Vom Push zum Pull – Der Perspektivewechsel in der Wertschöpfungskette von Forst- und Holzwirtschaft | From push to pull: a shift in the perspective of the value chain of forestry and wood management

2005 ◽  
Vol 156 (8) ◽  
pp. 269-273 ◽  
Bastian Kaiser

Forestry management – contrary to general public awareness of the matter – is a branch in the process of undergoing dynamic changes. Impulses for these changes come in part from actors and others involved in the «timber value chain» and in part from outside influences. Today, in addition to numerous other effects, these dynamics have led to a situation where«timber chain» supply flows are no longer initiated and mobilised exclusively by what the forest owner fells and offers to customers, but above all by more specialised wood customers with an increasing appetite for wood who articulate their increasing impatience by the means of market forces. Over the years the traditional push effect has thus given way to a pull effect. Forest owners are obliged to react to this development and to seek, together with others-for instance with universities and their faculties-out suitable future strategies. In turn and without a doubt this will impact on the education and training of forest academics, as well as on the self-understanding of forestry employers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 66-84
Betty Wilson ◽  
Terry A. Wolfer

In the last decade, there have been a shocking number of police killings of unarmed African Americans, and advancements in technology have made these incidents more visible to the general public. The increasing public awareness of police brutality in African American communities creates a critical and urgent need to understand and improve police-community relationships. Congregational social workers (and other social workers who are part of religious congregations) have a potentially significant role in addressing the problem of police brutality. This manuscript explores and describes possible contributions by social workers, with differential consideration for those in predominantly Black or White congregations.

Robert C Thompson

Abstract In 1876, prominent spiritualist medium and writer Emma Hardinge Britten published two books written by the Chevalier Louis de B., arguably a pseudonym she used to disguise her own opinions about the nature of the soul and the power of the occult will. As American spiritualism fell into disrepute—dogged by cases of fraudulent mediums and a culture of excess—occultism, typified at the time by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, rose up to replace it. Britten saw the potential that Blavatsky’s views on the development of the conscious will, the existence of a spirit hierarchy, and training with skilled adepts could have for spiritualism’s much less structured approach to supernaturalism, but she worried over occultism’s dismissive attitude toward a unified concept of the soul. Blavatsky tended to fracture the self into several parts in her writing, dismissed the prospect of human spirit communication, and challenged the notion that all human souls were immortal. I argue that Britten created the Chevalier in order to challenge spiritualist orthodoxy while maintaining her identification as a medium who believed sincerely in the spiritualist concept of the soul. I discuss three major areas in which Britten sought to negotiate a space between spiritualism and occultism: the consequences of mediumistic passivity, the existence of non-human spirits, and the predominance of a secret Indian brotherhood at the head of an occult hierarchy.

2015 ◽  
pp. 93-104 ◽  
Victoria Gnezdilova ◽  
Dmitry Ruban ◽  
Delia Bruno ◽  
Piero Perrotta ◽  
Brooke Crowley ◽  

Geoheritage sites with palaeogeographical value are excellent venues for geotourism. These sites preserve information about ancient environments, ecosystems, and their dynamics that may be of interest to professionals, students, amateur scientists, and the general public. Palaeogeographical geoheritage sites (geosites) can be used to successfully increase public awareness of past and future climate changes. However, because palaeogeographical information is typically complex and not directly visible, professional interpretation is necessary. Successful interpretive tools include posted signs and education activities that engage visitors in scientific research. Using modern analogues to help visitors visualize past environments and ecosystems may be particularly effective. Professional interpretation helps foster visitor awareness of a geosite?s value. We suggest that some geosites can be visited sequentially on a guided excursion and propose a route for observing five geosites that exemplify the geodiversity of Mountainous Adygeja (Western Caucasus, southwestern Russia). Guided geosite excursions would introduce visitors to a broad diversity of palaeoenvironments and deepen their understanding of palaeogeographical phenomena. However, carrying capacity should be evaluated seriously for any geosites that are incorporated into palaeogeographical tourist excursions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 251-261
Md. Alamgir Hossain ◽  
Md. Motaher Hossain ◽  
Md. Golam Rasul ◽  
Mohammad Abu Jafor Bapary

The hygienic and sanitary conditions of majority of the retail fish markets are very poor and unhealthy that may have an impact on fish retailers. The present study was conducted in two retail fish markets located in Kajirbazar and Bondorbazar, in Sadar Sylhet, to assess the hygiene and sanitary condition of fish retailers. Information was collected through questionnaire interview and participatory rural appraisal (PRA) from the retailers and other value chain stakeholders. It was found that about 82% of fish retailers were permanent in these retail markets. The retailers are mainly involved in selling various species of fishes such as carps, catfishes, tilapia, koi, hilsa, shrimp and other small indigenous fishes. The sources of these fishes are mainly of nearby haors, river and ponds. The retailers get fishes from various suppliers and also collected from producers. The income level of fish retailers is relatively low although they are trying to improve their socio-economic conditions. Besides, about 9% of the retailers do not have any formal education whereas 70% and 21% have their education in primary and secondary level, respectively. Although the majority of the retailers were found literate, however, their knowledge on public health was seemed to be very poor. Due to lack of proper knowledge on public health, they are frequently affected by various diseases such as common cold, diarrhea, lesion, fever, skin disease and so on. Particularly, 48% of the fish retailers are affected by the lesion on hands, and 31% and 27% of retailers have been affected by the lesion between fingers or toes, respectively. About 20% of the retailers do not have adequate knowledge on fish quality or benefit of using ice in fish preservation in retail markets. Considering all together, the present study revealed that the retailers operated fish markets are ill-managed, unhygienic and unsatisfactory. The lack of proper fish preservation facilities, poor water supply and unplanned infrastructures are generally regarded as a noticeable problem in the retail markets. In addition, the lack of retailer’s education, consciousness about fish quality, lack of training on hygienic and sanitary conditions are seemed to be involved in spoiling or deteriorating fish quality before reaching to the consumers. Therefore, the proper education and training on hygienic and sanitary conditions as well as sufficient knowledge on maintaining fish quality is required for retailers involved in fish retailing in the markets. It can be concluded that the improvement of relevant facilities of fish markets and proper supervision by respective authorities can ensure the better public health for retailers and safe fish food for consumers.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Widodo Widodo ◽  
Sumardino Sumardino

Abstract: Awareness, Early Detection Capabilities, And Community Empowerment. This study aims to improve the ability of elderly people in the early detection of degenerative diseases in Posyandu Melati III Tegalrejo, Ceper, Klaten. While the specific purpose of this study was to describe the initial knowledge of early detection of degenerative diseases, describing the changes of knowledge and capacity for early detection of degenerative diseases post-counseling and training. This study used a quasi-experimental research design (queasy-experiment). The data source of this research is a group of elderly Posyandu Bed III Tegalrejo, Ceper, Klaten with the method of selecting a sample is total population. The tools used in this study was a questionnaire to evaluate the cognitive, psychomotor aspects SOP to evaluate and extension materials. Results showed that changes in knowledge and capacity for early detection of the elderly against degenerative diseases in Posyandu Melati III Tegalrejo, Ceper, Klaten. This is evident from the test results of paired t-test with a significance value of 0.000> 0.05. The provision of health education and training early detection of degenerative diseases can increase knowledge of the initial capital to raise public awareness about the importance of early detection capabilities against degenerative diseases so that the quality and degree of health of the elderly can be optimized.

Julieta Kartikasari ◽  
Kirana Anugerah Putri ◽  
Radicha Arnanda Putri Indrawati ◽  
Veren Audia Nurmansya ◽  
Wulandari Prima Devi ◽  

IPE  63  Community  Service  Activities  (KKN)  Group  179  Airlangga  University in  Kare Coffee Tourism, Kare Village, Kare District, Madiun City, with the theme of ecotourism which was held on19 January 2021 to 13 February 2021 aimed at developing curry coffee tourism areas, increasing public  awareness of health  and  providing  health  facilities in  accordance with  health  protocols, attracting tourists through promotions on various social media, adding insight into how to utilize coffee processing waste so that it can be of economic value. as well as coffee cultivation techniques and ways to increase coffee production for coffee entrepreneurs and producers in Kare village. As for the design of activities carried out in the form of procurement of complete tourist facilities and procurement of complete protocol facilities that are not yet available in Kare Coffee tours and their availability is needed,  by purchasing  goods online and sending items that have been purchased directly to Kare Village. Promotion of curry coffee tourism, by utilizing existing social media such as Instagram and YouTube by uploading a coffee tour profile video so that it can be known to the wider community and can attract both local and international tourists. The use of coffee waste, by providing education and training to the community in Kare Village, is carried out online as well as uploading  the video  of the seminar results to  YouTube regarding the utilization of coffee waste carried  out  online  and  uploading  the  seminar  results  video  to  YouTube.  And  webinars  on ecotourism,  CHSE protocols, coffee cultivation techniques, and increased coffee production were conducted online on the same day then uploaded the webinar results to Youtube. AbstrakKegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) IPE 63 Kelompok 179 Universitas Airlangga di Wisata Kopi Kare, Desa Kare, Kecamatan Kare, Kota Madiun, dengan tema ekowisata yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19 Januari 2021 hingga 13 Februari 2021 bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kawasan wisata kopi kare, meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan kesehatan dan memberikan fasilitas kesehatan yang  sesuai dengan  protokol kesehatan,  menarik  minat  wisatawan  melalui promosi di berbagai media sosial, menambah wawasan tentang cara memanfaatkan limbah pengolahan kopi agar dapat bernilai  ekonomis.  serta  teknik  budidaya  kopi  dan  cara  meningkatkan  produksi   kopi kepada pengusaha dan produsen kopi di desa Kare. Adapun rancangan kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa pengadaan  kelengkapan  fasilitas  wisata  dan  pengadaan  kelengkapan  fasilitas  protokol  yang sekiranya belum tersedia di wisata Kopi Kare dan dibutuhkan ketersediaannya, dengan cara melakukan  pembelian  barang- barang  secara online dan  mengirimkan  barang  yang  sudah dibeli langsung ke Desa Kare.   Promosi wisata kopi kare, dengan memanfaatkan media sosial yang ada seperti Instagram dan  youtube dengan  mengunggah  video  profil wisata Kopi Kare agar dapat dikenal   masyarakat   luas  serta  dapat   menarik   wisatawan   baik   lokal  maupun   internasional. Pemanfaatan limbah kopi, dengan memberikan edukasi serta pelatihan kepada masyarakat di Desa Kare dilakukan secara daring serta mengupload video hasil seminar ke youtube terkait pemanfaatan limbah  kopi    dilakukan  secara  daring  serta mengupload  video  hasil seminar ke youtube.  Dan webinar mengenai ekowisata, protokol CHSE, teknik budidaya kopi, dan peningkatan produksi kopi yang  dilakukan  secara  daring  pada  hari  yang  sama  kemudian  mengunggah  hasil  webinar  ke Youtube.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 47
Fatih Veyis

It is a scientifically and developmentally undeniable reality that the educational activities that guide education and training activities and aim to raise the nation according to the requirements of the age and keep up with the necessary arrangements for this purpose. With the periodic developments in the world, the transformation in the philosophy of education and understanding of education has brought along the application of new approaches and understandings in education. The constructivist approach that started to be applied in education with these developments is also one of the new educational approaches. Constructivist understanding is defined as a process in which students are actively involved in educational activities and new information is built on pre-learning. Constructivism is a contemporary understanding that covers all kinds of practices that the student can actively engage in the learning process, and it emphasizes that education can be successful to the extent that it can serve individual differences. It has been fifteen years since the practices on constructivism started to be implemented in our country. During this period and as a point reached, it is a question of how much this understanding is applied. With this research, it is aimed to examine the self-efficacy beliefs of Turkish language and literature teachers towards applying constructivist approach in terms of various variables.

2014 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-123 ◽  
E. Paul Zehr

Engaging communication of complex scientific concepts with the general public requires more than simplification. Compelling, relevant, and timely points of linkage between scientific concepts and the experiences and interests of the general public are needed. Pop-culture icons such as superheroes can represent excellent opportunities for exploring scientific concepts in a mental “landscape” that is comfortable and familiar. Using an established icon as a familiar frame of reference, complex scientific concepts can then be discussed in a more accessible manner. In this framework, scientists and the general public use the cultural icon to occupy a commonly known performance characteristic. For example, Batman represents a globally recognized icon who represents the ultimate response to exercise and training. The physiology that underlies Batman's abilities can then be discussed and explored using real scientific examples that highlight truths and fallacies contained in the presentation of pop-culture icons. Critically, it is not important whether the popular representation of the icon shows correct science because the real science can be revealed in discussing the character through this lens. Scientists and educators can then use these icons as foils for exploring complex ideas in a context that is less threatening and more comfortable for the target audience. A “middle-ground hypothesis” for science communication is proposed in which pop-culture icons are used to exploring scientific concepts in a bridging mental landscape that is comfortable and familiar. This approach is encouraged for communication with all nonscientists regardless of age.

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