Pelestarian Terbitan Berkala Koleksi Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia dengan Metode Penjilidan “Malaysia”

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-25
Damaji Ratmono

Preservation of library materials or library collections is an effort made so that library materials can be used by future generations. This paper describes the "Malaysian" binding method used by the Sub Division of Technical Binding Materials of the National Library of Indonesia in preserving the collection of periodicals such as tabloids and newspapers. Apart from that, this paper also describes some of the advantages and disadvantages seen in the use of the "Malaysian" method as well as the early history of using this method in preserving the collection of periodicals in the National Library of Indonesia. This writing aims to make readers, especially library managers, know and gain insight into the "Malaysian" binding method. This writing method is through descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Methods of data collection are carried out through the field research, interviews, and literature study. The results show that the National Library of Indonesia uses this method after studying it from Malaysia in May 1990. From observations it is also known that this method has several advantages, namely the binding result is stronger, the collection is more preserved, the binding can be assembled and has an aesthetic side. Meanwhile, the disadvantages of this binding method are that the process tends to be longer, more expensive, cannot be put on too many shelves because the collection will shift backwards, the pages tend to come off easily if the stitches are not strong enough, and can only be used in binding periodical collections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Ahmad Munjin Nasih ◽  
Meidi Saputra ◽  
Tasmuji Tasmuji ◽  
Abd. Syakur

The purpose of this study was to describe the history of the Shiddiqiyyah Tarekat, the forms of nationalism in the Shiddiqiyyah Tarekat, and the meeting point of religion and nationalism in the Shiddiqiyyah Tarekat. The research approach used a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. The data collection techniques used were observation, in-depth interviews, and literature study. The results showed that the Shiddiqiyyah Tarekat was a tarekat with very rapid development and had its own uniqueness that was different from other Sufi groups or tarekat. The forms of nationalism of the shiddiqiyyah tarekat were the eight abilities that must be held, the national monument, the poetry of the source of the independence of the Indonesian nation and the establishment of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the establishment of a brotherhood of love for the Indonesian homeland. The meeting point of religion and nationalism in the shiddiqiyyah tarekat was the concept of hubbul wathan minal iman, which means that love for the country was part of faith.

2019 ◽  
Anna Engelking

Research in the service of politics? The case of Józef ObrębskiThe paper concentrates on the circumstances of the production of anthropological knowledge, created in a dynamic tension between its cognitive goal and the way it is used for political purposes. It provides an insight into a complex network of conditions (intelectual, institutional, financial, personal, political) which determined the production of knowledge in interwar Poland within the then emerging disciplines of ethnology and sociology, in the scope of what today we would call social anthropology.This case study takes a closer look at Polish anthropologist Józef Obrębski (1905-1967), a close student of Malinowski, whose outstanding achievements remained mostly unpublished and thus never came into existence in the master narrative of the history of our discipline. In the 1930s Obrębski conducted ethnosociological field research in the Polesie region in eastern Poland (nowadays, part of Belarus and Ukraine), which was part of a large scale scientific project of the Commission for Scientific Research of the Eastern Territories. This project, financed by the Polish government and headed by a politician, general Kasprzycki, was supposed to be an efficient tool in the politics of the so called state and national assimilation of the Slavic-speaking ethnic minorities. Obrębski’s political views, which were democratic and liberal in character, were opposed to the official political line whereas his functionalist anthropological stance was unacceptable for the mainstream Polish ethnology of the era, still rooted in the positivist paradigm.Anthropological knowledge produced by Obrębski, which we would call today a postcolonial and constructivist approach, began to find recognition only after his death. The biography of this scholar and the story of his “unknown” work, a great example of a non-mainstream phenomenon in a provincial country, makes it easier to reveal undisclosed mechanisms of the system and the thought-collectives of science. Nauka na usługach polityki? Przypadek Józefa ObrębskiegoArtykuł dotyczy uwarunkowań produkcji wiedzy antropologicznej w dynamicznym napięciu między jej celem poznawczym a zastosowaniem do celów politycznych. Przynosi wgląd w złożoną sieć uwarunkowań (intelektualnych, instytucjonalnych, finansowych, personalnych, politycznych) produkcji wiedzy w międzywojennej Polsce, na polu młodych dyscyplin, jakimi były wówczas etnologia i socjologia, polu, które dzisiaj nazywamy antropologią społeczno-kulturową.Bohaterem tego studium przypadku jest polski antropolog Józef Obrębski (1905-1967), bliski uczeń Malinowskiego, którego wybitne prace w większości pozostały nieopublikowane, nie funkcjonują zatem w wielkiej opowieści o historii dyscypliny. W latach 1930. Obrębski prowadził etnosocjologiczne badania terenowe na Polesiu we wschodniej Polsce (region ten dziś należy do Białorusi i Ukrainy), w ramach wdrażanego tam na szeroką skalę programu naukowego Komisji Naukowych Badań Ziem Wschodnich. Projekt ten, finansowany przez polski rząd i kierowany przez polityka, gen. Kasprzyckiego, miał być skutecznym narzędziem polityki asymilacji państwowej i narodowej słowiańskojęzycznych mniejszości etnicznych. Demokratyczne i liberalne poglądy polityczne Obrębskiego były opozycyjne wobec linii politycznej jego mocodawców, zaś stanowisko teoretyczno-metodologiczne, związane z funkcjonalizmem, było z kolei nie do przyjęcia przez polskich etnologów głównego nurtu, przywiązanych do paradygmatu pozytywistycznego.Antropologiczne osiągnięcia Obrębskiego, które dziś sytuujemy w obrębie podejścia postkolonialnego i konstruktywistycznego, zaczęły zyskiwać uznanie dopiero po jego śmierci. Biografia uczonego i dzieje jego „nieznanych” prac, ważny przykład pozamainstreamowego fenomenu w prowincjonalnym kraju, przyczyniają się do poznania nieujawnionych mechanizmów systemu i kolektywów myślowych w nauce.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 116-131
Nadyatunnisa Nadyatunnisa ◽  
Wahyudi Buska

This study aims to discuss the translation style in the Islamic Boarding School Al-Baqiyatushhalihat Kuala Tungkal-Jambi. Specifically the objectives of this researcher are: 1) to find out the style translation (uslub) used in the Al-Baqiyatushhalihat Islamic Boarding School 2) to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the methods used in the Al Baqiyatushhalihat Islamic boarding school 3) What are the efforts of the teachers (asatidz) to increase understanding of the book. This research is a type of field research field research, namely research where data collection is carried out in the field, such as in community environment, institutions and social organizations and government agencies. This research is a qualitative research that is a research that aims to explain social phenomena or a event. This is in accordance with the definition of qualitative research, namely a research that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and from observable behavior. The research pattern that the researcher uses is a qualitative pattern, namely observing people (subjects) in their environment, interacting with them, trying to understand their language and their interpretation of the world around them. While the type of research used is descriptive research. Descriptive research is a type of research that provides an overview or description of a situation as clearly as possible without any treatment of the object researched. The results of the study explain that 1) Style (Uslub) used in the Al-Baqiyatushhalihat Islamic boarding school is a literal translation method 2) The advantage of translation is knowing grammar rules such as nahwu sharf and the drawback is that it is still difficult to find the essence of the discussion 3) The efforts of the ustadz increases the understanding of the book by scientific discussion (bahsul masail).The conclusion that the translation used is the translation of harfian and bahsul masail is an attempt by ustadz to increase understanding of the book

David David ◽  
Andiny Rucitra ◽  
Fibriyenti Fibriyenti ◽  
Anthonio Anthonio

The purpose of this study is to assist the government in introducing traditional music instruments in Indonesia to the community, especially teenagers aged from 16-20 years. Given increasingly in modern era makes people start to forget traditional music instruments and prefers modern music instruments. The method used in this research is literature study, observation, application design, and application testing that has been made. Result obtained from this study is an application that can meet the objectives of the study. The conclusion of this study is that the application gave elements and information about some traditional music instruments in interesting ways through mobile app game followed with attractive appearance and could be one way of helping the government to preserve traditional music instruments and provide insight into knowledge through the history of the instrument.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Ahmad Ahmad ◽  
Nurmaya Medopa

The purpose of writing this article adds insight into the professionalism of Islamic religious education teachers building the character of students. Form the values ​​and characters of students that are useful. This article uses the literature study method with data collection techniques utilizing sources / materials from appropriate books and journals. This article seeks to outline the professionalism of Islamic religious education teachers building student character based on the writer's argument. Islamic religious education teachers have an important task in building students' character through a learning process that is sourced from the material taught by the Koran and Hadith as a guide to life, taught fiqh as legal signs in worship, teaches the history of Islam as an example of life, and teaches morals as a guide for human behavior whether in the category of good or bad. Therefore, Islamic religious education teachers are required to be professional in shaping the values ​​and character of students so that the personality of students is reflected in their behavior and mindset. Another thing to note is the success of learning the values ​​and character of students at school, one of which is also determined by the application of appropriate learning methods

Bogdan Cioruța ◽  
Alexandru Leonard Pop ◽  
Mirela Coman

The natural heritage is defined and accepted as the set of physico-geographic and biocenotic (floristic, faunistic) components and structures of the natural environment, whose ecological, economic, scientific, biogenic, sanogenic, landscape, recreational and cultural-historic significance and value has a relevant significance for present and future generations. Constantly promoting philatelic themes that address the natural heritage, different philatelic associations and post office entities performs a series of postage elements in whose pictures we also find the Romanian industrial preoccupations over time. In this paper we propose an insight into the history of mining-philately and bring into discussion the first significant concerns in promoting mining activity and mineral samples, fossils and gems in Romania. In this context, the main objective of this paper is to identify, index and describe the main philatelic pieces issued in Romania (postal stamps, FDCs, occasional envelopes, postcards and maxicards etc), from the beginning of issuing in this field, namely the period 1945-1960.

Ārija Kolosova ◽  

The aim of this article is to provide an insight into the theoretical principles of the district history, and to actualize the significance and problems of regional history research. Local district historians are the inhabitants and patriots of the area. Their work is an important contribution to the identification and pre-servation of local cultural heritage. In the local research there are no uniform standards, so the results are diverse. However, in the district history research, the level and quality of the research may vary as local researchers are mostly amateur researchers who have focused on researching the history of the region in their spare time for their own interest. Consequently, errors and shortcomings are possible in the research process. This study analyzes the history books of the neighboring regions – Grobiņa, Nīca and Rucava. The authors are local researchers and the content of the books has a large amount of historical sources and literature. The advantages and disadvantages of such studies are also indicated in this article.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-137
Erik Aditia Ismaya ◽  
Santoso Santoso

The purpose of this study is to analyze the Dandangan Tradition while simultaneously analyzing the meaning and value of the Dandangan Tradition as a study of learning in supporting the achievement of the vision of the University of Culture. This study uses qualitative descriptive research and field studies. The main data obtained directly through interviews with informants. observation, literature study and documentation.. The validity of the source triangulation technique is used. Data analysis was performed through inductive-descriptive-verivative analysis. The results of the study showed the Dalih Tradition from the sound of drum beating. The sound of the drum that reads "dang dang dang" compilation is hit in the middle and the sound "dug dug dug" compilation is hit on the edge of the drum then turns into the start of the month of Ramadan castle and is also known as Dandangan. Other opinions mention that Dandangan is taken from the word Ndang, which is obtained from the sound / sound of Bedhug beating, so that the sound of Ndang-Ndang (come on) which is heard by all the people of Kudus and also for Kudus to come and flock to be visited at Menara Mosque can be read from Sunan. Kudus came in order to welcome the Holy Month of Ramadan. The Meanings and Values of the Dandangan Tradition include 1) the early momentum of the holy month of Ramadan, 2) enthusiasm and joy, 3) regular and continuous patterns, 4) harmony, mutual support and the spirit of togetherness, 5) the momentum of the immediate rise, 6) the relationship between worldly life and the afterlife, 7) The inner atmosphere of the Holy community which is full of joy and joy to welcome the coming of Ramadan.

2011 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 79-101 ◽  
Bayo Holsey

On 19 January 1482, a Portuguese fleet of ships under the command of Captain Don Diego d'Azambuja landed at Elmina (a small town on the Gold Coast, what is now Ghana). D'Azambuja immediately set up a meeting with the king of Elmina. King Kwamena Ansa, dressed in all of his finery, met with the Portuguese captain, and during this meeting d'Azambuja asked for permission to build a permanent settlement. At first, Ansa denied his request, stating that he should watch the waves of the sea. Just as they come to the shore, reach the shore, and go back, so too should he continue to come to Elmina, trade, and go back to Portugal. After persistent requests however, Ansa finally agreed and allowed the Portuguese to build a fort known today as Elmina Castle.I first heard this story from men and women in Elmina during field research there in 2001. When I asked people to tell me about the history of the town and gave them free rein to discuss any topic of their choosing, this was often the story that they chose to tell. Kwamena Ansa, it seems, is a local legend. His fame has extended beyond Elmina however, and into Western scholarship. In particular, David Henige has tracked the emergence of Ansa within Elmina's oral tradition. Henige argues that, while this historical figure can be traced through written sources reaching all the way back to the early sixteenth century, his recognition as a past king by local residents in Elmina has a much shorter history. Indeed, Ansa first emerged in kinglists dating back only to the 1920s and 1930s. During this time, Henige argues, local residents began reading European texts about Elmina's history in order to negotiate colonial courts. The inclusion of Ansa on kinglists represents, therefore, an example of feedback, which is the process of the integration of information from the written record into the oral tradition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 365-393
Abdul Karim Batubara ◽  
Rina Devianty ◽  
Azharuddin Mohd Dali

Abstract: This study aims to compare literacy produced by scholars from two major Islamic organizations in Indonesia, namely Al-Jami'atul Washliyah in North Sumatra and Nadhlatul Wathan in West Nusa Tenggara. A comparative study was conducted by looking at various books, kitab, and written works produced by the scholars of these two organizations. This is a field study using qualitative method. Sources of data in this study came from the results of observations, interviews, and literature study. The author's observations were conducted in Medan and Mataram as the main bases of these two organizations. Then the author interviewed the scholars who produced various scientific papers, especially those from the New Order and Reformation era. The author also conducted direct observations of books, kitab or other works of the scholars of these two organizations, journals, and other scientific works related to the research theme. As a result, scholars from these two organizations have produced various works, some of which were written during the New Order and Reformation eras. These works are closely related to the value of Islamic and nationality.اﻟﻤﻠﺨﺺ: تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى مقارنة الأدبيات المختلفة التي أنتجها باحثون من منظمتين إسلاميتين رئيسيتين في إندونيسيا وهما الجمعية الوشلية ومقرها شمال سومطرة ونظرة ووثان ومقرها في نوسا تنجارا الغربية. تتم المقارنة بين المؤلفين من خلال النظر في مختلف الكتب والكتب والأعمال المكتوبة التي أنتجها علماء هاتين المنظمتين. يتم تضمين هذا البحث في البحث الميداني باستخدام طرق البحث النوعي في عملية الكتابة. جاءت مصادر البيانات في هذه الدراسة من نتائج الملاحظات والمقابلات ودراسة الأدب. تم تقديم ملاحظات المؤلف في ميدان ومطارام كأساس رئيسي لهاتين المنظمتين. ثم أجرى المؤلف مقابلات مباشرة مع العلماء الذين أنتجوا أوراقًا علمية مختلفة ، وخاصة تلك التي تنتمي إلى عصر النظام الجديد والإصلاح. في حين أن الأدب يدرس المؤلف بإجراء ملاحظات مباشرة على الكتب أو الكتب أو غيرها من أعمال علماء هاتين المنظمتين ، مقترنة بالبحث عن مصادر أخرى في شكل كتب ومجلات وغيرها من الأعمال العلمية المتعلقة بالبحث سمة. أنتج علماء من هاتين المنظمتين أعمالًا مختلفة ، بعضها كتب خلال عصور النظام الجديد والإصلاح. ترتبط هذه الأعمال ارتباطًا وثيقًا بالقيم الإسلامية والإندونيسية.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan berbagai literasi yang dihasilkan oleh para ulama yang berasal dari dua organisasi keislaman besar yang ada di Indonesia, yaitu Al-Jami’atul Washliyah yang berpusat di Sumatera Utara dan Nadhlatul Wathan yang berpusat di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Perbandingan penulis lakukan dengan melihat berbagai buku, kitab, dan karya tulis yang dihasilkan oleh para ulama dari kedua organisasi ini. Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif di dalam proses penulisannya. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini berasal dari hasil observasi, wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan. Observasi penulis lakukan di Medan dan Mataram sebagai basis utama dari kedua organisasi ini. Kemudian wawancara penulis lakukan langsung dengan para ulama yang menghasilkan berbagai karya tulis ilmiah, terutama yang berasal dari masa Orde Baru dan Reformasi. Sementara studi kepustakaan penulis lakukan dengan melakukan pengamatan langsung terhadap kitab, buku, atau karya lainnya dari para ulama kedua organisasi ini, ditambah dengan pencarian sumber lainnya berupa buku, jurnal, serta karya ilmiah lainnya yang berkaitan dengan tema penelitian. Ulama-ulama yang berasal dari kedua organisasi ini telah menghasilkan berbagai karya, di antaranya ditulis pada masa Orde Baru dan Reformasi. Karya-karya tersebut sangat erat kaitannya dengan nilai-nilai keislaman serta keindonesiaan.

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