scholarly journals Pelestarian Permukiman Tradisonal Batak Toba di Kawasan Ekowisata Tano Ponggol

Rizka Fadli ◽  
Dwira Nirfalini Aulia

Kawasan ekowisata Tano Ponggol merupakan daerah yang memiliki potensi keindahan tersendiri, selain kondisi alam yang indah juga tersebar beberapa peninggalan bangunan permukiman tradisonal batak. Bangunan permukiman tradisional tersebut jika dikembangkan dengan baik maka dapat menjadi destinasi khusus dan ikon wisata kawasan Tano Ponggol. Namun kondisi fisik bangunan tradisional tersebut kurang diperhatikan oleh berbagai pihak baik itu pemerintah maupun masyarakat yang menempati permukiman tradisonal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melestarikan permukiman tradisional Batak Toba dengan hasil penelitian berupa masukan dan upaya pelestarian serta menganalisis potensi penggembangan permukiman tradisional Batak Toba sebagai kawasan ekowisata. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap masyarakat di permukiman tradisional serta melakukan pengamatan langsung di wilayah studi, selanjutnya metode yang dilakukan dengan metoda deskriptif kualitatif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah memberi masukan atau usulan terkait pelestarian bangunan permukiman tradisional Batak Toba sehingga bisa menjadi destinasi wisata di kawasan Tano Ponggol, Pangururan.   Tano Ponggol ecotourism area is an area that has its own potential of beauty, in addition to the beautiful natural conditions are also scattered several relics of traditional Batak residential buildings. If the traditional settlement building is well developed, it can become a special destination and tourist icon in the Tano Ponggol area. However, the physical conditions of these traditional buildings were not considered by various parties, both the government and the people who occupied the traditional settlements. This study aims to preserve traditional Toba Batak settlements with the results of research in the form of input and conservation efforts and analyse the potential development of traditional Toba Batak settlements as an ecotourism area. The study was conducted by conducting interviews with the people in traditional settlements and conducting direct observations in the study area; then the methods carried out by qualitative descriptive methods. The conclusion of this study is to provide input or suggestions related to the preservation of traditional Toba Batak settlement buildings so that they can become tourist destinations in the Tano Ponggol area, Pangururan.

Wahyudi Ishak ◽  
Ahmadin Ahmadin ◽  
Najamuddin Najamuddin

This study aims to determine the potential of historical attractions in Sinjai Regency, the development of historical tourism in Sinjai Regency 2008-2016, and the impact of historical tourism on the communities around the site, the government and tourists. The method used in the research and writing of this thesis is a historical research method, which includes: heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interview and literature study techniques. The results of this study indicate that Sinjai as a Level II Region in South Sulawesi has tourism potential that is not inferior to other regions. The Batupake Gojeng Archaeological Park, the Karampuang Indigenous Area, and the Balangnipa Fort are one of the historical tourist destinations offered by Sinjai Regency. Although the Tourism and Culture Office of Sinjai Regency was only established in 2017, activities in the tourism sector will continue to be carried out in previous years. The three historical attractions have their respective developments both in terms of facilities and infrastructure to the number of visitors. The contribution of each element in the development of the historical tourism sector in Sinjai Regency is something that needs to be improved. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that the historical attractions in Sinjai Regency have an impact on the socio-cultural, educational and economic sectors for the local government and the people who live around the site.

Wahyu Fatimah Chaniago

This study aims to determine the work culture of the sub-district government in providing administrative services to the community in the Covid-19 era. The research method is a direct qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation, and interviews. The study results show a fundamental service change in 2020, namely the pattern of routine and usual ways of working that are very different felt by the people who will provide services at the Teluk Ambon District Office. Changes in bureaucratic work procedures are caused by the public's complying with the health protocol and maintaining a sitting position, which is one meter while providing services at the Teluk Ambon sub-district office.

Dharmakarya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Neneng Komariah ◽  
Pawit M. Yusup ◽  
Encang Saepudin ◽  
Saleha Rodiah

Plantation and forestry areas can become new tourist destinations that offer natural beauty and education. In addition, with the development of agro-tourism in one tourist destination area, it will provide benefits for increasing the income of the community and the government. The potential of this natural tourism must be maintained until later it can be inherited to future generations. For this reason, the efforts of the surrounding community are needed to continue to preserve nature and its characteristics well. Cooperation of all parties is needed so that the development and continuity of the agro tourism village is in accordance with what is expected together. One of them is the dissemination of information about the environment to the people of Paledah Village, Pangandaran Regency. The method of implementing PPM was conducted with a focus group discussion conducted by village officials, agro-tourism village developers, PKK cadres, PAUD teachers and PPM implementation teams. The FGD resulted in the dissemination of a guidebook on environmental care information. In conclusion, the people of Paledah village have an environmentally caring attitude that can be seen from their daily behavior by always maintaining cleanliness, active community service, saving water and energy and being able to invite the surrounding community to take care of the environment. Daerah perkebunan dan perhutanan bisa menjadi tujuan wisata baru yang menawarkan keindahan alam dan pendidikan. Selain itu, dengan berkembangnya agro wisata di satu daerah tujuan wisata akan memberikan manfaat untuk peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat dan pemerintah. Potensi wisata alam ini harus tetap dipertahankan hingga kelak dapat diwariskan pada generasi di masa mendatang. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya masyarakat sekitar untuk terus melestarikan alam maupun kekhasannya dengan baik. Diperlukan kerjasama semua pihak agar perkembangan dan kelangsungan desa wisata agro ini sesuai dengan yang diharapkan bersama. Salah satunya dengan diseminasi informasi peduli lingkungan pada masyarakat Desa Paledah Kabupaten Pangandaran. Metode pelaksanaan PPM ini dilakukan dengan focus group discussion yang dilaksanakan oleh aparatur desa, pengembang desa agrowisata, para kader PKK, guru PAUD dan tim pelaksana PPM. Dari FGD tersebut dihasilkan upaya desiminasi berupa buku panduan mengenai informasi peduli lingkungan. Kesimpulannya masyarakat desa Paledah memiliki sikap peduli lingkungan yang dapt terlihat dari perilaku sehari-hari dengan selalu menjaga kebersihan, aktif kerja bakti, hemat air dan energi serta mampu mengajak masyarakat sekitarnya untuk ikut peduli lingkungan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-103
Tasriani Tasriani

This study aims to determine the literacy of the village community about agricultural zakat and what factors are behind the lack of village people in paying agricultural zakat. This research approach uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Collecting data from this research are interviews, documentation, and observations. The sources of data obtained from primary data sources are from the head of Sidodadi Village, one of the hamlet heads, community leaders, and farmers. While the secondary data source is documentation obtained from the field. Zakat is a property that must be issued for Muslims to those who are entitled to receive it, such as the faqir, poor, amil, converts, slaves, gharim, fisabilillah, and ibn sabil. The agricultural zakat is all agricultural produce that is planted using seeds, the results of which can be eaten by humans and animals. Agricultural zakat can be in the form of grains, tubers, vegetables, fruits, flowers, and so on. The results of this study are the lack of public literacy about agricultural zakat, besides that there has been no socialization about agricultural zakat from community leaders and from the government which causes the people of Sidodadi Village to have low agricultural zakat literacy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-108
Putri Hergianasari ◽  
Kurniawan Netanyahu

Radical movements colored the 2019 Elections, especially the dichotomy of the Jokowi and Prabowo camps. This phenomenon also occurs among the people of Yogyakarta after the 2019 Presidential Election. The research aims to map the transformation of fundamentalist groups in Yogyakarta after the 2019 Presidential Election. The significant analysis was carried out to provide sources of information to the public and government regarding the transformation of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) after the 2019 Presidential Election. The researchers used qualitative descriptive methods with the analysis of the theory of social resource mobilization. The research results showed that the transformation of the radical movement that formerly took the anarchist forms and down to the streets, now is more focused and organized by entering the community through religious education and recitation groups, both in universities and at household meetings. This research concludes that in order not to be parallel to HTI, which the government dissolved, the transformation of tranquility is one way to maintain the existence of radical organizations but in a more friendly framework or guise. All of these resource mobilization movements take the form of informal social networks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Ferdiansyah Ferdiansyah ◽  
Ilham Ilham ◽  
Dian Puteri Nurbaity

The creative economy industry is currently starting to develop rapidly in some cities in Indonesia, including Kendari City. Although relatively young, the development of the creative economy in Kendari City is supported by the increasing enthusiasm of young people in this industry. Therefore, to support the interests and talents of the people of Kendari City, especially young people, this study aims to create a place in the form of a Creativity Center Building with the theme of Expressionism. This theme is considered in accordance with the existing conditions in this city which can describe the expression of building users which is reflected in the appearance and interior of the building. This research uses qualitative descriptive and quantitative methods. Based on the analysis of location and site determination, this building is planned to be built in Kadia District with a total area of ​​± 4.34 Ha. The design of the facade /in this building is taken from the form of Kalosara which is a symbol of unity and peace from the Tolaki Tribe, as well as from the logo of the Creative Economy Agency. This form is the result of a study of the theme of Expressionism Architecture. The results of the planning of this building are expected to be a reference for the government in creating a place that can support the economy, especially in the creative industry of Kendari City.

Syed Marwan ◽  
Nor Razinah Mohd Zain ◽  
Engku Rabiah Adawiah Engku Ali ◽  
Mohamed Aslam Haneef

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented humanitarian challenge which requires innovative solutions. One apparent challenge among governments is to come up with appropriate funds to finance economic stimulus packages. Such stimulus packages are necessary for the protection and wellbeing of the people and to ensure that the economic operations remain intact. By looking into Islamic economics, various solutions can be explored as offered through Islamic social finance instruments such as zakat, waqf, and sadaqah, as well as its innovative solutions specifically available from the capital market sectors. This chapter explores the potential development of an impact-waqf SRI sukuk for funding economic stimulus packages, with special focus to Malaysia. This chapter proposes a solution in achieving such purpose by referring to the Impact-Waqf SRI sukuk, either based on temporary or permanent cash waqf structure. Returns of investments to investors ultimately depend on the social impact and key performance indexes (KPIs) as achieved from the economic stimulus packages. It is found that the impact-waqf SRI sukuk can be issued either by the government or government-linked company (GLC) and economic stimulus packages can be offered to institutional as well as retail sectors. An option can be given to the investors to waive-off their claims on the capital and returns. Consequently, the government can offer tax rebates or coupons which are equivalent to the value of the waived-off investment.

2018 ◽  
Ardyansyah Arief Budi Utomo

To face the challenges of the global economy especially in the field of sports, Indonesia has a good chance. Every region of Indonesia has a great beauty, but the people of Indonesia have not been able to utilize, manage and preserve properly. Sport Tourism is one of the strategies that is quite effective in improving the tourism industry in Indonesia. Therefore, the need for cooperation between the society, local government and the Ministry of Tourism to be able to develop and provide excellent tourist destinations. One of the policy breakthroughs that can be done is to combine tourism and sports culture. In addition to additional income, it is expected that the people and the government of Indonesia are able to manage well, preserve the natural surroundings, able to cultivate the community and promote sports.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-77
Ridan Muhtadi ◽  
Anindya Yusuf Wirmanda ◽  
Gancar Candra Premananto

Human welfare from an Islamic perspective pays attention to a balanced satisfaction between material needs and spiritual needs. Some policies have been implemented by the government to improve social security to humanity, but the lack of spiritual morale and lack of coordination between the related institutions resulted in policies that have not been implemented optimally. Consumer protection, which is one part of optimizing programs, has not yet run coordinatively. Therefore, the writer has an idea that can be implemented, which is Maqashid Sharia-based Consumer Education and Protection on Social Security for Muslims, the Poor, the Poor, and Non-Muslims to achieve falah with aspects that are the dharuriyat needs namely maintenance of faith (din), soul (nafs), reason (aql), descent (nasl), wealth (maal). The implementation of education and consumer protection based on maqashid sharia is a government apparatus, BAZ, LAZ, UPZ, and awareness for fellow human beings to bear the needy and poor alike in order to achieve the benefit of the people. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive approach. The concept of education and consumer protection based on maqashid sharia can be a creative and productive solution related to various moral and spiritual problems and the management of social security, justice for the poor in getting social security as mandated in the 1945 Constitution and the Koran. In addition, the implementation of this program is expected to achieve the independence of the people and the achievement of falah for all people.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Sylvia Kurnia Firdaus ◽  
Teguh Santoso

Quality of Puskesmas Service Influence the Community Satisfaction in Puskesmas Kalirungkut Kota Surabaya. Public service as a form of good service both in the public goods, public service and even administrative service that in principle as responsibility and performed by government institution in order to meeting the basic needs of public at large. The government had tried to fulfilled the society needs on health service by established hospitals and Public Health Centres (PUSKESMAS) in whole of Indonesia region. In this case of Puskesmas Kalirungkut Surabaya city conducted various efforts to improve its service quality. This research has purposes to examines the service quality of Puskesmas influencing people satisfaction in Puskesmas Kalirungkut of Surabaya. Focus of the study grounded on five dimension of service quality (SERVQUAL) subject to Parasuraman that are Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy.  The research method that used   is qualitative descriptive. The result of the research showed that are 1) service quality in Puskesmas Kalirungkut of Surabaya seen from dimensions of Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy are good. 2) Service conditions in Puskesmas Kalirungkut of Surabaya conducted to the public based on Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy get rating of fairy good. 3) People satisfaction on service in  Puskesmas Kalirungkut of Surabaya about the people wants on puskesmas services included Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy are fairly good in the service managing process then people is satisfied enough. However the people satisfaction does not maximally improved enough due to still found lack in time punctuality and fastness then is necessary to be increased.  Keywords:  Service quality, Public service, People Satisfaction

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