2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-65
Nuruddin Araniri

Tolerance education needs to be taught at school because it is very important to keep the harmony between the religious people in our country in the plural. Islamic Religious Education teachers play a role in teaching and learning to students about Islam that is tolerant and the rahmatan lil alamin, so as not to be exposed to radical Islam understanding. The research uses the Library Research method, namely: research conducted using literature (libraries), whether in the form of books, records, and reports of research results from previous research. The role of Islamic education teachers to instill a tolerant attitude of religion is to give examples to his children with a disdiscriminatory attitude does not provide a social status of economic, religious, language, skin tone, and other Etc. Always promote cooperation or dialogue when there are problems related to religious tolerance, giving understanding of Islamic teachings that are tolerant, moderate and Rahmatan Lil Alamin.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-163
Maulida Maulida

  The objectives of this research are as follows 1). This study aims to determine the perception of Al-Quran Hadith teachers on the implementation of the 2013 curriculum at the Al Washliyah Stabat Private Tsanawiyah Madrasah. 2). To find out the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in Al-Quran Hadith learning at the Al Washliyah Stabat Private Tsanawiyah Madrasah. 3). To find out the role of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Private Al Washliyah Stabat in implementing the 2013 curriculum in the subjects of Al-Quran Hadith. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research, namely this type of research describes the state of objects or events without an intention to draw conclusions that apply in general. In this study, it is intended to describe the role of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Private Al Washliyah Stabat as a forum to form students who have superior quality by using the latest learning curriculum, namely Curriculum 2013. stabat. The background of the problem in this study is that the implementation of the Islamic education curriculum is not fully implemented in the Al-Washliyah Stabat Private Tsanawiyah Madrasah regarding the curriculum that is still applied in teaching and learning activities, namely the 2013 curriculum. Islamic religious education curriculum is limited to the field of study of Islamic Religious Education such as the field of study of the Qur'an and Hadith. This research is included in the qualitative research model, meaning that the data used in this study is qualitative data (data that does not consist of numbers) in the form of verbal messages, dialogues and writings that are the results of research through library research activities and field observations and conducting research. Documentation of the objectives of this study are: To find out the perception of Al-Quran Hadith teachers on the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Swasta Al Washliyah Stabat. To find out the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in Al-Qur'an Hadith learning at the Al Washliyah Stabat Private Tsanawiyah Madrasah. To find out the role of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Private Al Washliyah Stabat in implementing the 2013 curriculum in Al-Quran Hadith subjects. The results of this research are: Madrasah Tsanawiyah has a significant role in preserving the continuity of Islamic education and Islamic ethical moral values ​​in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum. In terms of the process of implementing learning in MTs. Private Al Washliyah Stabat has been implemented well by making students more participative in learning and teaching activities    

Syuhaida Idha Abd Rahim ◽  
Mohd Asmadi Yakob ◽  
Siti Khurshiah Mohd Mansor ◽  
Rukiah Mohamad

Objective - This paper presents a research about talaqqi method in teaching and learning Islamic education at pondok in Kedah Darulaman, Malaysia. Hence, this paper identifies the pondok institution system that has been implemented in Kedah. The second objective is to recognize the special features of pondok institution system which is one of the older forms of education in the Malay world. Methodology/Technique - This study applies interview session with the Tuan guru or Mudir at their pondok and employs library research methodology. Findings - A pondok institution is a traditional Islamic education school for teaching and learning in Malaysia. Pondok is synonym by using talaqqi method which is a traditional method that has been used and practiced long before. The main role of pondok is to provide religious value and provide religious instruction to the community in understanding Islam. Most of the Tuan guru has implemented talaqqi as their method in presenting the authenticity of knowledge. Novelty - It is hoped that the results of this study will benefit for various pondok institutions particularly at various locations in Malaysia. Type of Paper - Conceptual Keywords: Talaqqi, Teaching, Learning, Islamic Education, Pondok Institution

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Tenny Tenny ◽  
Yonatan Alex Arifianto

Christian Religious Education teachers play a significant role in determining the spiritual increase of students. However, there are still many who do not realize and respond to the current state of disruption. They are less focused on students and prioritize cognitive only so that efforts to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus are less significant results or developments in this era of disruption. To further discuss the actualization of the mission and discipleship of Christian Religious Education teachers in the era of disruption, the author uses the library research method in this discussion. The role of Christian religious education teachers in Mission and Discipleship must be the main goal through education that prioritizes and cares for the generation of the era of disruption. By equipping the understanding of God's Great Commission in mission education for Christian Religious Education teachers, they can be encouraged to improve teaching and learning methods. The purpose of this discussion is that the actualization of the mission and discipleship of Christian Religious Education teachers in an era of disruption can bring growth and development for the progress of God's church to be filled with true disciples of Christ.AbstrakGuru Pendidikan Agama Kristen memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam menentukan meningkatnya kerohanian peserta didik, tetapi masih banyak yang belum menyadari dan meresponi keadaan era disrupsi saat ini.Mereka kurang berfokus kepada peserta didik dan cenderung mengutamakan kognitif saja, sehingga upaya pemenuhan Amanat Agung Tuhan Yesus kurang diperoleh hasil atau perkembangan yang signifikan dalam era disrupsi ini. Guna membahas lebih dalam mengenai aktualisasi misi dan pemuridan guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam era disrupsi, pembahasan ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka. Peranan Guru pendidikan agama Kristen dalam Misi dan Pemuridan harus menjadi tujuan utama melalui pendidikan yang mengutamakan pertumbuhan rohani dan peduli kepada generasi era disrupsi. Dengan membekali pemahaman Amanat Agung Tuhan dalam pendidikan misi bagi guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen, mereka dapat didorong pada peningkatan kualitas pengajaran maupun secara metode pembelajaran. Tujuan pembahasan ini, diharapkan aktualisasi misi dan pemuridan guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam era disrupsi dapat membawa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bagi kemajuan gereja Tuhan dipenuhi dengan murid-murid Kristus yang sejati.

1969 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Salim Ashar

Character is a complicated issue, even considered an abstract problem. It is said to be abstract because the concept of manners is not yet operational. While good and bad standards for morals are in the objective view of God the Creator of man. If the character is ethics, it is very dangerous, because some of its value will be contrary to the moral lessons that exist in religious subjects. When both are taught (ethics and morals) then the threat is the students will later experience what is called a split personality, that is split personality. Students become confused because there are conflicting values, such as good values ​​in the sense of morals and good value in manners (call: ethics). There is no honest terminology of Arabic versions, honest English versions, false witnesses of Arabic and French versions, as there is no terminology about Arab or Turkish morality. This applies to humans when there is a pattern of intersection between ethical values ​​and customs: ethical values ​​derive from the "right" way (revelation), whereas customs are derived from the habits The purpose of this study are: 1) Describing whether or not the addition manners in the lessons of Islamic Religious Education. 2) Describe the material (content) in the lesson of Islamic Education and the intersection of Budi Pekerti based on traditional perspectives. This study uses "Library Research". The research data used is secondary data. Data collection techniques used are documentation. Data processing is done by conducting the activity of review, verification and reduction, grouping and systematization, and interpretation or interpretation so that a phenomenon has social, academic, and scientific value. From the results of the discussion concluded: 1) Based on the perspective of Islam, the lessons of Islamic Religious Education need not be added with the character, because in fact holistic education includes in the Islamic Religious Education. 2) The content of Islamic Religious Education should include aspects of Islam, ie Aqidah, Shari'ah and Akhlak which are taught in a balanced way, but the lesson of character can be combined as long as the adat is the custom of the Muslims.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-222
Abdul Rahman ◽  
Idi Warsah ◽  
Ali Murfi

Although Singapore cannot be used as a model for global Islamic education, this country has quite several madrasahs. The Singapore government is also quite responsive in providing support for the continuation of Islamic education activities. This study aims to analyze the Islamic education system—madrasah management and curriculum in Singapore. Most importantly, this study identifies how the role of madrasahs in the Singapore education system is. The study in this paper is qualitative. This study uses library research, and the method of content analysis and constant comparative analysis becomes the first option of the writer. The results show that Singapore's Islamic Ugama Majlis (MUIS) plays a significant role in monitoring and managing the development of Islamic education in Singapore, which performs three types of Islamic education, Part-Time Education, Full Time Education, and Islamic Study Program for the Community. MUIS created a special curriculum by proposing the Singapore Islamic Education System (SIES) by introducing the ALIVE curriculum. The role and relevance of madrasahs cannot be underestimated or dismissed because the growing Muslim community and society will always need the right channels for real Islamic education regardless of how progressive or modern it is. This paper provides a broad view of madrasah in Singapore and looks at management, curriculum, and the role of madrasahs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-46
Firda Safitri

Working Group of Teachers of Islamic Religious Education State Elementary School Gerokgak District is an organization engaged in Islamic Religious Education, where the board and its members consist of special Islamic Education Teachers (GPAI) both civil servant teachers and non-civil servants who are responsible and participate in promoting Islamic Education and fight for the rights of students who are Muslim. KKGPAI-SDN Gerokgak District has been established since 20 years ago. During this time KKGPAI-SDN has a desire to memanjukan KKGPAI-SDN Gerokgak District not only in terms of activities, but in terms of administration that is still very manual done using Ms.Word and Ms. Exel, such as in making activity reports covering the results of the contest, filing of GPAI for UAS, UTS, UKK and USBN, financial reports, monthly routine reports of teaching and learning activities GPAI, and archiving correspondence in all aspects, making KKGPAI take a long time to completing the results of the contest to be informed to the school in the sub-district Gerokgak, data collection of funds and the expenditures that will be reported by the secretary to the chairman of the KKG, filing letters and questions made KKGPAI-SDN team compilers, reports on teaching and learning activities to be reported to the Office The Ministry of Religion of Buleleng Regency as a monthly fixed report for KKGPAI and GPAI every month as a means of assessing the District-level KKG and GPAI in advancing its vision and mission. Data collection methods carried out are through observation or field observation, interwiew or interview and literature study. The software development method used is the waterfall method through 5 stages, namely, the analysis stage, the design stage, the coding stage, the testing phase and the maintenance phase. From the explanation and the results of the discussion above can be concluded that the Administrative Information System Working Group Teachers Islamic Religious Education Gerokgak District was designed using PHP and MySQL programming language as one form of efforts to improve the quality Teacher Working Group Administration in District Gerokgak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-181
Nurhadi Nurhadi ◽  
Muhammad Irhamuddin Harahap

Duties and responsibilities of teachers are not limited in society, even teachers included in this case are essentially strategic components that have an important role and responsibility in determining the progress of the nation's life and become the foundation of expectations of children's parents to make their children good children (anaks haleh) who know how to carry out their religious obligations and have a noble character (akhlak al-karimah). This study aims to determine; What are the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Hasan Langgulung's Thought ?. What are the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Buya Hamka's Thought ?. What is the relevance of Hasan Langgulung and Buya Hamka's thoughts on the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education ?. This research is a library research that uses various sources of literature as a source of research data. Primary data sources are the book Hamka Institution of Life and Budi and Hasan Langgulung Man and Education, An Analysis of Psychology, Philosophy and Education. While secondary data sources in research are books, articles, magazines, newspapers, or other sources, which are then drawn from these data. Based on the results of the processed data, it can be seen that the responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Buya Hamka's thinking based on the explanation above, then the responsibility of educators namely educating: a). Faith Education; b). Moral education (morals); c). Physical education (physical and spiritual); d). Community social education; e). Intellectual education. While the Responsibility of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Hasan Langgulung's Thought covers at least 7 things, namely: a). Religious education which includes religious education, aqeedah and worship; b). Moral education (morals); c). Physical education which includes physical education and health; d). Psychological education consisting of psychiatric education and feelings; e). Community social education; f). Intellectual education. The relevance of the thoughts of Buya Hamka and Hasan Langgulung about the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education can be seen that Education basically revolves around science, charity, morals, and justice. All three are concepts that must be interconnected in the education process. Education for humans is not only to fulfill internal interests as dynamic creatures, but also external interests, namely the orderly and harmonious organization of human civilization.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-81
Mohd A’Tarahim Mohd Razali Bin Mohd Razali ◽  
Mohd Yakub @ Zulkifli Mohd Yusoff Bin Mohd Yusoff ◽  
Nor Hafizi Yusof Bin Yusof ◽  
Siti Fatimah Salleh Binti Salleh ◽  
Mohd Faiz Hakimi Mat Deris Bin Mat Deris ◽  

The aim of this study is to explore the importance of Qira’at Mutawatirah as a discipline particularly in the field of fiqh (jurisprudence). As a field of study, Qiraat (Quranic reading) plays a significant role in Islamic Fiqh by way of shaping the opinions and views of the fuqaha’ (jurists). Nevertheless, some fuqaha’ are less familiar with Qiraat as a study which has thus led to some confusion and ambiguity on the matter. It was even suggested that the differences of fiqh found within the madzhabs (sects) are based on the fuqaha’s own Qiraat. Thus this paper is a discussion on the differences of wajh Qiraat within the farsh letters as found among the Qiraat scholars. This paper also analyses the relationship and influence of the Qiraat readings among the fuqaha when it comes to deriving a hukm (principle), particularly on fiqh ibadah (the laws of worship). As such, this significant study sheds light into the approach used by the fuqaha’ when it comes to extracting and deriving laws and principles based on the different Qiraat readings. The objectives of this study are to investigate the extent and role of Qiraat, to analyse and observe the relationship between Qiraat readings of the fuqaha and its relationship to the hukm. This study is based entirely on library research. Overall, the findings show that Qiraat is undoubtedly important; the differences in Qiraat have a major impact in the way that the various Islamic Fiqh were derived from the Qur’anic verses. Nevertheless, the chosen Qiraat readings by Fuqaha, on the other hand, do not play a major role in determining the fiqh within the various sects; instead the wajh Qiraat plays a major role within their respective sects. However, in some circumstances, the chosen Qiraat readings do sometimes become a source which a hukm is decided within their sects, and vice versa. It is hoped that this study becomes a pioneer for other researchers to conduct a more in-depth study on the sciences of Qiraat by exploring it critically within the various perspectives of the Islamic discipline. It is hoped that it can be analysed, studied, understood and implemented in the field of teaching and learning, in line with its importance within the other branches of Islamic discipline. It is hoped that as a study, it can be further expanded and remain significant to the Islamic scholars and the community at large. Keyword: Qiraat Mutawatirah, Fiqh, Qiraat, fuqaha‘   Penulisan ini bertujuan merungkai hubungan rapat Qiraat dalam disiplin ilmu Islam terutamanya ilmu Fiqh. Qiraat menjadi salah satu faktor yang dominan terutamanya dalam mencorakkan perbezaan hukum Fiqh Islami dalam kalangan Fuqaha’. Namun masih terdapat kalangan yang kurang mengetahui dan memahami hakikat kewujudan ilmu Qiraat sehingga menimbulkan kekeliruan dan kesamaran mengenainya bahkan wujudnya pendapat menyatakan bahawa hukum fiqh yang diinstibatkan dalam mazhab adalah berdasarkan daripada Qiraat yang dibaca oleh kalangan fuqaha itu sendiri. Justeru kajian ini akan menyentuh dan membincangkan perbezaan wajh qiraat yang terdapat pada farsh huruf dalam kalangan ulama Qiraat. Dalam masa yang sama, kajian ini juga akan menyingkap dan menganalisis perkaitan dan pengaruhnya terhadap pengeluaran hukum oleh kalangan Fuqaha’ terutama ayat-ayat al-Quran yang melibatkan fiqh ibadat. Kajian ini penting demi memahami keadaan sebenar bagaimana kalangan Fuqaha mengeluarkan hukum fiqh berdasarkan perbezaan Qiraat. Objektif kajian ialah mengkaji sejauhmana perkaitan dan peranan Qiraat pada hukum fiqh, menganalisis dan menilai sejauh mana pertalian bacaan Qiraat yang dibaca Fuqaha’ dengan hukum yang diinstibatkan oleh Fuqaha.’ Secara keseluruhannya, kajian ini dijalankan berdasarkan kajian ke perpustakaan sepenuhnya. Ternyata dapatan hasil kajian ini merumuskan bahawa perbezaan Qiraat pula memberi impak yang besar dalam mencorakkan hukum fiqh dalam ayat al-Quran. Bacaan ‘Qiraat PilihanFuqaha‘ pula tidaklah menjadi faktor utama mempengaruhi hukum fiqh mazhab yang diasaskan oleh mereka bahkan fuqaha hanya menjadikan wajh Qiraat itu sebagai platform utama dalam menentukan hukum fiqh dalam mazhab yang diasaskan mereka. Namun tidak dinafikan juga, bacaan ‘Qiraat Pilihan Fuqaha‘ itu kekadang menjadi sebab penentuan hukum bagi mazhab mereka dan kekadangnya sebaliknya. Kajian ini diharap menjadi perintis kepada pengkaji yang lain untuk lebih prolifik mengenai ilmu Qiraat dalam membahaskannya dari pelbagai sudut disiplin ilmu Islam secara lebih kritis supaya ia dapat ditelaah, dikaji, difahami, diperkasai dan diimplimentasikan dalam aspek pengajaran dan pembelajaran sejajar dengan kepentingannya terhadap cabangan ilmu-ilmu Islam yang lain agar terus berkembang dan bertapak pada kaca mata Ilmuan Islam secara khusus dan masyarakat sejagat secara umumnya.   Kata Kunci: Qiraat Mutawatirah, Fiqh, Qiraat, fuqaha‘.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 385-406
Sofia Zaini Kulbi

Advances in communication technology affect all aspects including aspects of education. An educator is required to create active, effective and fun teaching and learning activities. Related to this, the learning of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is generally still monotonous in using learning media so that students feel bored in learning PAI. PAI’s teacher at SMK Wahana Karya tries to make an innovation in Islamic Education learning, namely by using Android-based mobile learning. This is based on the background of students who on average already use Android in everyday life. So, this study describes android-based mobile learning as a learning medium for Islamic religious education at SMK Wahana Karya. This research uses qualitative methods, where the researcher makes direct observations and interviews. Sources of data used are from school archives, school websites, interviews with principals, Islamic education teachers, and students of SMK Wahana Karya. The results of this study are, although there are still some obstacles, namely in terms of signal and classroom atmosphere conditioning. However, apart from that the use of mobile learning is considered effective and attracts students in learning Islamic Education.

Al-Mizan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Palwi Rakhman

Every married couple hopes that their home life will be created as a family that is confident and full of love. This article will discuss the role of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) in creating happy families. This research is library research which is analyzed by qualitative descriptive. The approach used is a sociological legal approach. The results showed that the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) made efforts to foster happy families through religious education in the family, religious education in the community, religious education through educational institutions, bridal brokering courses, family counseling, fostering adolescents of marriage age, empowering family economies and improving nutrition. family.

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