ibu bekerja menyusui dan pengunjung puskesmas memilikibayi umur 0 bulan sampai dengan 2 tahun berada di Puskesmas I Cilongok. Pengambilan sampel menggunakansampling conviniencediperoleh 41 orang selama penelitian dilakukan.Variabelindependen adalah sikap ibumenyusui terhadap pojok laktasi, perilaku ibu menyusui. Variabel dependen ialah pemanfaatan pojok laktasi.Analisa data meliputi analisis univariabel, bivariabeldengan menggunakan chi square sedangkan multivariabelmenggunakan uji regresi logistik serta analisis kualitatif.Hasil dan Pembahasan:Sikap ibu menyusui terhadap ketersediaan pojok laktasi tidakmempengaruhi pemanfaatanpojok laktasi dilihat dari nilai p = 0,247 (RP1,58; 95% CI 0,70-3,55), hasil ini didukung hasil wawancara bahwasikap baik tetapi tidak memanfaatkan pojok laktasi dengan alasan sosialisasi yang kurang dari petugas kesehatan.Perilaku ibu menyusui yang baik berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan pojok laktasi dilihat dari nilai p = 0,028,RP2,35 (95% CI 1,05-5,23). Hasil wawancara ibu yang berperilaku tidak baik cenderung tidak memanfaatkanpojok laktasi. Pemanfaatan pojok laktasi hanya untuk menyusui saja, tidak digunakan untuk memeras danpenyimpanan ASI. Rendahnya pemanfaatan pojok laktasi dikarenakan faktor kebutuhan. Masyarakat desa tidakmenganggap bahwa pojok laktasi merupakan kebutuhan, karena tanpa adanya kebijakan pengadaan pojok laktasimereka dapat menyusui dimanapun.Kesimpulan:sikap ibu menyusui terhadap ketersediaan pojok laktasi yang baik tidak mempengaruhi pemanfaatanpojok laktasi dan perilaku ibu menyusui yang baik dapat mempengaruhi pemanfaatan pojok laktasi di PuskesmasI Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas.Kata kunci: sikap ibu, perilaku ibu, pemanfaatan pojok laktasi

Núria Garro ◽  
Jose Moros-Gregorio ◽  
Alejandro Quílez-Asensio ◽  
Daniel Jiménez-Romero ◽  
Ana Blas-Medina ◽  

We present the activities of the Innocampus Explora innovation project developed on the Burjassot-Paterna campus of the Universitat de València and whose main objective is to show the interrelation between the different scientific and technical degrees on campus. In this year, the work team made up of students and professors from all the faculties and schools of the Burjassot-Paterna campus, have carried out activities around environmental issues. A cross-sectional and interdisciplinary vision of the problems of the uses of plastic and nuclear energy that link with several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) dictated by the United Nations. With the development of this project we contribute to quality transversal training for all participating students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Bangun Dwi Hardika

Health is the most important thing in people life, physically and mentally. Besides body�s health in general teeth and mouth health also must get special attention, because teeth and mouth health affects body�s health. Dental caries is a pathological process that occurs because of the interaction of factors inside and outside factors such as behavioral factors, knowledge and attitudes toward maintenance of teeth and mouth. The research aimed to understand the relationship between knowledge and attitude of grade V students of 131 elementary school Palembang toward the teeth caries. The method used in this research is analitical method by using cross sectional design, taking samples technique by using total population way and the samples are 167 student of grade V. From The result of this study it was know that, 33.5% of children who have a low knowledge, 43.1% of children have negative attitudes and 59.3% of children experienced dental caries. From Chi square test results showed no relationship between knowledge of children with dental caries with p value of 0.036; there is a correlation between the attitudes of children with dental ceries with p value, 0.000. In order to decrease the number of teeth caries among students, it is hoped that school make a school teeth health unit (UKGS) and some mediators and teachers need to make a teeth health socialization so that the students can get more knowledge about teeth and mout health. Key word: Knowledge, Attitude, and Teeth Caries

2019 ◽  
Hasifah K. Namatovu ◽  
Tonny J. Oyana ◽  
Jude T. Lubega

AbstractThere is growing evidence in Uganda that the non-attendance of antenatal care is largely influenced by the lack of decision-making autonomy, inadequate information and poor services offered in health facilities. Although previous studies have examined barriers and facilitators of antenatal care, a few of them have investigated the extent of decision making autonomy and ICT adoption among expectant mothers. A cross sectional design through focus group discussions and survey questionnaires was used to collect data. Three hundred and twenty households were randomly sampled in Kampala and Jinja districts. The Chi-square tests (χ2) for independence to analyze group differences among women’s socio-demographic characteristics and decision-making autonomy was used. Inclusion criteria included respondents aged 18 and 50 years, completion of primary school education, expectant mothers and mothers who gave birth two years prior to the study. A hundred and sixty-four respondents participated in this survey. About 59.5% of women lacked decision making autonomy. Midwives (37.6%) and village health teams (35%) were a major source of antenatal care information, and 49.5% of expectant mothers lacked ANC information. Ninety percent (90%) of mothers did not use any form of ICT’s to enhance their decisions yet 79% possessed mobile phones. We observed a strong association between antenatal care decision-making autonomy and women with higher education (χ2 = 8.63, ρ = 0.035), married (χ2 = 4.1, ρ = 0.043) and mature (36–50) (χ2 = 8.81, ρ = 0.032). The main findings in this study suggest that ICT adoption and decision making autonomy among expectant mothers is still low and less appreciated. Control measures and interventions should be geared towards empowering women to influence their decisions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Uliyatul Laili

Analysis of factors Affecting The Participant Pregnant Women Gymnactics in BPS Nina Surabaya. Pregnant women should get treatment during pregnancy. Treatment during pregnancy or antenatal care can be done via examination of pregnancy, pregnancy exercise, nutrition and other compliance requirements. Pregnancy exercise is an exercise undertaken to prepare and train the muscles so that it can be used to function optimally in a normal delivery.This study uses an analytical method with cross sectional design prospective. Sampling using total sampling technique. The independent variable is education, parity and maternal knowledge, while the dependent variable is exclusive breastfeeding. Data were analyzed using chi square test.The results showed a correlation between age and support of husband / family with the participation of pregnant women during pregnancy exercise with a p-value of <0.05, whereas for education and parity are not related to the participation of pregnant women against pregnancy exercise with a value of p>0.05.The conclusions of this study are the factors that influence the participation of pregnant women during pregnancy exercise is aged and the support of husband / family.

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