Implementasi Kemampuan Mengajar Guru PAI Pada SMA Negeri Se- Pangkalpinang

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 286-304
Yusra Jamali

Implementation of school level education is determined by the readiness, competence and ability of teachers in managing and controlling learners. This study focuses only on the readiness of teachers of Islamic Education (PAI) in planning, implementing and conducting assessments in the learning process. This study aims to determine the strategy of learning planning, preparation of learning materials, methods of implementation and evaluation techniques by teachers of Islamic Education at SMAN in Pangkalpinang City. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. The results showed that PAI teachers at SMAN had done the planning by containing competency standards, basic competencies, indicators, learning objectives, subject matter, approaches, strategies and learning methods, learning activities, tools / learning resources and assessment. While the method of palembang is more dominant using lectures, discussions, assignments and practices. While the means of assessment use in writing, oral and observation.

Al'Adalah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-135
Muh Khoirul Rifa’i

In the learning process, passion and interest are one of the most important dynamic aspects. With the enthusiasm and interest in students, learning results will be maximized. Thus, the teacher must know the form of enthusiasm and interest that how should be used to foster student enthusiasm for learning. Given that by providing enthusiasm and interest, students can develop activities and initiatives and can maintain perseverance in conducting learning activities and so students do not feel bored with the subject of Fiqh. These conditions will affect students' understanding of the subject of jurisprudence. If students truly understand and practice what is contained in it that is fiqh, then students will be able to carry out religious commands properly according to the commands of Allah SWT. Departing from the facts and descriptions above, the researchers are interested in studying and conducting research on "Madrasah Teacher's SWOT In Fostering the Spirit of Learning Jurisprudence in Millennial Generation in Tulungagung". In teaching and learning activities, as a teacher of Islamic education, he must be able to optimize his role when in class. One of them is as a motivator, meaning that teachers should be able to provide encouragement to students to be passionate and active in learning. In an effort to provide motivation, the teacher must be able to analyze the motives behind the students who are always lazy to learn and decline in school performance. Motivation can be effective if it is done by paying attention to students' needs. Diversification of ways of learning provides reinforcement and so on, can also provide motivation for students to be more passionate in learning. Besides the lesson material delivered without regard to the use of the method will also make it difficult for teachers to achieve learning objectives.

Conciencia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-36
Mumu Zainal Mutaqin ◽  
Mohamad Erihadiana ◽  
Qiqi Yulianti Z ◽  
Solihin Solihin

Schools need to ensure that learning activities continue even though students are at home because it requires technology that supports the learning process. The purpose of the research is that learning facilities at SDIT Al Mumtaz are used so that teachers use learning-based facilities to facilitate the learning process. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques are through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was obtained through notes, observations, interviews, and documentation, then the data obtained were then analyzed. Data analysis is carried out through three activity lines that occur simultaneously, namely data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing or verification. The results of this study indicate that the learning facilities at SDIT Al Mumtaz have implications for changes in student behavior in terms of attitudes, knowledge and skills. Students are assessed thoroughly and objectively according to the student's condition. The use of technology during this pandemic is an alternative so that students are motivated in learning. As for the expectations of parents for learning during the pandemic to be more attractive in using learning technology during the pandemic to be more attractive in utilizing learning technology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 122
Halima Halima ◽  
Muhammad Taqiyudin ◽  
Deri Wanto

This study aimed to find out a portrayal of learning implementation using the discovery method by Islamic education teachers in the State Junior High School no. 01 of Ujan Mas, Kepahiang Regency, Bengkulu Province. This study used a qualitative approach, and the informants were teachers, while the subjects observed were Islamic education (PAI) learning activities for grade VII students. In order to garner data in the field, two approaches were used, namely interviews and direct observation. Meanwhile, data analysis adopted the interactive model of Miles and his colleagues by analyzing the data based on four elements of analysis namely data collection, data condensation/data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. The conclusion of this study revealed that the implementation of discovery method began by determining learning objectives and determining the method written in the form of a lesson plan (RPP). This method was able to solve students' problems in learning processes and able to lead them to think independently.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-74
Moh. Hafid ◽  
Umi Khoiriyah

This Islamic Education Module contains learning plans, objectives, subject matter, steps of learning activities, assessment, worksheets and evaluations. Based on the responses and assessments that have been made, it can be concluded that the Islamic Education Module can help and facilitate the teacher in the learning process. During the group discussion activities, there was a tendency that the topic of the issues being discussed expanded so that many did not match the time specified. The advantages of using cooperative learning model numbered heads together are, a) Students who are taught with and in cooperative structures will obtain higher learning outcomes, b) Students who participate in cooperative learning will have higher self-esteem and motivation greater for learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-16

Educators are expected to develop learning methods in accordance with competency standards and basic competencies. Achievement of all the basic competencies of commendable behavior can be done irregularly. The role of all school elements, parents of students and the community is very important in supporting the successful achievement of the objectives of Islamic Education. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the level of mastery of Islamic Religious Education subject matter on Faith in Qodho and Qodar students (2) the level of mastery of Islamic Religious Education subject matter on Faith in Qodho ’and Qodar that students have received in facing the grade promotion test. From the analysis it was found that student achievement increased from cycle I to II, namely cycle I (68.75%), cycle II (87.50%) students who experienced mastery. From the results of the learning activities that have been carried out for two cycles and based on all the discussions and analyzes that have been carried out it can be concluded as follows Learning with active learning methods models reviewing difficulties in the subject matter of Islamic Religious Education about Faith in Qodho and Qodar has a positive impact in improving learning achievement the student.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-140
Purwaningsih- Rianawati- Kartini

This research conducted because of the gap between what is done by Islamic religious education teachers in the process of internalizing the character values carried out by the teacher towards studentsespecially in the preparation of lesson plan This study used descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The technique of checking the validity of the data using triangulation and member check. Based on the results of the data obtained by the researchers, the following conclusions are produced: 1) internalization of the preliminary activities with the character values of discipline, religious, social care and discipline, curiosity, independence, communicative, 2) internalization of the core learning activities emphasize the process the formation of students' learning experiences in certain subject matter/material; and 3) internalization of the final activity by means of the teacher concludes the lesson that has been delivered (the character value is creative, cooperative and communicative) then the teacher evaluates at the end of the learning (the character value is independent, creative and responsible) provides the final motivation for students (character value is curiosity and respect for achievement) then reads the prayer and ends with greeting (the value of the character is religious). Penelitian ini terjadi karena adanya kesenjangan antara apa yang dilakukan oleh guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam proses internalisasi nilai-nilai karakter yang dilakukan guru terhadap siswa. terutama dalam penyusunana RPP. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Tehnik pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi dan member check.Berdasarkan hasil data yang diperoleh peneliti, menghasilkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1) internalisasi pada kegiatan pendahuluan dengan nilai karakter disiplin, religius, peduli sosial dan disiplin, rasa ingin tahu, mandiri, komunikatif;2) internalisasi pada Kegiatan inti pembelajaran ini lebih menekankan pada proses pembentukan pengelaman belajar (learning experience) siswa dalam materi/bahan pelajaran tertentu; dan 3) internalisasi pada kegiatan akhir dengan cara guru menyimpulkan pelajaran yang telah disampaikan (nilai karakter adalah kreatif,kerja sama dan komunikatif) kemudian guru melakukan evaluasi di akhir pembelajaran (nilai karakter adalah mandiri,kreatif dan tanggung jawab) memberikan motivasi akhir kepeserta didik (nilai karakter adalah rasa ingin tahu dan menghargai prestasi) lalu membaca doa dan di akhiri dengan mengucap salam (nilai karakter adalah religius).

2020 ◽  
Farida Hanun

This study aims to obtain a description related to the learning of PAI by using ICT and how the impact of the use of ICT on PAI learning systems in the classroom. The research method uses a qualitative approach in the integrated Islamic high school Ummul Quro Bogor, West Java. The results showed that a) there were four stages of using ICT in the learning process, namely; emerging, applying, integrating dan transforming. PAI teachers are already at the integrating stage. In other words, ICT has been integrated into the PAI learning curriculum. b) supporting factors for the use of ICT are the existence of ICT support facilities, the availability of qualified educators, the commitment of the school to implement ICT in every PAI learning. c) Inhibiting factors in the use of ICT are aspects of financing ICT facilities require a large budget. Some elderly teachers have difficulty using ICT in the learning process. Besides, the internet network is unstable. d) The impact of the use of ICT is very significant on PAI learning process. e) the existence of ICT devices not only as a support but already as an important component in the education system. The research led to the recommendation of the need for government support in the form of concern for ICT in terms of policies, facilities, workforce, budget, and organizing training in the use of ICT for PAI teachers to improve their professionalism. Therefore, further research is suggested regarding the effectiveness of the use of ICT in the learning process of PAI.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-96
Lukman Asha

The purpose of this research was to gain an understanding of the principal's strategies as a manager in overcoming problems that arouse during the implementation of online learning at SDIT al-Kahfi in Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province. This study applied a qualitative approach, with data gathered through observation of learning activities via Whastapp groups and interviews with informants such as school principals, PAI teachers, students, and parents. Following the collection of data, an analysis was performed using Miles’ et al theory in order to find conclusive answers. The principal's strategies to solve the problems of online learning at SDIT al-Kahfi Lebong fell into the following: sending teachers to attend seminars or getting engaged into the training of information technology and learning with peers, providing guidance or training for children in groups or individually, providing counseling and conducting counseling meetings with students’ parents about the importance of android in the learning process, and giving an understanding of the importance of parental cooperation in supervising their children's learning from home.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 147-152

This study aims to find out an overview of how the mathematics learning process on lines and angles in class VII SMP YPK 2 Manokwari, the level of teacher readiness, and to obtain an overview of the implementation of student-centered learning through the contextual learning model that takes place at SMP YPK 2. Manokwari on lines and angles. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that (1) The learning process of mathematics at SMP YPK 2, especially in the material of lines and angles, has gone well in accordance with the learning plan that has been made and in accordance with the learning steps, namely introduction, core activities, closing, and evaluation (2 ) The readiness of the teacher in preparing for learning is good (3) The implementation of learning that is centered on students through the contextual learning model has not been fully carried out due to time constraints and differences in the abilities of each student which are not the same as the lack of existing facilities and infrastructure

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
MA Hamid ◽  
M Nurtanto ◽  
M Fawaid

The qualified teacher is teacher who has the standards of educator that has capability of their materials according to the standard of the contents and carry out the learning process according to the standard of the process. Learning Implementation Plan (LIP) is the administration prepared teachers before carrying out the learning process. This research aims to know the quality of the LIP who made by teachers. This research is a descriptive qualitative. The data were collected through questionnaire, document’s noting, and interviews method. The research subjects are vocational teachers in SMK Negeri 1 Cilegon. The results of this research shows that (1) the completeness of the components 63.63; (2) conformity between components 85.7; (3) feasibility of competence 100; (4) feasibility of the indicators and the achievement of basic competencies 100; (5) feasibility of the learning objectives 80; (6) formulate learning objectives 75; (7) choosing and organizing the learning material 80; (8) feasibility of the learning activities 84.6; (9) selection of learning methods 100; (10) selection of media, tools and learning resources 85.71; and (11) the feasibility assessment 85.7, so that the average was 85.5 with good qualifications. The LIP is structured properly can increase the effectiveness of learning in the classroom and improve the quality of teaching and graduates are in accordance with the needs of the ASEAN Economic Community.

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