scholarly journals Marketing principles for the formation of veterinary services

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (91) ◽  
pp. 46-50
S. I. Poperechnyi ◽  
L. V. Babych

Тhe problems of the formation of market veterinary services and the marketing activity of business entities that provide such services are analyzed in the article. The practical significance of these problems is combined with inappropriate attention to this issue in scientific publications. They were not taking into consideration in the process of agriculture reforming on the basis of private property and market relations. The competitive environment in this area has not been formed by this time. Improper veterinary services, due to the limited funding of public veterinary services and the slow formation of non-state veterinary services, restrain the formation and development of family-type farms that mostly need of such services. Due to the problems of ensuring the safety of products, the possibilities of increasing the export of livestock products are limited. State support to newly created business entities with a focus on the provision of veterinary services was not provided. Because of  the high risk of such activity, bank loans were not involved in purchasing the necessary equipment. State veterinary services have significant competitive advantages because the material and technical base has been formed for a long time. The advantages of these services are being increased by repayment at the expense of state budget funds. Formally, the state departments of veterinary medicine were aimed at the formation and development of non-state alternative services. However, as a result of such efforts, one should expect coming the competitors in the market of veterinary services, the capacity of which was reduced. Accordingly, it is hopeless to expect that such efforts will be effective. It has been shown that the marketing activities of the services providing veterinary services should be carried out taking into account that the main competitive advantage of the veterinary service is a set of characteristics that is valuable for potential consumers. The customers of veterinary services first of all evaluate the possibility of obtaining operational professional assistance, reputation and professional behavior of the person providing the service, the level of the organizational process, availability of the necessary equipment and the package of services. A significant number of veterinary services are urgent and have destined seasonal nature, indicating the importance the efficiency factor in the veterinary service system.

Adam Bodіuk

The subject of the study is the mechanism for determining the fiscal fee forthe main transportation of hydrocarbon goods as a resource concept. The purposeof this article is to justify the nature and prospects of using, instead of currentrent, hydrocarbon fiscal-main income as a fiscal payment, which is brought intothe state budget by operators of the main hydrocarbon-transport system as business entities for their transportation of hydrocarbons and products of their processing through main pipelines appropriate to the economic requirements. Theresearch methodology is determined by a combination of methods: a) cognition:legal analysis (study of the regulatory framework for the use of rent); b) justification: abstract logical analysis (definition of the concepts of hydrocarbon fiscalmain income); c) generalization (substantiation of conclusions and proposals).Results of work. In the process of analyzing the regulatory legal acts that regulate the use of current annuity as payment to the budget for the main transportation of hydrocarbons, it was established that it is not a tax in the interpretationof PKU, since the essence does not meet the official definition of tax, does notmeet the accepted definition of the concept of rent. The accepted nature andmechanism of paying rent for the transportation of hydrogen resources and associated revenues of the state and users of the main hydrogen transport systemand the unpromising nature of its use as a fiscal payment are analyzed. Conclusions.It is proposed that the state pay for the territorial pumping of hydrocarbon resources according to our triple principle as hydrocarbon fiscal-main income, whichcorresponds to its essence, and accordingly change the mechanism for calculatingand depositing funds to treasury accounts. Since the funds come to the revenueside of the state budget, that is, inherently belong to state revenue. The creationof such a mechanism needs certain studies, justifications and government decisions. The same applies to land use, since the quality indicators of soils, wherethe laid pipelines are territorially different. In addition, there is a process ofchanging land for its intended purpose, for the property. The fee for movinghydrocarbon resources should be calculated depending on the type of transport,including pipelines, for a set of indicators: quantity and quality of goods, time,main tariffs and distance of its movement. The amount may be adjusted usingfactors officially established by the CMU. Since the pipelines are located in territorial lands, part of this fee should be transferred to the territorial local budgets.Theoretically, the economic use of trunk pipelines should be considered as a typeof economic environmental management. Therefore, this type of government revenue should be determined by a set of indicators, as well as taking into account the economic interests of business entities authorized by the CMU. Thus, theimplementation of our proposed fiscal payment is relevant, has scientific noveltyand promising practical significance, therefore, for state recognition it is proposedto include it in the Tax Code of Ukraine.


Purpose. The aim of the work is a comprehensive analysis of the current state of affairs and the main problems in the interaction between railways and seaports in the organization of freight traffic, as well as possible ways of solving these problems. Methodology. In the process of research, the methods of analysis and synthesis were used to study the content and the main provisions of scientific publications on the issues of establishing effective interaction between rail and sea transport, in particular, when organizing export traffic, with their subsequent comparison and generalization; methods of statistical analysis and forecasting to determine the existing and future traffic volumes in the rail-water communication, taking into account the unevenness. Results. Export is one of the main sources of filling the state budget of Ukraine, accounting for a third of its GDP. More than 60% of export cargoes go through Ukrainian ports; while 75% of export volumes are delivered to ports by rail. In recent years, the existing system of interaction between railways and seaports is increasingly showing its ineffectiveness, which results in an increase in the delivery time of goods, a deterioration in the operation of rolling stock, and an increase in the cost of transportation. One of the reasons for this situation is the inconsistency of the existing capacity of the port railway infrastructure with modern operating conditions, which are characterized by a change in the economic model, a change in the directions and structure of cargo flows, and the active development of port terminals. An effective way to solve the problem of reducing the imbalance in the processing capacity of ports and the pre-port railway infrastructure is public-private partnership in the implementation of appropriate investment projects, the assessment of which should be carried out using modern scientific approaches. Scientific novelty. The results obtained as a result of the study make it possible to provide a scientific basis for the further development of public-private partnerships for the development of railway pre-port infrastructure. Practical significance. The development of the infrastructure of pre-port railway stations and sections at the expense of public-private investments will increase the efficiency of logistics of freight transportation in rail-water communication, reduce their cost and, accordingly, increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian goods in foreign markets.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 322 (8) ◽  
pp. 67-78
Ivan Marko ◽  
Oksana Radchenko ◽  
Oleksandr Melnychuk

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the features of financial risks of the budget component of financial security of Ukraine on the example of the analysis of expenditures for individual security-forming sectors. Research methods. A monographic method was used to review scientific publications of researchers and the regulatory framework on budget security, empirical, systemic and comparative analyzes and synthesis for monitoring indicators and sub-indices of financial and budget security, a graphical method to reflect the dynamics of the studied indicators, a statistical method to identify the integration of risks, abstract logical for theoretical generalizations and conclusions. Research results. Financial risks for the sphere of budget security are classified. The dynamics of the integrated index of economic security and subindex of financial security, and in its structure, budgetary security is analyzed; operational budget expenditures and expenditures on the food and national security sectors. The directions based on which the types of budget security are regulated are determined: focus on achieving the strategic goal; the need to guarantee the priority of budget expenditures for specific industries in the context of political, economic, artificial and global crises; for economic sectors - compliance with the balance of the industry's contribution to GDP and the share of its funding from the State Budget. Scientific novelty. The definition of financial risks of budget security as threats to organizational, regulatory, and administrative measures for the formation of state budget revenues and expenditures has been further developed. The analysis of financial security sub-indices for the current period is in-depth. The connection between financial and budgetary security has been established. The dependences of the dynamics and efficiency of budget expenditures on individual security-forming industries are studied. Methodological support of budget security analysis processes and approaches to the effectiveness of state regulation has been improved. Practical significance. Improvement of the grouping of financial risks, methodical approaches to the definition of directions of the state regulation of decrease in the level of financial risks in the field of budgetary safety is offered. Some conclusions of the study can be used to form the Strategy for the development of security-forming industries. Tabl.: 7. Figs.: 1. Refs.: 31.

Christine Michael

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is defined as an illness caused by a novel coronavirus, now called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; formerly called 2019-nCoV). COVID-19 is an emerging respiratory infection that was first discovered in December 2019, in Wuhan city, Hubei Province, China.1 The 2019-nCoV has close similarity to bat coronaviruses, and it has been postulated that bats are the primary source. While the origin of the 2019-nCoV is still being investigated, current evidence suggests spread to humans occurred via transmission from wild animals illegally sold in the Huainan Seafood Wholesale Market.2 SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the larger family of ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses, leading to infections, from the common cold, to more serious diseases, such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).1 The main symptoms of COVID-19 have been identified as fever, dry cough, fatigue, myalgia, shortness of breath, and dyspnoea.1 COVID-19 is characterized by rapid transmission, and can occur by close contact with an infected person.1 COVID-19 has spread widely and rapidly, from Wuhan city, to other parts of the world, threatening the lives of many people 1. By the end of January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a public health emergency of international concern and called for the collaborative effort of all countries, to prevent its rapid spread. Later, the WHO declared COVID-19 a “global pandemic” 1. It is mainly transmitted through respiratory and close contact, which leads to the phenomenon of clustering infection in families and hospitals. Because of the sudden nature of the outbreak and the infectious power of the virus, it will inevitably cause people anxiety, depression and other stress reactions.3 It is necessary to understand and investigate the public psychological states during this tumultuous time.3 The results of the survey are of great practical significance to the information provision, cognition, behavior guidance and psychological support of governments at all levels.3 Understanding and investigating the public psychological states during this tumultuous time is of practical significance.3 Social and family attention and mental health support are essential. 3However, we think that the psychological impact of this pandemic like stress and anxiety among the general population is also a grave concern. Hence, this study attempted to find the psychological impact of COVID 19 on people in selected areas in Mumbai. Objectives: (1) To assess the psychological impact on people due to the pandemic of COVID-19 (2) To find the association between psychological impact and their selected demographic variables (age, gender, religion, marital status, educational status, occupation, family type, income, area of residence, and housing type). Review of literature: 3 sections (1) Studies related to psychological impact of COVID 19 on general population (2) Studies related to psychological impact of COVID 19 on health professionals (3) Studies related to psychological impact of COVID 19 on students. The Conceptual framework for the study was based on Health Promotion Model. Methodology: The Research Design used was descriptive study. The sample size was 200 people from selected areas of Mumbai. The samples were selected by using snow ball method. The data were collected by using self- administered 4 point Likert scale which was developed by the investigators. The tool was validated by 5 experts. Reliability was established by split half method. (r = 0.8). The main study was conducted in selected areas of Mumbai. The data collected were tabulated, analysed and interpreted using statistical test such as chi square. Findings of the study: The findings of the study revealed that there was severe psychological impact due to the pandemic of COVID-19 among the people. There was no significant association between psychological impact and age, sex, religion, marital status, family type, income, area of residence, and housing type except educational status and occupation which were significant (chi square values 21.03) for the psychological impact on the people and the rest of the demographic variables are found to be non-significant. Conclusion: The study concluded by stating the fact that, the psychological impact of people due to the pandemic of covid-19 was severe. The findings, recommendation and conclusion were stated adequately.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 87-97
M.I. Slozhenkina ◽  
A.A. Mosolov ◽  

In 2020, six dissertations were defended at the dissertation council D 006.067.01 on the basis of the Volga Region Research Institute of Manufacture and Processing of Meat-and-Milk Production, one of which for the degree of doctor sciences. The research is devoted to solving the actual problems of the production of livestock products: milk, pork, meat of broilers, chicken eggs, meat and ostrich eggs through the use of new feed additives. This article provides a brief overview of dissertations, shows the scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the research carried out, and presents the results of implementation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 26-29
Mariia PANCHENKO ◽  
Stanislav IVANOV

Introduction. The paper examines organizational communication capacities that are studies as a signifi cant component of organization strategic potential. The purpose of the paper is to define the structure and content of organizational communication capacities and identify methods for assessing them. The author combines three research areas: assessment and analysis of organization communication capacities, organization communication strategy development, and organization willingness to change. Results. Two groups of organization communication capacities are revealed, that represent different approaches to strategic development of organization communication capacities. The fi rst group relies on the long-term planning of using external resources, the second promotes changes in the organization. The author presents criteria for assessing organization communication capacities skills that ensure fl ow of resources to the organization. Using the modern concept of information transparency the author highlights universal (common to different legal and business entities and partners) communications that shape business image of a transparent enterprise. Basic and additional components of the customer-oriented communication impact are studied, organization communication capacities that promote organizational change are described. Conclusion. Organizational capabilities are the actual article of research both from the point view of dynamics scientific publications and from the point of view the confession of importance of this aspect of strategic management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (523) ◽  
pp. 140-150
O. T. Zamaslo ◽  
D. A. Kozak ◽  

The article is aimed at examining the problem of laundering black money in the offshore jurisdictions. Attention is paid to the key factors that attract economic entities regarding business registration in offshore zones. The impact of the tax burden on the process of moving profits to offshore jurisdictions is considered. The volumes of losses of the State Budget of Ukraine related to tax evasion of the funds placed on the accounts of offshore companies have been studied. The most typical schemes of laundering black money in offshore zones are presented, as well as a number of stages that form the process of laundering are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on round tripping investment as a key mechanism for returning foreign funds to a resident in the form of foreign direct investment, the main factors in the use of round trip transactions by Ukrainian business entities are allocated. Attention is drawn to the percentage of countries, which are the largest investors in Ukraine. It is determined that the use of offshore schemes by Ukrainian businesses contributes to the growth of the shadowing of the national economy and causes a direct negative impact on Ukrainian financial security, which is confirmed by the results of the National Risk Assessment 2019. Emphasis is placed on the OECD / G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) initiative to prevent money laundering offshore, and Ukraine’s key measures to implement relevant international standards are specified. Prospects for further research in this direction are to identify measures directed towards deoffshorization of the national economy, including through the implementation of the BEPS 2.0 Action Plan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (9) ◽  
pp. 9-34 ◽  
A. F. Zakirova ◽  
Ye. N. Volodina

Introduction. For over two decades, Russian education has been in a state of permanent reform. Due to the long and unproductive nature of the modernisation process, researchers are paying special attention to systemic factors, noting that system optimisation processes are structured primarily around organisational and technological models derived from industry. The prevalence of the technological component over the axiological results in the consolidation of a pragmatic, narrowly functional, technocratic vector of education development. To overcome this situation and to break this deadlock, a profound reconsideration of the values underlying mechanisms of reform is required, taking into account multifaceted personal, social, national and universal relations, as well as unity of content, forms and means of education.The aims of the research were identified as follows: to analyse the current trends of modernisation in comprehensive schools and higher educational establishments; to justify humanistic mechanisms for improving the modernisation in the context of language education, which performs personally developing and socialising functions under ideological pluralism and opposition of value systems.Methodology and research methods. The research was conducted taking a person-activity-based approach, referring to cultural-historical concepts, ideas of philosophical hermeneutics and traditional principles of pedagogical methodology. The theoretical framework was based on the publications and philosophical foundations of Russian and foreign scholars, who define the key role of humanistic principles and value orientations in education. The following standard research methods were used: comparison, induction, deduction, abstraction, synthesis, specification, structural and logical modelling, content analysis of documents and scientific publications on the stated problem, observation, questioning, peer review and experiment. In addition, non-standard methods and research techniques such as metaphorical modelling, biographical method and interpretational techniques were used.Results and scientific novelty. Modernisation processes in Russian education were considered: regulatory base, purposes, priorities, problems and prospects. The following thesis was proposed: at the new stage of socio-historical transformation, it is necessary to overcome the negative effects of long-term practice in the reform of the national educational system through developing established traditions as well as updating the humanistic potential of education and ensuring its axiological enrichment. The authors consider pedagogical hermeneutics as a potentially productive means and methodological tool. Pedagogical hermeneutics implies a heuristic and poly-variable apperception of reality through education in order to understand and interpret different genres of cultural texts, providing simultaneous support both to the general public and to the individual, on the basis of rational and emotionally intelligent experience accumulated in science, religion, art, language and national traditions – i.e. culture as a whole. It was shown that language education based on principles of pedagogical hermeneutics is capable of establishing humanistic mechanisms of personactivity-based social norms and cultural models. The authors presented a number of modelling options for the realisation of the proposed hermeneutical approach: various experimentally-validated techniques, educational approaches and procedures designed by teacher-researchers were briefly described, focusing on the achievement of qualitative conformance of educational results to the humanistic appeals and urgent needs of society.Practical significance. The use of hermeneutical techniques as educational tools and procedures allows us to decode semiotic information of curricula subjects; in addition, when using meta-language, it is possible to expand the content by adding personal value-sense and dialogical subjectivity, as well as to transform it into a personal sign-symbol or behavioural template. The acquisition of language experience in the process of humanistic-centred education increases the immunity of a student to various manifestations of character defectivity, strengthening identity and resistance to manipulation of consciousness in political and ideological processes and mass media. Moreover, language experience resists the deformation of the communicative sphere and verbal-cognitive processes, encouraging personal self-realisation.

Марина Сергіївна Татар

Formulation of the problem. Modern global challenges and imbalances necessitate cooperation in new realities, change the interaction nature to counter global challenges by activating the most effective forms, methods, types and mechanisms of interaction and creating a new values philosophy and motivational guidelines for socio-economic interaction. The processes of socio-economic uncertainty of economic prospects in the context of global challenges require the formation of  theoretical and methodological basis for the economic entities interaction. The aim of the research is formation of theoretical and methodological basis for economic entities socio-economic interaction in the context of modern global challenges. The subject of the research is theoretical aspect and methodological aspect of business entities socio-economic interaction in global challenges context. The methods of the research: historical method, methods of verification of theoretical positions (morphological analysis of the content and interrelation of categories, principles and laws, assessment of historical facts to theoretical hypotheses), methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, logical method (hypothetical and axiomatic approach), comparison method. The hypothesis of the research. In the context of global challenges, it is necessary to change the nature of interaction, for which it is necessary to form a theoretical and methodological basis for such interaction and determine the directions of necessary changes in interaction. The statement of basic materials. Within the epistemological field of research, the definitions of "interaction" as social, economic, philosophical, psychological and managerial categories are analyzed. The providing subsystems of business entities social and economic interaction in the conditions of global challenges are determined, among which the normative and legal, financial, logistical, personnel, informational, logistic, infrastructural, psychological, scientific, institutional, organizational supporting subsystems are singled out and characterized. Within the content (paradigmatic and methodological) basis of the research, it is proposed to distinguish the paradigmatic provisions of socio-economic interaction and the methodological basis of business entities socio-economic interaction research in the context of global challenges. The originality and practical significance of the research. The research of business entities socio-economic interaction in the context of global challenges includes four interrelated blocks – theoretical and explanatory basis of interaction, content (paradigmatic and methodological), applied and managerial basis of interaction, which complex covers possible interaction aspects. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The article considers the theoretical and methodological basis of business entities interaction during global challenges, within which the implementation of the relevant logical blocks is proposed. Within the framework of further research it is planned to develop an applied basis of interaction, which will provide a diagnostic and prognostic field of socio-economic interaction in the context of global challenges and modeling of of business entities socio-economic interaction, as well as management basis of interaction of business entities, which will provide a sequence of management stages of the socio-economic interaction process and determine the interaction effectiveness in global challenges.

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