scholarly journals A Corpus-Based Study on China English in the English Translation of Tao Te Ching

Jiaqi Jiao

This study aims to examine the features of China English in the translation of Chinese classics by comparing two versions of Tao Te Ching based on corpus data. Of the two English versions, one was translated by a well-known Chinese translator—Xu Yuanchong, and the other was translated by an American sinologist—Arthur Waley. This study found that Xu’s translation indicates more features of China English compared with Waley’s translation according to three major aspects. First, Xu’s translation is more concise, employing fewer words to translate Tao Te Ching. Second, Xu’s version features fewer clauses and more clear sentences. Third, the paratactic nature of China English is reflected in Xu’s translation, which has more content words and less cohesiveness. This study reveals the characteristics of China English in translation texts and partly fills the research gaps regarding the quantitative research in this field.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Muhammad Ridhwan Ab. Aziz ◽  
Mohd Asyraf Yusof ◽  
Fuadah Johari ◽  
Hisham Sabri

Receiving a good education helps empower people knowledge, thus making them strong enough to look after themselves in any given situation. It keeps oneself aware of given surrounding as well as the rules and regulations of the society they living in. Moreover, the technology that we use today is a result from the advancement and improvement of education. On the other hand Islamic waqf bank is a special designed financial institution in Islam. This bank will benefit the student and also their parents, due to its unique structure that could finance students‟ education in term of fees and cost of living. Islamic waqf bank uses the concept of cash waqf in terms of funding the education. While cash waqf is a trust fund established with money to support services for mankind‟s benefits in the name of Allah. The objective of this article is to examine the relationship between level of income and contribution method of cash waqf fund in Islamic waqf bank as well as the appointment of an agent in collecting waqf fund in Islamic waqf bank. The methodology of this research is a quantitative research towards 287 respondents among Muslim public in this country. The general finding of this article shows that, with proper contribution method and the appointment of Islamic waqf bank as an agent in collecting the cash waqf fund, there is a strong tendency that the Islamic waqf bank‟s operation will be run effectively.

2013 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-351 ◽  
Jessica Middlemis Maher ◽  
Jonathan C. Markey ◽  
Diane Ebert-May

Statistical significance testing is the cornerstone of quantitative research, but studies that fail to report measures of effect size are potentially missing a robust part of the analysis. We provide a rationale for why effect size measures should be included in quantitative discipline-based education research. Examples from both biological and educational research demonstrate the utility of effect size for evaluating practical significance. We also provide details about some effect size indices that are paired with common statistical significance tests used in educational research and offer general suggestions for interpreting effect size measures. Finally, we discuss some inherent limitations of effect size measures and provide further recommendations about reporting confidence intervals.

2012 ◽  
Vol 56 (4) ◽  
pp. 998-1021 ◽  
Miguel ángel Jiménez-Crespo ◽  
Maribel Tercedor

Localization is increasingly making its way into translation training programs at university level. However, there is still a scarce amount of empirical research addressing issues such as defining localization in relation to translation, what localization competence entails or how to best incorporate intercultural differences between digital genres, text types and conventions, among other aspects. In this paper, we propose a foundation for the study of localization competence based upon previous research on translation competence. This project was developed following an empirical corpus-based contrastive study of student translations (learner corpus), combined with data from a comparable corpus made up of an original Spanish corpus and a Spanish localized corpus. The objective of the study is to identify differences in production between digital texts localized by students and professionals on the one hand, and original texts on the other. This contrastive study allows us to gain insight into how localization competence interrelates with the superordinate concept of translation competence, thus shedding light on which aspects need to be addressed during localization training in university translation programs.

Virittäjä ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 121 (2) ◽  
Krista Ojutkangas

Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisissa konstruktioissa suomen seuralaisuutta ilmaisevat mukana ja mukaan esiintyvät. Seuralaisuussuhteelle on tyypillistä, että suhteen osallistujat tai vähintään kiintopiste ovat ihmisiä ja että osallistujien välillä on symmetriaero: seuralainen (engl. companion) osallistuu tilanteeseen epäsuorasti, seurattavan (engl. accompanee) välityksellä. Suomen grammeille ominaiseen tapaan mukana- ja mukaan-sanoja käytetään syntaktisesti monenlaisissa asemissa siten, että kiintopisteen (seurattavan) ilmaisun tyyppi vaihtelee. Tutkimuksessa selvitetäänkin, mikä on kiintopisteen ilmaisutavan rooli siinä, miten seuralaisuussuhteen osallistujien välinen epäsymmetria hahmottuu. Tutkimuksen syntaktisessa luokittelussa pidetään lähtökohtana postpositiokonstruktiota, jossa osallistujien välisen symmetriaeron voi katsoa perustuvan kiintopisteen viitepisteroolin kautta grammin semantiikkaan (tyyppi lapio oli kaivajan mukana). Symmetriaero sen sijaan voimistuu, kun kiintopiste edustuu omistusliitteen välityksellä subjektina (tyyppi hän otti lapion mukaansa) tai kun se ilmaistaan teemapaikalla paikallissijaisena adverbiaalina (tyyppi hänellä oli lapio mukana[an]). Symmetriaero sen sijaan heikkenee, jos (toissijainen) kiintopiste ilmaistaan adverbiaalina muualla kuin teemapaikalla (tyyppi hän oli mukana kaivamassa), ja vetäytyy taustatiedoksi, kun kiintopistettä ei ilmaista lainkaan (tyyppi hän on mukana). Tutkimus perustuu aineistoon, jossa ovat edustettuina 1800-luvun kirjakieli, Lauseopin arkiston murrehaastattelut ja nykykirjakieli. Aineisto osoittaa, että mukana- ja mukaan-grammeilla ilmaistuissa seuralaisuussuhteissa on tapahtunut muutos: 1800-luvun kirjakielen ja pääosin 1960-luvulla tallennetun murreaineiston esiintymissä yleisin kiintopiste on ihminen, kun taas nykykirjakielen aineistossa kiintopisteeksi hahmottuu tyypillisimmin toiminta. Kiintopisteen semanttinen tyyppi ja sen kielellinen ilmaisukeino ovat suorassa suhteessa toisiinsa. Ihmiskiintopiste ilmaistaan yleisimmin subjektin kanssa samaviitteisellä omistusliitteellä tai teemapaikkaisella paikallissijaisella elementillä ja toimintakiintopiste puolestaan ei-teemapaikkaisella paikallissijaisella elementillä. Eri ilmaisukeinot jakautuvat eri verbien ympärille rakentuvien konstruktioiden kesken. Tutkimuksen perusteella voi todeta, että esiintymäkonstruktiolla on merkittävä rooli siinä, millaista seuralaisuutta mukana- tai mukaan-grammilla kuvataan.   Finnish mukana and mukaan ‘with, along’ as comitative markers: Grammatical roles of expressions of the landmarks, constructions, and asymmetry between the participants of the accompaniment relation The topic of this article is the syntax of Finnish comitative markers mukana and mukaan ’with, along’. Comitative markers express accompaniment relations, which are typically conceived as being asymmetrical: the accompanee (landmark) is the pre-dominant participant, while the companion (trajector) is involved in the situation only via the accompanee (see Stolz et al. 2006: 26–27). However, markers such as mukana and mukaan are used in several syntactic constructions where the grammatical roles of expressions of the accompanees/landmarks vary. The main research question of the article is, how does the grammatical role of expression of the accompanee/landmark affect the asymmetry between the participants of the accompaniment relation. Five syntactic construction types were analysed from a corpus data. On the basis of this study, it is shown that syntactic variation has an effect on the conceived asymmetry between the accompanee and the companion, and that syntax makes an important contribution to the semantics of comitative constructions. In strongly asymmetric accompaniment relations, a human accompanee is expressed by a possessive suffix affixed to the comitative marker, or by a clause-initial adverbial. On the other hand, the question of asymmetry contracts to the background when the accompanee is expressed by a non-clause-initial adverbial and when the accompanee is implicit, without any overt marking. The research is based on a corpus data comprising 19th-century written Finnish, dialect interviews, and modern written Finnish. The data shows that accompaniment relations expressed by mukana and mukaan have changed: in the 19th-century and dialect data, the majority of the landmarks are humans, but in the modern data activities dominate as (secondary) landmarks.  

Soufiane Laachiri

The present article attempts to present a succinct and circumspect comparison between two different translations for Mourice Blanchot’s book « L’écriture du désastre ».The first translation was performed by Ann Smock in 1995 and was from French into English, while the other translation was skillfully produced by Azzedine Chentouf from French into Arabic in 2018. The contrast in attitudes and translational fertilization has provided us with ample opportunities to study, reflect on, and rethink the nexus of  Blanchot’s philosophy from different linguistic perspectives. However, in our attempt to formulate our judgments on the English and Arabic versions of the book, we can judge by an escapable logic and with analytical evidence that the English translation entitled « The writing of the disaster » has intensified the hold of a literal translation that makes the chances of being close to the original meaning of the source text depressingly small. Chentouf’s translation, on the other hand, remains profoundly meaningful; it is capable of going down into the marrow of  Blanchot’s thought to assert understanding of his intellectual complexities. In brief, despite the triviality of the advanced examples, we are certain that Azzedine Chentouf, through his Arabic translation, knows the hard philosophical portrait of Mourice Blanchot in its inclusiveness. Therefore, it is no surprise that every choice he makes in this translation explains his tremendous efforts as a philosopher first before being ranked as a translator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 239-259
Cristiane Gontijo Araújo ◽  
Isabela Gontijo Tolentino ◽  

Tourism is an important economic sector. Understanding people's travel intentions can be useful for planning destinations, meeting demand as well as possible. In this sense, this study aims to assess what would influence the intention to go to the Diamantina Vesperata, in the State of Minas Gerais [Brazil], using the Theory of Planned Behavior for this purpose, with the inclusion of the constructs past behavior and familiarity. The methodology included bibliographic research for questionnaire elaboration, followed by quantitative research with 125 respondents, 101 of which are valid. The results showed relevance in the inclusion of the new constructs, which had a positive effect on the intention to attend the event. On the other hand, the attitude and the subjective norm did not present significant effects on the intention, corroborating with studies that deal with the complexity of the choice of tourist destination and the difficulty of forecasting the intention, as in other more common behaviors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 307 ◽  
pp. 01002
Henryk Dźwigoł

The article presents methodological approach in management and quality sciences. Quantitative research aims to test hypothesised relationships between variables. Three areas can be identified for assessing the methodological rigour of this type of research: (1) theories relating to phenomena; (2) measures of concepts explaining the phenomena; (3) the reality analysed. it was found that the idiographic approach predominates in the group of theoreticians and represents 59.6 % (239 indications). The nomothetic approach, on the other hand, is used less frequently, accounting for 40.4 % of the responses (162 indications).

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-146
Darman Fauzan Dhahir

The activity of memorizing Quran has been a custom of Muslims since the time of Prophet Muhammad May Peace be upon Him. When the internet developed and became an inseparable part of human life, it was feared to harm the achievement of Quran memorizing. To prove the truth of that concern, this quantitative research was conducted. The research is aimed at measuring the relationship between the duration and variety of internet access with the achievements of hafidz Quran (memorizers). The data are obtained by survey, interviews, and documentation, then analyzed statistically, presented and interpreted descriptively. The results show that internet access’ duration, and its utilization, such as processes, contents, and social forms have significant and positive relationships towards the achievement of the hafidz. On the other hand, the internet use intended for fun or as an escape to release stress does not have a significant relationship with the performance of the hafidz. Keywords: internet access; internet usage; Quran memorization

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (296) ◽  
pp. 597-617
Amy Faulkner

Abstract The Prose Psalms, an Old English translation of the first 50 psalms into prose, have often been overshadowed by the other translations attributed to Alfred the Great: the Old English Pastoral Care, with its famous preface, and the intellectually daring Old English translations of Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy and Augustine’s Soliloquies. However, this article proposes that, regardless of who wrote them, the Prose Psalms should be read alongside the Old English Consolation and the Soliloquies: like the two more well-studied translations, the Prose Psalms are concerned with the mind and its search for true understanding. This psychological interest is indicated by the prevalence of the word mod (‘mind’) in the Old English text, which far exceeds references to the faculty of the intellect in the Romanum source. Through comparison with the Consolation and the Soliloquies, this article demonstrates that all three texts participate in a shared tradition of psychological imagery. The three translations may well, therefore, be the result of a single scholarly environment, perhaps enduring for several decades, in which multiple scholars read the same Latin, patristic writings on psychology, discussed these ideas among themselves, and thereby developed the vernacular discourse observable in these three translations. Whether this environment was identical with the scholarly circle which Alfred gathered at the West Saxon court remains a matter for debate.

2010 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 506-513 ◽  
David Collier ◽  
Henry E. Brady ◽  
Jason Seawright

Both qualitative and quantitative research routinely fall short, producing misleading causal inferences. Because these weaknesses are in part different, we are convinced that multimethod strategies are productive. Each approach can provide additional leverage that helps address shortcomings of the other. This position is quite distinct from that of Beck, who believes that the two types of analysis cannot be adjoined. We review examples of adjoining that Beck dismisses, based on what we see as his outdated view of qualitative methods. By contrast, we show that these examples demonstrate how qualitative and quantitative analysis can work together.

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