2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-102
Aubert Simatupang ◽  
Slamet Winaryo ◽  
Christian Radiafilsan

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang Implementasi Manajemen Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh (PJJ) di UPBJJ-UT Palangka Raya. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif studi kasus. Sumber data meliputi: Kepala UPBJJ-UT Palangka Raya, KASUBAG, Koordinator Regijan, Koordinator BBLBA, dan Mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Perencanaan PJJ dilakukan dengan mempersiapkan sarana dan prasarana, kurikulum, sumber daya manusia, anggaran; (2) Pengorganisasian PJJ sudah berjalan dengan baik, semua sudah terprogram dengan tugas dan tanggung jawab masing-masing; (3) Pelaksanaan PJJ sudah berjalan dengan baik dengan adanya kalender akademik dan SOP yang ditetapkan, (4) Pengawasan PJJ meliputi: pegawasan harian, mingguan, bulanan, tahunan dan pengawasan internal UT pusat, (5) Evaluasi PJJ yang dijalankan sudah terlaksana dengan baik dengan ketercapaian program, sasaran kualitas, tingkat kepuasan mahasiwa; dan (6) Kendala dalam pelaksanaan PJJ meliputi jaringan internet yang belum merata di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, sedangkan faktor pendukung adanya perwakilan UPJJJ pada setiap daerah kabupaten di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Abstract: This study aims to describe the Implementation of Distance Learning Management (PJJ) at UPBJJ-UT Palangka Raya. This research is a case study qualitative research. Data sources include: Head of UPBJJ-UT Palangka Raya, KASUBAG, Regijan Coordinator, BBLBA Coordinator, and Students. The results of this study indicate that: (1) PJJ planning is carried out by preparing facilities and infrastructure, curriculum, human resources, budget; (2) PJJ organization has been running well, all have been programmed with their respective duties and responsibilities; (3) PJJ implementation has been going well with the academic calendar and SOPs set, (4) PJJ supervision includes: daily, weekly, monthly, annual and central UT internal supervision, (5) PJJ evaluation that has been carried out has been carried out well with program achievement, quality targets, student satisfaction levels; and (6) Obstacles in implementing PJJ include the internet network that is not evenly distributed in Central Kalimantan Province, while the supporting factors are the presence of UPJJJ representatives in each district in Central Kalimantan Province.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Mai Puspadyna Bilyastuti

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the implementation of DPMPTSP Ponorogo Regency public services with SIJITU. The research method used is qualitative research, data collection techniques through interviews, documentation, and observation. The results showed that the implementation of online services based online with SIJITU had not run optimally as seen from the fact that there were not many people who used the online-based licensing service, because there were several barriers including ignorance of the public about the online licensing system. the internet access network has not fully supported (in some areas of Ponorogo Regency, especially remote areas, internet access is still difficult), and the limited human resources of DPMPTSP who have expertise in informatics and other supporting technical fields. Keywords: Public Service; integrated licensing Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan dan menganalisis pelaksanaan pelayanan publik DPMPTSP Kabupaten Ponorogo dengan SIJITU. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif, teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pelayanan publik berbasis online dengan SIJITU belum berjalan secara maksimal terlihat dari belum banyaknya masyarakat yang memanfaatkan pelayanan perizinan berbasis online tersebut, karena adanya beberapa hambatan, antara lain ketidaktahuan masyarakat akan adanya sistem perizinan online, masyarakat belum memahami bagaimana cara menggunakan aplikasi online tersebut, akses jaringan internet belum sepenuhnya mendukung (di beberapa kawasan Kabupaten Ponorogo terutama daerah pelosok akses jaringan internet masih sulit), serta terbatasnya SDM DPMPTSP yang memiliki keahlian di bidang informatika dan bidang-bidang teknis pendukung lainnya. Kata kunci: Pelayanan Publik; Perizinan Terpadu

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-65
Suhada Suhada

This paper aims to answer the question of how to develop human resource management in MI ICP Nurul Ulum LP Ma'arif NU Bojonegoro and MI Muhammadiyah 10 Bojonegoro in dealing with the Asean Economic Community? This type of research is a qualitative research. Data sources in the study were divided into two types, namely: primary in the form of direct interviews with the Head of MINU ICP Bojonegoro and the Principal of MIM 10 Bojonegoro and his staff who carried out the development of educator human resources, with the aim of digging deeper and getting the information needed in a detailed and thorough. While secondary sources are data sources that do not directly provide data to data collectors, for example through documents, photos and other matters relating to data needed by researchers at MINP ICP Bojonegoro and MIM 10 Bojonegoro. This research concludes that efforts to develop education human resources at MINP ICP Bojonegoro and MIM 10 Bojonegoro in facing the MEA era include: following the changing times, being active in training and wordshop, committed to educating the children of the nation, and thinking to advance in the future future.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-49
Agung Kuswantoro ◽  
Ratu Bunga Maremitha Ungu ◽  
Wanda Dwi Rahmahwati ◽  
Fentya Dyah Rahmawati

The purpose of the study are (1) To know the management of incoming and outgoing mail at UNNES through SIRADI, (2) To know the obstacles faced in the management of incoming and outgoing mail at UNNES through SIRADI. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are literature research methods and field study methods. The conclusion in this study is (1) The management of incoming and outgoing mail has been managed electronically using SIRADI, (2) On the management of incoming mail, the letter is received centrally in the General Section of BUHK UNNES, (3) At the entry letter recording stage, there is still a work unit that requires an agenda book to record incoming mail, (4) At the stage of preparation of the concept of exit letter is done manually then the letter will be processed through SIRADI, (5) There are constraints such as network and human resources factor, there are still work units that do not digitize the letter i.e. by scanning and uploading mail files. Suggestions of this study are: (1) Need to improve the quality of the internet network to reduce network disturbances, thereby expediting the process of managing incoming and outgoing mail through SIRADI, (2) Need to have a unity of understanding between the staff at each work unit, (3) Writing in an agenda book or expedition book, so that when needed can look at the book to reduce input error.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 300
Tania Intan ◽  
Trisna Gumilar

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendekripsikan tanggapan pembaca terhadap novel Le Petit Prince (2) mendeskripsikan horizon harapan pembaca terhadap novel Le Petit Prince, dan (3) mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor penyebab perbedaan tanggapan dan horizon harapan pembaca. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian berupa teks yang memuat tanggapan pembaca novel Le Petit Princeyang terdiri dari 20 orang, sedangkan sumber datanya berupa artikel dan makalah yang dimuat di media massa cetak dan elektronik termasuk internet. Instrumen penelitian berupa seperangkat konsep tentang pembaca, tanggapan pembaca, dan horizon harapan. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi dan data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang didapat sebagai berikut. (1) Seluruh pembaca menanggapi atau menilai positif unsur tema, alur, tokoh, latar, sudut pandang, gaya bahasa, teknik penceritaan, bahasa, dan isi novel Le Petit Prince. (2) Harapan sebagian besar pembaca sebelum membaca novel Le Petit Prince sesuai dengan kenyataan ke sembilan unsur di dalam novel Le Petit Prince, sehingga pembaca dapat dengan mudah menerima dan memberikan pujian pada novel Le Petit Prince. (3) Faktor penyebab perbedaan tanggapan dan horizon harapan pembaca selain perbedaan stressing unsur yang ditanggapi juga karena perbedaan pengetahuan tentang sastra, pengetahuan tentang kehidupan, dan pengalaman membaca karya sastra.Kata kunci: tanggapan pembaca, horizon harapan, Le Petit PrinceAbstractThis study aims to (1) describe reader’s responses to the novel Le Petit Prince (2) to describe the reader's expectations horizon of Le Petit Prince's novel, and (3) to describe the factors causing differences in responses and the horizon of readers' expectations. This research is a descriptive qualitative research type. The research data consist of a set of paragraphs that contains readers' responses to Le Petit Prince's novel, while the data sources are articles and papers published in print and electronic mass media including the internet. The research instruments are a set of reader concepts, reader responses, and expectations horizon. The technique of collecting data is observation and data are analyzed by using qualitative descriptive technique. The results obtained are as follow: (1) All readers respond and valuethe theme elements,plots, characters, background, point of view, language, titles, storytelling techniques, language, and extrinsic novel Le Petit Prince positively. (2) The expectations of most readers before reading Le Petit Prince's novels are in accordance with the nine facts in Le Petit Prince's novel, so readers can easily accept and give prise to Le Petit Prince's novel. (3) Factors causing differences in responses and horizon of readers' expectations other than the stressing differences of the elements being addressed also due to the differences in knowledge of literature, knowledge of life and literary reading experience. Keywords: readers responses, expectations horizon, Le Petit Prince

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Arisni Kholifatu ◽  
Tengsoe Tjahjono

ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pengaruh tahta tertinggi dan perlawanan kaum subaltern pada novel Arok Dedes karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dengan menggunakan teori postkolonialisme Gayatri Spivak. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini  mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data novel Arok Dedes  yang berkisah tentang kudeta di Tanah Jawa. Data penelitian ini adalah kata, kalimat, paragraf, yang terdapat dalam novel Arok Dedes karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dengan menggunakan teori poskolonial Ggayatri Spivak. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi atau pustaka. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisia deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian adalah pengaruh tahta tertinggi dan perlawanan kaum subaltern pada novel Arok Dedes karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer.Kata kunci: Subaltern, poskolonial, pengaruh tahta, perlawananABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to describe the influence of the highest throne and the resistance of the subalterns on the novel Arok Dedes by Pramoedya Ananta Toer by using the postcolonialism theory of Gayatri Spivak. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The approach in this study using a qualitative approach because in this study used Arok Dedes story novel as data sources  which is about a coup in Java. This research data is words, sentences, paragraphs, contained in Arok Dedes novel by Pramoedya Anan ta Toer by using postcolonial Ggayatri Spivak theory. Data collection techniques in this study used the method of documentation or literature . The data analysis technique of this study used descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study are the influence of the highest throne and the resistance of the subalterns on the novel Arok Dedes by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Keywords: Subaltern, postcolonial, influence of throne, resistance

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 29-34
Sunu Hastuti ◽  
Nia Agus Lestari

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mendeskripsikan informasi tentang implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di SD Sukorejo Kecamatan Gurah Kabupaten Kediri khususnya pada tahap pembiasaan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan sumber data yakni Kepala Sekolah, Guru Kelas dan siswa. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan teknik analisis data melalui tiga tahap yakni data reduksi, penyajian data dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di SD Sukorejo Gurah Kediri, penerapan literasi masih sampai pada tahap pembiasaan. Upaya sekolah untuk menggiatkan gerakan literasi adalah dengan cara membiasakan membaca buku non pelajaran 15 menit sebelum kelas dimulai, menata lingkungan yang mendukung literasi dan melibatkan mitra dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan literasi. Terdapat beberapa hal yang menjadi faktor pendukung dalam kegiatan ini yakni semangat siswa-siswi dalam membaca buku, terdapat buku pengayaan yang disediakan dan dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Sedangkan faktor penghambat pembiasaan kegiatan membaca adalah belum optimalnya pelaksanaan gerakan literasi sekolah ini karena belum sepenuhnya rutin dilaksanakan. ABSTRACT This study tried to describe about the implementation of School Literacy Movement in Sukorejo Elementary School in Kediri, especially in the process of literacy habituation and development. The research used descriptive qualitative research. Data sources are Principal, Class Teachers and students. Data collection in this study was by observation, interviews and documentation. While the data analysis technique through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results showed that at SD Sukorejo Gurah Kediri, the application of literacy was still at the stage of habituation and development. The principal tried to intensify the literacy movement are by getting used to read non-lesson books 15 minutes before class starts, arranging an environment that supports literacy and involving partners in the implementation of literacy activities. There are several aspects can support school literacy in this school that are enthusiasm of students in reading books, enrichment books provided and support from various parties. Whereas the inhibiting factor for the habit of reading activities is the not yet optimal implementation of the school literacy movement because it has not been fully routinely implemented.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-16
Noor Hidayat ◽  
A'raf Musthafa Rusnain

The purpose of this study was to find out how much management of retribution in the tourism sector as a supporting effort in increasing Regional Original Revenue in Katingan Regency. This study uses qualitative research. Data sources consist of primary sources (Head of Service, Secretary, Head of Division, Head of Section, Employees, and Community). Techniques for collecting data by observation, interviews, and documentation. The research results of the Katingan Regency Youth and Sports Agency are expected to be able to use as a reference in overcoming existing constraints so that PAD originating from regional retribution can increase. The approach method used in this study is a sociological juridical approach method, because it involves problems that are normatively regulated in legislation and also there are links with sociological variables, namely regarding that: The results of the study can be shown that the District Regulation No. 6 of 2009 that generally in accordance with Law No. 28 of 2009 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Levies.

Adel Ismail Al-Alawi ◽  
Arpita A. Mehrotra ◽  
Sara Abdulrahman Al-Bassam

The internet has revolutionized the way people communicate, how they manage their business, and even how they conduct their studies. Organizations can conduct meetings virtually and store all their data online. With this convenience, however, comes the risk of cybercrime (CC). Some of the world's most renowned organizations have found themselves having to incur huge recovery costs after falling prey to CC. Higher learning institutions' databases are increasingly falling victim to CCs, owing to the vast amounts of personal and research data they harbor. Despite this, the area of CCs in learning institutions remains understudied. This chapter seeks to identify how CC is manifested in such institutions and the specific cybersecurity measures that stakeholders could use to minimize their exposure to the same. The qualitative case study was designed to explore the research questions, and collected data through semistructured interviews. The findings showed hacking, phishing, and spoofing as the most common manifestations of cybercrime in higher learning institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Furqon Furqon ◽  
Nurdyansyah Nurdyansyah

This study aims to explain in depth the principal's strategy in forming the religious character of students: a case study in Muhammadiyah 1 Primary School, Sedati, Sidoarjo. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data sources were taken from the principal, teachers, employees, students, parents of students and the general public. Data collection tools include interviews, observations, and documentation. From the results of the study illustrate that the Religious Character Building of Students in Muhammadiyah 1 Sedati Elementary School, Sidoarjo includes: (a) Al Qur'an Reading and Writing Program (BTQ) (b) Tahfidh Al Quran Learning Program (c) Implementation of Dhuhur and Asr Prayer (d) ) Customizing Smile Greetings and Shaking Hands (e) Learning ISMUBA curriculum (f) Commemoration of Islamic Holidays (PHBI) (2) The principal's strategy in building the religious character of students is manifested in religious cultured school programs in Muhammadiyah Elementary School 1 Sedati, Sidoarjo.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Partono Partono ◽  
Hamengkubuwono Hamengkubuwono ◽  
Jeny Fransiska

The problem that often occurs to teachers when teaching is that many students are less eager to learn. Therefore, it is necessary to have a new innovation from a teacher to overcome this, namely by using the example non-example model, which is a learning model that uses an image display to be analyzed, where the learning model is aimed at student activeness that allows the teacher to stimulate student enthusiasm by making their vital organs move and focus on tajwid learning in the TPQ Hikmatun Najah Blora so that students can be more active because they themselves will play a role in analyzing the image of verse fragments. This study is included in the category of descriptive qualitative research with the data obtained sourced from primary data sources, namely research main data obtained directly from research data sources namely respondents by interview, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the use of the example non-example model in Tajweed learning at TPQ Hikmatun Najah Blora adds more effectiveness because it can affect student learning outcomes because students become active because it raises the student's thinking and critical thinking so that it raises a high curiosity towards the material delivered.

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