2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-179
Ryan Firdiansyah ◽  
Basneldi Basneldi ◽  
IG.N.Willy Hermawan ◽  
Muzayyanah Yuliasih ◽  
Bekti Setiadi

The purpose of this study is to find out the state of the Umrah and Hajj travel agents in the face of the Covid 19 pandemic that is currently happening. The research method used in this study is a descriptive study with a qualitative analysis approach, and uses the results of informant interviews and secondary data from correspondence reports that help provide secondary data to support this research. Corona virus or corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) has made the domestic economy contract, the Ministry of Finance noted several problems caused by the outbreak of this virus increased unemployment rate 1.2 million formal sector and 265,000 informal sector, Indonesian Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) below level 50 which is only 45.3 in March 2020. Third, more than 12,703 flights at 15 airports were canceled from January to February, with details of 11,680 domestic flights and 1,023 international flights, the government of Saudi Arabia also issued rules prohibiting the use of Umrah for all countries. This problem will affect the organizers of Umrah or Umrah travel in Indonesia, researchers take samples, especially in the area of ​​East Jakarta, research using descriptive methods with a qualitative analysis approach, this research uses the method by interviewing directly from competent sources in the field of aviation, organizing umrah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-58
Anwar Hidayat ◽  

Perkembangan pandemi Covid-19 saat ini sangat mengkhawatirkan dimana terjadinya suatupeningkatan kasus corona khusus di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuidan menganalisis kebijakan yang diambil pemerintah dalam penanganan pandemi Covid-19serta langkah-langkah yang diambil pemerintah untuk menganggulangi dampak-dampak, terutama dampak dari segi ekonomi dan sosial akibat pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitianhukum yang digunakan yakni metode penelitian hukum normatif. Adapun pendekatan yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatankonseptual. Penelitian ini berlandaskan pengaturan perundang-undangan yang mengaturmengenai penanganan dan penganggulangan pandemi Covid-19 serta analisis atas konseppenetapan peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dalamrangka penanganan Covid-19, berawal dari pemerintah tmengeluarkan kebijakan tentangPembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar yang merujuk pada Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun2018 tentang Kekarantinaan Kesehatan. Peraturan pelaksanaannya yaitu PeraturanPemerintah Nomor 21 Tahun 2020 tentang Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar, sertaKeputusan Presiden tentang Kedaruratan Kesehatan sampai dengan saat ini pemerintah telahmengeluarkan kebijakan PPKM yang dimana dilakukan secara berkala. Untukmenganggulangi dampak Covid-19 dari segi ekonomi dan sosial pemerintah mengambilbeberapa kebijakan-kebijakan, yang diantaranya adalah: Peraturan Menteri KeuanganRepublik Indonesia Nomor 23/Pmk.03/2020 tentang Insentif Pajak Untuk WajibPajakTerdampak Wabah Virus Corona; Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Republik Indonesia Kata Kunci : Kebijakan, Penanganan, Covid-19 The current development of the Covid-19 pandemic is very worrying where there is anincrease in special corona cases in Indonesia. This study aims to identify and analyze thepolicies taken by the government in handling the Covid-19 pandemic and the steps taken bythe government to mitigate the impacts, especially the economic and social impacts of theCovid-19 pandemic. The legal research method used is the normative legal research method. The approach used in this research is a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. Thisresearch is based on the legislation governing the handling and handling of the Covid-19pandemic as well as an analysis of the concept of establishing these laws and regulations. The results of this study are in the context of handling Covid-19, starting with thegovernment issuing a policy on Large-Scale Social Restrictions which refers to Law Number6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine. The implementing regulations are GovernmentRegulation Number 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions, as well as thePresidential Decree on Health Emergencies. Until now, the government has issued a PPKMpolicy which is carried out regularly. To address the economic and social impact of Covid- 19, the government has taken several policies, including: Regulation of the Minister ofFinance of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23/Pmk.03/2020 concerning Tax Incentives forTaxpayers Af ected by the Corona Virus Outbreak; Regulation of the Financial ServicesAuthority of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 /Pojk.03/2020 concerning NationalEconomic Stimulus as a Countercyclical Policy for the Impact of the Spread of Corona VirusDisease2019; and Instruction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of2020 concerning Refocussing of Activities, Reallocation of Budgets, and Procurement ofGoods and Services in the Context of Accelerating Handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019(Covid-19). Keyword : Policy, Handling, Covid-19

Populasi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 52
Dewi Middia Martanti ◽  
Florentz Magdalena ◽  
Natalia Pipit D. Ariska ◽  
Nia Setiyawati ◽  
Waydewin C. B. Rumboirusi

Even though the informal labour still dominates Indonesia workforce, the trend of formal labour increases each year. BPS data shows that in 2015, the percentage of formal labor reached 42,25 percent. Then it increased to 44,28 percent in 2019. As a capital-intensive sector, formal sector supports economy of Indonesia, because it is relatively safe or less prone to shut down. However, the determination of the global pandemic status on March 11, 2020 due to Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) has hit the world economy, including Indonesia. To suppress the spread of Covid-19, people are asked to work, study, or pray from home. This causes many companies suffer losses and even close their businesses, thus impacting workers. Based on data from the Ministry of Manpower 13 April 2020 as many as 1.2 million formal labour have been furloughed and 212.4 thousand have been laid off. This study aims to observe the trends of formal labour in Indonesia and the impact of Covid-19 on formal labour in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data obtained from various sources which are analyzed descriptively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 319-326
Sunarmin Sunarmin ◽  
Ahmad Junaidi ◽  
Endah Fantini

Outbreaks of the new corona virus or Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) are increasingly felt in the domestic economy, especially in terms of consumption, corporate, financial sector, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The existence of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) that has been declared by the government most of the activities involving the public are restricted, such as offices or offices that are closed, restrictions on religious activities and restrictions on public transportation. The business world has not been separated from the shadows of the Corona Covid-19 pandemic. Instead of diminishing, some countries have confirmed that they will experience a second wave of pandemic that began in Wuhan, China. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the impact of Covid-19 will have a widespread effect on business entities and the sustainability of business entities. This research is a descriptive study, using the literature method where research is conducted by studying and collecting data from libraries related to tools, both in the form of journals and scientific studies of research that has been published in public journals. The results of the study concluded that the impact on Covid-19 had a significant influence on the development of the business world. The biggest influences occur in the mall/supermarket, hospitality, manufacturing and various businesses related to the use of mass labor. In this study, not many scientific writers have focused on examining the impact of this 19 on the business world in general. Although the fact in the field of influence of Covid-19 is clearly seen the fact in the life of the wider community due to many businesses limit / lay off and even deduct workers' income from the value of income received.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-270
Leo Agustino

This article discusses the efforts of the Indonesian Government in handling the outbreak of Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19). The handling strategies assessed by understanding the efforts, steps, and policies formulated and implemented by the government while the analysis used a deliberative policy analysis approach was used. This approach analyzes the narratives and arguments of the authorities to understand the decision making and policy implementation. The research used a qualitative approach by utilizing descriptive analysis methods. Then the data collection technique used literature studies. The findings found that, first, negative narratives and the slow response of the government. Before COVID-19 approached Indonesia, narratives delivered by the elite government showed that there was no sense of crisis so that it slow-down decision making. Second, weak coordination, especially between the central government and regional governments. This asynchronous coordination created uncertain handling for the control of Coronavirus. Third, citizen ignorance or disobey government instruction. The impact is, the handling effort has stalled because it is not supported by the wider community. The combination of these three factors complicates the government's efforts to control the outbreak of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Keywords: Indonesia, COVID-19, Coronavirus, Handling, Policy Abstrak Artikel ini mendiskusikan mengenai upaya Pemerintah Indonesia dalam menangani kasus penyebaran virus korona (Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19). Dengan memahami upaya, langkah, dan kebijakan yang diformulasi dan diimplementasikan oleh pemerintah maka dapat dinilai strategi penanganan tersebut. Untuk menganalisis kasus ini, pendekatan deliberative policy analysis digunakan. Pendekatan ini menganalisis narasi dan argumentasi pihak berwenang untuk memahami pembuatan keputusan dan pelaksanaan kebijakan. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan memanfaatkan metode deskriptif analisis. Sementara itu, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan yang memanfaatkan buku, artikel jurnal, surat kabar, berita online, serta website lembaga-lembaga otoritatif. Temuan penting dari tulisan ini adalah, pertama, narasi negatif dan lambannya respons pemerintah atas penyebaran COVID-19. Narasi-narasi yang disampaikan oleh elite politik sebelum COVID-19 masuk ke Indonesia menunjukkan nihilnya perasaan adanya krisis (sense of crisis) yang mengancam sehingga memperlambat pengambilan keputusan. Kedua, lemahnya koordinasi antar-stakeholder, khususnya antara pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah. Ketidaksinkronan koordinasi ini mengakibatkan pengendalian virus korona menjadi terkatung-katung. Ketiga, ketidakacuhan atau ketidakpatuhan warga atas himbauan pemerintah. Impaknya, upaya penanganan menjadi tersendat karena tidak didukung oleh masyarakat luas. Kombinasi dari ketiga faktor inilah yang memperumit upaya pemerintah untuk mengendalikan penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Indonesia, COVID-19, Virus Korona, Penanganan, Kebijakan

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-94
Cut Sabina Anasya Zulkarnain

ABSTRAKUU Cipta Kerja dalam Pasal 39 ayat (2) untuk pertama kali mengatur keputusan kelayakan lingkungan harus diumumkan melalui sistem elektronik. Secara bersamaan, penyebaran Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) terbukti telah menjadi pemicu bagi Pemerintah dalam melakukan percepatan pengembangan penyusunan dan penilaian Amdal melalui sistem elektronik ‘’, yang seharusnya, juga menjadi penyelesaian baru bagi banyaknya masalah transparansi dan sengketa informasi dokumen Amdal di Indonesia selama ini. Aturan tersebut seolah dibuat agar mampu meyakinkan masyarakat bahwa transparansi akan lebih terjamin, padahal regulasi serupa yang ada juga belum terlaksana dengan baik, bahkan UU Cipta Kerja menghilangkan prinsip pemberian informasi dokumen Amdal yang sebelumnya terakomodir dalam Pasal 26 ayat (2) UU PPLH. Metode Penulisan dalam tulisan ini menggunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. Tahap Penulisan melalui penulisan kepustakaan yang dilakukan dengan mencari data sekunder termasuk bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier. Tulisan ini merupakan suatu bentuk analisis kritis atas belum adanya pengaturan Amdal yang memadai terkait transparansi pengumuman usulan rencana usaha, dokumentasi saran, pendapat, tanggapan (SPT) masyarakat dan tanggapannya, hingga transparansi dokumen Amdal dalam pengumuman penerbitan Izin Lingkungan. Hal ini agar peraturan perundang-undangan di masa depan terkait pelaksanaan transparansi informasi dokumen Amdal dapat menghasilkan perbaikan signifikan, melalui sistem elektronik sebagai pembentukan sistem pengawasan publik.Kata kunci: analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan hidup (amdal); sistem informasi lingkungan hidup; transparansi informasi dokumen lingkungan. ABSTRACTArticle 39 Paragraph (2) of Indonesian Omnibus Law, for the first time, regulates that the decision of the Amdal must be announced through electronic system. The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has become a trigger for the government to speed up the development of environmental impact assesment (Amdal) through electronic system (, that should also resolve many transparency issues and information disputes regarding Amdal in Indonesia. Hence, the regulation was made to guarantee the transparency improvement to the public, however, similar regulations before have never been fully implemented. Even further, Omnibus Law has eliminated Amdal document information providing principles which previously accomodated on Article 26 Protection and Management of Environment Law. Used research method is juridical normative. Writing phase is done by finding secondary data using primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. This paper is a form of critical analysis of the absence of adequate regulations regarding Amdal related to the transparency of the proposal, records of the citizen input with the documents of response, and also the decisions. So that, the future regulation regarding Amdal documents transparency, through Electronic System will result in significant improvements, as a supportive public law supervision system.Keywords: environmental document and information transparency; environmental impact assesment (amdal); environmental information system.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 255-270
Navy Sagita Pertiwi ◽  
Muhammad Farid Ma’ruf

Dalam UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 dijelaskan bahwa Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) merupakan lembaga yang melaksanakan fungsi pemerintahan yang keanggotaannya merupakan wakil dari penduduk desa berdasarkan keterwakilan wilayah dan ditetapkan secara demokratis. Salah satu terkait fungsi BPD yaitu menjalankan fungsi pengawasan terhadap pengelolaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa (APBDes). Didalam  APBDes memuat berbagai sumber penerimaan dan pengeluaran desa dalam kurun waktu satu tahun. Sehingga pengawasan dalam pengelolaan APBDes oleh BPD sangat diperlukan, hal ini bertujuan agar perputaran dana yang terjadi dalam pemerintahan desa dapat dipertanggung jawabkan keabsahan data laporannya. Pengawasan pengelolaan APBDes oleh BPD tersebut menjadi lebih urgent akibat adanya pandemi Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19), pasalnya pada saat pandemi Covid-19 telah dilakukan perubahan terhadap APBDes yang sebelumnya telah ditetapkan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif serta metode pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara terbuka yang bersifat terstruktur, observasi, serta dokumentasi. Selain itu terdapat teknis analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan Model Spradley, sedangkan untuk sumber datanya yaitu data primer dan sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah BPD Tamanasri telah menjalankan peran pengawasannya dengan baik dalam roda pemerintahan Desa Tamanasri. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan selama periode tahun anggaran 2020 yang mengalami situasi pandemi Covid-19, pembuatan perubahan Perdes APBDes dilakukan dengan pertimbangan yang matang untuk kepentingan masyarakat desa dan Bantuan Langsung Tunai Dana Desa (BLT-DD) tahap I, II, dan III telah tersalurkan dengan semestinya melalui survei terlebih dahulu oleh tim suvei BLT-DD. Kata kunci: Peran BPD, Pengawasan,  Pengelolaan APBDes, Covid-19   In Law no. 6/2014 explained that the Village Consultative Body (BPD) is an institution that carries out government functions whose membership is a representative of the village population based on regional representation and is determined democratically. One of the functions related to the BPD is to carry out the supervisory function of the management of the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBDes). The APBDes contains various sources of village revenue and expenditure within a period of one year. So that supervision in the management of APBDes by BPD is very necessary, this is intended so that the circulation of funds that occurs in the village administration can be accounted for the validity of the report data. Supervision of the management of the APBDes by BPD has become more urgent due to the Corona Virus Disease-19 (Covid-19) pandemic, because at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, changes had been made to the APBDes that had previously been determined. In this study using descriptive research and qualitative approach methods. The data collection techniques are structured open interviews, observation, and documentation. In addition, there is technical data analysis in this study, namely using the Spradley Model, while the data sources are primary and secondary data. The result of this research is that Tamanasri BPD has carried out its supervisory role well in the government of Tamanasri Village. This can be proven during the period of the 2020 fiscal year which experienced a Covid-19 pandemic situation, the making of changes to the APBDes Perdes was carried out with careful consideration for the interests of the village community and the Village Fund Direct Cash Assistance (BLT-DD) stages I, II, and III had been distributed. properly through a survey by the BLT-DD survey team. Keyword: Role of BPD, Supervision, Management of APBDes, Covid-19

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-70
Eliza zalsabila ◽  
Anis Fuadah Z.

Health in life is very important. In dressing, food, and all activities in life must be carried out cleanly to maintain good health for ourselves and the environment. At the end of 2019 unrest arises in all corners of the earth due to the emergence of a new type of virus, the corona / covid-19 virus. Corona virus is a large family of viruses that attack the respiratory syndrome system. Viruses that have never been identified in humans before, according to WHO (World Health Organization) corona virus is zoonosis, which means transmitted between animals and humans. In this journal the title of the Impact of Physical Distance Instructions from the Government in Preventing the Corona Virus Spread on the Distance Learning of MI / SD Students in Indonesia. By raising the title aims to provide education to the general public in the face, prevent, and continue to live in a situation of unrest such as this. The journal is written in a descriptive form and also uses the literature method that is relevant to the title of the journal being raised.   Keywords: Corona Virus, Prevention, Distance Learning  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Wildan Tantowi ◽  
N.G.A.N Ajeng Saraswati ◽  
Viola Sekarayu Gayatri

This research examines the problems arising from the criminal law policy of imposing the death penalty for corruptors during the Covid-19 pandemic. C. Law Number 31 of 1999 which has been amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes is one of the weapons to fight corruption in Indonesia, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic as a national non-natural disaster which has been a serious concern of the government.  In the event of corruption cases occur during the Covid-19 pandemic, such criminal cases should be tackled in an extraordinary and special way because the impact of Covid-19 pandemic has affected all sectors of life, one of which is the economy. Considering the Covid-19 pandemic, it is appropriate if Indonesia is currently categorized under certain conditions. It means that this condition implies that if a criminal act of corruption occurs during the Covid-19 pandemic, law enforcers can prosecute or impose a death penalty for corruption perpetrators as stipulated in Article 2 paragraph (1) and (2) of the Corruption Eradication Law. This research used the normative legal method which is carried out through literature study with the aim of writing the article to find out what weaknesses can lead to juridical problems with the enforcement of the death penalty against corruptors in Indonesia and to analyze the urgency of criminal law policy n the imposition of the death penalty for corruptors during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Muhamad Yusri Musa

The pandemic caused by the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has caused enormous challenges to almost every aspect of life worldwide. In Malaysia, one of the earliest nations affected by the pandemic has responded valiantly both by the government through the Ministry of Health (MOH) and various groups in the communities especially by the Non-Governmental Associations (NGO) to fight the virus and adversities caused by pandemic. The support of NGOs in Malaysia has tremendously assisted the country and supports the Ministry of Health’s efforts to flatten the infection curve successfully during the nationwide lockdown started in March. Here, we selected 4 organisations that have directly contributed in various ways and methods which was utterly unique and inspiring. Their immense efforts and contributions in helping multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi nationalities people may go unnoticed but the impact to the recipients were beyond words.International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Supplementary Issue: 2021 Page: S5

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 170
Tri Widianti Natalia ◽  
Heru Wibowo

Abstract:. Masjid Raya Bandung is the oldest mosque in the city of Bandung which has a very important role in the city structure and the neighborhood of town square. The Masjid Raya Bandung and the square have undergone a transformation many times, until the original building is almost gone. Transformation of the form Masjid Raya Bandung will affect the structure and the face of downtown Bandung. Therefore the purpose of this study is to see how the transformation process that occurs in the building of Masjid Raya Bandung is seen from the reason for the transformation. And see how the impact on the structure of the downtown Bandung and its influence on the quality of its functions and architecture. The method used is qualitative analysis by examining several similar studies. The results of the study reveal that every process of change that occurs in the building of Masjid Raya Bandung is always influenced by agents of control, namely the government as the control holder and the actor namely the architect as the designer. Changes in the form of Masjid Raya Bandung have changed the live configuration of the structure and the face of downtown area of Bandung. Keyword: Transformation, Masjid Raya Bandung, live configuration, city structure Abstrak: Masjid Raya Bandung menjadi salah satu masjid tertua di kota Bandung yang memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam tatanan kota dan lingkungan Alun-alun Badung. Masjid Raya Bandung dan alun-alun telah mengalami transformasi berkali kali, hingga bangunan asli hampir sudah tidak ada. Perubahan bentuk  Masjid Raya Bandung akan mempengaruhi struktur dan wajah pusat Kota Bandung. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana proses transformasi yang terjadi pada bangunan Masjid Raya Bandung dilihat dari alasan terjadinya transformasi.  Serta melihat bagaimana dampaknya terhadap struktur wajah pusat Kota Bandung dan pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas fungsi dan arsitekturnya. Metode yang digunakan yaitu analisis kualitatif adalah dengan mengkaji beberapa penelitian sejenis. Hasil dari penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa setiap proses perubahan yang terjadi pada bangunan Masjid Raya Bandung selalu dipengaruhi oleh agen konrtrol yakni pemerintah sebagai pemegang kontrol dan aktor yakni arsitek sebagai perancang. Perubahan bentuk Masjid Raya Bandung telah mengubah live configuration struktur dan wajah kawasan pusat kota Bandung.Kata Kunci: Transformasi, Masjid Raya Bandung, Struktur Wajah Kota

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