2021 ◽  
Vol 75 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-51
Oleksiy Tsurkan ◽  

The level of trust of police service depends on objectively transparent and unprejudiced requirements. That’s why we agree with necessity of using of the European approach in conducting «selection» for the duty in the National Police of Ukraine. It is because the main aim of creating a fundamentally new structure of the modern police of Ukraine starts directly with the selection for the service and be in accordance with European terms. The one of the most approaches of translation of legal terminology is the using of a system of law terms. There is mention in the jurisprudence that very necessary to achieve unambiguity of each term in the law texts and legislation. It is striving for the minimum required number of terms, but with the losing of those nuances that are necessary for public administration practice. The article focuses on the differences of the translation definitions of word «selection» that used in Ukrainian law texts and researches. Some researchers revealing the process of «selection» of personnel through the principles of systemic character as a procedure of differentiation staff according to their compliance with a certain type of activity and making the decision on the suitability or unsuitability of candidates. The author determinate etymological origin of the concepts «selection» in Ukrainian and differentiate the using of their translation. The research papers make a suggestion to putting forward changes in legal acts with the propose of remove the inaccuracy in the interpretation concepts. The system of «selection» of the staff of the civil service of Ukraine includes: defining the requirements for applicants for specific vacancy positions of the civil service; review and evaluation of internal and external sources of attraction of candidates, placement of ads on a set; competitive selection; acceptance for positions outside the competition (according to another procedure provided by the current legislation: the transfer system; appointment to the post; selection system; by contract); formation of personnel reserve; internship; assessment of frames. The notion of «selection» has a more meaningful and widespread value, indicating the need for its use in the legislation.

V. Barko

The article is devoted to the problems of searching for psychological and legal opportunities to optimize the professional selection of personnel of the National Police of Ukraine. The foreign and domestic experience of psychological selection of police officers is analyzed, the typical psychodiagnostic tools, which are used in this regard are considered. It is concluded that the existing state regulatory framework for the selection of police officers requires improvement – developing a set of psychodiagnostic methods, determining the psychological requirements of a profession for a policeman’s personality, establishing indicators of psychological suitability to police activities. The expediency of introducing a three-component system of psychological selection of police officers are substantiated, an optimal set of psychodiagnostic methods for determining professional suitability is offered.

1878 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 192-203 ◽  
James Sorley

Although much has been written in recent years on the comparative merits of different methods of valuation, I am not aware that any attempt has yet been made to ascertain the ultimate bearing on the Pure Premium Method, of the facts that have been recently brought forward as to the pressure of the expenses and the effects of selection in an assurance company. Speaking generally, it will, I think, be found that proposals to diminish the pure premium reserve on account of the necessarily heavy expenses of new business, have been made without reference to the mortality profit that may be expected to arise from the recent selection of the lives, and vice versa. This being the case, it occurred to me that it might be of considerable practical interest to make an investigation in which effect would be given to the influence both of expenses and of selection, for it would enable us to estimate how far the one neutralized the other. In order to render the inquiry more clear, however, it will be well to begin by considering each separately.

Tetyana Koliesnik ◽  

The article is devoted to the issues of improving the development of staff capacity and human resource management in the National Police of Ukraine. It is analyzed the domestic and foreign experience of personnel management in the police as an important factor in achieving the strict observance of human rights by police, the implementation of their service function, the formation of new motivation of professional development for police, the development of communication skills and other professionally important individual psychological qualities. The purpose of the article, in accordance with a clearly formulated and properly updated thematic problem, is a research of problematic aspects of administrative and legal providing the training for the National Police of Ukraine and ways’ identification of their improvement on the base of analysis of national and international legislation and generalization of its implementation. The new requirements facing law enforcement managers today require the mastering modern approaches to personnel management. In the middle of the world's progressive concepts of police management in democracies is a human, the policeman, who is considered as the greatest value. The effective management systems are focused primarily on professional and personal growth, development of general and special skills of police officers so that they will be maximally used in professional activities, will be useful to society, contribute to the effectiveness of the law enforcement system. Of course, it is extremely difficult to achieve 100% job vacancies, but there are things that the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Police can do today to solve the problem of staffing. Summarizing the above, it should be noted that the issue of improving staff policy in the police is relevant, as currently there are not clearly such aspects as: professional selection of candidates for police service and holding vacant management positions; motivation, stimulation and personal development of staff. Therefore, in order to fully implement the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police of Ukraine” and increase the efficiency of staff management of the National Police, it is advisable to develop Regulations on the Personnel Department of the National Police of Ukraine to regulate staff issues.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-52 ◽  
I. O. Sviatokum

The article deals with the current legal framework for the activities of the police commissions in Ukraine. These bodies, established under the 2015 Law of Ukraine “On National Police”, are tasked primarily with ensuring transparent staffing of the police by conducting competitive selection of the candidates for the positions in the police. They include representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Police as well as representatives of the civil society, appointed on the by the oblast councils on the local and by the Verkhovna Rada Human Rights Ombudsperson on the countrywide level. However, in the study, a number of problems of the existing regulations have been identified. The first group concerns the way the commissions are established, namely, there is no single approach to the establishment of the commissions of the interregional territorial police forces (such as the Patrol Police). While some of these forces have only one police commission, functioning in Kyiv, the others (including the Patrol Police) have separate police commissions for every oblast. While the latter provides better representation of the local interests, legal status of such commissions requires clarification. Additionally, it was proposed, that establishment of the police commissions on the level below the oblasts seems to be appropriate in order to better represent interests of the communities. The second problem stems from the fact that the contests involving police commissions are obligatory only for the first assignment in the police, while further career decisions are at the respective police director’s discretion. There are no criteria that make appointment through the procedures of the police commissions obligatory for any position in the police, which significantly lowers their relevance for the further career development of the police officers. Therefore, it was proposed to establish a list of the positions, for which the contest would be mandatory. Finally, the article deals with the issue of the policing priorities. While they are mentioned in the Law of Ukraine “On National Police”, the powers of the police commissions to issue them are not sufficiently regulated. It was suggested, therefore, to establish a mechanism, under which the police commissions would draft policing priorities and the respective local councils would adopt them.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (24) ◽  
pp. 10535
Thomas Sedlin ◽  
Volker Beckmann ◽  
Rong Tan

Airport projects can have a significant impact on sustainable development. In Germany, as in many other developed countries, airport development is confronting a dilemma because, on the one hand, airports are important infrastructural components and, on the other hand, airport development faces strong resistance from local populations and interest groups. Thus, uncertainties and long time periods, up to 20 years from the beginning of planning to breaking ground, are quite normal. To ease airport development in Germany, administrative procedures and public participation were enhanced. Nevertheless, even with improved public participation, siting decisions in the case of Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER) were lengthy as usual and remain controversial today due to the selection of Schönefeld as the site. Against this background, it seems that public participation in the case of the BER site selection did not particularly deliver the hoped-for results, but why? To answer this question, Creighton’s principles of effective public participation are employed as benchmarks. Moreover, the benchmarking indicates that public participation was not effectively applied. Thus, the possible benefits of public participation could not or could only be partly reaped. Furthermore, from a broader politico-economic perspective, the analysis exposes that public participation was just “a small cog in the machine” of the BER site selection process. It seems that other factors had a more substantial influence on the siting decision than public participation and led decision makers, in addition to regular challenges, into a predicament that might have made Schönefeld the only possible siting solution. In this context, different counterfactual scenarios are discussed to show under which circumstances other outcomes might have occurred regarding the BER site selection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 106-115
Serikov Andrei E. ◽  

The problem of human sacrifice universality can be formulated as follows: is a human sacrifice a sociocultural universal and, if so, how can this be proved? One possible approach to solving this problem is to show how human sacrifice is realized in modern societies. The main purpose of this research is to substantiate the assumption that there are contemporary analogues of the candidate’s selection for the role of a human sacrifice. If they exist, this will be an additional argument in favor of the opinion that human sacrifice is universal. The elements of human sacrifice can be spread out in time and space, and also be implemented in a different order than in traditional rituals. The hypothesis was that the selection of candidates for the role of victims in such distributed sacrifice is implemented by life and health insurance. As a research method we used the analysis of possible statistical relationships between mortality and life expectancy of people, on the one hand, and the availability of different types of life and health insurance policies, on the other. Since the mortality rate among the military in active service is higher than among civilians, compulsory life and health insurance for military personnel can be viewed as an analogue of the selection of victims. In the case of civilian victims, the availability of voluntary life and health insurance policies for people is positively correlated with life expectancy, which is presumably associated with better medical care in cases of illness or accident. Voluntary insurance can be viewed as an analogue of negative selection: those not insured have a higher chance of becoming a victim.

1975 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 395-407
S. Henriksen

The first question to be answered, in seeking coordinate systems for geodynamics, is: what is geodynamics? The answer is, of course, that geodynamics is that part of geophysics which is concerned with movements of the Earth, as opposed to geostatics which is the physics of the stationary Earth. But as far as we know, there is no stationary Earth – epur sic monere. So geodynamics is actually coextensive with geophysics, and coordinate systems suitable for the one should be suitable for the other. At the present time, there are not many coordinate systems, if any, that can be identified with a static Earth. Certainly the only coordinate of aeronomic (atmospheric) interest is the height, and this is usually either as geodynamic height or as pressure. In oceanology, the most important coordinate is depth, and this, like heights in the atmosphere, is expressed as metric depth from mean sea level, as geodynamic depth, or as pressure. Only for the earth do we find “static” systems in use, ana even here there is real question as to whether the systems are dynamic or static. So it would seem that our answer to the question, of what kind, of coordinate systems are we seeking, must be that we are looking for the same systems as are used in geophysics, and these systems are dynamic in nature already – that is, their definition involvestime.

Methodology ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 177-188 ◽  
Martin Schultze ◽  
Michael Eid

Abstract. In the construction of scales intended for the use in cross-cultural studies, the selection of items needs to be guided not only by traditional criteria of item quality, but has to take information about the measurement invariance of the scale into account. We present an approach to automated item selection which depicts the process as a combinatorial optimization problem and aims at finding a scale which fulfils predefined target criteria – such as measurement invariance across cultures. The search for an optimal solution is performed using an adaptation of the [Formula: see text] Ant System algorithm. The approach is illustrated using an application to item selection for a personality scale assuming measurement invariance across multiple countries.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-110
Rachel Fensham

The Viennese modern choreographer Gertrud Bodenwieser's black coat leads to an analysis of her choreography in four main phases – the early European career; the rise of Nazism; war's brutality; and postwar attempts at reconciliation. Utilising archival and embodied research, the article focuses on a selection of Bodenwieser costumes that survived her journey from Vienna, or were remade in Australia, and their role in the dramaturgy of works such as Swinging Bells (1926), The Masks of Lucifer (1936, 1944), Cain and Abel (1940) and The One and the Many (1946). In addition to dance history, costume studies provides a distinctive way to engage with the question of what remains of performance, and what survives of the historical conditions and experience of modern dance-drama. Throughout, Hannah Arendt's book The Human Condition (1958) provides a critical guide to the acts of reconstruction undertaken by Bodenwieser as an émigré choreographer in the practice of her craft, and its ‘materializing reification’ of creative thought. As a study in affective memory, information regarding Bodenwieser's personal life becomes interwoven with the author's response to the material evidence of costumes, oral histories and documents located in various Australian archives. By resurrecting the ‘dead letters’ of this choreography, the article therefore considers how dance costumes offer the trace of an artistic resistance to totalitarianism.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 217
Estu Nugroho ◽  
Budi Setyono ◽  
Mochammad Su’eb ◽  
Tri Heru Prihadi

Program pemuliaan ikan mas varietas Punten dilakukan dengan seleksi individu terhadap karakter bobot ikan. Pembentukan populasi dasar untuk kegiatan seleksi dilakukan dengan memijahkan secara massal induk ikan mas yang terdiri atas 20 induk betina dan 21 induk jantan yang dikoleksi dari daerah Punten, Kepanjen (delapan betina dan enam jantan), Kediri (tujuh betina dan 12 jantan), Sragen (27 betina dan 10 jantan), dan Blitar (15 betina dan 11 jantan). Larva umur 10 hari dipelihara selama empat bulan. Selanjutnya dilakukan penjarangan sebesar 50% dan benih dipelihara selama 14 bulan untuk dilakukan seleksi dengan panduan hasil sampling 250 ekor individu setiap populasi. Seleksi terhadap calon induk dilakukan saat umur 18 bulan pada populasi jantan dan betina secara terpisah dengan memilih berdasarkan 10% bobot ikan yang terbaik. Calon induk yang terseleksi kemudian dipelihara hingga matang gonad, kemudian dipilih sebanyak 150 pasang dan dipijahkan secara massal. Didapatkan respons positif dari hasil seleksi berdasarkan bobot ikan, yaitu 49,89 g atau 3,66% (populasi ikan jantan) dan 168,47 g atau 11,43% (populasi ikan betina). Nilai heritabilitas untuk bobot ikan adalah 0,238 (jantan) dan 0,505 (betina).Punten carp breeding programs were carried out by individual selection for body weight trait. The base population for selection activities were conducted by mass breeding of parent consisted of 20 female and 21 male collected from area Punten, eight female and six male (Kepanjen), seven female and 12 male (Kediri), 27 female and 10 male (Sragen), 15 female and 11 male (Blitar). Larvae 10 days old reared for four moths. Then after spacing out 50% of total harvest, the offspring reared for 14 months for selection activity based on the sampling of 250 individual each population. Selection of broodstock candidates performed since 18 months age on male and female populations separately by selecting based on 10% of fish with best body weight. Candidates selected broodstocks were then maintained until mature. In oder to produce the next generation 150 pairs were sets and held for mass spawning. The results revealed that selection response were positive, 49.89 g (3.66%) for male and 168.47 (11.43%) for female. Heritability for body weight is 0.238 (male) and 0.505 (female).

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