2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Mudjiastuti Handajani ◽  
Ferry Firmawan ◽  
Harmini Harmini

<p>The performance condition of public transportation services in Salatiga City does have an average rating of still good, but it still has classic problems such as there is no passenger stop, public transportation takes a long time to catch up on deposits, and passengers do not know the fare per kilometer that must be paid. These conditions encourage research activities in the form of an analysis of the performance of public transport passengers in Salatiga City (Case Study of the Tamansari – Blotongan Route). The long-term goal of this research is that the resulting analysis can contribute to stakeholders in Salatiga City, especially in terms of (public transport) towards smart transportation. The specific target to be achieved from the research is the analysis and modeling of the performance of passenger public transport services that will be carried out in Salatiga City, in the form of field surveys and secondary data collection, namely: number of vehicles, number of passengers and data in the form of public transport routes: routes, schedules, speeds and Primary forms are: boarding alighting (up and down passengers) and headway (distance between two public transport vehicles). The analytical method used is the analysis and modeling of the performance of passenger public transportation services in accordance with Government Regulation No. 10 of 2012 Directorate General of Land Transportation concerning Minimum Service Standards for Road-Based Mass Transportation. The results showed that the physical condition of the passenger fleet of Salatiga City on the Tamansari - Blotongan PP route was classified as suitable for use. There are a total of 90 fleets that are sufficient for the needs of Salatiga City public transport passengers who want to travel by means of transportation. The results of the performance analysis based on various indicators show that the performance quality of public transportation services in Salatiga City has met the standards set by the Directorate General of Land Transportation. It can be seen from the results of the load factor analysis with a value of 0.72, the value is included in category A, namely &gt; 0.8. For the level of satisfaction and level of performance, most of the indicators have met the satisfaction of public transport passengers in Salatiga City, so it is sufficient to maintain it. However, there are indicators of waiting times for public transportation that need to be improved.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Ni Nyoman Triatna ◽  
Herawati Herawati

ABSTRACTTirerc is a serious problem 011 Public transportation in Singaraja city dealing with tire increasingnumber of 111otora;cle lzas declined people interest to use public transport. People feel more comfortable using 111otorcycles for tlzeir daily activities.As the conequense urban public transport seruices in Singaraja lzas not reached local road. Since the rates charged are quite e:xpensive as well. TJ1iere fore people pr~fer to use public private titan transport vehicles. this condition may bring public transportation in Si11garaja get worst. Two methods are carried out to calculate the quality of public transport services first accordance witlz the standards of the Directorate General of Land Transportation Ministry of Transportation and second, utilize tlze nzetlwd of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Based on the results due to the standards of tire Directorate General of Land Transportation Ministry of Transportation the city transportation in Singaraja still have good performance. While the result analysis of Importance Pe1formance Analysis (IPA) showed that 15 factor indicators, three factors indecated has a good perfomiance vehicle that is hygiene, driver peiformance and the route, seven factors indicated not important perfonnance and less priority by the transport users such as the walking time to the destination, no need moving vehicle, easily get in and get out the vehicle, additional facilities (music, etc.) and travel cost. The factors are needed to be handling quite serious because it has a less peiformance and very important by respondents such as courteous service, seat comfort, tire physical conditio11 of public transport, vehicle speed and safety in vehicles.Key Words: public transport, services, Singaraja

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 4216
Krister Ian Daniel Roquel ◽  
Raymund Paolo Abad ◽  
Alexis Fillone

Despite the extensive transit network in Metro Manila, intermodal connections between public transportation services are still fragmented. In response, authorities proposed various multimodal transport terminals around the periphery of the metropolis. However, there is a need to understand how these proposed terminals will impact existing transportation infrastructure and services as well as the current travel demand. This paper proposes a method that quantifies the nearness of any subject to any metric of interest, or in this case, the location of the terminal based on its proximity to existing transit supply and demand at different points in the transport network. It involves a simple methodology that requires only the spatial distribution of relevant transport planning data (e.g., public transport services, public transport passenger activity). It was found that the spatial distribution of the transport terminals in the study area is more closely related to the transit supply. Using the same methodology, several potential locations in Metro Manila (e.g., central terminal, terminal along a major junction) were assessed to see whether these are viable sites for a multimodal terminal. One scenario configuration was found to be better integrated with where trips start and/or end, while another seemed to improve integration of the existing railways.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-46
I Gusti Agung Tria Masdiana Putra ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti

Abstract-Transport is a facility that functions as the transfer of goods or people from one place to another. Seen in the community environment, in fact there are still a number of transporters who carry out actions outside standardization as well as carrying passengers in excess of the prescribed capacity, this has violated traffic rules and violated the rules on consumer protection, In addition, due to the neglected passenger rights and a lack of awareness of passengers in terms of security and comfort as service users, the authors are interested in lifting the title and conducting research on legal protection for public transport passengers at Trans Serasi Tabanan. The problems of this research are; 1. How is legal protection for public transport passengers as consumers of transportation facilities? and 2. What is the responsibility of the carrier for errors that result in losses for public transport passengers? This research is categorized into empirical research, because it wants to know the form of legal protection for Trans Serasi Tabanan passengers. From the results of the research and discussion show that the lack of awareness of the transporters in paying attention to the safety and comfort of passengers and passengers is also less aware of the importance of their rights to obtain security and comfort in using public transportation services so that their rights as service users are ignored.This legal research is expected for the transporters to pay more attention to the comfort and safety of passengers and the passengers are also more selective in using public transport services so that there are no events that can cause harm in any form. Keywords: Legal Protection; Passenger; Public transportation Abstrak-Angkutan merupakan sarana yang berfungsi sebagai pemindah barang ataupun orang dari suatu tempat ke tempat lainnya. Dilihat dalam lingkungan masyarakat, kenyataanya masih ada beberapa oknum pengangkut yang melakukan tindakan diluar standarisasi seperti halnya mengangkut penumpang dalam jumlah melebihi kapasitas yang telah ditetapkan , hal ini sudah melanggar tata tertib dalam berlalu lintas serta melanggar tata tertib tentang perlindungan konsumen. Selain itu, adanya hak-hak penumpang yang terabaikan serta kurangnya kesadaran penumpang dalam hal keamanaan dan kenyamanan sebagai pengguna jasa, maka penulis tertarik mengangkat judul dan melakukan penelitian mengenai perlindungan hukum terhadap penumpang angkutan umum Trans Serasi Tabanan. Adapun permasalahan dari penelitian ini yakni; 1. Bagaimanakah upaya perlindungan hukum terhadap penumpang angkutan umum sebagai konsumen fasilitas transportasi? serta 2. Bagaimanakah tanggung jawab pihak pengangkut terhadap kesalahan yang mengakibatkan kerugian bagi penumpang angkutan umum? Penelitian ini dikategorikan ke dalam penelitian empiris, dikarenakan ingin mengetahui bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi penumpang Trans Serasi Tabanan. Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa kurangnya kesadaran dari pihak pengangkut dalam memperhatikan keamanan dan kenyamanan penumpang serta dari pihak penumpang juga kurang menyadari pentingnya hak-hak mereka untuk memperoleh keamanan dan kenyamanan dalam menggunakan jasa angkutan umum sehingga hak mereka sebagai pengguna jasa pun terabaikan. Penelitian hukum ini diharapkan bagi pengangkut agar lebih memperhatikan kenyamanan dan keamanan penumpang serta pihak penumpang juga lebih selektif dalam menggunakan jasa transportasi angkutan umum agar tidak adanya kejadian yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian dalam bentuk apapun. Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum ; Penumpang ; Angkutan Umum

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-26
Amrizal Amrizal

In the absence of a decent, efficient and economical public transportation service, it can be an obstacle for people, especially tourists, to be able to access their desired goals. Of course this will leave a less pleasant impression for tourists, which potentially reduces the attractiveness of tourists Toba Region which indirectly affect the income of the government and also the people of the tourism sector. Based on these considerations, it is time for both central and regional governments to develop tourist public transportation in Toba and surrounding areas more seriously to improve accessibility and mobility and affordability of travel costs in the region. This can be done by revitalizing the existing public transportation route to be transformed into a public transport route. Based on survey results of public transport users for tourist destinations the number is relatively moderate ie between 2-55% of the total passengers transported at the time of the survey. Recorded only from the Terminal shadow Simpang Pos to Brastagi City, Tongging and Paropo and Terminal Siantar to Parapat, Sidamanik and Tiga Ras indicating the existence of passengers with tourist destination. Based on survey results, only public transportation to Berastagi has Load Factor above 100% that is 124%, so it needs to increase the number of its fleet from 18 units to 24 units. Aspects of public transport services assessed include: travel time, waiting time, ease of getting tickets, seat availability, seating comfort and freedom of movement, stopping / terminals, security during travel, travel safety, route info / public transportation routes and complaint media / complaints about service. The survey was conducted on 255 respondents with the aim to see the perception of passengers on public transport services. From the general survey results for all aspects of public transport services assessed, the perception of passengers on public transport services / tours is still in the good category of 49.29%. However, it does not mean that public transport services / tours that are all there are good because passengers who assess public transport services / tours bad and very bad is also quite a lot in the average that is 1.76% and 7.41%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-132
Adinda Sekar Tanjung ◽  
Puspita Dirgahayani

Abstract   The demand for rural public transportation is dominated by people who cannot access private vehicles. In terms of the number of operating routes and the performance of their services, currently rural public transport services tend to decline. The mobility of rural communities to reach social facilities can be hampered if there is no public transportation service, which in turn will reduce the quality of human resources in rural areas. This study focuses on the movement characteristics of rural public transport passengers in Kuningan Regency. Several rural transportation routes were taken as samples, namely route 030 Cilimus-Linggarjati, route 061 Cilimus-Mandirancan, and route 037 Lengkong-Rancakeusik. This study shows that the characteristics of the movement of rural public transport passengers are an integral part in an effort to maintain rural public transport services. These characteristics of passenger movement can be used to improve the performance of public transportation, become input for public transport operators, and become material for local governments to make policies   Keywords: rural public transportation; public transport routes; public transport services; public transport performance.     Abstrak   Permintaan angkutan umum perdesaan didominasi oleh masyarakat yang tidak dapat mengakses kendaraan pribadi. Dari sisi jumlah trayek yang beroperasi dan kinerja layanannya, saat ini layanan angkutan umum perdesaan cenderung semakin menurun. Mobilitas masyarakat perdesaan untuk menjangkau fasilitas sosial dapat terhambat jika tidak ada layanan angkutan umum, yang pada akhirnya akan menurunkan kualitas sumber daya manusia di kawasan perdesaan. Studi ini berfokus pada karakteristik pergerakan penumpang angkutan umum perdesaan di Kabupaten Kuningan. Beberapa trayek angkutan perdesaan diambil sebagai sampel, yaitu trayek 030 Cilimus-Linggarjati, trayek 061 Cilimus-Mandirancan, dan trayek 037 Lengkong-Rancakeusik. Penelitian ini  menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik pergerakan penumpang angkutan umum perdesaan merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam upaya mempertahankan layanan angkutan umum perdesaan. Karakteristik pergerakan penumpang ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja angkutan umum, menjadi masukan bagi operator angkutan umum, serta menjadi bahan pemerintah daerah untuk membuat kebijakan.   Kata-kata kunci: angkutan umum perdesaan; trayek angkutan umum; layanan angkutan umum; kinerja angkutan umum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (21) ◽  
pp. 9066
Methawadee Chaisomboon ◽  
Sajjakaj Jomnonkwao ◽  
Vatanavongs Ratanavaraha

Due to the rapid increase in population and the change in age structure toward the elderly, the phenomenon of societal ageing is being witnessed in many countries. The elderly travel less than the adult population due to decreasing mobility with an increasing age. In this study, we aimed to analyze the expectations and satisfaction of public transport users in Thailand using traditional importance performance analysis (IPA), gap analysis, and IPA integrated with competitor performance. We aimed to explain the differences in the analysis results produced by the three methods. The data were obtained from surveying 2250 elderly and 450 non-elderly adults. This study presents guidelines for improving the public transport service quality in Thailand to meet user needs. The results of this research showed that each approach provides its own distinctive aspects and theoretical differences, which lead to different interpretations. The results from the three approaches showed that equipment that increases safety for public transportation service users is an important factor for all elderly passengers that must be improved. Public transportation services in different regions should be developed to provide more reliable and regular services.

2013 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
Syahriah Bachok ◽  
Mariana Mohamed Osman ◽  
Ummi Aqilah Khalid ◽  
Mansor Ibrahim

In facing the challenges of urban traffic congestion, when people are becoming more dependent on private vehicles, public transportation services should be functioning effectively as attractive alternative modes. This research evaluates how rail public transport users perceive day to day quality of the provided services. The study investigates commuters‟ satisfaction levels of various trip making aspects on board KTM Komuter trains, a commuter services operated by the company Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad (KTMB), a heavy rail operator in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A systematic probabilistic sampling questionnaire survey was conducted among the users during the month of December 2011 until March 2012. A sample of 1000 questionnaire forms returned by respondents have been gathered for purposes of ascertaining the overall satisfaction level and analysis on selected aspects of the performance indicators. The results have shown that the majority of the respondents perceived KTM Komuter services to be below the levels that the users had expected, especially the non-adherence to published schedule and travel times, frequency or headways, capacity, the physical conditions of the rail coaches and the information on delays. Most of them expected better services to increase their satisfaction levels. Hence, it is concluded that for the rail public transportation to be sustainable and continuously relevant, the operator has to increase KTM Komuter‟s effectiveness and efficiency or the services have to in the least remain attractive to the existing users.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.12) ◽  
pp. 388
Moka Eswar ◽  
A Titus Manohar ◽  
Akshay Mani

With the increase in the number of public and private buses in cities in recent years, managing the bus fleet across various routes in an efficient and effective manner has become cumbersome. This is resulting in suboptimal services, inability to effectively cater to existing demand, and poor quality of public transport services.  Modern technological advancements have created a tremendous opportunity to improve various aspects of public transport services, to not only serve existing demand but attract increasing number of passengers to public transport from a sustainable development standpoint.  One such area which is gaining momentum is intelligent fleet management using the concept of Internet of Things (IoT).  This area calls for a cross-field collaboration between engineers from various disciplines to use the up and coming idea of Internet of Things (IoT) for overcoming the challenges of intelligent fleet management. This paper explores the opportunity for incorporation of IoT to manage bus fleets based on the occupancy ratio and the resulting benefits that can be achieved in terms of fleet frequency optimization.

2013 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 64-75 ◽  
Marcel Horňák ◽  
Tomáš Pšenka ◽  
František Križan

Abstract The long-distance public transport services among the eight regional centres of Slovakia, representing the key urban locations with concentrations of most of the country’s services, including business, educational and financial institutions, as well as political power, are examined in this article. It is assumed that the mutual transport interconnections within this group of cities will be a focus for public transport operators in their attempt to gain the largest possible share of potential customers, passengers who would otherwise be users of individual transport means. Hence, one of main aims of this study is to compare public and individual transport modes, and the possibilities offered by them in the mutual interconnections of major regional centres in the country

2018 ◽  
Vol 229 ◽  
pp. 04020
Yossyafra ◽  
Ingrid Haryana B ◽  
Yessi Ferdina

Flood disaster in the urban area can have an impact on the transport of people, goods, and animals. It will certainly result in the disruption of public transportation activities because the road and utilities are probably cannot be passed by vehicles. The objective of the research is to contribute to the analytical basis related to urban public transport services resilience evaluation during the flood. The simulation model is based on the assumption that the primary objective of an urban public transport service during a flood disaster is to continue serving passengers on a predefined service corridor. An example of the application and analysis of this simulation model, simulated for three floods condition, i.e. the first is a high flood prediction that may occur in Padang city (based on The Padang City Development Planning document) and two floods that hit in the year 2016 and 2017. These simulations showed that urban public transport service in Padang city is relatively vulnerable to flood disaster. Lesson learned here have implication for urban public transport services. An interesting outcome of this simulation model has obtained the deviation of urban public transport service route during the flood. There are many parameters that affect the resilience of urban public transport services in the face of floods, and these parameters could be a topic for future research

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