2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  

Abstrak. Implementasi Bentuk-Bentuk Akad Bernama Dalam Lembaga Keuangan Syariah. Pada dasarnya, Islam adalah agama yang sempurna mencakup segala bidang kehidupan manusia. Sebagai makhluk sosial, manusia tidak bisa lepas untuk berhubungan dengan orang lain dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Kebutuhan manusia sangat beragam, sehingga secara pribadi tidak mampu untuk memenuhinya dan harus berhubungan dengan orang lain. Hubungan antara satu manusia dengan manusia lain dalam memenuhi kebutuhan harus terdapat aturan yang menjelaskan hak dan kewajiban keduanya berdasarkan kesepakatan. Proses untuk membuat kesepakatan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keduanya, yaitu dengan proses untuk berakad atau melakukan kontrak. Dalam pembahasan fikih, akad atau kontrak yang dapat digunakan bertransaksi sangat beragam, sesuai dengan karakteristik dan spesifikasi kebutuhan yang ada. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini akan mengkaji bentuk-bentuk akad yang lebih berfokus pada bentuk-bentuk akad bernama. Hal ini merupakan syarat yang utama bagi orang yang melakukan aktivitas ekonomi dan bisnis serta memiliki akibat hukum bagi pihak yang berakad. Abstract. Implementation of Akad Bernama in Sharia Financial Institutions. Property played an important role and have a significant influence in human life. As social beings, humans cannot escape to connect with others in meeting the needs of life. Human needs are very diverse, so personally not able to fulfill it and to be in touch with others. The relationship between one human being with another human being to meet the needs there must be rules that define the rights and obligations of both consensual. The process for making a deal to meet the needs of both the process for berakad or perform a contract. In the discussion of jurisprudence, the contract or contracts which can be used to transact very diverse, according to the characteristics and specifications of the existing needs. Therefore, this paper will examine the forms of contract that is more focused on forms of contract named. This is the main requirement for people doing business and economic activity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Ayad Hameed Mahmood ◽  
Zana Mahmood Hassan

This paper is an extract from a PhD dissertation on the impacts of learning English on the self-identity of Kurdish EFL learners. Language is a distinctive feature of human being. Similarly, identity is considered as a sign humans are recognized by. So, scrutinizing the relationship between these two related components of human life is revealing. Most of the research papers in this area focus on how language is used as a tool to express someone’s identity. However, this research focuses on how the process of learning English makes possible changes, if any, in the learners’ self-identity. A Likert-questionnaire of 30 questions is given to 150 EFL learners from three main universities to understand the differences that might happen in the learners’ self-identity as a result of learning English. Finally, some conclusions are drawn based on the collected data and the references are documented.

Ranu Upadhyay

In India, in the ancient scriptures, Vedas and Puranas, religious texts and sages and sages have placed greater emphasis on the purity of the environment. In the Vedas, considering the environment provided by nature as a deity, it is said that-"Yo Devoganon Yo Psu Cho World Bhu Nama Special,Yo dispenser, yo botanical picture, devay namo namahThat is, which is covered with the creation, fire, water, sky, earth, and air, and which is present in medicines and flora. We salute that environmental god.Nature has been extremely generous on humans. Since its rise on earth, humans have been dependent on nature for their survival. Different types of tools are needed to fulfill human needs. It is only by these resources that the basic needs of human being are fulfilled by bread, cloth and house. In the absence of these means, a pleasant human life cannot be imagined. भारतवर्ष में प्राचीन शास्त्रों, वेद-पुराणों में, धर्म ग्रन्थो में तथा ऋषि-मुनियों ने पर्यावरण की शुद्धता पर अधिक बल दिया है । वेदों में प्रकृति प्रदत्त पर्यावरण को देवता मानकर कहा गया है कि-‘‘यो देवोग्नों यो प्सु चो विष्वं भुव नमा विवेष,यो औषधिषु, यो वनस्पतिषु तस्में देवाय नमो नमः’’अर्थात जो सृष्टि, अग्नि, जल, आकाष, पृथ्वी, और वायु से आच्छादित है तथा जो औषधियों एवं वनस्पतियों में विद्यमान है । उस पर्यावरण देव को हम नमस्कार करते है ।प्रकृति मानव पर अत्यंत उदार रही है । पृथ्वी पर अपने उद्वव के बाद से ही मानव अपने अस्तित्व के लिये प्रकृति पर निर्भर रहा है । मानवीय आवष्यकताओं की पूर्ति के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार के साधनों की आवष्यकता होती है इन संसाधनों द्वारा ही मानव की मूलभूत आवष्यकताएं रोटी, कपड़ा एवं मकान की पूर्ति होती है । इन साधनों के अभाव में सुखद मानव जीवन की कल्पना नहीं की जा सकती है ।

2021 ◽  
Vol XIX (2) ◽  
pp. 287-299
Katarzyna Parzych-Blakiewicz

The article presents a theological analysis of Pope Francis’ statements on the sanctity of life with reference to familiological issues. The aim of the research undertaken is to show the value of human life resulting from the relationship between the elements that create the created reality and with God. According to Francis, holiness is closeness to God and the ‘divine space’ in which all creation exists and functions. The sanctity of »life« is shown by the Pope in the following aspects: 1) theological – as an expression of the integration of creation with God, 2) social – as the principle of existence and relations, and 3) defensive – as an imperative to defend the life of every human being. The family is presented by the Pope as a sanctuary of life, a place of sanctifying love and a school of holiness. The conclusions resulting from the theological analysis of papal statements indicate the need for a ‘familiological turn’ encompassing the space of culture and civilization of the contemporary world. Such a turn is necessary for the good of the man for whom the family is the first social circle. The sanctity of life in the familiological area is the principle that defines the sacredness of the family and the determinant of intra-family relationships that develop love.

Frederick C. Beiser

Herder brings the entire human being into focus by tracing its connections with the natural, cultural, and historical world. The first part of the volume examines the various dimensions of Herder’s philosophical understanding of human nature through which he sought methodologically to delineate a genuinely anthropological philosophy. This includes his critique of traditional metaphysics and its revision along anthropological lines; the metaphysical, epistemological, and physiological dimensions of his theory of the soul-body relationship; his conception of aesthetics as the study of the sensuous basis of knowledge; and the relationship between the human and natural sciences. The second part then examines further aspects of this understanding of human nature and what emerges from it: the human-animal distinction; how human life evolves over space and time on the basis of a natural order; the fundamentally hermeneutic dimension to human existence; and the interrelatedness of language, history, religion, and culture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Melly Audina

The impact of globalization has affected many aspects in the development of human life. Over time, the internet has become one of the human needs to survive in this era of globalization. The use of the internet in the world of marketing is not a taboo thing for the people of Indonesia, especially Jakarta. This study aims to determine the effect of reputation, credibility, and persuasive ability of each or simultaneously on the intensity of consumers in choosing a restaurant. The research methodology used is in the form of a quantitative test carried out by distributing questionnaires to 148 respondents and analyzed by SPSS Statistics 22 application. The results of the analysis show that all variables are declared valid and reliable. The credibility variable is considered to have a significant influence on the intention of choosing a restaurant. Reputable variables do not have a significant effect on the selection of a restaurant because the established and strong restaurant names are not affected by the reputation of endorsers. The variable persuasive ability has a significant influence on the selection of a restaurant. Variables of credibility, reputation, and persuasive abilities of food bloggers have a close relationship with consumer purchasing decisions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 62 ◽  
Fairus Shinta

The emergence of Industrial capitalism has introduced various forms of commodities which is basicly produced to meet the human needs that subtantly do not change a way of human life, but gradually changed into something entirely run by a social class strategy, and one of them is fashion. Fashion marketing and the creation of fashionable images that made by the capitalists through the media make many people forced, then become bound in following the fashion world. People are made to be obliged to buy the latest or trendy goods with various brands and prices to be regarded as modern humans who follow the times. Until now, the fashion industry has blended with the phenomenon of life acceleration (dromology), where every fashion product is produced and marketed superfastly to the modernists who are the latest lifestyle consumption trend, bringing fashion business to the next stage, Fast Fashion. But on the other hand Fast Fashion development also gives a very significant influence for the society in the culture of consumerism, eliminating awareness of what is appropriate and able to wear, and what is capable and important to have. And closely related in the humanity will empathy towards fellow human beings and also the environment Keywords: Fashion, Fast Fashion, Commodity, Consumerism, Capitalism, Environment.

Teresa Zawojska

This article analyses the link between the goal of economic activity and the adopted (explicitly or implicitly) concept of the human being. The analysis of the Aristotle’s works shows that productive activity conceived not as a goal in itself but as a tool supporting the development of natural human potential is based on Aristotelian concept of a human being. Aristotle defined the human being as a living creature (i.e. bodily creature) endowed with reason. This means that he perceived human life stretched between the two extremes: the sensuality common with the animal life and rationality proper solely to the human being, thanks to which the sensuality is transcended. Thus Aristotelian conviction that all activity, including economic activity should take into account the transcendent nature of the human being inclined toward realisation of the goal, which is the development of the rational human nature.

2011 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Fauzul Iman

Almost every human needs wealth because it becomes a supporting tool for human life in the World. Besides, it also becomes both the help and the load for its owners in the hereafter. Nobody does not need wealth. Indeed, one ungrudgingfy goes early and comes in the dark time to earn the money. Ructions and losing of soul sometimes happened because of fighting over the wealth. Wealth is a tryout (slander) for human (Q.S. at-Tagabun: 15). Because of wealth one may enter into either the heaven or the hell. This article tries to discuss on the wealth based on the Qur'an. Based on the Quranic perspective, wealth is not merely a tool for satisfying for human needs, but it becomes a medium God mates for human in which it may become either comfort or curse for human being. Wealth, according to the Qur'an, has several functions. Firstly, it becomes a tryout (slander) for human, whether one will be grateful or vice versa. Secondly, it may also become mata' al-hayat ad-dunya (wordly fixings). Thirdly, it becomes wasilat al-jihad (means for jihad) for the owners. Key Words: wealth, slander, wordly fixings, means for jihad.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-89
Nur Hadi

The relationship between one human being and another in fulfilling needs (min min al-Nas), there must be a rule that explains both rights and obligations based on agreement (contract). Humans are never separated from the contract (contract / agreement) in their lives. A contract is a bond of consent (statement of acceptance of a bond) and Kabul (statement of acceptance of a bond) in accordance with the will of the Shari'a which affects the object of engagement (contract). Because of the importance of the contract in human life, of course every thing has wisdom, then what is the nature of wisdom and how are the wisdom of the contract in Islamic economics. The essence of wisdom is an expression that refers to a solid knowledge, which includes (can lead to) makrîfah (recognition) to Allah, which comes from the pure inner eye, and the ability of the knowledge to learn and understand the nature of things in their objective state the realm of reality is limited to the supreme ability of humans in finding and discovering the secrets of the shari'a religion (law) and the purpose of Islamic law. While the wisdom of the contracts in Islamic economics are: 1). Moral and material accountability of both parties emerged; 2). The emergence of a sense of tranquility and satisfaction from both parties; 3). Avoidance of disputes from both parties; 4). Avoid legitimate ownership of property; 5). Ownership status of property becomes clear; 6). There is a strong bond between two or more people in transacting or having something; 7) It cannot be arbitrary in canceling an agreement, because it has been set in shar'i; 8). A contract is a "legal umbrella" in possession of something, so that the other party cannot sue or have it. In simple terms the wisdom of the Covenant is an attempt to uncover the truth, practice the truth and fight lust from all forms of evil and realize benefit and reject damage in the muamalah contract of Islamic economics.

2009 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
Luciano Eusebi

L’affermazione della dignità umana implica il superamento dell’idea secondo cui si potrebbe agire negativamente verso un altro individuo in corrispondenza a un giudizio negativo sulle sue condizioni esistenziali, sulle sue qualità o sulla utilità del rapporto con lui. Ne deriva l’idea antitetica di rapporti intersoggettivi fondati sul riconoscimento di ogni altro come soggetto portatore di esigenze relazionali proprie della communitas humana. In questo senso, dandosi una connessione inscindibile tra ogni profilo dell’umano e la corporeità, solo il rispetto della vita in tutto l’arco in cui essa è in atto salvaguarda il principio di uguaglianza, quale presupposto della democrazia. La stessa decisione contro la propria vita, in quanto produce il venir meno dell’individuo come soggetto morale, non può ritenersi un’affermazione coerente della dignità umana. Sotto il profilo giuridico, configurare relazioni mediche finalizzate alla morte (ferma la non doverosità di trattamenti sproporzionati) compromette il ruolo garantistico svolto dalla tutela della vita, esponendo i soggetti più deboli a pregiudizi sostanziali della loro dignità. ---------- Affirming human dignity implies overcoming the idea that one is entitled to act negatively towards another human being, on the basis of a corresponding negative judgment on his/her personal conditions or qualities, or on the basis of how useful the relationship with him/her might be. Consequently, the opposite idea has to be fostered, i.e., the idea that interpersonal relationships are grounded in the recognition of every “other” person as someone who carries all the relational needs specifically linked to the communitas humana. This said, given the inseparable connection between all aspects of humanity and our bodily dimension, only the full respect of the human life throughout its course can safeguard the principle of equality, which is a fundamental condition for democracy. The decision to act against one’s own life is in itself not coherent with human dignity, since it terminates the individual as a moral agent. From the juridical point of view, allowing patient-doctor relationships aimed at causing death (accepted that disproportionate clinical treatments are not due) endangers the warranties played by the legal protection of human life, and therefore it substantially affects the dignity of those who are weak.

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