2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-80
Noval Rianti Salim

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas metode role play, peningkatan skill speaking dalam bentuk dialog, dan mengevaluasi kesulitan yang dihadapi mahasiswa dalam penerapan metode role play. Penulis melakukan pengamatan dan analisis terhadap pembelajaran di kelas pada mahasiswa semester 1 program studi bahasa Mandarin Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Harapan Bersama. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik observasi, dokumentasi, serta wawancara dengan dosen pengampu mata kuliah dan mahasiswa. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa catatan perkembangan hasil belajar mahasiswa dan catatan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa menjadi lebih aktif dan termotivasi mengikuti pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode role play dalam bentuk dialog. Kesulitan dihadapi oleh mahasiswa dalam penerapan metode role play adalah pelafalan, tata bahasa, dan kelancaran dalam berbicara bahasa Mandarin. Metode ini juga memberikan dampak positif, hal ini dapat dilihat adanya peningkatan nilai ulangan harian, meningkat sebesar 0.5, dari nilai rata-rata 7.6 meningkat menjadi 8.1. Dilihat dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode role play dalam bentuk dialog dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu metode yang efektif dan menarik untuk meningkatkan skill berbicara bahasa Mandarin.Kata Kunci: Penerapan, Role play, Bahasa MandarinABSTRACTThis research aims to determine the effectiveness of the role play method, improve speaking skils in the dialogue, and evaluate the difficulties faced by students in implementing dialogue, and evaluate the difficulties faced by students in implementing the role play method.  The author conducted observation and analyzes of classrom learning in semester 1 students of the Mandarin Language Study Program at Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Harapan Bersama for two months. Data collection was carried out by means of observation, documentation, and interviews with lecturers and students. The author uses a descriptive research method with a qualitatice approach. The result of this study indicate that students become more active and motivated to participate in learning by using the role play method in dialogue. The difficulties faced by students in implementing the role play method are pronounciation, grammar, and fluency in speaking Mandarin. This method also has a possitive impact, it can be seen that there is an increase in the daily test value, an increase of 0.5, from an average value of 7.6 to 8.1. Judging from the research results, it can be concluded that the application of the role play method in the form of dialogue can be used as an effective and interesting method to improve speaking skills in Mandarin Languague.Keywords: Application, role play, Mandarin

Iva Faridha Azahro ◽  
Nanih Machendrawaty ◽  
Hajir Tajiri

Tujuan dari peneliti ini yaitu untuk mengetahui (1) karakteristik kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (2) pola bimbingan orang tua asuh dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (3) hasil pola bimbingan orang tua asuh dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian deskriptif, pemilihan subjek dan informan dengan cara acak dan teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara terhadap enam orang anak asuh dan tiga orang tua asuh. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa anak sebelum memperoleh pengasuhan dari orang tua asuh di RPSAA memiliki karakteristik kecerdasan emosional rendah. Pola pengasuhan yang diterapkan di RPSAA kepada anak asuh adalah pola asuh demokratis. Sedangkan hasil pengasuhan dalam menumbuhkan kecerdasan emosional remaja di RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung menyimpulkan bahwa anak asuh usia remaja telah memiliki kecerdasan emosional yang cukup baik, yaitu terlihat dari bagaimana cara mereka mampu mengendalikan segala perasaan yang pada dirinya, meskipun ada remaja yang belum sepenuhnya memenuhi aspek kecerdasan emosional.   The goal of these researchers is to figure out (1) characteristics of the emotional intelligence of teenagers in RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung; (2) foster parents guidance pattern in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung in adolescents; (3) results foster parents guidance pattern in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung in teens. This research used the qualitative approach with descriptive research method, the selection of subjects and informants by means of random and data gathering techniques through observation, interview and documentation against six people and three foster care parents foster care. The research results obtained by researchers concluded that child before obtaining care of foster parents in RPSAA has the characteristic of low emotional intelligence. Parenting patterns are applied in the RPSAA to foster care parenting is democratic. While parenting results in fostering emotional intelligence RPSAA Ciumbuleuit Bandung teenager in concluding that foster care teens have had a pretty good emotional intelligence, that is visible from how they are able to control all the feelings on him, even though there are teenagers who do not yet fully meet aspects of emotional intelligence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-70
Aslihatul Rahmawati ◽  
Neni Nuraeni ◽  
Hasim Hasim

AbstractThis research was conducted with the aim to find out how much influence the contextual teaching learning model of learning motivation of Islamic education study program students at the Islamic University of Syekh Yusuf Tangerang. The research method used is a quantitative research method with data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires. The respondents of this study were 25 Islamic education study program students. Based on the results of data processing and discussion, it can be concluded that the contextual teaching learning model has a low effect of 11.56% on student learning motivation. But when testing the hypothesis,   implies that  is accepted and rejected . AbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh model pembelajaran contextual teaching learning terhadap motivasi belajar mahasiswa program studi pendidikan Islam Universitas Islam Syekh Yusuf Tangerang. Metode  penelitian yang digunakan  adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif  dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa penyebaran angket. Responden  penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi pendidikan agama Islam yang berjumlah 25 mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil olah data dan pembahasan diperoleh kesimpulan bahwasanya Model Pembelajaran contextual teaching learning berpengaruh rendah 11,56% terhadap motivasi belajar mahasiswa. Namun pada saat pengujian hipotesis,  hal ini mengandung arti bahwasanya diterimanya dan ditolaknya .

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Andi Yusuf Katili ◽  
Nolfi S. Tueno

Bentor is a modification between a rickshaw and a motorcycle which has become a characteristic of public transportation vehicles or modes of transportation for the people of Gorontalo. Bentor can operate from one place to another, it can even take passengers to household stairs, this cannot be done by other public transportation. This advantage makes most Gorontalo people choose it as the main transportation because it operates 24 hours. The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis of the implementation of policies on the operation of bentor vehicles as a mode of transportation based on Gorontalo Provincial Regulation No. 6 of 2006. The research method used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that (1) Compliance of Bentor riders with traffic regulations is still low, so it is necessary to take action by the relevant authorities; (2) Coordination between officers of the Transportation Service and the Police in carrying out their duties has not been well established, so that violations continue to occur; (3) The supervision of related offices of apparatus in the field in implementing regional regulations is still low, due to the lack of officers who will be assigned as field supervisors.Bentor merupakan modifikasi antara becak dan sepeda motor yang telah menjadi ciri khas kendaraan angkutan umum atau moda transportasi masyarakat Gorontalo. Bentor dapat beroperasi dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain, bahkan dapat mengantar penumpangnya hingga ke tangga rumah, hal ini tidak dapat dilakukan oleh kendaraan umum lainnya. Kelebihan ini yang membuat sebagian besar masyarakat Gorontalo memilihnya menjadi transportasi utama karena beroperasi selama 24 jam. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis mengenai Implementasi Kebijakan Pengaturan Pengoperasian Kendaraan Bentor Sebagai Moda Transportasi Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Gorontalo Nomor 6 Tahun 2006. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Kepatuhan pengendara Bentor terhadap peraturan berlalu lintas masih rendah sehingga perlu dilakukan penindakan oleh aparat terkait; (2) Koordinasi antara petugas Dinas Perhubungan dengan Kepolisian dalam melaksakan tugas belum terjalin dengan baik, sehingga pelanggaran pun terus terjadi; (3) Pengawasan dinas terkait terhadap aparat di lapangan dalam menjalankan peraturan daerah masih rendah, karena minimnya petugas yang akan ditugaskan sebagai pengawas lapangan.

Ulvy Shellyana Arifin ◽  
Hanin Niswatul Fauziyah

The research was intended to develop the worksheet  based on socioscientific issues that test expedibility, practical and effective in development the ability to think analytically of learners. The research site was conducted at SMPN 4 Ponorogo. The research method used research and development, with implementing research model of brog and gall. The research tools used were expert validation analysis sheets, assessments response and so on are used to test analytical thinking. And then the data treated was analyzed quantitatively as well as descriptive. Research results suggested that the product was worthy of using in the learning process. The product was also practical and effective in using to improve the ability of student analytical thought

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
Dinda Puspita Dewi ◽  
Rifqi Zaeni Achmad Syam ◽  
Rosiana Nurwa Indah

This study is to determine the implementation of preservation activities in the Ajip Rosidi Library in terms of how to save the value of information, how to save the physical form of Sundanese literature collections that are owned, and the obstacles faced in implementing the preservation of Sundanese literature collections. The method used in this research is descriptive research method. with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews and documentation study. There are two informants in this study. The results show that in order to save the value of the collection information, the library has converted the 200-year-old Sundanese Literature collection into microfilm or microfish which later, due to technological developments, was converted into CDs and hard drives. In saving the physical form of the collection, librarians carry out activities of mending, binding, giving silica gell, cleaning manually, and making policies in the form of library regulations. As for the obstacles experienced during the implementation of preservation of Sundanese Literature collection, namely related to human resource factors, funding factors, and environmental factors.Keywords: preservation; sundanese literature collection; ajip rosidi libraryABSTRAKPenelitian ini untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kegiatan pelestarian di Perpustakaan Ajip Rosidi dilihat dari cara menyelamatkan nilai informasi, cara menyelamatkan bentuk fisik koleksi sastra sunda yang dimiliki, dan hambatan yang dihadapi dalam melaksanakan pelestarian koleksi sastra sunda.. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara serta studi dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah dua orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam menyelamatkan nilai informasi koleksi, maka perpustakaan mengalih bentukkan koleksi Sastra Sunda yang memiliki umur 200 tahun kedalam bentuk microfilm atau microfish yang kemudian karena perkembangan teknologi diubah dalam bentuk CD dan hardisk. Dalam menyelamatkan bentu fisik koleksi, maka pustakawan melakukan kegiatan mending, penjilidan, pemberian silica gell, membersihkan secara manual, dan membuat kebijakkan berupa peraturan perpustakaan. Adapun hambatan yang dialami pada saat pelaksanaan pelestarian koleksi Sastra Sunda, yaitu berkaitan dengan faktor sumber daya manusia, faktor pendanaan, dan faktor lingkungan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Sulhiyah Sulhiyah

As a system, language consists of several elements or levels that form a complete construction. These elements are sounds or phonemes, morphemes, words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and discourses. Furthermore, these elements can be studiedthrough the branches of linguistics that have been available in accordance with theseelements. This study aims to determine the classifcation of the meaning of polysemicmeaning "enak" and to investigate the classifcation of Polysemi meaning of the wordkuchi (mouth) from the point of view of cognitive linguistics. The research method usedis qualitative descriptive (descriptive research) by recording from several references. thetechnical method and data collection are carried out using the listening method and tapping technique, while the advanced technique is a note-taking technique. From the resultsof the study, it was concluded that the word tasty not only means the delicious taste ofa food that is felt by the taste buds, but also the feeling felt by all members of the bodyand feelings. The word kuchi not only has the meaning of an oral cavity, but it can beinterpreted as a good deed that is good or bad, and can also be interpreted as a job seeking activity Keywords: cognitive linguistics, fgure of speech, enak, kuchi (mouth)

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-36
Dini Ameliawati

The purpose in this research was to determine the process of implementing the planting method in an effort to improve naturalist intelligence for children. The method used in this study is a class action research method which consists of four steps, there are: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. This research was conducted on 17 students at KB TK Asaloka on West Jakarta, from April to May 2019. The data collection techniques in this study were observation, field notes, interviews, and documentation. The results of the action in each cycle of class action research obtained an increase in children's naturalist intelligence from the start of the pre-cycle action with the acquisition of an average value are 1.3, or 32% if on percentage value. Cycle 1 get the acquisition of an average value 2.6, or 62% if on percentage value. Then, cycle 2 with the acquisition of an average value are 3.7, or equal to 92% on percentage value. The conclusion of this study is that planting methods are effective in increasing children's naturalist intelligence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 282
Nova Yulistika ◽  
Elva Rahmah

AbstractThis paper contains a discussion of how to use the archive classification code at PT Semen Padang and the preparation of a guidebook for the use of archive classification codes at the PT Semen Padang Archives Unit. The preparation of this manual aims to assist employees at PT Semen Padang in using the archive classification code in accordance with their respective work units. The research method used in writing this thesis paper is a descriptive research method. Data collection techniques carried out by means of observation and interviews. The subject of data collection was through observation in the PT Semen Padang Archives Unit. Observation was carried out by looking at how the employee's understanding was in giving the classification code of the archive. Subsequently interviews were conducted with employees at the PT Semen Padang Archives Unit. The author conducts a question and answer session with employees directly regarding the use of the archive classification code, the constraints faced in using the classification code, and the solutions to these constraints. Based on these results it can be concluded that the preparation of the archival classification code guidebook is actually to assist employees in providing archival classification codes properly and correctly. In the archive classification code manual in the PT Semen Padang Archives Unit, it can be concluded that the steps in preparing the archive classification code manual are: (1) needs analysis, based on the needs of employees in using the archive classification code as well as efforts to overcome obstacles encountered. (2) product design, to find out what are the points that will be explained in the preparation of the archive classification code manual made in the form of a chart. (3) product compilation, the process of compiling the product manual is the use of archive classification codes. With the archive classification code manual in PT Semen Padang's Filing Unit, it can help employees to avoid finding errors in archiving and is easy to find again.Keywords: classification code, archive, guide book

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 271
Erlis Nasrul Hidayah

This study aims to improve science learning outcomes through the application of Talking Stick learning model. The subjects of this study are students of class VII C SMP Negeri 23 Pontianak, amounting to 30 students. This type of research is Classroom Action Research. This research includes the planning, implementation, action, observation and reflection. The instruments of data collection used are observation and test sheets (final evaluation of the cycle). Based on the research results known in cycle I obtained an average value of 78,3 and in cycle II obtained an average value of 87,8 has an increase from cycle I. Learning completeness in the first cycle of 53,33%, then on cycle II increased to 83,33%. From result of research indicate that applying of Talking Stick learning model can improve science learning result in class VII C SMP Negeri 23 Pontianak.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar sains melalui penerapan model pembelajaran Talking Stick. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII C SMP Negeri 23 Pontianak yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Penelitian ini meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi dan tes (evaluasi akhir siklus). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui pada siklus I diperoleh nilai rata-rata 78,3 dan pada siklus II diperoleh nilai rata-rata 87,8 mengalami peningkatan dari siklus I. Ketuntasan belajar pada siklus I sebesar 53,33%, kemudian pada siklus II meningkat menjadi 83,33%. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran Talking Stick dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA di kelas VII C SMP Negeri 23 Pontianak.Kata Kunci: hasil belajar siswa, Talking Stick

Meilan Arsanti, Evi Chamalah, dan Aida Azizah

This research was conducted to describe and explain the errors in writing foreign terms on billboards in Semarang city. The problem in this research was the form of error in writing foreign terms on billboards in Semarang city and its improvement. The research method that is used was descriptive qualitative. Sources of data in this study were curl boards or billboards in Semarangcity. The data included all of product document billboards whether the product or service advertisements in Semarang City. The data collection technique that is used was purposive sampling. The research instrument used by the researcher to retrieve data was the researcher herself.  In data retrieval, the researcher used a data card. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by examining the use of terms or foreign elements on billboards in the Semarang city that contained writing errors. After the data is collected, the researcher analyzed, classified, and evaluated / evaluated documents in the form of billboards. Based on research results from 11 billboards there were 19 foreign terms used. Thus, it could be concluded that the public considers the use of foreign terms more interesting and was expected to increase selling power. However, the used of foreign terms was not adjusted to the rules of language.

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