2018 ◽  
Vol 64 ◽  
O.Yu. Litinska ◽  
V.I. Palenha

The article deals with to the problem of the interpretation of phraseology with the keywords 腹 and 怒 り. Definition of the concept sphere, in which the semantic features of phraseology are revealed. The cultural paradigms and typical meanings of phraseologies associated with these concepts in the Japanese language are considered. The variants of literal translation of phraseologies are offered. A semantic distinction is established between close phraseological units with «anger» meaning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 79 (3) ◽  
pp. 119-123

The features of linguistic conceptualization and representation of traditional confessional and cultural values in the linguocultural space of various societies are analyzed from ethnocultural, cognitive, socio-mental and linguo-confessional positions; identifies and characterizes constant and newest transformations and modifications of the denotative-semantic content of the most important concepts in the Russian and European mentality in the modern conditions of globalization. The theoretical significance lies in the presentation of a sharp socio-cultural "gap" in the definition of some confessional-conditioned phenomena in the Russian and Western cultural-historical traditions; in the representation of the mental and semantic transformation of some confessional value concepts in the Western linguocultural space while preserving, at the same time, the inviolability of the most important categorical and semantic features of the nominations of traditional axiological dominants in Russian culture as the foundations of the life of Russian society and Russian statehood as a whole. It is concluded that the linguistic representation of confessional-conditioned cultural values and their consolidation in the confessional memory of generations is a special mechanism for preserving the ethnocultural and spiritual identity of the people. It is shown that the so-called. “Cultural” globalization as an extralinguistic factor is currently in Western societies a process of gradual destruction of national, traditional and confessional values, which results in a significant change in semantics, denotative image and semantic code in the interpretation of some linguistic phenomena that represent the national axiological fund. The practical value of the presented material and observations lies in the possibility of its application in the practice of teaching university courses in language theory, ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics, linguoconfessionology and intercultural communication.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-119
Marine Wauquier ◽  
Nabil Hathout ◽  
Cécile Fabre

Abstract French suffixations in -age, -ion and -ment are considered roughly equivalent, yet some differences have been pointed out regarding the semantics of the resulting nominalizations. In this study, we confirm the existence of a semantic distinction between them on the basis of a large scale distributional analysis. We show that the distinction is partially determined by the degree of technicality of the denoted action: -age nominals tend to be more technical than -ion ones. We examine this hypothesis through the statistical modeling of technicality. To this end, we propose a linguistic definition of technicality, which we implement using empirical, quantitative criteria estimated in corpora and lexical resources. We show to what extent the differences with respect to these criteria adequately approximate technicality. Our study indicates that this definition of technicality, while amendable, provides new perspectives for the characterization of action nouns.

И. Кибальченко ◽  
I. Kibalchenko ◽  
Т. Эксакусто ◽  
T. Eksakusto

The research shows the resultative character of predominant markers, i.e. students consider “success” to be the result of some effort and targeted activity. Cognitive structure of “success” concept in groups of students with different experience in parental family relations is characterized by specific combination of semantic features. Positive experience in parental family relations promotes semantic orientation of subjects on success (the substantial structure of markers is characterized by a positive modality). If speaking about the cognitive structure of “success” concept for students with an adverse experience in parental family relations, it is characterized by prevalence of contradictory modalities, material component of success prevails in this case. The prevalence of emotional and estimation markers in this group allows to fix an insufficient cognitive maturity of students. The group of students with an average experience in parental family relations has a negative notion of “success” and negative modality of its cognitive structure. This group is characterized by the lack of cognitive and semantic orientation, i.e. students have almost no ability to realize and understand the signs of the concept mentioned above. The group of students with an inconsistence experience in parental family relations is characterized by various markers of “success” concept cognitive structure. Positive and negative modalities are found here in equal proportion, the signs of students’ intellectual and personal resources intercommunication are found.

1977 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-206 ◽  
Jonathan Seely

Summary The most widely accepted definition of ‘ergative’ is in terms of a grammatical case, namely, the subject of a transitive verb, wherein that case is opposed to a second case, the ‘absolutive’ (‘nominative’), which includes both the subject of an intransitive verb and the object of a transitive. Languages which have been referred to as ‘ergative’ or as containing ‘ergative constructions’ include Basque, Eskimo, most languages from the Caucasus and from Australia, some Polynesian languages, Burushaski, the Paleosiberian languages, Sumerian, Hittite, some Papuan languages, Tibetan, most members of the Indic branch of Indo-European, and many American Indian languages. Insight into speculation on the nature of the ergative leads to a study of the terminology applied before the coinage of the term ‘ergative’ in 1912 (by Adolf Dirr). The term itself has been given varied definitions. Fillmore pictured the ergative as a causative construction; John Anderson suggested ‘ergative’ as a semantic marker; John Lyons describes an ‘ideal ergative’ which is agentive in nature. The bizarre conjecture surrounding the study of ergative languages has included a long debate as to the active or passive nature of the ergative construction and, secondly, the fantasy that an ergative language was a ‘primitive’ one whose speakers had a ‘Weltanschauung’ opposed to that possessed by speakers of a nominative-accusative language. Rather than either active or passive it has also been postulated that the verb is bidirectional and that verb and nouns in some ergative constructions are in a kind of apposition with each other; in addition, these often occur in sets of relationships which are determined by the semantic nature of the nouns and verb. The term ‘semantic ergative’ is suggested here to describe the presence of the ergative marker due to semantic features as +movement, +voluntary, or + emphasis. Although found most commonly as subject of a transitive verb, this semantic ergative may nevertheless also be found as subject of an intransitive.

2010 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-55 ◽  
Akira Mizuno

In modern Japan, especially in the Meiji period (1868-1912), translations occupied a dominant position in the literary polysystem. This paper claims that, since the Meiji period, “competing translational norms” have existed in the Japanese literary polysystem, which is to say that “literal” (adequate) and “free” (acceptable) translations have existed in parallel, vying for superior status. Moreover, this paper traces the literalist tradition in modern Japan. Though “literal” translation has been widely criticized, the styles and expressions it created have made a significant contribution to the founding and development of the modern Japanese language and its literature. Among the arguments in favor of literal translation, Iwano Homei’s literal translation strategy—the so-called “straight translation”—had different features than the others, and thus the potential to produce translations that maintain the cohesion, coherence, information structure and illocutionary effects of the source text.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (20) ◽  
pp. 214
Hashim L. Akbarov

The article deals with the definition of syntagma and relative syntagmas in Azerbaijani and English languages. At the same time, they are researched as syntactic units of linguistics. They are classified according to their types. Also, their meaning is spoken of widely in the article. It also talks about the semantic and stylistic features of syntagma as a unit of syntax. Syntagma is investigated as a syntactic unit of linguistics. Also, it comprehensively highlights its importance. This unit consisting of two members of the combined words is used in the functions of determining and being determined. It is explained as a semantic-syntactic event, and it studied and developed its semantic features. Signs perform the system of approaches in the form of syntagmatics and paradigmatics. Syntagmatic approaches are based on distributive potentials of signs. Their valence, but paradigmatic approaches are based on the selection of definite element of paradigm signs. Thus, this is the reason Saussure considers the morphology as the “sphere of paradigmatics”. The syntax is, however, known as the “sphere of syntagmatics”. A notion of “verticality” and “horizontality” exists even in the row of language signs of classic linguistics. Therefore, syntagmatics is explained as a “horizontality”, but paradigmatics as a “verticality”.

Galina Bernetska

The article is a study of phonetic-morphological and semantic-stylistic features of argotic vocabulary in contemporary French language. The work is devoted to questions of structural-semantic and phonetic-morphological peculiarities of the argotic vocabulary in printed mass media. The conducted research has shown that the argotic vocabulary can be considered as a special lexical subsystem of spoken language, which is characterized by a steady tendency to penetrate into higher linguistic levels due to its phonetic-morphological and semantic features. The systematization of phonetic and semantic processes in the argotic dictionary is carried out. We have noticed that argot from a linguistic point of view is an expressive lexical subsystem of spoken language, which is characterized by a large expressive potential and rapid changes in vocabulary and penetrates into higher levels of the French language. From the point of view of modern linguistics, the French language can be viewed in vertical and horizontal sections. Horizontal division is caused by the existence of the dialectal partition of the French language. The vertical division is explained by the existence of social groups that use one or another sociolect. Analyzing the evolution of the definition of argot, we can assume that in its development argot passed the long way from the language taboo to the special lexical subsystem of the literary-spoken language. We have noticed that it is important to distinguish argot and spoken language. In spite of the both scientific and practical interest in the spoken language problem and the emergence of numerous studies that led to the creation of colloquialism as a special section of linguistics, a number of aspects of spoken language (approaches to its identification, differentiation of spoken language and related phenomena) remain insufficiently highlighted. The spoken language (vernacular), according to modern linguistic assertions, occupies an intermediate position between the spoken-literary language, dialects and sociolects. We have noticed that the democratization of the norms of the literary language led to the emergence of a literary-colloquial form of spoken language. Such a combination of literary and spoken language is caused by the nature of social development. Key words: argot; slang; French language; dialect; argotheistic vocabulary; non-normative variant elements; semantics; phonetics; morphology; mass media.

E.A. Zhdanova

The article is devoted to the analysis of semantic features that are noted in the verb жить in Russian dialects of Udmurtia. As the analysis of the material of the corpus of Russian dialects of Udmurtia showed, this verb is found in contexts indicating values different from those known in the literary language. In connection with the need to clarify the layout of the corpus and create a dictionary of Russian dialects in Udmurtia, a definition of the semantics of this verb is required. The semantic features of a dialect word can be established both by linguistic factors: the syntactic role and lexical compatibility, as well as extralinguistic factors: the range of specific uses of the verb, historical information about the settlement of this territory, religious and ideological features of dialect speakers. For analysis, material from various lexicographic sources, as well as etymological information, was used. As a result of the study, an idea about the possibility of double interpretation of the semantics of the analyzed dialect word was formed: on the one hand, from the point of view of its implementation in dialect, as a syncretic unit, on the other hand, from the point of view of its lexicographic representation, as a set of lexical-semantic variants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 385-416
Svetlana Shlyakhova ◽  
Nikita Klyuev

Introduction. This research is devoted to the systematic description of a concept «social media» in the Russian and English linguistic consciousness. The article consists of two parts. The first part is dedicated to the research of the concept in a serial psycholinguistic experiment. The second part includes the analysis of the concept’s presence in text corpora and also the field and the classificational cognitive models of the concept. The first part describes nominative fields of the concept «social media» and its subconcepts and provides a cognitive interpretation and a comparative analysis of the data in Russian and English languages. Methods of the research. The structure of the concept «social media» is set by the method of subjective definition of the word. The structure of subconcepts (social network, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) is set by the method of free associations. The procedure of cognitive interpretation sets cognitive classifiers of the concept. The significance of the quantitative analysis was diagnosed by the Fisher angular transformation method (criterion φ). Results. The non-specific trait of the concept «social media» in Russian and English discourses is the identical classificational cognitive structure. Dissimilarities in the structure are noticeable only in the peripheral zones. The diffusion of the reactions (in various experiments) in the core and peripheral zones shows that the concept «social media» is socially and culturally specific. Conclusion. The results can be useful in the development of psycholinguistics 2.0, sociolinguistics, computational linguistics (OCR, ASR, data mining, automatic translation, etc.), lexicography, etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2(8)) ◽  
pp. 119-135
Sylwia Adamowicz

This article introduces a definition of intercultural communication, understood as an important skill in creating social bonds in times of globalization. Mutual understanding in an intercultural space is based, among other things, on language, a point which the author underlines by using the Japanese language as an example. Moreover, she points out how the Japanese belief in ethnocentrism and the main cultural differences in fields such as nonverbal communication are considered problematic in facilitating outsiders both to understand Japanese society and to function within it. The analysis is based on the author’s own research focused on students attending a course at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland on the cultural adaptation process in Japan, including reflections on the usefulness of the Japanese language in this process.

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