2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-49
Agung Kuswantoro ◽  
Ratu Bunga Maremitha Ungu ◽  
Wanda Dwi Rahmahwati ◽  
Fentya Dyah Rahmawati

The purpose of the study are (1) To know the management of incoming and outgoing mail at UNNES through SIRADI, (2) To know the obstacles faced in the management of incoming and outgoing mail at UNNES through SIRADI. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are literature research methods and field study methods. The conclusion in this study is (1) The management of incoming and outgoing mail has been managed electronically using SIRADI, (2) On the management of incoming mail, the letter is received centrally in the General Section of BUHK UNNES, (3) At the entry letter recording stage, there is still a work unit that requires an agenda book to record incoming mail, (4) At the stage of preparation of the concept of exit letter is done manually then the letter will be processed through SIRADI, (5) There are constraints such as network and human resources factor, there are still work units that do not digitize the letter i.e. by scanning and uploading mail files. Suggestions of this study are: (1) Need to improve the quality of the internet network to reduce network disturbances, thereby expediting the process of managing incoming and outgoing mail through SIRADI, (2) Need to have a unity of understanding between the staff at each work unit, (3) Writing in an agenda book or expedition book, so that when needed can look at the book to reduce input error.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 93

This aims of the study are finding the development strategy in the tourist area of the Dlundung waterfall to be excellent destination in Mojokerto. This is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data will be analyzed by SWOT method. Strategies have been found is the increased promotion of the natural beauty of waterfalls and campgrounds, additional facilities of outbound and painball, repair and improvement of facilities, road improvements, additional services and hours of operation of public transport, improving the quality of human resources of tourism, Perhutani reports the condition of the campground to Disparta about prioritized apparatus intensively, Perhutani and Disparta give an opportunity for investors to benefit location of the campsite, ask for the role of local communities in improving the security of tourism, Perhutani maintains the cleanliness and comfort of the facilities at tourist sites, increasing community empowerment in troubleshooting facilities and accessibility. Keywords: the development strategy, excellent destination

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Mai Puspadyna Bilyastuti

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the implementation of DPMPTSP Ponorogo Regency public services with SIJITU. The research method used is qualitative research, data collection techniques through interviews, documentation, and observation. The results showed that the implementation of online services based online with SIJITU had not run optimally as seen from the fact that there were not many people who used the online-based licensing service, because there were several barriers including ignorance of the public about the online licensing system. the internet access network has not fully supported (in some areas of Ponorogo Regency, especially remote areas, internet access is still difficult), and the limited human resources of DPMPTSP who have expertise in informatics and other supporting technical fields. Keywords: Public Service; integrated licensing Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis pelaksanaan pelayanan publik DPMPTSP Kabupaten Ponorogo dengan SIJITU. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pelayanan publik berbasis online dengan SIJITU belum berjalan secara maksimal terlihat dari belum banyaknya masyarakat yang memanfaatkan pelayanan perizinan berbasis online tersebut, karena adanya beberapa hambatan, antara lain ketidaktahuan masyarakat akan adanya sistem perizinan online, masyarakat belum memahami bagaimana cara menggunakan aplikasi online tersebut, akses jaringan internet belum sepenuhnya mendukung (di beberapa kawasan Kabupaten Ponorogo terutama daerah pelosok akses jaringan internet masih sulit), serta terbatasnya SDM DPMPTSP yang memiliki keahlian di bidang informatika dan bidang-bidang teknis pendukung lainnya. Kata kunci: Pelayanan Publik; Perizinan Terpadu

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-102
Aubert Simatupang ◽  
Slamet Winaryo ◽  
Christian Radiafilsan

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang Implementasi Manajemen Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) di UPBJJ-UT Palangka Raya. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif studi kasus. Sumber data meliputi: Kepala UPBJJ-UT Palangka Raya, KASUBAG, Koordinator Regijan, Koordinator BBLBA, dan Mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Perencanaan PJJ dilakukan dengan mempersiapkan sarana dan prasarana, kurikulum, sumber daya manusia, anggaran; (2) Pengorganisasian PJJ sudah berjalan dengan baik, semua sudah terprogram dengan tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing; (3) Pelaksanaan PJJ sudah berjalan dengan baik dengan adanya kalender akademik dan SOP yang ditetapkan, (4) Pengawasan PJJ meliputi: pegawasan harian, mingguan, bulanan, tahunan dan pengawasan internal UT pusat, (5) Evaluasi PJJ yang dijalankan sudah terlaksana dengan baik dengan ketercapaian program, sasaran kualitas, tingkat kepuasan mahasiwa; dan (6) Kendala dalam pelaksanaan PJJ meliputi jaringan internet yang belum merata di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, sedangkan faktor pendukung adanya perwakilan UPJJJ pada setiap daerah kabupaten di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Abstract: This study aims to describe the Implementation of Distance Learning Management (PJJ) at UPBJJ-UT Palangka Raya. This research is a case study qualitative research. Data sources include: Head of UPBJJ-UT Palangka Raya, KASUBAG, Regijan Coordinator, BBLBA Coordinator, and Students. The results of this study indicate that: (1) PJJ planning is carried out by preparing facilities and infrastructure, curriculum, human resources, budget; (2) PJJ organization has been running well, all have been programmed with their respective duties and responsibilities; (3) PJJ implementation has been going well with the academic calendar and SOPs set, (4) PJJ supervision includes: daily, weekly, monthly, annual and central UT internal supervision, (5) PJJ evaluation that has been carried out has been carried out well with program achievement, quality targets, student satisfaction levels; and (6) Obstacles in implementing PJJ include the internet network that is not evenly distributed in Central Kalimantan Province, while the supporting factors are the presence of UPJJJ representatives in each district in Central Kalimantan Province.

Chamy Rahmatiqa ◽  
Nurul Abdillah ◽  
Fajrilhuda Yuniko

Hospital recording system guidelines or known as medical records. Failure to fill medical records has an impact on the quality of service and hospital accreditation. The purpose of this study is to see what factors are the cause of non-compliance in filling Medical Records in hospitals throughout Indonesia. Research is a systematic review. The source of this research data comes from the literature obtained through the internet in the form of published research results regarding the causes of the inability of medical record documents in hospitals from all journals that have been published and can be accessed via the internet. Data was collected from 15 April 2020-10 July 2020. The results of the analysis through document review showed that the factors causing non-compliance of filling medical record documents at the High Hospital were human resources which were 66.6%, there was no clear and firm policy of 33.3%, facilities that did not support were 22.2% and limited funds by 11.1%. It is expected that each hospital must have a clear and firm policy in dealing with non-compliance with filling out this medical record document. With a clear and firm policy on the condition of HR unpreparedness, the facilities and financial conditions which will also be regulated in the policy can also be overcome at the same time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Mochamad Khoirul Machfuda ◽  
Hj. Nanik Kustiningsih MM.

Abstrak Belanja Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) tentunya sangat berkaitan dengan setiap lembaga pemerintah. Belanja SKPD merupakan pengeluaran dana yang digunakan untuk membiayai kegiatan operasional kantor, dimana setiap pengeluaran atau belanja harus dilengkapi bukti yang lengkap dan sah yang akan digunakan untuk proses penyusunan SPJ Pengeluaran. Oleh karena itu, peneliti tertarik melakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas sumber daya manusia, pemanfaatan teknologi informasi, dan pengendalian akuntansi internal terhadap ketepatan waktu pelaporan SPJ Pengeluaran di Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh langsung dari Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi Jawa Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi Jawa Timur  menunjukkan bahwa kualitas sumber daya manusia, memberikan pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap ketepatan waktu laporan SPJ Pengeluaran  Dinas   Kata Kunci : kualitas sumber daya manusia, ketepatan waktu, laporan pertanggungjawaban Abstract Expenditures for regional work units (SKPD) are of course closely related to every government agency. SKPD expenditure is an expenditure of funds used to finance office operational activities, where each expenditure or expenditure must be accompanied by complete and valid evidence that will be used for the process of preparing the SPJ for Expenditure. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting research that aims to analyze the influence of the quality of human resources, the use of information technology, and internal accounting controls on the timeliness of reporting SPJ Expenditures at the Environmental Office of East Java Province. This research uses qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. The data source used is primary data obtained directly from the Environmental Office of East Java Province. The results showed that the Department of Environment of the Province of East Java showed that the quality of human resources had a positive and significant effect on the timeliness of the SPJ report on official expenditures.   Keyword : the quality of human resources,timeliness, accountability

Clemens Felix Setiyawan ◽  
Dyah Murwaningrum

Nowadays, music creation, collaboration, and publication are easier because of technology. Most young generations have sent music data, made, sold, bought music files on the internet. This changed music processes certainly resulted in different outcomes. Listening and creating music by new means, can change music itself. Technology has simplified tools, and the internet has simplified the distance. But new problems and questions have been found. How were the internet and technology influenced the quality of music, music creator, music appreciator and the form of music. The aims of this research to determine the relationship between music, technology, and the internet, through behavior of the young generation. This study was qualitative research that used observations and unstructured interviews. In subsequent observations, participant-observer was chosen as an advanced research method to better understand existing phenomena. The result of observations and interviews were interpreted, then presented descriptively. This research used theory by Don Ihde that technology has three characteristics (1) material (2) used (3)relationship of human and tools. The result of this research is internet influenced music quality and human appreciation. Technology changed the way humans create music.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 206
Nur Laila Meilani ◽  
Sukarno . ◽  
Musadad .

This study aims to analyze e-government service quality in the goods and services procurement in Riau Province, particularly in Pekanbaru City.  The data were collected through an in-depth interview analyzed using a dialogical interpretation approach. The results showed that the service quality of goods/services procurement in Riau Province coordinated by the Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE) through its website has already met the users’ expectation. Even so, the ad hoc position of the Work Unit of LPSE Riau, decreasing enthusiasm of goods/services providers for upgrading the skills of their human resources, and ineffective communication between LPSE, ULP and PDE of Riau Provincial Government effectively degrade the quality of service that has already run well. Hence, there should be a restructuring of LPSE and Work Units related to the e-government implementation in order to synchronize the implementation of e-government in general and e-procurement in particular in Riau Province.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Rapika Anwar ◽  
Parmin Ishak

Regional Government Financial Statement Quality Moderated with competence of human resource and organizational culture at regional work units (SKPD) of Gorontalo Province. This is a quanititative research by having regional work units of Gorontalo Province as the research object. Research samples are determinant by applying purposive sampling. Then, research data are collected through survey method by distributing questionnaire directly to employees of accounting division in 32 of Gorontalo Province and the results are processed using smart PLS.3.0. Research findings show that the implementation of accrual – based accounting, information technology has positive and significant influence on regional government financial statement quality and that is moderated with human resorce competence, and organizational culture.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 4-7 ◽  
Sarah Collard ◽  
Edwin Van Teijlingen

Focus group (FG) discussions are a popular qualitative research method used in health care and health service research. More recently, internet-based FGs have grown in popularity due to the growth of: (a) the internet, both in terms of technical capacity and number of users; and (b) the improved quality of communication software (e.g. Skype). This paper highlights some of the strengths and weaknesses of conducting FGs online. Building on our experience of conducting traditional and internet-based FGs, we offer some practical advice to potential users.

Ardyan Gulit Prasetya

This research aims to empirically examine the influence of Leadership Style, Organization Commitment, Quality of Human Resources, Reward, and Punishment, and Law Regulation regarding the implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting in work units in payment area of KPPN Bima. Sampling was done with the incidental sampling method. Analysis method that has been used is multiple linear regression. Results of hypothesis testing in this study indicate that leadership style, organization commitment, and quality of human resources have positive and significant impact of Performance-Based Budgeting. While, reward, punishment, and regulation have positive but insignificant influence on the implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting. Simultaneously, Leadership Style, Organization Commitment, Quality of Human Resources, Reward and Punishment, and Law Regulation have a positive and significant influence on the implementation of Performance-Based Budgeting in work units in payment area of KPPN Bima. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan, komitmen organisasi, kualitas sumber daya manusia, penghargaan dan sanksi, serta aturan hukum terhadap penerapan Penganggaran Berbasis Kinerja pada satuan kerja di wilayah pembayaran KPPN Bima. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode incidental sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil dari pengujian hipotesis di dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan komitmen organisasi dan kualitas sumber daya manusia berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penerapan Penganggaran Berbasis Kinerja. Penghargaan dan sanksi serta aturan hukum berpengaruh positif, tetapi tidak signifikan terhadap penerapan Penganggaran Berbasis Kinerja. Secara simultan, gaya kepemimpinan, komitmen seluruh komponen organisasi, kualitas sumber daya manusia, penghargaan dan sanksi, serta aturan hukum berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penerapan Penganggaran Berbasis Kinerja pada pada satuan kerja di wilayah pembayaran KPPN Bima.

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