Erni Zuliana

One of the fundamental problems underlying the author's take on this study, because the learning Arabic has given a teacher of Arabic language still tend to use examples of vocabulary which has not yet led to the formation of the positive character of the child. So the writers try to unearth about the facts associated with the learning process that is in the Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) I Sragen. As a manifestation of the cultivation of character values ​​in Arabic learning, by formulating a problem formulation is; How do teachers implement the Arabic character values in Arabic learning at MAN I Sragen. The subject of this research is the students of class XI MAN I Sragen about 303 students. The discussion in this research was qualitative in nature. Data collection methods used in this research are; observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this research show that implementation of the cultivation of the values of the characters in the Arabic language learning in MAN I Sragen implemented with a wide variety of ways from either intrakurikuler or extracurricular activities. As for the activities of intrakurikuler are integrated into subjects such as in teaching and learning activities (KBM), an extracurricular activities conducted outside the hours of instruction and implementation of character education through orientation learning Arabic in schools that teachers do more accentuated on the example, conditioning and developing learner behavior that reflects the attitude of the confident, Independent, Communicative, Creative, Responsible, Curiosty, like to read.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Usfiyatur Rusuly

This research is designed as a research action performed to improve students' understanding of Arabic vocabularies by taking several actions aimed at improving (1) Students’ motivation in practicing self regulated learning, (2) Students’ readiness before entering class, and (3) Students’ involvement in teaching and  learning process. The subject of the research was the first semester female students of C-26 mubtadi' class in the Special Program of Arabic Language Learning. This research is conducted in a dynamic and complementary process consisting of four important cycles, for example: planning, action, observation, and reflection. From the analysis, it is revealed that there were some actions that positively affected the students' understanding of Arabic vocabularies.

Al-Lisan ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-33
Muhammad Yusuf ◽  
Eka Dewi Rahmawati

Language learning in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 is also influenced by technology information development, for example, on using an application in the teaching and learning process. The application is usually using as a medium for improving language skills or language components, such as vocabulary. One application is efficient and effective in teaching the Arabic language, especially Arabic language vocabulary is a Macromedia flash 8 application. The application can be used to solve the problem which still constraint the Arabic teacher and also the students. This article aims to research the Macromedia flash 8 application in learning Arabic vocabularies. This research used a research design method with procedures, need analysis, application design, application implementation, application evaluation, and application validation. The subject of this research was Islamic junior student's grade IX. The result showed that Macromedia flash 8 application was effective in improving students’ vocabulary, especially related to Islamic fasting, Ied Al-Adha, and hobby. They were presented using text, graphics, and animation. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Wahyudi Buska ◽  
Mukhtar Latif ◽  
Risnita Risnita ◽  
Kasful Anwar Us ◽  
Yogia Prihartini

This study aimed to describe the success of the management of a language laboratory in improving students’ Arabic language competence. This was a qualitative descriptive study. The research findings show that the language learning process through the laboratory increased the students’ listening and speaking skill. The language learning process through the laboratory was supported by extracurricular activities. This activity also had a positive impact on language learning achievement of students who previously did not understand Arabic. Then, laboratory as a place for accommodating students’ talent such as laboratories was very helpful for students in the learning process; this was because the students could communicate directly with native speakers. The implementation of the development of teaching and learning activities using the Arabic language laboratory was directed to students through inservice training programs. The evaluation program was conducted by Arabic language lecturers to see the level of achievement obtained by students after finishing studying in two ways, namely competitive and non-competitive.

Arif Widodo

The researcher believes that a student at the Department of Arabic Language at Sunan University has degrees facing problems when he learns the skill of speech, including weak tendencies that lead to negative student activity and the presence of tedious educational materials in teaching speaking. This research aims to demonstrate the importance of communication materials in speech. Generally, the objectives of this research are to know the importance of activities by Role Playing of Arabic. In addition, specifically, it is to know 1) system of learning skills to speak, 2) Student motivation in process. This research was using descriptive qualitive as research method. The data collection methods was using participation observation, deep interviews, and also documentation. The  results of the research show that  1) The proposed education system contains good goals, comfortable methods and attractive evaluation of educational tools based on the Internet., 2) The communication article indicates the effectiveness of the lesson for the subject of speech and the promotion of students' tendencies to participate in the process of teaching and learning in a likable and interesting way, by creating persuasive educational materials until the result of their daily test reaches 85%, as well as the increase in student tendencies about 90% in participation. The novelty of this research is proving that the student’s performance improvement in his speaking in the Arabic language is mainly related to his continuous practice outside of the classroom and playing. This research has contributed to the problem solving of the lack of learning activeness that arises from oneself. يرى الباحث أنّ طالبا بقسم تعليم اللغة العربية بجامعة سونان درجات يواجه مشكلات حين تعلّمه مهارة الكلام، منها ضعف الميول الذي يؤدي إلى سلبية نشاط الطّالب وكذلك وجود المواد التعليمية  المملة في تعليم التحدث. يهدف هذا البحث إلى بيان أهميّة المواد التواصلية في الكلام، و يهدف بتفصيل أكثر إلى معرفة 1)نظام تعليم الكلام، و2)حالة دافعيّة الطّلبة. المنهج الذي يستخدمه الباحث في هذا البحث هو المنهج الوصفيّ وطريقة جمع البيانات بالملاحظة بالمشاركة، المقابلة المتعمقة والوثيقة. لقد أظهرت نتائج البحث أنّ 1) نظام التعليم المقترح يحتوى على الأهداف الجيدة، الطرائق المريحة والتقويم الجذابةمن الأدوات التّعليميّة المعتمدة على الإنترنيت، 2)تشير المادة الاتصالية إلى فعاليّة الدّرس لمادة الكلام وترقية ميول الطّلبة في الاشتراك في عمليّة التّعليم والتّعلّم بأسلوب محبّب وشيّق وذلك عن طريق تهيئة المواد التعليمية المقنعة حتى تصل نتيجة اختبارهم اليومي إلى 85 % وكذلك ارتفاع ميول الطّلبة حوالى 90% في الاشتراك. وأمّا الإضافة الجادّة للبحث فهي إثبات أنّ تحسّن أداء الطّالب في حديثه باللّغة العربيّة مرتبطٌ أساسًا بممارسته لذلك بشكلٍ مستمرٍّ خارج الفصل، ولعب مع المواد الاتصالية مقترحان في إطار خياليّ وتنشيط عمليّة التّعلّم التي تؤدّي إلى تنمية قدرات الطّلاب على تعلّم مهارة الكلام.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 128
Dicky Rachmat Pauji

Amâlî (Imla) is a methodology used in studying Arabic language and literature that has a very wide scope. Amâlî (Imla) itself can be translated as: to dictate, to add, to fill in and etc. Amâlî (Imla) may also be interpreted further by the following narration: A teacher (ustadz) comes to a place like a mosque, an Islamic school or any learning space in general. In the process of teaching and learning, all that are spoken by the teacher is written down by the students on pieces of paper they had prepared earlier then be compiled into a book which will be preserved. This paper presents a brief summary of Amâlî (Imla) as a methodology which is discussed in many Amâlî (Imla) related literature works written from the beginning of 7th century until the 14th century. The subject Amâlî (Imla) is written in exceedingly diverse manner, unique to each of numerous known authors. This paper also discusses about various meaning of the word Amâlî (Imla) that has been interpreted differently among authors. In addition, the method of separating chapters and other minor distinct writing style that each of various groups of Amâlî (Imla) authors had developed was presented in this work. And lastly, this paper discusses the fact that Amâlî (Imla) related textbook authors were not only originated from the Middle East, but also from regions such as Iran (Huzistan) and Andalusia

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Amanee Abdul Hai ◽  
Ahmad Zaki Amiruddin ◽  
Ahmad Abdul Rahman ◽  
Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud

This study is designed to present a web 2.0 application that provides multimedia and animated video known as GoAnimate.Com which has been used as a learning activity tool directly in Arabic teaching and learning (T&L) process. This activity was implemented in the class whereby the students were actively involved as practitioners and the teachers played the role as facilitators. The guidance to use GoAnimate.Com was explained to students by teachers before dividing them into groups. Each group were asked to prepare an animated video containing simple Arabic conversation using GoAnimate.Com application. Quantitative method was utilized  to make this study successful by using the instrument of questioners prepared to identify students’ perception towards GoAnimate.Com application and their preference of using this application in Arabic T&L at  University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). The result of this study has indicated  that student’s perception towards GoAnimate.Com application in learning Arabic is high with the overall mean score of 4.05. This study has shown  that the usage of GoAnimate.Com can increase students’ engagement and involvement in learning Arabic. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the outcome  of this study  can provide an alternative approach and various strategies in Arabic T&L towards Education 4.0 in the Forth Industrial Revolution era (IR4.0).

Ismail Hasanein Ahmed Mohammad

ملخص البحث: يعتبر الاتصال الشفوي (الكلام) الوسيلة الفاعلة في بلورة الفكرة الكامنة لدى الفرد، وإخراجها بصورة صوتية تمثل تلك الفكرة تمثيلاً واضحاً، وإيصالها إلى الطرف الآخر –المستمع-دون لبس أو غموض، ويرى الباحث أن الطلبة غير العرب عند التّحدث باللغة العربية يتعثرون على الرغم من تخصصهم في تعلُّمِها بوصفها لغة ثانية. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة أسباب إحجام الطلبة عن التحدث باللغة العربية، ومن ثَمَّ إبراز بعض الاستراتيجيات التي استخدمها الباحث في تعليم مهارة الاتصال الشفوي لطلبة بكالوريوس التربية، تخصص تعليم لغة عربية بوصفها لغة ثانية على مدى الخمس السنوات الماضية بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا. توصلت الدراسة إلى أن تعليم وتعلم اللغة العربية خارج موطنها يعتريه كثير من العقبات تتمثل في البيئة المحيطة بالدارس، والمناهج والمقررات، والوسائل المعينة اللازمة، وينبغي أن يخصص وقت لممارسة الكلام باللغة العربية داخل الصفوف الدراسية، وإتاحة الفرصة لكل طالب أو طالبة في التعبير الشفوي، مع التشجيع الكامل من المعلم، ويتم تصحيح الخطأ بطريقة محفزة، وترصد لهم مكافآت ولو رمزية، تعزيزاً لدفعهم للكلام، وكسر حاجز الخوف والخجل، وإكسابهم الجسارة والجرأة والثقة. على أن يكون الوقت المخصص للكلام إلزاميا لجميع الطلبة دارسي اللغة العربية، ولكل المقررات المتعلقة باللغة. الكلمات المفتاحية: إحجام الطلبة - التخصص – اللغة الثانية- الاتصال الشفوي - الاستراتيجيات. Abstract: The oral communication (speech) is the effective method in developing the idea of the individual and to present it in clear representation and delivery to the other party — the listener-unambiguously. Since the oral communication is one of major concern of the target language, the teaching and learning requires using a variety of strategies to achieve the goal of language learning. The focus of this paper is the oral communication difficulties faced by non-Arab speaking students despite their specialization in learning Arabic as a second language. Therefore this paper aims to find out reasons why students con not communicate well in Arabic Language, and highlight some of the strategies used by the researcher in the teaching of oral communication skills for the Bachelor of education students, specializing in teaching Arabic as a second Language over the past five years in the International Islamic University-Malaysia, where the strategies used  had great impact in breaking the barrier of shyness of speaking in Arabic, and improved their performance in oral expression in multiple areas. From these strategies; the use of multimedia presentation, questions and answers, the excitement by viewing the strange or fantastic scenes that evoke the students to express them orally, and movements, representation, simulation and other strategies that draw the attention of students and encourages them to speak. As well as the cooperation and interaction between teacher and students and among the students themselves. The descriptive methodology will be applied in this paper to explore the teaching strategies implemented by the researcher in teaching oral communication skill, which shown great impact on students achievements.    Key Words: Motivating student – Major – Second language – Oral communication – strategies.   Abstrak: Pertuturan lisan ialah satu cara berkesan dalam mengembang idea seseorang itu untuk menjelaskan maksud kepada pihak kedua tanpa kesamaran. Memandangkan pertuturan lisan adalah satu aspek fokus bahasa yang dipelajari, pembeljaran dan pengajarannya memerlukan beberapa strategi untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran bahasa. Tumpuan kertas ini ialah terhadap permasalahan komunikasi yang dialami oleh pelajar bukan Arab walaupun mereka adalah pelajar pengkhususan Bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa kedua. Perbincangan tertumpuuntuk mencari sebab kelemahan pertuturan komunikasi lisan para pelajar dalam bahasa Arab dan beberapa strategi yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam mengajar kemahiran pertuturan lisan bahasa Arab untuk pelajar Sarjana Muda Bahasa Arab Pendidikan daripada lebih lima tahun pengalaman beliau di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia. Startegi tersebut dilihat dapat memberi kesan dalam memecah kebuntuan sikap malu para pelajar bertutur dalam bahasa Arab dan meningkatkan penguasaan mereka dalam pelbagai bidang. Di antara strategi ini ialah: penggunaan multi-media, soal jawab, rasa kagum apabila diperlihatkan gambar yang pelik dan menarik menjadikanpelajar ingin menyatakan pendapat mereka secara lisan. Strategi lain juga termasuk: pergerakan, penampilan, simulasi dan pelbagai strategi yang menggalakkan pelajar bertutur serta sikap saling membantu dan interaksi di antara pensyarah dan pelajar. Kertas ini menggunakan metod deskriptif.   Kata kunci: Menggalakkan pelajar – pengkhususan – bahasa kedua – petuturan lisan – strategi.

Noraisikin Sabani ◽  
Anita Jimmie ◽  
Hanin Naziha Hasnor

The learning environment is defined as “external stimulants” that is exposed or reinforced in learners as a means to challenge their learning experiences. These reinforcements may include physical settings, teaching and learning endeavours, and even cultural and social determiners. This empirical study focuses on the perceived experiences that undergraduates from Brunei, Malaysia, and Indonesia experienced in their Arabic and English language learning environments. This qualitative study employed in-depth interviews with 60 informants that were selected through criterion sampling, snowballing technique. The analysis utilised template analysis. Emerging themes were compared and contrasted, to find similarities and differences. This chapter does not aim to seek the superiority of one learning environment over another but to appreciate the diversity and concord of these institutions. The findings illustrated overlapping, differentiated themes, which included the abovementioned.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 233-253
Asep Sunarko ◽  
Sholeh Sholeh

ABSTRAK Learning Arabic for the world of the Salaf Islamic Boarding School, which focuses on the study of the Yellow Book is one of the most important foundations because without understanding Arabic properly, it will face many difficulties. The learning system in Islamic boarding schools is often called Madrasah Diniyah. This Madrasah is one of the religious education institutions on the outside school path, which is expected to be able to continuously provide Islamic religious education to unmet students on the school path through the classical system. To study this problem, this research was carried out in the Madrasah Diniyah Al-Tarmasi with the subject of madrasah management from the Madrasah Headmaster, the board of teachers and education staff as well. Collecting data in this study are used interviews, observation and documentation as the main instruments with data triangulation as the analytical knife. The results of the study shown that there are several efforts by the Headmaster of Madrasah and teachers in improving the Quality of Arabic language learning by pouring a number of Strategies in: 1) Strategies to improve curriculum and the process of  Arabic learning. 2) Strategies for improving the quality of human resources to improve Arabic learning. 3) Strategies for improving the quality of facilities and infrastructure to improve the quality of Arabiclearning. Keywords: Strategy, Quality of learning, Arabic Language

Abjadia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Mardhiya Agustina

<p dir="RTL">التعليم في الإسلام يشمل جميع أبعاد حياة المسلم. إما الأبعاد الإلهية تتعلق بالله، أو الأبعاد الإنسانية المتعلقة بالناس، والأبعاد الكونية المرتبطة بالكون. وبالتالي فإن مادة التربية في الإسلام هي أيضا واسعة جدا تشمل جميع الأبعاد الثلاثة ، وهي بصفة عامة مواد العقيدة والعبادة والأخلاق واللغة والأدب والعلوم والتكنولوجيا. التعليم الإسلامي مصدره بالكامل يستند إلى القرآن والسنة. وبالنظر إلى أن المصدر الرئيسي هو القرآن والسنة ، فإن اللغة العربية تعلمها وفهمها هو ضروري  لأنها اللغة المستخدمة في كلا المصدرين. اللغة العربية في إندونيسيا كأكبر دولة إسلامية في العالم، هي واحدة من المواد اللازمة في المناهج الدراسية للمؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية الحكومية ، في حين أن  في المؤسسات التربوية العامة هي مواد اختيارية. ولكن بطبيعة الحال في عملية تعليم اللغة العربية واجهت العقبات والصعوبات بالإضافة إلى التحديات ، حيث اللغة العربية هي لغة أجنبية لشعوب إندونيسيا. الإشكاليات والتحديات التي تواجه المؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا متنوعة إلى حد كبير، ولكن في الواقع لا تزال هناك أوجه تشابه في  المشاكل والتحديات المواجهة بين المؤسسات التعليمية مع بعضها البعض ، بحيث يمكن تجميعها في عدة نقاط رئيسية على النحو التالي: (1) الإشكاليات السياسية؛ (2) الإشكاليات الاجتماعية. (3) الإشكاليات المنهجية. لكن على الرغم من العديد من التحديات والعقبات التي تواجهها ، إلا أن كل ذلك يمكن أن يكون فرصة لتطوير تعليم اللغة العربية في المؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا.</p><p>Education in Islam covers the entire dimension of a Muslim's life. Bothdimensions ilahiyyahrelate to their relationship to God, or the dimensions of insaniyyah in relation to other human beings, as well as the dimensions of kauniyyah in relation to the universe. So the educational material in Islam is also very broadly covering the three dimensions, which are largely the subject of Aqidah, Ibadah, Morals, Languages and Literature, Science and Technology. Islamic education is entirely sourced and based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Given that its main source is the Qur'an and the Sunnah, then a necessity to study and understand the language used by both sources is Arabic. In Indonesia as the world's largest Muslim population, Arabic is one of the mandatory subject material in the national curriculum for Islamic education institutions, while for public education institutions as the subject matter of choice. But of course in the course of learning it encounters obstacles and difficulties as well as challenges, where Arabic is a foreign language morning Indonesian people. This research is a library research (Library Research) that is equipped with data from the field. The data collected are from the literature or from the informants related to this theme. The author describes the data through the deskreptive method and then draws conclusions that the undertaking is done objectively and systematically. The results show that the obstacles and challenges faced by Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia are quite diverse, but they still have similarities between one institution and another, so they can be grouped into the following major points: (1) politically problematic ; (2) problematic in sociological terms; (3) problematic in terms of methodology. But despite the many challenges and obstacles faced, but all of that can be an opportunity to develop Arabic language learning at Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia.</p>

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