2012 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 447

This article tries to study the kinds, study areas, and discourse of religious literatures in the pesantrens of Husnul Khotimah and Binaul Ummah, Kuningan Jawa Barat; to know religious discourse, especially in the areas of akidah (faith) and akhlak (morals); and to recognize the characteristics of religious theology of the pesantrens as well as the socio-religious doctrines developed in both of these pesantrens. This research is a field research. The methods of data collecting used in this research are literature study, documentation, interoiew, and participant obseroation. The characterstics of theology which are easily recognized in the the Pesantren of Husnul Khotimah and Binaul Ummah are the theology based on Asy'ariyah and Hanbali characteristics. Based on the moral (akhlak) aspect, both of these pesantrens rely it on some of Hasan Al-Bann as views, especially in the book of Rukn al-'Amal au Manhajal-Islah al-Islami Ii al-Fard wa alMujtama: i.e. the characters of Muslim generation as follow: 1) Quwwah al-Jism, 2) Matanah al-Khulq, 3) Saqafah al-Fikr, 4) al-Qudrah 'ala al-Kasb, 5) Salamah al-'Aqidah, 6) Sihhah al- 'Ibadah, 7) Mujahadah al-Nafs, 8) al-Hirs 'ala al-Waqt, 9) AI-Nizam fi Syu’un killiha, 10) al-Nafu Ii al-Gair Key Words: Theology, Religious Literatures, Pesantren, Jawa Barat

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 499
Ayatullah Humaeni

This article tries to discuss the biograpfhy of KH.Halimy, his role in farming of cadres of Ulama in Ciomas Banten, and his work. This article is a result of field research using descriptive qualitative method based on hisoticaf and anthropological approaches. Literature study, obseroation, interview and documentation are used to collect the data of the research. The data was, then, analyzed by using biographical analysis. As an ulama who was born among the society whose coarse image and was well-k nown as the center of the jawara (local strongman) of     Banten, KH. Halimy emerged as a local ulama who had well behaved attitude, but hard hitting and high discipline who taught his society to be brave not only phisically, but also intellectually and morally. As a result, from his pesantren, it has been born many kyai who were not only able to transfer as well as to teach what had been taught by KH. Halimy, but also able to establish a pesantren in their origin villages. KH.Halimy was a charismatic kyai who had important role in farming religious values through religious teaching in the pesantren Al-Halimy and to Ciomas Banten society.Religious traditions that was inherited to Ciomas society such as reciting Sura yaa-sin, marhaban, dalail, and reading the book of dardir conducted regularly was still maintained by the Ciomas society up to the present day, and it becomes a religious activity that functions not only as a farm of religious service to the God, but also as a symbol of equality and social solidarty of Ciomas society. Key Words: Ulama, KH. Halimy, Ciomas, Banten  

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-25
Damaji Ratmono

Preservation of library materials or library collections is an effort made so that library materials can be used by future generations. This paper describes the "Malaysian" binding method used by the Sub Division of Technical Binding Materials of the National Library of Indonesia in preserving the collection of periodicals such as tabloids and newspapers. Apart from that, this paper also describes some of the advantages and disadvantages seen in the use of the "Malaysian" method as well as the early history of using this method in preserving the collection of periodicals in the National Library of Indonesia. This writing aims to make readers, especially library managers, know and gain insight into the "Malaysian" binding method. This writing method is through descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Methods of data collection are carried out through the field research, interviews, and literature study. The results show that the National Library of Indonesia uses this method after studying it from Malaysia in May 1990. From observations it is also known that this method has several advantages, namely the binding result is stronger, the collection is more preserved, the binding can be assembled and has an aesthetic side. Meanwhile, the disadvantages of this binding method are that the process tends to be longer, more expensive, cannot be put on too many shelves because the collection will shift backwards, the pages tend to come off easily if the stitches are not strong enough, and can only be used in binding periodical collections.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Mohd Din ◽  
Ida Keumala Jeumpa ◽  
Nursiti Nursiti

This research aimed to study how the party`s accountability for offences committed by legislative candidates. What action that taken by a party of electoral violations and whether the party can be charged for. In the doctrine of Criminal Law known by criminal responsibility related to offenders, and in progress subject to criminal law, not only individual but institution or agency or corporation/firms. So, they should be responsible for it. It was a normative legal research, studying the principles of law related to criminal responsibility. Collecting data were done by two stages that were literature and field research. The first aimed to obtain secondary data namely, law material ;primary, secondary and tertiary. And then, the second, collecting data with an in-depth interview with certain key informant. It used a qualitative method.The result showed that party never asked for their responsibility related to offences by legislative candidates who committed election crime because the act did not rule it. The party had not take action associated with offences were done by them. Politic party as cooperation/firms ideally should take account to candidates who conducted the crime. It was a necessary regulation that managed its accountability as in cooperation. Besides, the party should give politics education and strict sanctions to them who did despicable manners. Key words: accountability, party, election of criminal act, legislative ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji bagaimana pertanggungjawaban partai terhadap pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh Calon Anggota Legislatif, Apa tindakan yang diambil oleh partai terhadap pelanggaran pemilu yang dilakukan oleh Calon Anggota  Legislatif dan apakah  partai dapat dipersalahkan terhadap pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh Calon Anggota legislatif. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh karena di dalam doktrin hukum pidana dikenal adanya pertanggungjawaban pidana yang dikaitkan dengan pelaku, dan dalam perkembangannya subyek hukum pidana bukan hanya orang perorangan, malainkan juga suatu badan atau korporasi. Sehingga yang dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban adalah juga suatu badan atau korporasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif, yang mengkaji asas hukum yang terkait dengan pertanggungjawaban pidana, namun demikian diperlukan data lapangan sebagai pelengkap. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui dua tahap yaitu penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Penelitian Kepustakaan (library research), untuk memperoleh data sekunder  berupa bahan hukum; primer, sekunder dan tertier. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam (deptintevew) dengan narasumber yang ditentukan. Data yang terkumpul baik dari hasil penelitian lapangan maupun dari penelitian kepustakaan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Partai tidak pernah dimintai pertanggungjawaban sehubungan dengan pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh calon anggota legislatif yang melakukan tindak pidana Pemilu, karena Undang-undang  tidak mengatur pertanggungjawaban Partai terhadap tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh calon anggota ligeslatif. Partai tidak pernah melakukan tindakan terkait dengan calon legislatif yang melakukan pelanggaran. Partai Politik sebagai Korporasi idealnya juga harus bertanggungjawab terhadap tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh calon anggota legislatif. Diperlukan regulasi  yang mengatur pertanggungjawaban partai terhadap tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh Calon anggota legislatif sebagaimana pertanggungjawaban dalam tindak pidana korporasi. Di samping itu, hendaknya partai melakukan pendidikan politik kepada anggotanya dan memberikan sanksi tegas kepada anggota partai politik yang merlakukan perbuatan yang tercela. Kata Kunci: Tindak pidana Pemilu

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Nur Sukma Suri ◽  
Mascahaya Mascahaya ◽  
Farida Hanum Ritonga

Arabic language influences Indonesian vocabulary in term of borrowing words from Arabic, thus adding vocabulary to Indonesian. Vocabulary address form in Arabic are: ummi, abi, jid, jiddah, khale, khalati, amme, ammeh, ane, ente, antum, ustadz, ustadzah, mu'allimah, habib, bin, binti, akhi, ukhti, buya and the other. This is a field research and literature study aimed to explore terms of address in Arabic at the Arab community in Medan city and their influence in the Indonesian language development in Medan. This is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach that reveals facts, circumstances, phenomena which occur. This research conducted and presented data as it was, especially regarding to addressing terms used in the Arab Community city of Medan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Syawaludin Lubis

The Covid 19 pandemic forced all countries to adopt Social Distancing policies to prevent the spread of the virus. The perceived impact is the change in the dynamics of people's daily lives, where this change from being accustomed to socializing to having to be alone, from interacting to isolating. Teenagers are the most felt part of the impact of this Social Distancing, ranging from school at home, sports at home, gathering at home all activities done at home, this results in the onset of stress due to monotonous and boring activities. Therefore a strategy is needed to overcome the effects of the Covid Pandemic 19. This research method is a literature study, meta-analysis that is analyzing in-depth research journals related to Coping and Covid-19 Pandemic, articles-articles sourced from reputable journal journalists including Scopus including,, ,and The research results show that Coping Strategy is a way for someone to overcome the problems that occur in him, Coping is very adaptive and can be incorporated into the cultural values of each Individual such as the values of spiritual beliefs, thinking patterns and strengths that exist in yourself and the environment. The conclusion is trying to adapt the results of several studies on Coping to deal with Pandemic by combining the cultural potential that exists in Indonesia. This research suggestion is still theoretical, and can be continued in field research

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Ananta Budhi Danurdara

Apprenticeship program is one part of the laborrs force in Indonesia, apprentices basically get the same protection with other labors, but in Indonesia there are many industries that do not provide rights that should be given to participants of the internship program. The purpose of this study was to determine, assess, examine and analyze how the legal protection for participants in apprenticeship programs and practices to determine, assess, examine and analyze an obstacle in the implementation of the apprenticeship program. Study used is descriptive nature Analytical. Secondary data was obtained from the research literature and reinforced with Primary Data obtained from interviews daan questionnaire. Stages of the research literature research and field research. Techniques of data collection are through literature study and interviews. Methods of data analysis using Likert method. The results showed that the occurrence of violations of rights protection for participants in the company's apprenticeship program in terms of three main components, namely Statutory Rights, Contractual Rights and Other Rights on the Protection of Rights Internship Program participants have not been frilly implemented in practice yet. This is because there are some companies who do not exercise rights apprenticeship program participants in the form of the right to obtain employment injury insurance and the right to earn pocket money and or transport money and not doing the apprenticeship agreement in writing between the parties with the company's apprenticeship program participants in a company. Other authors propose recommendations for the educational institutions and industry especially Hotel XYZ at Bandung management to address the existing problems. The purpose of these recommendations is to provide input to the hotel in order to provide protection Rights Internship Program Participants in accordance with the rules of government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 293
Sukino Sukino ◽  
Wahab Wahab ◽  
Ahmad Fauzi Murliji

<p> </p><p class="06IsiAbstrak">Indonesian Muslims are faced with the realities of life that are multi-ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic. It must be responded critically as early as possible. The understanding of diversity (multiculturalism) should truly be the foundation of all components of the Muslim community without exception for the students. Therefore this paper intends to answer 1) material content of Quran Hadith with a multicultural perspective at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Pontianak, and 2) Development and contextualization of Qur'an Hadith material in daily life. This research was categorized as field research and literature study. Data collection methods used were observation, interviews and document analysis. Data analysis was through two models, namely content analysis and Miles and Huberman's model which involved analysis steps, namely: data collection, data reduction, data display, and verification. The authors’ findings on this study are that the content of the Quran Hadith with a multicultural perspective in Madrasah Aliyah is carried out by expanding the reading, the meaning of the implementation of tolerance, social ethics, justice, deliberation / democracy concepts which are constructed from the Islamic universal values and moderation (washathiyah) so they can foster a tolerant and empathy (alturism) attitutes to human beings as a manifestation of an obedient servant.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-154
Novi Febriyanti

The health of a bank based on sharia principles is in the interest of all parties involved, including the owner, bank management, public users of bank services, Bank Indonesia as the bank supervisory authority and other parties. The following article aims to discuss the principles of Sharia prudential banking through an early warning system (EWS) that Islamic banks usually apply. The research method used is qualitative with a field research approach and literature study with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results show that the application of an early warning measurement system for Islamic banks can be calculated using several indicators, namely including return on equity (ROE), return on assets (ROA), financing to deposit ratio (FDR), non-performing finance (NPF) and ratios. operating costs and operating income (BOPO). This is implemented to reduce the level of problematic financing caused by two factors, namely internal factors (the banking sector), namely the lack of maintenance that has been determined, accuracy in business analysis, understanding of the necessary needs, inclusion of sound policy requirements and pursuing targets. External factors (debtors) are natural disasters, decreased business, collateral, increased competition for business types, low education levels and family factors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
I.G.A.O. Mahagangga ◽  
M. Sukana ◽  
I.B. Suryawan ◽  
I.P. Anom

The main problem is how to start the development of tourist village in Bongkasa village. In fact, the locationof this village near Ubud (Gianyar) that many tourists visited everyday. The purpose of are to provide anunderstanding of the potential of tourism owned and provide tourism planning as grand design to develop thevillage of Bongkasa as a tourist village. The scope are potential tourism analysis and tourism planning.Tourism planning based on the potential and existing conditions. The method used are counseling and FGD.Starting from the initial survey, field research and literature study. The results are synergized with theaspirations of local society and analyzed qualitatively from science of tourism perspective. Revealed that thevillage of Bongkasa very feasible for the development of tourist villages with potential of nature, culturalpotential and artificial potential. Bongkasa as a tourist village need macro planning as a grand design calledframework implementation policy development model.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
I Gede Fanny Putra Jaya ◽  
I Gusti Agung Oka Mahagangga

The growth of accomodation number in Canggu Village is very significant and happen on the seashore. Canggu village is a strategic place for investors to invest today. One of accomodation that has been built by investors in this village is Canggu Intercontinental Hotel. The building process of this hotel experienced many problems caused by violation of agreement between investors and local people. Thus, this research aims to determine the conflicts between local people of Canggu village and tourism investors. This research conducted in Canggu village, Kuta Utara subdistrict, Badung regency. The type of data used is qualitative data. The data source used are primary and secondary data. The data collecting technique used are in-depth interview, observation, and literature study. The method used to determine informants is purposive sampling technique, and the informants are chief of Banjar Canggu and head of orderliness and peacefully section of Kuta Utara subdistrict. This research is limited by concept of agreement, concept of local people, and theory of conflict. The result of this research is that the conflicts between local people and tourism investors about access of Batu Mejan and Canggu cemetery in Canggu village, Badung regency are manifest and latent conflict. The manifest conflict is in the form of road blockade to Canggu Intercontinental Hotel construction which done by local people. The latent conflict is in the form of local issues that emerged among local people which can lead them to do physical actions or manifest conflicts with the investors. Those conflicts are proofs of disagreement between local people and investors regarding to the access of local cemetery and Batu Mejan Temple in Canggu village. Keywords      : Conflicts, Local People, Tourism Investors, Canggu Village.  

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